Smash Hero
will you be leaving before the asheboro? whenever i drive through to move back up to greensboro, we should play. still don't know when i'm leaving.
as for my 4000th post stuff, i'll just say cool, i still play this game. i've met a lot of people, and done a lot of things. i've changed my mindset about this game probably for the last time. i will stay pretty serious about getting better, and playing for the purpose of getting better. I like this game. i like getting into your (yes, your) head. i like playing ganon. i like the smash scene. i like melee. it's fun. making reads, forcing and recognizing and punishing mistakes is interesting. baiting you into thinking you have the time to hit me, and then jabbing your dumb *** brings me pleasure. so yeah. i guess i'll be here a while. at least until i get married. then you're all invited, and afterwards, i'll see you at nationals...and any other time i can sneak away from ashley lol.
anyway yeah. melee is fun. not how most people find it fun. but how a chemistry major would find it fun. go figure.

as for my 4000th post stuff, i'll just say cool, i still play this game. i've met a lot of people, and done a lot of things. i've changed my mindset about this game probably for the last time. i will stay pretty serious about getting better, and playing for the purpose of getting better. I like this game. i like getting into your (yes, your) head. i like playing ganon. i like the smash scene. i like melee. it's fun. making reads, forcing and recognizing and punishing mistakes is interesting. baiting you into thinking you have the time to hit me, and then jabbing your dumb *** brings me pleasure. so yeah. i guess i'll be here a while. at least until i get married. then you're all invited, and afterwards, i'll see you at nationals...and any other time i can sneak away from ashley lol.
anyway yeah. melee is fun. not how most people find it fun. but how a chemistry major would find it fun. go figure.