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NC Brocator Thread!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
sometimes i feel like ganon is more efficient. but he also just has less options. the way fox can pressure and cover options and keep the advantage with his speed interests me in ways that i simply cannot find with ganon.

ganon is counter based. retreating fair or a well timed ftilt are two of ganons strongest weapons. i'm honestly tired of hoping i'm either going to guess their approach right, or bank on them misspacing an aerial so that i can open up what might be a techchase. against a smart opponent, it is almost impossible for ganon to actually approach, and it's equally impossible to force the opponent to approach only on your terms. although there are awkward distances where the opponent has to make a decision, retreating to the ledge, going up and over, or just running in and grabbing ganon are all three legitimate options for many characters to take. comitting to stopping any of these at that juncture can get him *****. fox's speed allows him to not HAVE to commit at these points. if you attack straight out, my fox will probably run out of range, and run back in and grab you. if you go up, i'll fullhop nair/run back a little and bair and reset the situation. the ledge against fox isn't nearly as good as the ledge against ganon, but i haven't thought about that much. if you go in your shield at all cuz you're a scared *****, i'll just grab. ganon's just too damn slow, and at the distance he pressures at, a run in grab will not work. people react, and will either roll, or spotdodge, which i can bait, but may or may not be able to punish...just more stuff about ganon being too slow.

long story short, i think ganon has the ability to bait and force opponents into hard situations, but often lacks the speed to punish the opponents decision at these junctures. now that i have a better mental capacity to really understand these situations and what they entail and what decisions are available, i desire a character that can take advantage of them without committing as much to highly punishable options.

it's fun to mind**** people. i do it better with fox.



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah, i do enjoy fox, for the most part.

moo, i'd def go ganon against you LOL.

i haven't given him up. but i'm playing him a lot more than i've been playing my ganon recently. but i finally think i want my fox to surpass my ganon, rather than just have my fox be some sort of "**** you" to sheik mains who wanna faceroll my ganon.

i really enjoy being able to run behind people and pivot grab, and nairing/bairing people across stage into shine, and jab resetting people into...fox stuff, and finding ways to actually use uthrow dair onto platforms and just...theres a lot of enjoyable options and skills that fox has.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Well if you enjoy him then alright. Hope it works out bro.

I do wonder though if, when your skills improve, you'll want to go back to Ganon if you could hang with more people/matchups? Time will tell.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
hmm...i'm enjoying myself for now. theres no way i'd enjoy every matchup though. i played EMB for a couple hours today, and we pretty much did fox v marth the whole time. i'm trying to make sure all my tech skill is straight, but i don't think i'd ever do that in tourney...ganon all day. i had the advantage on him with fox still, but trying to find ways to come back to the stage against that guy is hard work. **** is airtight. dtilt/jab/counter/fair = profit.

primarily interested in fox v spacies, sheik, and falcon. which, is most of NC.

edit: i wish more players played by my rules. but most of them just run away when i try to punch them, and then i get grabbed and stuff.

i think i'll use fox kinda like chaddd uses fox. as necessary. or at least as he used to...i think he pretty solidly mains the guy now...idk. prolly came to a fairly similar revelation as i did *shrug*


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Blackchris.. a Revelation you say? I guess PC went through it too, he did play Ganon for 3 years and then switched to Falco (Chicken with a gun) and then Fox. (Faceroll)

However, if you do this just know that you lose all manliness. =) And then you'd have to compete against x100000 Fox and Falcos.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
lol kage trying to save and endangered species
Lol, well the amount of frustration can be ridiculous but if you look at a player like Axe who plays a worse character but does better than most people consistently then I don't see anymore point to be frustrated at all. No johns.

Lol Kage with the real talk.

Ganon for life.
Hell yaa, forever and ever. =D


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
I don't think pika is a worse character.. just horribly underrated and under developed. Just look at all the tools pika has. Killing power, CGs, fast speed, recovery options. I really think pika should be alot higher on the list


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Yeah pika has better matchups vs top tiers, high tiers its close, mid tiers ganon does better. Pika overall is better imo, mainly because of speed, recovery, and a better approach.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
LOL Pika has no approach.

I thought all Axe did was run up -> Dtilt ->aerial
or wait for someone to misspace on his shield and then Uair out of it or something.

Whatevs though. I respect your decision Chris. I don't like it though because now you're just another fox in an endless sea of Foxes.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
fox mains in this state:

dark hart

endless sea? sneak doesn't even play singles anymore and...idk.

he just seems popular cause he's good. once you all play me again, you'll have an idea of why i switched.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Pikachu is really annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if he was better than Ganon vs Falco, Fox, and Falcon, quite honestly. His uair > grab setup is really good and his combo game leads to great chases. He also has guaranteed kill combos and setups. His decent recovery helps him survive combos, too. His d-tilt has more range than Sheik's so he also a reasonable way of poking into their ground games.

Ganon feels too slow to fight Fox; Pikachu contests his speed a lot better. That said, Ganon's range is extremely valuable because Fox loses mainly to being outprioritized at some point and then having his tech chased for 30 seconds and Ganon's moves induce knockdowns much better than Pikachu's.

Pikachu has more resistance to Shine combos, though, which is really nice. Less resistance to throw combos though, unless you can SDI Uairs.

I'm not sure about which is easier with Sheik. They feel about similar difficulty. AXE did well in friendlies against me, but AXE is probably just better than me so whatever.

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
^^^^^it's because you keep switching the **** around, how the hell is anyone supposed to keep up with that. **** u

that's probably the same reason why you haven't improved as quickly as you've wanted to..... i'm not necessarily that "talented" i just improved way faster than everyone in NC because i STUCK TO ONE ****ING CHARACTER.... i guess twitch did too, but he just sucks

anyway, THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!! now i don't have to be scared when i play chris ;DD

(even if i 3 stock ur ganon, i'm petrified of ganon, so now i get to 3/4 stock you like i do sneak)

i'm talkin trash *****, MM me.

(srsly though sneak that 4 stock on yoshi's was ****ing balling)

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