I love you guys.
I might have to take a break. but i have apex coming up very soon. I'm unable to cancel because my flight didnt have a cancel option (cheap booking) and i will be traveling and staying alone. i no longwer have a doubles partner and im no longer any good at this game...so yeah
But thank you all. It's hard trying to enjoy the game when you lose to everyone, and apex will be difficult to deal with. but if i have you guys to meet then i should imagine it will be the best holiday ever, at least im fairly sure thats what the last episode of season 1 tried to teach me
With that said, is ANYONE open to having me in their hotel? i can deal with sleeping on the floor, i can always ask the hotel for an extra duvet. obviously ill contribute to paying for it either way ^.^
Edit: Also my mum is the best, i think she twigged that i was down, so she has literally just come up to me and said i could have a christmas present which arrived earlier today now instead of having to wait
It's a pony t-shirt, a nice simple one with a RD cutie mark, i'm going to vote her for best parent, brb