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MXC Mafia! End of Game! ~Meat Handlers and Cartoon Voice Actors Win!~

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Assuming that scum are screwed and that they aren't a dangerous factor is probably one of the worst assumptions I've ever seen.

Night kills, combined with the elimination challenges are two factors we townies have little not no control over which as has been pointed out, throws a giant wrench in either team trying to math this game out. The balance of power between the two teams can shift drastically in just a single day/night cycle.

TDA has it right when he talks about our win condition: Whichever team has the most players left when we eliminate the scum wins the game. There won't be any gameplay after we get rid of the scum, so like he said, it's gonna be a balancing act of the two teams scumhunting but at the same time trying to get opposing team members eliminated before pushing for the final scum lynch.

Also, wtf at all the claimed people coming up short with a confirmed scum? Did you guys start this day off claiming BECAUSE you were sure we could use the info to pinpoint scum? Like why has that just completely washed away?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The deadline is set for 9:00pm EST on July 29th.
12 players are alive and it takes 7 to lynch!

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (0)
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • SummonerAU: (0)
  • Sworddancer.: (1) Gheb_01
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Frozenflame751: (0)
  • Gheb_01: (0)
  • Adumbrodeus: (0)
  • Praxis: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (1) Overswarm
  • Not Voting: (10) Xonar, Meta-Kirby, SummonerAU, Sworddancer., Sir Bedevere, Frozenflame751, Adumbrodeus, Praxis, Riddle, thedocsalive

Get it on!

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Sir Bedevere has been prodded.

Both are one prod away from being modkilled. Request a replacement if you need one, but by the looks of things you won't be able to get one, it was hard enough replacing TPK.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
thedocsalive knows what's going on.

OS, are you playing for your faction or for town?

Gheb, of course scum can still win. If you didn't notice, the idea behind my plan is ' IF the roleblock was the cause of the no-kill AND a blue dies mid day'. Scum doesn't know which and neither do I. The idea is that if Green knows who the scum is, we lynch them after we get a majority. If we don't know, Scum gets 3 free kills. Since the mid day challenge could just as easily kill a green, nothing happens until a blue dies from that. If a Green dies, I'll probably get myself/other to say who was roleblocked last night and then see what happens from there.

Even IF the scum decided to do whatever and NK a green(after a mid day blue death and a blue lynch), Green will then be equal with blue, the first time that's happened all game. A Blue win and a Scum win are the same thing to me.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
If anyone goes on VLA, please say so in this thread or via pm. I don't read the social thread too often where people normally post it.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You made it sound like it's a sure win for either Green or scum
In actuality you've got no chance to actually win this game the way you proposed. Neither does scum.

So what have we actually learned from it? Blue has the best position for the win. Awesome news.

Vote Bedevere


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
C'mon OS I just wanted to make fun of Summoner's failed plan! You're not the only mafia troll :lick:



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Praxis, thoughts on what happened so far?

I was completely confused by this until I realized he was in this game, haha


Let's get down to business.

The way things are going, we're looking at a no lynch scenario. I do not like this. Does anyone else like this? We should change that.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
There are no no-lynches. Even if there's no majority there's still plurality. At this rate the lynch would be Doc I think.

Frozen, who's the play?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Frozen, if you're next post doesn't contain a clear answer to my question I'm going to consider you as scum.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sorry for inactivity, my internet was out.

Okay a good place to start would be with Summoner. Now, tbh I'm not getting Summoner's plan right now. Like, I'm literally not fully understanding his line of thinking. What I'm kind of getting an immpresion of is that he is assuming a 2 man scum team, and that, if so, it would be in the last scum's interest to play along with Green so to live a little longer? Am I reading that right?

If so, then there are two flaws with his plan.

1. The obvious one, that he's assuming only a 2 man scum team (which I'm not actually sure he is doing, as I said ealier I'm not quite following his plan, it would be nice if he could clear this up for me).

2. If there is more then one scum, that scum would out themselves. It's much more likely that scum would let green out themselves so to pick off both of them, as was pointed out earlier.


OS said:
Can we all stop being complete dinks and scumhunt now? This stuff is just muddying the water and doesn't help anyone.

As long as one scum is alive, there's going to be a NKill every Night. That, coupled with the elimination challenge, leads to two deaths town can't control. Do you really think that either blue OR green team is going to be able to maintain an advantage with two uncontrollable deaths?

So let's scumhunt. I want to cut this off at the pass before someone gets the bright idea of claiming scum so blue team doesn't hunt them, or green team claims blue team, doesn't get masoned, then gets lynched as if they're scum. None of that helps anyone except for scum. Stop talking about plans and gambits.

Find who is mafia. Lynch them.

THEN, when the NKills are gone, see where we are.
Hmm, I know you're pretty much cleared at this point, but I just wanta point out that for you to say "lets just scumhunt" sounds pretty uncarachterestic for you. Also, you have to admit, this last part:

THEN, when the NKills are gone, see where we are.
Does sound different then what you were going for.


Gheb is kinda acting scummy. He's been doing this a lot earlier, but tbh then I just dismissed it as him becoming lazy beccause he thought himself to be cleared. Now though I do question his motives. What bugs me os that he seems to be placing equal priority on either lynching green OR scum, when at this point I'll think that a blue player would want to place more priority on catching scum then just lynching green (I can understand blue being comfortable lynching green, but the way Gheb going about it makes me cringe a little).

Fos Gheb


I've noticed a lot of people of been stating that TDA needs to be looked at more, and I agree. In matter of fact, I've already looked back at his BUT, unfortionaly, came up short. I've gotten scum vibes from him, but haven't really been able to locate the orgin of those vibes, so for now I'm going have to dismiss it as an incorect read. If anyone else can find something scummy about him, be my guess.

Um, that's all I have for now.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
First assumption: There is only one scum remaining(NOT CONFIRMED IN ANY WAY)
Second assumption: Green know who the one scum left is (This is possible. Either Green roleblocked correctly, a doctor protected correctly or scum didn't night kill)
^Notes I have when I went over the plan Sworddancer

I might have seen why you're not concerned Gheb. You'd still have to support the lynch if only two blue die today. There's probably 4 Blue in the masonry Adum/Gheb/Leader/Sub. If Gheb is scum, he'll just be outed whenever the blue leader tries to recruit him.

If you're blue Sworddancer, there won't be any other blue members if there's 3 scum. Would only take a mass teamclaim tomorrow to find out. Claim and then No Lynch before the challenge and let the recruiter act as a cop on the people who claimed blue

I'm going to reveal I'm the green interrupter. I'll let you know who I targeted after the challenge regardless of if I die or not(you might say, "what difference does it make?" it makes sure that nothing silly happens). It's still against Green interests to lynch before the challenge. If there's multiple scum will be dealt with once we lynch another scum.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
....so hunt scum?

I don't see what the point of all that is. If there's more than one scum left, then town has to play a juggling game. You hunt scum until they aren't a threat.
If there's more than one scum left, both town factions are almost entirely screwed. It's unreasonable to assume a 4 man scumteam given what we know about the game now. Immunity to elimination challenges, the fact that it is in reality a 16 man setup, and the fact that town is split all weaken the town factions severely compared to the scum faction. So if we assume a 2 man mafia, then some of the town players don't want to get the last scum at any given time, because they fail to meet their win condition. I don't see how you shrug this off. Play to win, and that includes defeating two different factions: by eliminating one at a point when you outnumber the other. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W42iiCcFbxE

There are no no-lynches. Even if there's no majority there's still plurality. At this rate the lynch would be Doc I think.
Vote counts are reset after the elimination challenge. :-p But yeah, the only way there can be a no lynch is if there are no votes placed, or no lynch has the most votes. OP doesn't say we can't vote no lynch, so I assume we can. As for the actual likelihood or plausibility of a no lynch, well, the future of this game will be determined largely by the result of this elimination challenge.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If there's more than one scum left, both town factions are almost entirely screwed. It's unreasonable to assume a 4 man scumteam given what we know about the game now. Immunity to elimination challenges, the fact that it is in reality a 16 man setup, and the fact that town is split all weaken the town factions severely compared to the scum faction. So if we assume a 2 man mafia, then some of the town players don't want to get the last scum at any given time, because they fail to meet their win condition. I don't see how you shrug this off. Play to win, and that includes defeating two different factions: by eliminating one at a point when you outnumber the other. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W42iiCcFbxE
Wouldn't it make sense for everyone to just... claim scum if they were about to be lynched? o_O


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I don't even know who the play is for today, nor do I know who I could trust. -_-;;

Chibo should make the challenge come up so we get new information.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I'm still VLA becuz I can't post from my blackberry witout feeling my thumbs die, but I want to say that idk if there ARE no lynches even if we don't vote anyone cuz chibo said "of people tied wit most votes, one is chosen at random for kill" so if we all have 0, does one of us die randomly?
Definitely not liking the amount of people who don't understand the win conditions. Still completely baffled ppl think this is a designed 16 man game like what the ****. No, no no no. My thumbs are about to die but when I come back ill jump back in.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
If the deadline is reached and people are tied for votes, it's whoever reached that vote amount first, not random.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Sorry again. I'm still catching up, and it looks like I'm going to be involved in a lawsuit as of last night (me being the one suing :/ ). I'm not going to be "that guy", as in, the inactive guy, though. I'm working through the pages taking notes on each player's actions and I'll address my views tomorrow. Still grasping this mafia game's format as well. I'm adding bullet points to my list, and Gheb, will respond to you once I'm fully caught up.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Blegh, I kinda forgot about this game after that long Night. >.< Should be active for a while, though it seems pretty obvious that that isn't going to matter much until the EC.

This only explains why these people where there for the elimination challenge but not why they were not there for the most part of the game. Frankly, this applies to you less than to the other people but don't you have the feeling that some people are / have been stalling the town's progress hoping to reduce our numbers via elimination challenges.
I was actually one of the few people to point out pre-D2 EC that the game was stalling hard, and I attempted to get some productivity going, for what little it's worth.

But quite frankly, suggesting that the fact that we haven't gotten a lynch before the EC was because of a few people not posting is pretty ridiculous. Did you expect the town to just whip up amazing ISOs on each other at the start of each day, and we just lynch someone like that? 5 days (the time between the start of D2 and the EC) is not really enough to decide on a lynch target IMO (depending on how fast the game is of course). And don't say "it should be in this game because of the ECs", because NO ONE suggested that all game, I'm quite sure, and saying it now and tapping your foot at everyone isn't going to change things. And it definitely isn't changing now.

By the way: all the long-term plans you guys make are complete and total idiocy because there's a challenge in the middle of every day. You're going to lose someone literally at random.
Night kills, combined with the elimination challenges are two factors we townies have little not no control over which as has been pointed out, throws a giant wrench in either team trying to math this game out. The balance of power between the two teams can shift drastically in just a single day/night cycle.
Actually, town is completely in control of both those things (scum NK only to an extent). ECs are pretty easy to avoid: you only need to get a lynch before it happens, and the day will end without an EC. So if MH "win" the EC, Gheb is a pretty obvious choice to go after. And if, again, MH win EC, scum will need to kill an MH member to keep the balance of power between the 2 teams in check, which means town has forced scum to kill MH team members. Of course, we don't have control over who scum targets specifically, but it still means that scum might not be NKing who they want to be NKing.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Posting to avoid a prod and/or modkill in the future.

Sorry again. I'm still catching up, and it looks like I'm going to be involved in a lawsuit as of last night (me being the one suing :/ ). I'm not going to be "that guy", as in, the inactive guy, though. I'm working through the pages taking notes on each player's actions and I'll address my views tomorrow. Still grasping this mafia game's format as well. I'm adding bullet points to my list, and Gheb, will respond to you once I'm fully caught up.
Good luck with your RL issues. I'm interested to see what you have to say here, as someone reading through the game will definitely have a different perspective compared to those that have played in it throughout.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Hey frozenscum are you done lurking?

Unvote Vote Frozen

Nah, just been re-reading a **** ton and trying to figure out my optimal play at this point. Also:

Frozen, if you're next post doesn't contain a clear answer to my question I'm going to consider you as scum.

Figured play by play updates wouldn't satisfy your demand so I waited until I finished.

Sworddancer is the play as the game stands now.

It could become TDA depending on what happens in the elimination challenge.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Riddle and Adumbrodeus have been prodded for activity.

New rule added, if someone is eliminated because of activity prodding, then everyone else in the game will have a prod deducted from them. This is because of the amount of the player nearing 3 prods, and I don't want a whole bunch of people being eliminated one after another rapidly ruining the rest of the game.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Chibo prodded me, because hes a jerk. Just waiting for the elimination challenge. I sitll think sword is scum.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The deadline is set for 9:00pm EST on July 29th.
12 players are alive and it takes 7 to lynch!

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (0)
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • SummonerAU: (0)
  • Sworddancer.: (1) Xonar
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Frozenflame751: (1) Gheb_01
  • Gheb_01: (0)
  • Adumbrodeus: (0)
  • Praxis: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (1) Overswarm
  • Not Voting: (9) Meta-Kirby, SummonerAU, Sworddancer., Sir Bedevere, Frozenflame751, Adumbrodeus, Praxis, Riddle, thedocsalive

Everyone step up your activity! This is moving too slowly. Don't make me give you guys one hell of a Elimination Challenge!

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Also I'm going to be v/la starting on Monday lasting to late Wednesday/early Thursday. So take that into consideration with the elimination challenge Chibo.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
So many ppl thinking Sword is the play?

Doc, I expected more from you than just avoiding the prod.

Adum, who's the play? You've been quiet after your claim.

OS, do you think it's a good idea to just sit around and wait for EC?

I don't like where this game is going...


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
OS, you know, the game you played in Code Geass mafia and Cartoons Cartoons mafia. Maybe that will stimilate activity.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, you know, the game you played in Code Geass mafia and Cartoons Cartoons mafia. Maybe that will stimilate activity.
It won't work in this game, and you're looking for a scapegoat. With multiple factions, it's going to end up killing someone who is not scum. You want someone to do? Pick someone that's fallen off the map like adumbrodeus and try to get them to post.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Sworddancer is just going to CONSTANTLY feel like the play unless he's lynched or killed, it's the same feeling you get for people who you barely just let live each day.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Because the people who were originally for Sworddancer's lynch are just going to hound it upon the game in times like this, when people are so scatterbrained on the direction to go on. It's just another point to bring up constantly until he's officially dead.
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