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MXC Mafia! End of Game! ~Meat Handlers and Cartoon Voice Actors Win!~

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
It's hard to confirm in that scum dying won't end the game.
I'm not sure if you meant whether or not one more scum dying would deny/prove the existence of a 4 man scumteam or something, but if you meant ALL scum dying won't end the game, you're wrong:

Win Condition for all team players:
You and your team wins when the "mafia" faction is eliminated and your team outnumbers the other team.
If we lynch all scum in the game, the game will end, and whoever had more players at the time the game ended would win. For example, if we lynched scum toDay and he was the last one, CVA would win.

But let's get off dem game mechanics lol.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Good catch Sir Bedevere, so yeah, I didn't see a 3 man mafia as very likely anyway.

OS, how many of those games had scum double-killing with one of those kills being untraceable, unprotectable, and unroleblockable (and the possibility existed for more then one of these untracable, unprotectable, and unroleblockable kills)? 4 Scum in a 16 man game isn't hard to swallow, 4 double-killing scum in a 16 man game is.

I believe you guys are missing the point with this, the reason I wanted to point this out is that this means that we're most likely looking for one scum, so I'd suggest putting more weight into individual tells then associative tells, basically, that we should treat this as akin to going after a SK.

Also, this means that summoner is pretty much confirmed town (please be useful).


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Sworddancer, did you read this?
me said:
Sworddancer, weren't you the one that pointed out that Ermac's activity means that he could not have sent a PM for the challenge? (assuming I recall correctly) Wouldn't you already have know if Ermac had sent a PM or not? Confirming that this slot sent a PM or not shouldn't have made a difference to you, right? I don't really see why you thought Ermac was a good chance of being scum changes after the fact I confirmed that I didn't send a PM in this case. Wouldn't there still be an alright chance of this slot being scum?
Vote: Sworddancer for now.

I'm not going to roleclaim. Scum don't need to know and neither do you. I'm looking into Sworddancer right now but I'd still be fine with SSBF/Xonar. I think that TDA needs to be looked into a little.

Gheb, looking forward to your next post. Who's the play if Xonar and myself aren't around?

TDA, any ideas on the play for today?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The deadline is set for 3:00pm EST on July 14th.
13 players are alive and it takes 7 to lynch!
Today's elimination challenge has passed so there will not be another today.

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (0)
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • SummonerAU: (1) Gheb_01
  • Sworddancer.: (2) Riddle, SummonerAU
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Super Smash Bros. Fan: (2) Meta-Kirby, Sir Bedevere
  • Frozenflame751: (0)
  • Gheb_01: (1) Super Smash Bros. Fan
  • Adumbrodeus: (0)
  • The Paprika Killer: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (1) Adumbrodeus
  • Not Voting: (6) Xonar, Frozenflame751, The Paprika Killer, Overswarm, Sworddancer., thedocsalive

Get it on!

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Alright I'm all caught up and WOW WTF @ some of this ****

Summoner is so not the play. Gambitty **** no doubt (@Sworddancer I basically had an identical reaction) but considering the circumstances, I have a hard time believing he's actually scum. Unfortunately he's more likely an outed town PR. Point is, if he is such a PR, the maf will likely try to eliminate him anyway, so there's no reason to waste our lynch on him since the risk reward is too great in that scenario. Obviously expecting that kind of night play is still WIFOM but that analysis doesn't become pertinant until later in the game or when other circumstantial evidence arises that might suggest Summoner pulling a gambit.

I'm really trying to dissect Adumbro and TDA exchange together with their posts addressing more general discussion (not necessarily each other). I'm getting vibes that this is a T-S interaction but I can't decide who is which side. My initial reaction is that TDA is conceding a lot, but I can't quit figure out if they are concessions made in a side stepping manner, or a direct manner. Adumbros latest wild setup speculation just seems REALLY off to me. Like where the heck did this idea of an independent come from despite the OP basically directly confirming the non-existence of an indy in the game? Just trying to build so many LoA's based on the assumption that "Chibo is a better mod than one that would host a game so pro-scum setup wise" just strikes me as horrendously lofty meta. I don't see what about this game suggests it would be an emaculately balanced setup. In fact, the flavour and nature of this game itself lends to the belief that normal mafia balancing conventions might not have really been considered when the setup was built. Regardless, the point is that Adumbros sudden focus on very lofty and really unprovoked speculation realllly strikes me as derailing, esp. so close to deadline.

But yeah, definitely trying to look through TDA and adumbro to figure out who is the better play today. With us being so close to deadline I don't really have the leads or time to develop another play. Unless people clarify this whole Xonar thing? Because seriously I must've missed where that case developed.

But yeah let's not lynch Summoner please.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

When I read the part about "night actions" the first thing I thought of was night kill, which would explain how he could survive without submitting a number. I didn't think of pro-town night actions for some reason probably because I tunneled the idea of him being scum too hard.

Let's lynch Xonar then.

Unvote Vote Xonar


I don't see a need to answer that question right now, especially since I don't like the idea of lining up lynches á la "if X flips Y we'll lynch Z". These are typically mafia knee-jerks.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I don't see a need to answer that question right now, especially since I don't like the idea of lining up lynches á la "if X flips Y we'll lynch Z". These are typically mafia knee-jerks.

gheb said:
Wow, this is getting stupid. I guess we'll lynch Summoner toDay and then Xonar toMorrow?
vote Gheb

Stop being so **** scummy. You just lined up lynched one page ago. You are tripping over yourself repeatedly. If you don't have time to post, don't post. It's better to be inactive than to post nonsense that gets you lynched. You are not clear because you mentioned the color blue anymore than someone would be scum for knowing mafia will be red.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Don't be dumb man. Read my posts again! :mad088:
I'm not lining up mislynches here. I said we should lynch both, regardless of their flips.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Well I actually think Xonar is scum, in case you forgot. I just switched to Summoner because the night action thing screamed scum to me. That was dumb of me. But I doesn't make me change my mind about Xonar at all.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Well I actually think Xonar is scum, in case you forgot. I just switched to Summoner because the night action thing screamed scum to me. That was dumb of me. But I doesn't make me change my mind about Xonar at all.

Could you reiterate your issues with Xonar?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yes, I will do so but you'll have to wait a while as I'm about to go out tonight. I will still be able to make that post before deadline.

Pushing Summoner wasn't smart, I think Xonar and Sworddancer are the scummiest people.


Deleted member

@Mod: Could you make a player link for SummonerAU?

@Overswarm (#415): I personally think we should keep Dark_ermac/SummonerAU's from revealing anymore information until the slot reaches L-1 or during massclaim. If the slot is town, having the slot claim it's role will only increase the chance of the slot being NK'd and we don't want that.

@Gheb 01 (#447): Why do you not see the purpose of answering SummonerAU's question? That is by no means lining up lynches.
frozenflame751 said:
Unless people clarify this whole Xonar thing? Because seriously I must've missed where that case developed.
The main reason why a few people are suspicious of Xonar (Myself included) is due to his active lurking. He's contributed very little in his game, as his posts contain a fair amount of fluff. However, that alone isn't enough to switch my vote to him now, as I will need to see if he commits other scum tells and how much of them he did.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
The main reason why a few people are suspicious of Xonar (Myself included) is due to his active lurking. He's contributed very little in his game, as his posts contain a fair amount of fluff. However, that alone isn't enough to switch my vote to him now, as I will need to see if he commits other scum tells and how much of them he did.
He's V/LA, and has been for a while now.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
TDA, any ideas on the play for today?
If I had anything really strong I would have made the case in my last post. Definitely not you though, and definitely not Gheb. I know I was a little iffy on one/some of Gheb's posts, but the case there isn't strong enough to make him the play after his clear, which I value pretty strongly.

Some odd points in frozen's last post, but he's not the play today.

After Sir Bedevere's post I decided to skim through SSBF's posts. I definitely don't like that he went after Gheb immediately on day two here. Even if you don't like his clear much, it's certainly a strong enough positive that he shouldn't be the first player lynched (other than virtually confirmed scum lol). I don't like OS going after Gheb at this point either, but OS shouldn't be lynched here.

Xonar's V/LA explains his inactivity, and overall I don't think he's the best choice.

I wouldn't mind adumbrodeus, but that's not happening.

Vote: SSBF

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

My main issue with Xonar has been his generally rather distractive kind of play. His lack of input should be fairly obvious at this point (not just toDay but pretty much all game) but even then his very few posts have no substance at all. Even when he hopped the Kirbyo train he seemed to not care at all about the main issue at hand (aka Kirbyo "dodging" the rules) but seemed completely indifferent. I can't help but feel that he was trying to bus Kirbyo


I already have named two top suspects (Xonar and Sworddancer). I highly doubt that anybody else has been more vocal about his suspects than that so I can't see why you - or anybody - would ask me for more when other people haven't voiced any suspicions at all. With night phase coming soon - and with elimination challenges - a couple of deaths will be inevitable so I doubt it will be of much help to share all of my current thought process with everyone - lots of people will not be able to comprehend it in the first place.

Unvote Vote Sworddancer


CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The deadline is set for 3:00pm EST on July 14th.
13 players are alive and it takes 7 to lynch!
Today's elimination challenge has passed so there will not be another today.

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (0)
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • SummonerAU: (0)
  • Sworddancer.: (3) Riddle, SummonerAU, Gheb_01
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Super Smash Bros. Fan: (3) Meta-Kirby, Sir Bedevere, thedocsalive
  • Frozenflame751: (0)
  • Gheb_01: (2) Super Smash Bros. Fan, Overswarm
  • Adumbrodeus: (0)
  • The Paprika Killer: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (1) Adumbrodeus
  • Not Voting: (4) Xonar, Frozenflame751, The Paprika Killer, Sworddancer.

Get it on!


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

No problem lynching that guy if he doesn't start posting after V/LA is over. Which is today. So we won't get that lynch today, maybe tomorrow.

Also, unvote.

Don't want to accidentally get you lynched by majority :p

Gheb, can you give me a few key points as to why sworddancer should be lynched?

Looking at the people voting for him, it's like three of my least favorite players in the game. We have a guy who is either mafia or a power role, Riddle who is Riddle, and you who have been tripping over yourself repeatedly. I don't feel comfortable joining that crew.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
-.- Tbh, I still don't really have a clear play for toDay. Xonar can't really be the lynch toDay since he's v/la. Right now I'm thinking SSBF is the only who really deserves to go at this point. The thing is though, despite SSBF scummy play, he still has the "I'm SSBF" defense to back him up. Anyways though, here's why I think he's scummy:

I don't like how SSBF defended Kirbyoshi so violently. Post 123 especially bugs me, as it seems he was trying to dismiss the Kirbyoshi as something that had weak evidence for it. Even more incriminating to him is that later, he actually went out of his way to make sure Kirbyoshi did not post a screenshot. I can see that as either bad town on his part OR bad scum play on his part. SSBF going pretty after Gheb pretty hard is weird. I admit that Gheb has acted scummy, but SSBF has basically attacked him to the point where I'll call it tunneling. Definitely not good play on his part.

Here's some other small details I've though up of:

Frozen has pointed out some good points about the Adum-TDA, but he still seems a bit scummy. In his play I have seen him waiting for others to do something so he can then come in, point them out, and leave again. Also, is it just me, or has he been slightly buddying people? It's subtle, but I see it. He's been pretty frinedly to me, TDA previously, and if I looked for it probably others as well.

TPK was the latest (not counting Clown since he's confirmed town or Gheb because of him "semi-clearing" himself) on Kirbyoshi's wagon if that means anything to anyone.

@summoner: Just about to get to you. Hold on a moment.

Deadline is in less than three hours btw.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sworddancer, did you read this?

Originally Posted by me
Sworddancer, weren't you the one that pointed out that Ermac's activity means that he could not have sent a PM for the challenge? (assuming I recall correctly) Wouldn't you already have know if Ermac had sent a PM or not? Confirming that this slot sent a PM or not shouldn't have made a difference to you, right? I don't really see why you thought Ermac was a good chance of being scum changes after the fact I confirmed that I didn't send a PM in this case. Wouldn't there still be an alright chance of this slot being scum?
Vote: Sworddancer for now.

I'm not going to roleclaim. Scum don't need to know and neither do you. I'm looking into Sworddancer right now but I'd still be fine with SSBF/Xonar. I think that TDA needs to be looked into a little.

Gheb, looking forward to your next post. Who's the play if Xonar and myself aren't around?

TDA, any ideas on the play for today?
I honestly didn't remember what accusation I made to you that were referring to; I had to go back and check. -.-

Yes to all of the questions. However, what I believe I was trying to get at is that you, as scum, could be trying to seem more townish by simple little things like confirming that Dark didn't send in the pm or by asking to replace in if you were lynched. I was accusing you of setting up a WIFOM situation on purpose. Yes, I know this itself is WIFOM, this has been pointed out, criticize that if you want. I was just laying out the possibilities, and it still seemed scummy to me, as I do believe you can pick up scum vibes from anything, even WIFOM.

Btw I'm not asking you to role claim anymore, I dismissed that idea only a little while after initially having it, since I soon afterwards read what Sir and OS had to say about that.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Um yeah so correct me if I'm mistaken but at this rate I'm the one who's going to be lynched so far.

Well, I'm town. I know this, but I don't know if SSBF is. Unless someone else comes up scummy real fast, then I'm going have to place my vote on him.

Unless someone else votes, then my vote on SSBF will be the condemning one.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Less than an hour to deadline. . .

If anyone has anything else to say then speak up now or hold your peace until toMarrow.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I don't like either of these lynches.

No time to change who they're going to be on. Why are we focusing between these two? I need to look back and figure out who started that.

Doc, choose your protection carefully. Roleblockers, please do the same.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
End of Day 2

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (0)
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • SummonerAU: (0)
  • Sworddancer.: (3) Riddle, SummonerAU, Gheb_01
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Super Smash Bros. Fan: (4) Meta-Kirby, Sir Bedevere, thedocsalive, Sworddancer.
  • Frozenflame751: (0)
  • Gheb_01: (1) Super Smash Bros. Fan
  • Adumbrodeus: (0)
  • The Paprika Killer: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (1) Adumbrodeus
  • Not Voting: (5) Xonar, Frozenflame751, The Paprika Killer, Overswarm

Super Smash Bros. Fan, Contestant on the Cartoon Voice Actors Team, has been eliminated!

What a turn of events! The Meat Handlers have almost caught up!

It is now Night 2. No posting in here, etc. You can all send in your night actions now. Super Smash Bros. Fan has until 3:00am EST on July 15th to submit his 100 word interview. You can all wait to submit your actions until he posts it if you wish.

Night will end at 3:00pm on July 16th or sooner if all actions are in.

Let's check out some highlights from Super Smash Bros. Fan!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IRepJ1KMgbg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IRepJ1KMgbg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Here is Super Smash Bros. Fan's final post:

"I want people to look at Gheb 01 and Xonar more. I'm not sure why they weren't lynched instead of me. But yeah, I hope town does well and I'll be seeing you later. I'm confident in you."

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Back from a slight hiatus, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge is back! In day 2 we saw two additional members from the Cartoon Voice Actors team get eliminated, things are looking to get pretty even now!

But alas, onward with Day 3 of MXC Mafia!


How could that be? This game is certainly looking to be pretty interesting...

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QMTAH4loDf4&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QMTAH4loDf4&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

The deadline is set for 9:00pm EST on July 29th.
12 players are alive and it takes 7 to lynch!

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (0)
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • SummonerAU: (0)
  • Sworddancer.: (0)
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Frozenflame751: (0)
  • Gheb_01: (0)
  • Adumbrodeus: (0)
  • The Paprika Killer: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (0)
  • Not Voting: (13) Xonar, Meta-Kirby, SummonerAU, Sworddancer., Sir Bedevere, Frozenflame751, Gheb_01, Adumbrodeus, The Paprika Killer, Overswarm, Riddle, thedocsalive

Get it on!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I think the obvious question to the inheritors....who did you block? Somebody obviously blocked the correct person.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Meta-kirby, you do have potential, that's exactly what I was thinking, before the day even started.

Even more likely now that I was right about there being only one mafia left.

I'm one of the roleblockers, but I was recruited by my team leader toDay and it turned out I had roleblocked somebody who was already a member of our team masonry, so it was the other roleblocker who caught scum.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
*whistles and waits for other RB to claim and announce latest choice*

No but really, that seems like the likely play today. Or at the very least, a solid start.

As adum pointed out yesterday, we should try to lynch before the elimination challenge if possible, as if the game doesn't end on this lynch, then we avoid an extra townie death.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Wait, what about the remaining protector? Couldn't they have made the correct choice as well?

We have both interrupters alive and one protector alive (Team Meat Handlers). How do you guys know that it was an interrupter that prevented anyone from dying?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Wait, what about the remaining protector? Couldn't they have made the correct choice as well?

We have both interrupters alive and one protector alive (Team Meat Handlers). How do you guys know that it was an interrupter that prevented anyone from dying?
Unfortunately you're correct, but it's better then random odds atm.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

Actually, I don't even know if the other roleblocker is going to claim. If Adum was recruited, that means he must be on the Cartoon Voice Actors team. So the other role blocker must be a Meat Packer. So it may not actually be working towards his win condition to help the town out right now, since the Cartoon Voice actors still outnumber the Meat Packers, and him giving away his power position would out him as a good target for the mafia.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
adumbrodeus said:
I'm one of the roleblockers, but I was recruited by my team leader toDay and it turned out I had roleblocked somebody who was already a member of our team masonry, so it was the other roleblocker who caught scum.
This is a hefty claim, and not like you to give out this much info. I guess without a counter-claim I have to believe you are at least masoned with a role-blocker.

If anyone has a counter-claim to this... do so immediately.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Actually, I don't even know if the other roleblocker is going to claim. If Adum was recruited, that means he must be on the Cartoon Voice Actors team. So the other role blocker must be a Meat Packer. So it may not actually be working towards his win condition to help the town out right now, since the Cartoon Voice actors still outnumber the Meat Packers, and him giving away his power position would out him as a good target for the mafia.
Could you make it less obvious which team you are on? XD
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