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MXC Mafia! End of Game! ~Meat Handlers and Cartoon Voice Actors Win!~


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
This is a hefty claim, and not like you to give out this much info. I guess without a counter-claim I have to believe you are at least masoned with a role-blocker.

If anyone has a counter-claim to this... do so immediately.
Well, actually, rather than the inheritor CC'ing it would be better if an un-important member of the CVA mason said if he was not in the mason.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I'm pretty much claiming either doc or role blocker by claiming green. Just pointing out to myself/other green PR that I/you can list results in out post death interview. You might even be able to pre-submit the interview to Chibo during the night just in case you think you'll miss out. I'm willing to believe in you/me that we have a scum by the balls.

Scum, if you value your life, you'll align with green in this case. You've got a 50% chance of being outted(assuming you NKed). I might be wrong though, so I think it's in your best interest to play along with me in case I'm wrong. So, NK the claimed blue players (adumbrodeus) and then the 'probably blue but might be silly' blue player Sworddancer. You'll be wanting to get rid of a mason group anyway right? Make sure you don't do something silly like CC a green PR or claim blue. Don't vote anyone until after the mid day elimination and then vote Adumbrodeus as FAST AS YOU CAN.

Green, we'll need to push a lynch on adumbrodeus and if the scum align with us, a blue lynch will happen. 6 v 6 and the fastest lynch will happen. Hopefully, mid day elimination will take out a blue member and the inactives are blue aligned(or at least one on each). Don't team claim. Once we get a majority, we'll lynch whoever it is that I/the other guy roleblocked. At worst if there's 3 scum left, at least we prevented the blue team from winning. Put your 'town vs scum' notions at the door, this is scum vs faction1 vs faction2. It's 1 v 5 v 6 right now and we should be set if we play it right. Don't vote anyone until after the mid day elimination and then vote Adumbrodeus as FAST AS YOU CAN. God **** I'm tense. Sure hope this is the GLORY part of 'death or glory'. Death would be kinda **** imo.

Other Green ambiguous PR, you'll need to either protect me tonight or roleblock not me. Make sure you/I submit a 'just in case' interview PM (with the name of the roleblocked person) to Chibo tonight as well. Don't post anything about being green OR being a PR in case I'm wrong. If I'm not the roleblocker, make sure you post WHO you roleblocked once we get a numbers majority on blue (should be after tonight). If you're the doc, since you haven't claimed, you won't need protecting anyway.

If a green dies in the mid day challenge, we lose. SO SUBMIT SOMETHING KAY?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Scum, it is NOT in your best interest to NK a CVA tonight. The Meathandlers have a MUCH BETTER CHANCE of finding you out. Based on last nights results it is very likely that a Meathandler power role caught scum and you should be killing them. If Summoners plan works the CVA would be in the minority and be much less of a threat to you then summoner and the rest of the meathandlers.

Furthermore, Summoner your plan is completely invalidated by the elimination challenge. You cant lynch a CVA before the challenge since you dont have the numbers without one of us and after the elimination challenge it will either be 1 v 5 v 5, in which case then scum should kill you to give you less results and prevent you from saving your teammate/roleblocking maf, orrrr 1 v 4 v 6 at which point you cant lynch a member of the CVAs because we outnumber you and scum together.

Summoner should be lynched today after the elimination challenge regardless of who is eliminated.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Okay now who the hell is Santo Amancio. WTF is going on. I'm 12 years old and what is this.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Riddle, that was an awful post. Do you realize how much the Blue team benefits from scum outing themselves / hinting at their identity? If they actually wanted to work together with the green team they had to out themselves and that would've been the perfect time to strike since the blue mason is still fine and dandy and I'm assuming that there are about 3 or 4 masoned people. With me being "semi-cleared" as blue but not in the mason that's ~5 people clear right off the bat. That's almost half of the game right there and Green team still has to get rid of the mafia as well in order to win which compounds to the already strong numbers of the blue team. Scum might've actually followed Summoner's plan which would've been like auto-win for the blue team.

Why the **** would you try to interfere here?

Riddle, explain.

Right now I'd say the mason, myself and summoner are pretty much clear to be non-mafia.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I just thought I'd pop in and say:


We've got a lot to digest here, guys.

Gheb is soft-cleared; not cleared in the slightest, but enough to where I trust him.

Gheb, would you be willing to start us off? We need a direction to move.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Riddle, that was an awful post. Do you realize how much the Blue team benefits from scum outing themselves / hinting at their identity? If they actually wanted to work together with the green team they had to out themselves and that would've been the perfect time to strike since the blue mason is still fine and dandy and I'm assuming that there are about 3 or 4 masoned people. With me being "semi-cleared" as blue but not in the mason that's ~5 people clear right off the bat. That's almost half of the game right there and Green team still has to get rid of the mafia as well in order to win which compounds to the already strong numbers of the blue team. Scum might've actually followed Summoner's plan which would've been like auto-win for the blue team.

Why the **** would you try to interfere here?

Riddle, explain.

Right now I'd say the mason, myself and summoner are pretty much clear to be non-mafia.

I don't know how the **** this would out mafia at all. It would just split people into blue/non-blue. If scum followed summoner's plan it is not an auto-win for the blue team, its an auto-win for the green team.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
protip Riddle: interview time. If Scum decides to go with the lynch (if it's indeed a correct roleblock), me/other person can just out him in out interview time. Even if I/he doesn't have the right person, if he aligns himself with blue and lynches a green, there's a much bigger chance of being found out as the blue leader can just use his recruit to find out who's the scum. Blue gets his pots and pans messed up and it either benefits Green or Scum. Sorry for not caring about what happens to blue's pots and pans. Have fun in your masonry.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Also Gheb, Scum just needs to claim green. With the masonry, there's still roughly the same amount of people to hide amongst (give or take).

Scum, don't listen to blue dissenters, they will inevitably abhor. If a blue dies in the challenge, green + you is enough for a majority. No majority can be reached without green or scum help right now, so the challenge has to happen. I'm clearly cool with helping you to kill blue team members. I'd say there's slightly less than even odds that we know who you are. Before doing anything drastic, I'd run the numbers again and not listen to blue team with their 'that makes green a bigger threat', I/other will just use our interview time to reveal our night action (which could be wrong which helps you a heap btw). Or you can align with blue, they realise they have too many people claimed as blue, and then adumbrodeus just roleblocks one of the people outside the mason, and the leader recruits another. If the leader dies, he can just announce who he tried to recruit in his interview. If there's 6 blue right now there's 3 in the mason(at least), so they narrow it down to 4 people claiming blue with a roleblocker and a mason recruiter confirmed blue. With the number of blue around, they won't hesitate in killing you as soon as they find you. You'll have to kill the blue leader and sub leader and then kill the remain notscum players in the game WHILE dodging adumbrodeus' (at least)1/4 roleblock.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@OS / Adum

How likely do you think Sworddancer is part of the blue team? Be as specific as possible. The answer is absolutely VITAL. OS, if you're scum you should claim so ASAP as well.

Unvote for now.

If it's not Sworddancer then I'm getting a feeling that it's between TDA, Bedevere and Frozen. Both have been stalling pretty ridiculously but apparently remained unaffected by the elimination challenges. I don't trust them and I would be baffled if none of them is scum (scum being mafia only).

I don't know how the **** this would out mafia at all. It would just split people into blue/non-blue. If scum followed summoner's plan it is not an auto-win for the blue team, its an auto-win for the green team.
No it's not. Do the math. Unless you're green / scum Summoner's plan will not affect you (unless town plays dumb now).

protip Riddle: interview time. If Scum decides to go with the lynch (if it's indeed a correct roleblock), me/other person can just out him in out interview time. Even if I/he doesn't have the right person, if he aligns himself with blue and lynches a green, there's a much bigger chance of being found out as the blue leader can just use his recruit to find out who's the scum. Blue gets his pots and pans messed up and it either benefits Green or Scum. Sorry for not caring about what happens to blue's pots and pans. Have fun in your masonry.
Lies. Blue team disregard this.



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I went over why it would be lame for scum if he sided with blue. Not to mention he'd be one of 5(at best) people not masoned. With green, he'd be one of 5 without a mason recruiter making it worse.

1 scum
5 Green |scum claims green| 5 Green without anyone knowing who's what (if you count me as confirmed to other green players).
6 Blue |scum claims blue|7 blue, 3 people confirmed mason, leaves 4 people. blue roleblocks one, lynches another and the recruiter targets one of the other two.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
lol Gheb, it's clearly better for Green to follow me regardless of alignment. It's pretty clear you're just being silly now and hoping it doesn't go ahead. If I'm scum, all green has to make me do after we kill a few blue is to make me claim a particular PR. Then they just have to CC and then lynch me.

Actually, I'm not even quite sure why I've made it ambiguous anymore.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I'll say this again. Scum + Green, blue cannot force a lynch unless one of you are on board. I'll just assume it's scum if I'm lynched and then me/other person will reveal who it is they/I targeted last night for a roleblock. Green, if you jump on the blue lynch to lynch me (I can only think it's because you think I'm scum), you'll lose if there's one scum and still probably lose if there's 3 scum(at this point in time).


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
If it's not Sworddancer then I'm getting a feeling that it's between TDA, Bedevere and Frozen. Both have been stalling pretty ridiculously but apparently remained unaffected by the elimination challenges. I don't trust them and I would be baffled if none of them is scum (scum being mafia only).
I have no proof of activity for the mass elimination challenge N0/D1 (other than my own confirm PM, obviously quoting it is against the rules), but for the second one, all three of the people you mentioned were among the four players to post most recently right before EC2, so we were all evidently active at that time. So...yeah. I'm sure you have a better case than that, but any of those players, me included, surviving EC2 inactively because they're scum is silly.

As for everything happening now:
I'm honestly quite lost as to optimal play atm. The only thing I can conclude is that scum is very, very screwed either way.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
also just realised I forgot to change some stuff in a post from before.

If this elimination knocks out a blue, we won't need to be speedy if the scum aligns with us.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
lol Gheb, it's clearly better for Green to follow me regardless of alignment.
I don't know what you're trying to say here but it doesn't matter. If scum follow you they give up the game. There's one thing you're forgetting and it's the fact that scum - despite everything you said - is still perfectly capable to win this game without cooperating with anybody.

And before you say I'm wrong - I'm not. Scum can still win this game all alone, you just don't seem to understand how they can do it, but they can . There's no reason to assume them to give up just to help you win when they can actually take the game.

You forfeited the game, summoner.

I'll say this again. Scum + Green, blue cannot force a lynch unless one of you are on board. I'll just assume it's scum if I'm lynched and then me/other person will reveal who it is they/I targeted last night for a roleblock. Green, if you jump on the blue lynch to lynch me (I can only think it's because you think I'm scum), you'll lose if there's one scum and still probably lose if there's 3 scum(at this point in time).

If you follow this plan then you will lose the game 100% without any chance to make it. You will be known to the people, who will be able to lynch you later and therefore will lose the game. There is in fact a way for you to win this game and the only thing that is absolutely required for you is to not cooperate with anybody.

I have no proof of activity for the mass elimination challenge N0/D1 (other than my own confirm PM, obviously quoting it is against the rules), but for the second one, all three of the people you mentioned were among the four players to post most recently right before EC2, so we were all evidently active at that time. So...yeah. I'm sure you have a better case than that, but any of those players, me included, surviving EC2 inactively because they're scum is silly.
This only explains why these people where there for the elimination challenge but not why they were not there for the most part of the game. Frankly, this applies to you less than to the other people but don't you have the feeling that some people are / have been stalling the town's progress hoping to reduce our numbers via elimination challenges.

I'm honestly quite lost as to optimal play atm. The only thing I can conclude is that scum is very, very screwed either way.
No, they're not. Stop assuming they are. It might actually become dangerous later to think like that. The scum is still a threat to all factions at this point.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
thedocisalive said:
I'm honestly quite lost as to optimal play atm. The only thing I can conclude is that scum is very, very screwed either way.

vote thedocisalive

I don't like your tone, Doc.

Gheb, Summoner? You're both idiots. Seriously. No one claim your team unless you want to give scum the ability to literally go back and forth picking you off so there are even numbers. The correct play for someone who isn't completely and utterly brain dead is to play mafia and kill scum. Green team is at a disadvantage and needs to hope blue players die in a challenge and that they can maybe lynch a blue player under the guise of scum, but guess what?

Even if Green doesn't have a masonry it is insanely obvious what team they are on at end game.

Think of it this way:

You have X blue and Y Green.

There are guaranteed Blue players. Chances are, they're in a masonry.

One of those guaranteed blue players gets lynched.

Everyone that voted is prooooooobably going to be green team. Even if there is a blue or two hiding amongst them, it doesn't matter because you just kill everyone that didn't vote and then it's the remaining green vs. remaining blue!

By the way: all the long-term plans you guys make are complete and total idiocy because there's a challenge in the middle of every day. You're going to lose someone literally at random.

Can we all stop being complete dinks and scumhunt now? This stuff is just muddying the water and doesn't help anyone.

As long as one scum is alive, there's going to be a NKill every Night. That, coupled with the elimination challenge, leads to two deaths town can't control. Do you really think that either blue OR green team is going to be able to maintain an advantage with two uncontrollable deaths?

So let's scumhunt. I want to cut this off at the pass before someone gets the bright idea of claiming scum so blue team doesn't hunt them, or green team claims blue team, doesn't get masoned, then gets lynched as if they're scum. None of that helps anyone except for scum. Stop talking about plans and gambits.

Find who is mafia. Lynch them.

THEN, when the NKills are gone, see where we are.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Overswarm I claimed my team on D1 lmao and Summoner claimed because of some dumb gambit which won't work. You basically just pointed out in detail what I was hinting at all along but Summoner didn't seem to get it. Would've been surprised if scum actually went along for that ride but it's ok only an idiot would follow Summoner's plan. I still don't like how Riddle tried to interfere before we got a chance if scum actually went with it. That would've p. much won us the game. Oh well.

You also owe me an answer in regards to Sworddancer - how likely do you think he is to be blue team and why?
Doc looks like a decent play for toDay because I find it hard to see him as part of the blue teams (mainly based on interactions with adum earlier) but I have a bad feeling about Frozen. If I had more time I would've taken a closer look at earlier interactions but unfortunately I won't have the time as I'll be V/LA till Monday :ohwell:


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Riddle, why aren't you posting? I just saw you post something in another game like 10 minutes ago.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You also owe me an answer in regards to Sworddancer - how likely do you think he is to be blue team and why?
I'm not discussing anything about anyone's team color. I'm hunting mafia. You should too. We can discuss your colors when mafia is dead.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
No, they're not. Stop assuming they are. It might actually become dangerous later to think like that. The scum is still a threat to all factions at this point.
So which faction is scum a serious threat to, the one that may already know who the last scum is, or the one that has a recruiting masonry?

@ OS: Just being honest at this point. I really don't know what exactly we should be doing now, but I do think that scum is screwed regardless and one of the town factions will win.

Find who is mafia. Lynch them.

THEN, when the NKills are gone, see where we are.
OS, I don't think you understand the town win conditions.
Chibo in OP under Role PMs said:
Win Condition for all team players:
You and your team wins when the "mafia" faction is eliminated and your team outnumbers the other team.
So when the mafia are all dead, the game ends, and the side with more members left wins. So if the last scum (assuming a 2 man scumteam) were to get lynched right now, blue would win. Green would fail to meet their win condition, and lose. Therefore, green doesn't want to lynch scum right now. This is why we can't just try to lynch scum and see where we are after. At this point, neither blue nor green has a majority, and therefore a scum lynch is impossible. If green loses someone in the elimination challenge however, then the game turns differently.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
So when the mafia are all dead, the game ends, and the side with more members left wins. So if the last scum (assuming a 2 man scumteam) were to get lynched right now, blue would win. Green would fail to meet their win condition, and lose. Therefore, green doesn't want to lynch scum right now. This is why we can't just try to lynch scum and see where we are after. At this point, neither blue nor green has a majority, and therefore a scum lynch is impossible. If green loses someone in the elimination challenge however, then the game turns differently.
....so hunt scum?

I don't see what the point of all that is. If there's more than one scum left, then town has to play a juggling game. You hunt scum until they aren't a threat.
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