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MXC Mafia! End of Game! ~Meat Handlers and Cartoon Voice Actors Win!~


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Sworddancer, weren't you the one that pointed out that Ermac's activity means that he could not have sent a PM for the challenge? (assuming I recall correctly) Wouldn't you already have know if Ermac had sent a PM or not? Confirming that this slot sent a PM or not shouldn't have made a difference to you, right? I don't really see why you thought Ermac was a good chance of being scum changes after the fact I confirmed that I didn't send a PM in this case. Wouldn't there still be an alright chance of this slot being scum?

If I was town, wouldn't it make sense that I'd want to replace back in if I was lynched 2 days after replacing in? I probably should have said it at all, but meh. Don't really mind that much.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Sworddancer, I have the feeling you are town imo... but that's dumb. You can't just make a case on WIFOM like that, especially on someone that just replaced in.

I do have a question though: WTF did it suddenly become "summoner or Xonar"? There are other players in this game.

Bleh. I'm going to re-read. Be back later.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Hmm, I got a bit muddled with my memory. Checking it again and then gunna EBWOP that last post.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
More of an apology than an EBWOP. Sworddancer, I didn't realise it was on this page, but I did remember you linking to Ermac's profile. His last activity is still outside of the challenge time though.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
WEll ****, that's what I get for trying to rush something. I was originally right lol. hasdhjasdkf



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

I want you both to tell me why Xonar is the play for today


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Some stuff from OS...

That post seems really contradictory tda. You spend half the post saying why Ermac isn't clear and then you vote him, because we don't have a play?

What about scumhunting?
What about scumhunting indeed. Let's see what Riddle has added to the party:

Its okay Overswarm, I hate your playstyle too
vote: sworddancer
Its to early to have a play for the day, however if I had to choose who to lynch right now I would pick sworddancer.

Feel free to call me Riddle
Seriously, WTF. Don't say "I replaced in" because according to the first post you were part of that hydra anyway.

We've got literally nothing from Riddle all game, and it's page 11.

Riddle, speak up.

Why Sworddancer?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Because it's almost the end of the day, he's coasting mad hard and hasn't posting much of anything for 11 pages and two days. He isn't helping at all. I've only been sitting on the game for a day now and haven't really had that much time to think about that much. Sure we could lynch someone else, but I won't be pushing a lynch on people I haven't had time to think through. Riddle and Sir Bedevere have both post a little bit of something. Xonar has posted less than that though. Right now, I wouldn't like lynching someone who's talking and giving input over someone who has coasted all the way to late D2.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
thedoc said:
leads me to believe that neither submitted a number, but Chaco happened to draw a worse number. However, we really don't have a clear play today, so might as well
Unvote: adumbrodeus
Vote: Dark_Ermac
waht hwat
what hwat


No. BAD Doc. Bad. That's a bad Doc.

If we don't have a clear play for today, we need to GET a clear play for today.

I'm not seeing how Dark Ermac is auto-scum at all; the challenge information is limited and it was mod-confirmed that you did NOT die by not participating in the challenge. YOu simply got another number. We don't even know if Chaco himself participated and are unsure if it would even matter if he did.

I know it'd be exciting to get two challenge-confirmed kills, but rushing for an Ermac lynch seems silly.

If we don't get a lynch for today, let's lynch his replacement. That sounds good.

But jumping on the wagon now without looking into anything else is looking for a very, VERY weak D3. We have until wednesday, let's use our time.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Meta-kirby said:
However, would it be beneficial at this point to pressure OS to reveal who else he tracked? In my mind, the other people he tracked must have, at some point, been seen private messaging (and he couldn't view people who block their actions) as to which Kirbyoshi was singled out.
Unless he's keeping information for D2 to say "And then THIS Person also didn't respond!"
Which, at that point, I'd call bull****.
This on D1 stood out to me.

Why would MK say this? He deliberately was fishing for MORE information out of me. I'm not sure how this helps when

A) I'm giving the game a scum lynch D1
B) You can't lynch two people D1 anyway
C) All the roles are posted (no vig)

All this did was basically give the appearance of thought will fishing for information from me. My first thought was that he was scum trying to see if I needed to be NKilled; he knew I wasn't watching everyone, and if I was watching other scum I might catch them too, right?

I've been watching you since then.

Meta-Kirby, you've been hung up on SSBF all game. I'll admit, his play is shaky and I don't like it at all, but you have not done much other than focus on SSBF who, frankly, is a pretty easy target.

MK, OTHER THAN SSBF, Sworddancer, or the inactives, do you think has said or done something scummy? You don't even need a full case, just give me a few tidbits. What have you noticed? I'm interested.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I am playing in this game, and the vibe I got was different than yours. And if people DID start to sway/deviate for whatever reason, I'm sure other people would have pointed out "sup guys, virtually guaranteed scum, remember let's do that."

I'm playing this game too, but considering how much overlap we have between this game and code geass, it's a really bad assumption.

I didn't disagree with it as strongly until it occurred to me how soon the day would have ended. The whole thing DID strike me as unrealistic and unlikely to happen. When I realized that the day could have ended at my post 125, I then began to feel more strongly about it.
Fair enough, that's a reasonable answer.

Am I overreaching? Maybe, but I'm trying to play the game here. I'm not going to sit here and say you're guaranteed scum, but I don't like the plan you proposed.
I consider it a reasonable possibility that you're merely attempting to secure a mislynch using a case on a particular view of the metagame that is rather commonly held.

Especially considering that when I take you to task on it you blithely repoint suspicion at an easy target, the inactives.

Don't have a solid case to that effect, but I have my suspicions.

On an unrelated note, indulge me for a second while I go into setup talk.

Thinking about the setup, we have this information:

1. This game was actually a 16 man game

2. It was proven that scum are immune to the elimination challenges, meaning that scum effectively get 2 kills a day, after day 1 (assuming there aren't challenges with 2 deaths).

3. Uneven number of total scum means that the two teams would be unbalanced.

(these are first possible mylos and lylos)

20 - 6 (eliminations, lynch and nk) = 14 on day 2

14 - 3 = 11 on day 3 (mylo for 4 scum)

11 - 3 = 8 on day 4 (lylo for 3 scum)

8 - 3 = 5 on day 5 (lylo for 2 scum, auto-win for scum if the elimination challenge happens).

Considering the ability of the elimination challenges to auto-win the game if they occur in certain lylos, I think we're either dealing with 3 mafia and an indy as scum, or 2 mafia members, 4 mafia members is highly doubtful considering that means that we would've been dealing with mylo day 3 if we hadn't lynched kirbyoshi.

Also, if possible, we wanna end days before elimination challenges in the future, I don't know if future elimination challenges will be scheduled like this (in the middle of the day), but I'd keep aware.

As far as gameplay, keep a special eye out for serial killer tells because if I'm right, that's what kirbyoshi's partner is regulated to at the moment since I doubt his partner would've gone out on a limb to defend him given the information that made him obvious scum.

Otherwise, a 2 man scumteam and an indy of some sort.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Hi, I'm back, and I've read the entire thread guys.

This does NOT sit well with me. First of all, the "as OS said" part seems to be blatant buddying and also could have been said from a scum POV to add credibility to his case, however my MAIN problem is that Sworddancer seems to believe that scum don't pretend to be town and thus could not propose something for an impossible eventuality.

This is a weak defense and earns an FoS

FoS: Sworddancer
This is me scumhunting OverSwarm. I dont think Summoner should be the play, I am much happier with Xonar. However my vote is on sworddancer for a reason


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
This is me scumhunting OverSwarm. I dont think Summoner should be the play, I am much happier with Xonar. However my vote is on sworddancer for a reason
You just kinda trailed off at the end there.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
I know I'm no longer in this game, but I felt the need to say this:

Wow, Chibo. I told you that I would be going to Arizona for a week, and I gave you my night action ahead of time just in case, yet I return to 4 prods made over the past week!

Ugh. was I just ignored or do you clear out your PM inbox without reading your PMs?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I know I'm no longer in this game, but I felt the need to say this:

Wow, Chibo. I told you that I would be going to Arizona for a week, and I gave you my night action ahead of time just in case, yet I return to 4 prods made over the past week!

Ugh. was I just ignored or do you clear out your PM inbox without reading your PMs?
1. You're an idiot. Look at the bold.

2. You're interfering in a mafia game you aren't apart of. You should have PMed.

So now what do we do, knowing that Ermac has a Night ability? -_-;;

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm sorry about that Dark, it did slip my mind at first as I can always remove prods (as I did for Xonar's latest as he did post about his absense), but tbh a week is a lot to ask for. Also it wasn't 4 prods, it was 2. I replaced you to keep the game moving. This game needs a lot of activity, as the game was moving quickly, and things like the Elimination Challenges.

However, thanks for saying what you said. I'm not going to edit it out because I know others have already read it. Very dissapoint.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
However, thanks for saying what you said. I'm not going to edit it out because I know others have already read it. Very dissapoint.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand a mod confirm. Neat.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wow, this is getting stupid. I guess we'll lynch Summoner toDay and then Xonar toMorrow?



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Wow, this is getting stupid. I guess we'll lynch Summoner toDay and then Xonar toMorrow?

FoS Gheb

Why is your first instinct to lynch a power role? I don't quite understand that. He's either mafia or a power role. He literally becomes mod confirmed scum if we lose all the other power roles. Why are you wanting to lynch him and then setting up an inactive lynch afterwards?

That doesn't make any sense, Gheb. Assume we follow your plan.

You're giving scum two Night kills, killing someone with little to no ties with anyone because he's either scum or one of the few power roles, then killing ANOTHER person with no ties.

End conclusion:

4 dead
possible 2 mafia maximum
possible 1 mafia 1 unknown Town
possible 1 Town power role 1 unknown Town

Your evidence for this being inactivity and "mod confirmed he had a power role".

WTF, Gheb. You need to do some fancy explainin'.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
To give you a question to answer:

Why should we risk killing a power role hwen we can have him confirmed later simply by other power roles dying?

Why should we kill an inactive on D4 after killing another inactive (possible power role) D3, leaving us with nothing to work with on D5 when it gets REALLY hairy?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Meta-Kirby, you've been hung up on SSBF all game. I'll admit, his play is shaky and I don't like it at all, but you have not done much other than focus on SSBF who, frankly, is a pretty easy target.

MK, OTHER THAN SSBF, Sworddancer, or the inactives, do you think has said or done something scummy? You don't even need a full case, just give me a few tidbits. What have you noticed? I'm interested.
Well, you're asking me to remove a substantial number of players that I consider to be the best plays for the day. SSBF is definitely my top choice, and Sworddancer has been on loose ground ever since Day 2 started. Inactives are of a lower priority now, but further inactivity will prompt discussion in times of low-scumhunting. Basically, you're asking me to disregard all the current suspects and pick some new ones based on tidbits? I'm not willing to abandon my target because I've provided reasons for both of my votes on him (before/after elimination challenge).

However, for the sake of answering your question, I wanna bring light to those saying that this is a "16-man game in disguise". Yeah, I'm looking at you Adum. This is a 20-man game and it was designed as such. For your claim of a DESIGNED 16-man game, you'd have to factor in that both sides started off on equal grounds. However, this is not true, as the Meat Handlers have initially started off unequally, without a leader, sub-leader, and several contestants. I don't like anybody claiming that this is a 16-man game. Yes, the posting began with 16 members, but there were originally 20 ROLES. Now, the roles are imbalanced, those 4 at the beginning did not play for a SPOT, they played to live, and now, their roles are lost.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
FoS Gheb

Why is your first instinct to lynch a power role? I don't quite understand that. He's either mafia or a power role. He literally becomes mod confirmed scum if we lose all the other power roles. Why are you wanting to lynch him and then setting up an inactive lynch afterwards?

That doesn't make any sense, Gheb. Assume we follow your plan.

You're giving scum two Night kills, killing someone with little to no ties with anyone because he's either scum or one of the few power roles, then killing ANOTHER person with no ties.

End conclusion:

4 dead
possible 2 mafia maximum
possible 1 mafia 1 unknown Town
possible 1 Town power role 1 unknown Town

Your evidence for this being inactivity and "mod confirmed he had a power role".

WTF, Gheb. You need to do some fancy explainin'.
OS, you forgot something.

Think about it, his night action didn't get counted, but there was still a night kill.

That means:

1. He has to be a town power role.

2. His slot is a scum power role on a three man team and the other surviving guy submitted the night kill.

3. He's the indy on my 3 mafia scenario.

I think getting summoner to claim his team is a good idea in order to cut down the wiform.

Regardless of the result he needs to be added to the protection roll until we can better confirm his status.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Disregard previous LA stuff; I have full access once again.


Well, with more meta shenanigans messing with the game, I'm pretty sure Ermac/Summoner is not the lynch today lol. It's statistically more probable that we'll hit a town PR rather than scum (4 townies, with the CVA Leader (not Sub-Leader, since they don't have a night action yet), MH Doc, and possible 2 RB's compared to likely 3 remaining scum, who may not all even have PRs), and IDK; I would think scum would be a bit more careful about revealing stuff pertaining to night actions and what not, but that's probably a little WIFOM.

Agreeing with adum that we shouldn't lynch him for now, IMO.

...Can't say I agree with much else.

adum, you may want to reread the OP:

2. His slot is a scum power role on a three man team and the other surviving guy submitted the night kill.
Both teams have the same amount of team members, and the same power roles.
Scum cannot possibly have a 3 man team initially, because an odd amount of scum would leave one of the teams with more members than the other, when it is specifically stated in the OP that the teams were completely even. It is possible that Ermac is/was on a 4 man team and one of the other TWO scummates submitted the NK, though.

3. He's the indy on my 3 mafia scenario.
The game has three factions in it, but no player is an independant.
No real need explaining this. There are no independents in this game. Only your first and (modified) second scenarios are possible.

Though it's a minor point, I am very certain that this game is split 8/8/4 between CVA/MH/mafia. 6 scummates is obviously too high, and with the possibility that Ermac's night action likely wasn't counted and there WAS a Night Kill, 2 scummates is impossible (and even if it was counted, 2 scummates is still very unlikely). And since an odd number is impossible (as previously explained), 4 is the only logical number of scummates. Again, this doesn't affect TOO much, but it might be something to keep in mind, especially if we're unsure if we're in mylo/lylo.

If the above scenario is right (and it likely is), the game currently stands at 6/4/3, CVA/MH/Mafia.

I think getting summoner to claim his team is a good idea in order to cut down the wiform.
Er, any real reason why you want Summoner to team claim?

I'm not understanding what you mean by WIFOM. Scum could easily claim CVA/MH without any consequence. And it's worse if he's town, because he essentially soft claims no matter what he chooses. If he claims MH, he could be the Doc or the RB, meaning scum has a 50/50 chance to hit our last doc, and since he can't protect himself, we're down both our docs. And if he claims CVA, he's either leader or RB, which again, is a 50/50 chance at hitting the leader, and personally, I think the MH doc would be quite keen on letting CVA lose some power.

Not seeing any benefit for town from your plan. :/


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Well, you're asking me to remove a substantial number of players that I consider to be the best plays for the day. SSBF is definitely my top choice, and Sworddancer has been on loose ground ever since Day 2 started. Inactives are of a lower priority now, but further inactivity will prompt discussion in times of low-scumhunting. Basically, you're asking me to disregard all the current suspects and pick some new ones based on tidbits? I'm not willing to abandon my target because I've provided reasons for both of my votes on him (before/after elimination challenge).

However, for the sake of answering your question, I wanna bring light to those saying that this is a "16-man game in disguise". Yeah, I'm looking at you Adum. This is a 20-man game and it was designed as such. For your claim of a DESIGNED 16-man game, you'd have to factor in that both sides started off on equal grounds. However, this is not true, as the Meat Handlers have initially started off unequally, without a leader, sub-leader, and several contestants. I don't like anybody claiming that this is a 16-man game. Yes, the posting began with 16 members, but there were originally 20 ROLES. Now, the roles are imbalanced, those 4 at the beginning did not play for a SPOT, they played to live, and now, their roles are lost.
Thanks, this is exactly what I asked for. I know it doesn't make for good posting when I take away your prime suspects, but you gave me exactly what I asked for.

OS, you forgot something.

Think about it, his night action didn't get counted, but there was still a night kill.

That means:

1. He has to be a town power role.

2. His slot is a scum power role on a three man team and the other surviving guy submitted the night kill.

3. He's the indy on my 3 mafia scenario.

I think getting summoner to claim his team is a good idea in order to cut down the wiform.

Regardless of the result he needs to be added to the protection roll until we can better confirm his status.
I'm not sure what I forgot. Can you clarify?

Also, there's no independents according to the main post.

And no, he shouldn't claim his team because everyone gets a free "team clear" because there's no way to clarify if someone is a meat handler AND if he claims meat handler his power role becomes more obvious due to them already missing roles.

FoS Adumbrodeus

I don't like the undue protection. I agree that this needs to be handled carefully, but a foregone conclusion this is not. If you just meant "let's not lynch him" then that's fine, but if you meatn for the protector to protect him (if he isn't the protector in the first place!) you might want to rethink it. It's better for the protector to protect someone who is worthwhile in the game that they believe is in danger of being NKilled. If that happens to be Ermac/Summoner so be it, but announcing who the protector is protecting is less than advisable.

My advice is to leave him alone and have him contribute as per normal. As time goes on his power role will be more visible and obvious. Other than the two team leaders remaining, there's only a few power roles left and one of them is a doctor. Dangerous stuff for claims.

But think of it this way:

We leave him alone. If Mafia NKill him... so be it. We get another lynch, and they use up their NKill on a target that may or may not be protected. Saves us a lynch. If WE lynch him and he isn't scum, they get a free NKill.

If he IS scum, then it is easily confirmable. We just go down the list of power roles remaining as time goes on, and he does his thing, then we find out we've run out of power roles or the remaining power roles can claim in late game and we have automatic scum.

It's a better strategy long term, and we might get a few connections (or lack thereof) out of him.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Sir Bedevere, I suggested having an indie as a possible way to have 3 mafia while still having the teams remain even.

Since indies aren't generally a faction and the OP isn't necessarily an exclusive "and". It's implied, but I wanted to toss it out as a possibility.

Day 3 mylo is ridiculously biased against town in such a large game.

Which is why I consider a 2 man scum team as the most likely possibility (the anti-scum bias could be dealt with by the townies being against each other, more swingy, but balanced I guess). If this is the case, then Summoner is confirmed town.

As far as summoner claiming a team, there's only a limited number of roles with night actions on each side, 4, and one cannot use his power while another of them is still alive.

So rather then having a pool of 6 contestants to be eliminated before he's guaranteed scum we have only 3.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
OS, what you forgot was that he couldn't have possibly submitted the NK, but a NK still happened, that needs a place in your analysis.

Depending on which scenario is correct (I'm leaning for 2 person mafia atm) that auto-clears him.

TBH I'd prefer to find out sooner rather then later, but you bring up a fair point.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, what you forgot was that he couldn't have possibly submitted the NK, but a NK still happened, that needs a place in your analysis.
Um... it doesn't matter whether he did or not.

Regardless, I've been scum and submitted a Night Kill before when I wasn't the one controlling it.

"Yo Mod, kill adumbrodeus. That's if the other guy doesn't send in his Night Action".

Even more importantly:

How, exactly, does Dark Ermac sending in a Night Action and a Night Kill occuring go against each other? Who says Dark Ermac couldn't have sent in the Night Kill? Am I missing something?

Depending on which scenario is correct (I'm leaning for 2 person mafia atm) that auto-clears him.
2 scum team

Mafia 1- cna night kill
mafia 2 - has other ability

Night kill occurs
Dark Ermac != Mafia 1 by default

If Dark Ermac not Town
Dark Ermac = Mafia 2 by default

Dark Ermac = Mafia

TBH I'd prefer to find out sooner rather then later, but you bring up a fair point.

And what advantage would this give us, sans the possibility of killing a mafia power role?

You are missing stuff all over the place adumbrodeus. This is not like you.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I wasn't clear enough I see, so let me clarify what I meant.

Um... it doesn't matter whether he did or not.

Regardless, I've been scum and submitted a Night Kill before when I wasn't the one controlling it.

"Yo Mod, kill adumbrodeus. That's if the other guy doesn't send in his Night Action".

Even more importantly:

How, exactly, does Dark Ermac sending in a Night Action and a Night Kill occuring go against each other? Who says Dark Ermac couldn't have sent in the Night Kill? Am I missing something?

2 scum team

Mafia 1- cna night kill
mafia 2 - has other ability

Night kill occurs
Dark Ermac != Mafia 1 by default

If Dark Ermac not Town
Dark Ermac = Mafia 2 by default

Dark Ermac = Mafia

I proposed two possible scenarios (cause I highly doubt we're looking at a day 3 mylo, too anti-town, especially considering a divided town).

Scenario 1: Original team of two mafia

In this scenario one mafia member (kirbyoshi) was already eliminated as of the night action, so there's only one remaining member.

That means that if Ermac was his scum buddy in this scenario, the NK could not have happened because his night action was not counted. Since the Nk did happen, there are two possibilities in regards to this scenario.

1. It's false

2. Ermac's playerslot (currently summoner) cannot be scum.

Scenario 2: Original team of three mafia and an indy

This is basically the scenario that you stated before with "Yo Mod, kill adumbrodeus. That's if the other guy doesn't send in his Night Action". In this case we have 4 possible scenarios.

1. He's one of the two remaining mafia members.

2. He's the indy

3. He's a town PR

4. This scenario is false.

I consider this scenario less likely then the former due to the implications in the OP that suggest there aren't indies, and since the town-teams are mod-confirmed to be even, I'm leaning towards scenario 1.

As I stated before, from a balance standpoint, I consider any scenarios other then these extremely unlikely due to the divided town and the day 3 mylo (assuming we don't get other elimination challenges with more then one player eliminated).

A word on a variation of scenario 2: A two man mafia team and two indies (possibly linked) is a possibility as well, but then we're going into "odds of the guy I read as a serial killer being a Secret Poisoner Death Miller" territory.

And what advantage would this give us, sans the possibility of killing a mafia power role?

You are missing stuff all over the place adumbrodeus. This is not like you.

The advantage is that we learn the setup earlier, if he becomes confirmed scum at any point, that immediately tells us that that 2 person setup is false, so depending on his flip, we're either looking for 2 scum and an indy.

The sooner we learn that the better, but at the same time, I see your point about narrowing down his potential PRs.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Why can't there be 4 mafia members? There's no independent.

It is entirely possible that one team (meat handlers) had one extra player and that player was going to die regardless (either in the first challenge or one of the subsequent challenges), but I doubt that. The math doesn't work for three mafia members, and I really doubt there's only two mafia members...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Because that's a day 3 mylo, and that's extremely unbalanced in the mafia's favor considering it's an extremely large game and a divided town.

Then I realized it's more anti-town.

4 person scumteam day 3, let's assume we lynch scum every possible day from here, first column is scum, second is town.

4 - 7 (11 players) 2 pro-mafia killls (NK and elimination)

3 - 5 (8 players total)

2 - 3 (5 players total)

1 - 1 (2 players total)

So, I was wrong, day 2 is mylo with a 4 person scum team, technically we can beat it back by lynching scum before the elimination challenge, but given the required accuracy, the fact that we don't know the timing for all elimination challenges, and the limited time we'd have even assuming future elimination challenges follow this one's pattern as far as timing and don't eliminate more then one person.

No, it's a ridiculously anti-town setup if we have 4 mafia and I'm gonna give chibo a bit more credit then that.

As far as a team having an extra player, it's explicitly stated in the OP that the teams are equal.

Actually, let me take 3 players again (from lylo, same assumptions).

3 - 5

2 - 3

1 - 1

So we have the same restrictions on 3 mafia's day 4 lylo (if they don't lynch before, they need to avoid at least one elimination challenge completely and no future elimination challenge can kill more then 1 player, and the final day, they can't let the elimination challenge happen).

Again, given the unique conditions of this game, a 2 person mafia team seems quite balanced.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sworddancer, I have the feeling you are town imo... but that's dumb. You can't just make a case on WIFOM like that, especially on someone that just replaced in.

I do have a question though: WTF did it suddenly become "summoner or Xonar"? There are other players in this game.

Bleh. I'm going to re-read. Be back later.
I know it's WIFOM, I'm just laying out the possibility. Summoner asked me to explain, so I did. Wasn't a case, it was an explanation to something I said earlier.


I want you both to tell me why Xonar is the play for today
Summoner kinda had it already. We're getting near the end of the Day, no other people are coming up especially scummy, so I figured that a policy lynch might as well be the play.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I know I'm no longer in this game, but I felt the need to say this:

Wow, Chibo. I told you that I would be going to Arizona for a week, and I gave you my night action ahead of time just in case, yet I return to 4 prods made over the past week!

Ugh. was I just ignored or do you clear out your PM inbox without reading your PMs?
Wow. Dark, I'm sorry, but you are the worst player I have seen play mafia. You're seriously blacklist material.

Now, what do I think we do with Summoner? I'm still thinking of that. OS plan sounds dandy, but the flaw of it is is that he is assuming that the power roles are going to be killed off in a convenient amount of time (convenient in the sense that we're be able to use the knowledge of the offed PRs at a reasonable time).

I'm thinking that mabey, MAYBE it might be a good idea to just have Summoner role claim. If he's mafia then he'll pretty much be forced to claim a PR, in which case we can then get someone to counterclaim. If he's town, well, rather or not he role claims he may still be nk'd. But this is still risky, as he might be the doc (in which case he cannot be protected).

Meh, let me know what you guys think.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Summoner: Do you still want me to address this:

If I was town, wouldn't it make sense that I'd want to replace back in if I was lynched 2 days after replacing in? I probably should have said it at all, but meh. Don't really mind that much.
despite recent events?

Also I'm still thinking about Summoner. I'm kinda thinking that scum (assuming he's town) might kill him anyways if he is town, rather or not he claims. Soooo yeah, that kinda has to be taken into consideration. But at the same time Sir is right about him being scum who might claim MH, because at this point I don't think a MH PR really wants to counterclaim (now I can really see how having two fractions differs the play). So I'm going have to retract my original idea about having him claim.

Still though, let it be known that OS's plan is not without faults (as already pointed out).

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Gah! ALSO screetch the part where I state what I thought was a flaw in OS plan, as he covered this already in post 424. I really need to reed more carefully before I post. :urg:

Also sorry for the wall, my thoughts just kinda come out like that.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Unvote: Dark_Ermac/SummonerAU

Clearly not what we're going for today in light of recent information.

tda is a little funny for me, his postsrelating to Gheb's 'gamebreakers' look to be that he wants him to reveal them without using them. Also, he pushes adum today and backs down pretty easily and then jumps on Ermac "just because there's no clear play".
I don't really see any post of mine that indicates that I want Gheb to reveal something gamebreaking but not use it. After looking over my posts, there was only one related to Gheb and his claim that he could help break the game somehow. OS criticized Gheb for being vague and claiming it couldn't be used immediately, and then OS asked what I thought of it. I said it was plausible that he could have something useful but not immediately applicable. If I missed something else I said about this, quote it and I'll respond.

As for adum, I would say I backed down, but not really easily. It just became apparent to me after a certain point that people didn't agree with me strongly, and that he wasn't going to be the lynch today, especially with such a small amount of time left before deadline. As for voting Ermac right after, yeah, I probably overreacted to the deadline. It's soon, but it's not that soon.

waht hwat
what hwat


No. BAD Doc. Bad. That's a bad Doc.

If we don't have a clear play for today, we need to GET a clear play for today.

I'm not seeing how Dark Ermac is auto-scum at all; the challenge information is limited and it was mod-confirmed that you did NOT die by not participating in the challenge. YOu simply got another number. We don't even know if Chaco himself participated and are unsure if it would even matter if he did.

I know it'd be exciting to get two challenge-confirmed kills, but rushing for an Ermac lynch seems silly.

If we don't get a lynch for today, let's lynch his replacement. That sounds good.

But jumping on the wagon now without looking into anything else is looking for a very, VERY weak D3. We have until wednesday, let's use our time.
I have to concede that the first part of your reaction made me laugh out loud before I read it through and thought of my response. That being said, yeah, I probably did just concede the day too soon. I'm not a big fan of deadlines, and it seemed like it was coming up quickly given the iffy activity in this game on the whole. But on the other hand, I still really doubt that we'll end up with a CLEAR play today in such a short time. Chibo stated that the person with the most votes at deadline will be lynched, and if necessary a tiebreaker is whoever got to that number sooner. I'd bet anything that the lynch will be happen with this rule, not a majority.

Especially considering that when I take you to task on it you blithely repoint suspicion at an easy target, the inactives.
Well, in this particular case, the suspicion on an inactive was due to inactivity during an elimination challenge, which could indicate scum surviving it. Also, as I said before, it became pretty clear that I wasn't going to lead a lynch on you today.

Also, if possible, we wanna end days before elimination challenges in the future, I don't know if future elimination challenges will be scheduled like this (in the middle of the day), but I'd keep aware.

I assume most of the challenges (or more probably, all of them except the pre-D1 one) will be mid-day:
post 419[/URL]. Gheb, I've been fine with most of your play in this game, and your clear is pretty good, but this post is pretty bad and needs some explanation. Summoner isn't confirmed by any means, but he isn't the play today at all, IMO.

Which is why I consider a 2 man scum team as the most likely possibility (the anti-scum bias could be dealt with by the townies being against each other, more swingy, but balanced I guess).
Minor point, but the 2 man scum team also fits flavor-wise with the two co-hosts of MXC. That being said, I'd rather assume a 4 man scum team and tread lightly and later discover it can't be than assume a 2 man scum team because it seems more balanced, and then get endgame'd sooner than we think.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Kirby Yoshi via Chibo's "yer dead" post said:
Vic Romano
The other guy would be Kenny. I don't watch the show and haven't watched the videos so I have no real meta on that, but the meta for the game DOES allow for a two man scum team.

That said, I don't really believe there's a two man scum team. "fair" is never assuming town screws up and misses the lynch every step of the way, it's assuming strong play from both sides. With 16 other players (including two docs, two role blockers, two cult/masonries), four mafia is not unheard of.

but, it's possible. If a scum flips later and his name isn't "kenny", at least according to the main post... we should have more than two.

It's hard to confirm in that scum dying won't end the game, so it's entirely possible for a faction OR scum to just lie about how many there are so people attack the "other faction" instead, believing there are no more scum or, in the case of a faction lying about scum existing, killing random townies because they might be mafia.

I'm going to ignore any and all flavor or meta about this until Kenny dies. If Kenny dies next, I can accept that there might be a two scum team, but I still will doubt it.

Let's get back to mafia.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Sir Bedevere, I suggested having an indie as a possible way to have 3 mafia while still having the teams remain even.
Except there are no indys in this game, so your scenario is impossible, which I will reiterate below.

Since indies aren't generally a faction and the OP isn't necessarily an exclusive "and". It's implied, but I wanted to toss it out as a possibility.
No, it's not implied, it's directly stated:

but no player is an independant.
If you want it in other words, no player in this game has the role of an independent, which means there is no indy. So please stop wasting time talking about that scenario. In fact, so you/anyone else will stop bringing it up as a possibility...

@Mod, are there independent roles in this game? Or else a faction other than CVA/MH/Mafia?

However, I am coming around to thinking that your proposal of a 2 man scumteam is more likely; I hadn't considered the way elimination challenges helped cut down on townies much quicker. >.< 2/3 day mylo does sound broken.

But let's get off the topic of game mechanics; it really isn't conclusive to scumhunting.

As far as summoner claiming a team, there's only a limited number of roles with night actions on each side, 4, and one cannot use his power while another of them is still alive.

So rather then having a pool of 6 contestants to be eliminated before he's guaranteed scum we have only 3.
Yes, but you're also making an easier choice for scum to NK by having him claim (read the scenario I outlined at the end of my last post). Really, it'll be very obvious later down the line if Summoner is a scum PR, especially in your 2 man scumteam scenario, since the chances that all other PRs will have been wiped out by the time we get down to 3 people is high, considering there are only 5 left, only 4 of which Summoner could be.


If we're not going to be lynching Summoner, we better decide on another lynch pretty soon, because deadline is in 2 days, and no lynches don't help town.

My lynch pool currently consists of Riddle and SSBF. BLT's complete inactivity D1 really irks me, especially when I know for a fact that one half of his hydra was posting elsewhere (Riddle), and the other I randomly saw looking at the thread mid-D1 (Writer Kupo), though I can't prove it. SSBF is kind of a policy lynch in its own right; SSBF usually looks pretty scummy no matter what side he's on (this game being no different, randomly calling for Gheb's lynch D1 and continuing to pursue him D2 even though he was semi-cleared with the blue thing), so scum will definitely not be NKing him anytime soon, which makes him a pretty safe lynch, IMO. If I had to choose between the two...

Vote: SSBF


@Summoner, who do you think is the play for toDay?
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