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MXC Mafia! End of Game! ~Meat Handlers and Cartoon Voice Actors Win!~


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
We still have a protector on the meat handlers team. That is good for us.

Protector, do not claim under any circumstances. Just saying.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Vote: SSBF just like before the Elimination challenge.

Just because I feel like his play is indicative of pressured scum. I don't know whether this is particularly striking to anyone else, but when SSBF quickly complimented the idea that scum sits 1-2 positions before lynch on the previous Kirbyo vote count, I imagined that he did so to get people looking in that direction, trying to avoid seeming suspicious. Also, his initial dislike of the Kirbyo case strikes me odd as well.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Vote Dark Ermac

Where did this guy run off to? He did this before in CC mafia he everyone hated him for that. I don't want to see that again here.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Vote Xonar

vote: sworddancer
So like, I get that people have different playstyles, and stuff, but these just strike me as outright not helpful at this point in the game. <_<

Vote: adumbrodeus because it was there before, and I think my points from before still stand. I'm not too on board with any of the other "wagons" at the moment.

@ mod: What happens if we fail to reach the lynch total by deadline? No elimination? Player with highest total gets eliminated? Something SUPER MXC CRAZY?? Sorry if this was in the OP and I missed it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Sorry about that, if there is no majority when the time limit is reached for the day the person with the most votes is lynched. If two or more people are tied, it will be whoever reached that vote amount first.

Deleted member

Vote: Gheb

I still have a considerable scum read and he's my top suspect as of now. Will be willing to settle for Xonar as well if it came to him being lynched.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
You couldn't have, but you tried to set some strict timetable to end the day, as opposed to playing it out and later commenting "wow, this day is not accomplishing anything, let's just lynch Kirbyo already" if the day slowed to a halt.

Because the main reason that it was stalling was because he hadn't appeared. If we moved on to other topics in all probability he would've managed to escape a lynch.

I didn't see any reasonable way which Kirbyo could have avoided a lynch. But whatever.
I have already provided ample reasoning and examples on this, you sir are simply wrong on this point. Period.

Well, I feel that my side was the correct side, and the other side represents bad town play at best. Scummy play at worst.
Which is exactly what I thought your mentality would be on the issue. But the reality was that at that point, kirbyoshi was pulling a classic stalling maneuver so that we'd move on to another issue, just like OS did in DBZ mafia (where it worked), so the only way to get him here to defend himself was to put pressure on him.

Which I succeeded in doing.

Because no one else did, and it didn't seem worth starting a conversation about at the time. If no one was responding "YEAH HYPE" (only OS had agreed to it by my next post, Chaco did too, later), then it didn't strike me as likely to actually happen. But by the post where I did comment on it and Kirbyo had visited the site, it struck me how much it would suck if the day had ended there.
So, rather then trying to make the proposal more effective by critiquing it, or at the very least telling people not to agree to it because it was a bad idea, you chose to not say anything "cause it wasn't gonna happen anyway"? Frankly, I don't see you as the type, when you disagree with somebody, you'll actively disagree.

Vote: Thedocsalive

This case strikes me as overreaching and your behavior is odd in regards to it. I don't like your play at all.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Hm. . . Right now I'm seeing Adum's reasons for saying what he said bad, but still beleiveable.

Also holy crap I think that Dark is a good lynch choice now. Check his profile, he hasn't been active since July 2nd! This is pretty much the same thing with Kirbyoshi, he wasn't here for the challange, so I'm thinking that, either he's town and just got lucky Chaco wasn't here either, or he's scum. I say we go on and find out.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Hm. . . Right now I'm seeing Adum's reasons for saying what he said bad, but still beleiveable.

Also holy crap I think that Dark is a good lynch choice now. Check his profile, he hasn't been active since July 2nd! This is pretty much the same thing with Kirbyoshi, he wasn't here for the challange, so I'm thinking that, either he's town and just got lucky Chaco wasn't here either, or he's scum. I say we go on and find out.


Wait, you don't remember how in code geass we had vult as the obvious d1 lynch, and then town, being the gerbils that they were, managed to fumble and not lynch anybody?

I seem to remember you saying something about "eating your hat", how'd it taste btw?

You may not think they're correct in terms of general mafia theory, but practical application has to take into account the human factor. I've seen enough fumbled lynches in large games to know that if we don't keep the focus on obvious scum when found, the lynch will not happen.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I just realized that it's actually more likely that Dark is town and Chaco just got unlucky. Oh well, I still want him gone, 8 days inactivity and climbing is pretty bad, and knowing Darks track record that's probably not going to change.

@Adum: Thing is, pretty much every single person here agreed that Kirbyoshi was going to be lynched yesterDay. This wasn't really like Code Geass mafia. In that game Vult was definitely not agreed by everyone to be the lynch, and due to stubbornness he wasn't lynched. I'm not really feeling the same attitude in this game that was in that one.

Also unless you tasted a hat before I couldn't describe to you how it tasted.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
The majority of town agreed vult was top 2 scum pick and nobody really spoke up and said that vult wasn't scummy when he/she/it was almost lynched.

And that leaves the more egregious case in DBZ mafia, where OS was mod-confirmed to be lying and people (I'm looking at you SSBF) DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE IT.

Lesson learned, keep the play of the day in your sights otherwise it might not happen, in large games, town has the attention span of the average gerbil. Even intelligent scummers can easily fall prey to this mob mentality.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The deadline is set for 3:00pm EST on July 14th.
13 players are alive and it takes 7 to lynch!
Today's elimination challenge has passed so there will not be another today.

Vote Count:

  • Xonar: (1) Gheb_01
  • Meta-Kirby: (0)
  • Dark_ermac: (1) Sworddancer.
  • Sworddancer.: (1) Riddle
  • Sir Bedevere: (0)
  • Super Smash Bros. Fan: (1) Meta-Kirby
  • Frozenflame751: (0)
  • Gheb_01: (1) Super Smash Bros. Fan
  • Adumbrodeus: (1) thedocsalive
  • The Paprika Killer: (0)
  • Overswarm: (0)
  • Riddle: (0)
  • thedocsalive: (1) thedocsalive
  • Not Voting: (6) Xonar, Dark_ermac, Sir Bedevere, Frozenflame751, The Paprika Killer, Overswarm

Get it on!

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Dark_Ermac has been prodded.

I'm currently looking for a replacement for him and just PM'd Vanderzant to see if he wants in.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
So I'm really busy tonight and probably won't be able to get a good post in in any of the games I'm in but I'm wondering how Ermac is still alive if he hasn't been active since like July 2nd if Sworddancer is accurate here.

That would mean he didn't submit a number for the challenge and Chibo like very blatantly hinted that not submitting would probably **** you over.

So unless we know for sure that Chaco didn't submit a number either, then Ermac needs some serious looking at.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I think knowledge of the game would benefit us at this point. Chibo, are you sure we can't get ANYTHING? I mean, let's say the game was picking a number 1-50 and whoever was farthest away from Chibo's number was killed? Chibo hinted that he couldn't GUARANTEE he'd pick a good number for them, but if he picked it at random, it's possible that the number was still closer than Chaco's guess.
That is, if that was even the game we were playing >_> Tis Annoying.

Deleted member

Sworddancer. said:
I just realized that it's actually more likely that Dark is town and Chaco just got unlucky. Oh well, I still want him gone, 8 days inactivity and climbing is pretty bad, and knowing Darks track record that's probably not going to change.
This quote doesn't sit well with me at all. Why would you go push a lynch on a person you think is more likely to be inactive townie then scum in this circumstance? Do you have anything else about Dark_ermac that you want to share with us that you don't like about him?

Also, the inactivity on the slot can be recified by someone replacing Dark_ermac. The person would be more likely to share his opinion on us and we would get more out of it. Or if Dark_ermac cares enough to join us again. Either way, unless we have no other lynch choices, we should not lynch a person solely based on inactivity.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

Everyone check for themselves, I don't know how to take screenshots. . .

This quote doesn't sit well with me at all. Why would you go push a lynch on a person you think is more likely to be inactive townie then scum in this circumstance? Do you have anything else about Dark_ermac that you want to share with us that you don't like about him?

Also, the inactivity on the slot can be recified by someone replacing Dark_ermac. The person would be more likely to share his opinion on us and we would get more out of it. Or if Dark_ermac cares enough to join us again. Either way, unless we have no other lynch choices, we should not lynch a person solely based on inactivity.
Policy lynch. Also if he gets replaced then I'll go on and unvote.

I do want to see him get back in the game.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Just posting to say I'll have LA for an undetermined amount of time, but I should be available at least once a day around this time (probably earlier than this).


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
@mod: In the previous votecount, you list me as voting for both adum and myself, adum was/is voting for me.


Is it hard to see why I'm voting Xonar?
No, I can look back and see your reasons, but if you're trying to build on a case on someone it would be more useful to present it IMO. Though given your recent vote this point is obviously now moot.

Because the main reason that it was stalling was because he hadn't appeared. If we moved on to other topics in all probability he would've managed to escape a lynch.

I have already provided ample reasoning and examples on this, you sir are simply wrong on this point. Period.
I am playing in this game, and the vibe I got was different than yours. And if people DID start to sway/deviate for whatever reason, I'm sure other people would have pointed out "sup guys, virtually guaranteed scum, remember let's do that."

So, rather then trying to make the proposal more effective by critiquing it, or at the very least telling people not to agree to it because it was a bad idea, you chose to not say anything "cause it wasn't gonna happen anyway"? Frankly, I don't see you as the type, when you disagree with somebody, you'll actively disagree.
I didn't disagree with it as strongly until it occurred to me how soon the day would have ended. The whole thing DID strike me as unrealistic and unlikely to happen. When I realized that the day could have ended at my post 125, I then began to feel more strongly about it.

This case strikes me as overreaching and your behavior is odd in regards to it. I don't like your play at all.
Am I overreaching? Maybe, but I'm trying to play the game here. I'm not going to sit here and say you're guaranteed scum, but I don't like the plan you proposed.

Speaking of (not) playing the game:
Also holy crap I think that Dark is a good lynch choice now. Check his profile, he hasn't been active since July 2nd! This is pretty much the same thing with Kirbyoshi, he wasn't here for the challange, so I'm thinking that, either he's town and just got lucky Chaco wasn't here either, or he's scum. I say we go on and find out.
That would mean he didn't submit a number for the challenge and Chibo like very blatantly hinted that not submitting would probably **** you over.

So unless we know for sure that Chaco didn't submit a number either, then Ermac needs some serious looking at.
So Ermac didn't submit a number. Chibo seemed to imply that it wouldn't be a guaranteed elimination, but that it would be much better if you DID submit a choice yourself. Also, consider Chaco's last post:
Lol, I didn't get to pick up my prod. Busy johns. But anyways, I protected OS N1, nothing else to say. Go towns.
This implies that he didn't submit a number either. This, coupled with this:
Most elimination challenges will not eliminate this many people but this Mass Elimination challenge will eliminate FOUR players! Hurry and confirm as fast as you can, to make sure you aren't eliminated!
leads me to believe that neither submitted a number, but Chaco happened to draw a worse number. However, we really don't have a clear play today, so might as well

Unvote: adumbrodeus
Vote: Dark_Ermac


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
That post seems really contradictory tda. You spend half the post saying why Ermac isn't clear and then you vote him, because we don't have a play?

What about scumhunting?


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
That post seems really contradictory tda. You spend half the post saying why Ermac isn't clear and then you vote him, because we don't have a play?

What about scumhunting?
I don't think we'll develop a really solid choice in three days, and even if Ermac/Summoner isn't a clear-cut play, it's still something. And I spent most of the day trying to form a case, obviously people didn't agree with me too much.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Summoner you better have some **** good stuff to share.
I'm STILL on SSBF because of his hatred of the lynch yesterday AND actually today's Dark_Ermac wagon.

But it's a toss up for me really, because do I vote A) Him or B) the person he's defending (Ermac)
See what summoner has to say.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
fff I've typed this out 3 times now but I keep forgetting about it and going to other pages in the thread.

I can confirm that Ermac did not send a PM last challenge (if anyone is still wondering). I'm partially rereading the thread right now, but I'm only up right now because of EVO. 4:06am

Deleted member

@Sworddancer.: Policy lynch on Dark_ermac's slot? To be honest, I need to think about that. I'm not going to attempt to derail the bandwagon as I did with Kirbyoshi before he started to post (Then I stopped), but that doesn't automatically mean I will be "OMG, let's lynch him!". If I'm going to support a policy lynch on the slot, I need to hear some inputs from SummonerAU to see if his posts appear townie or scummy. I'll consider policy lynching the slot if it came to these two scenario's:

1. To prevent a No Lynch.
2. If SummonerAU is scummy.
Meta-Kirby said:
his hatred of the lynch yesterday AND actually today's Dark_Ermac wagon.
I think you are overexaggerating the situation here. I do not have any intents to stop the lynch on Dark_ermac ToDay, mainly because we have something to work on from his posts. Yes I don't want to lynch a person solely for being inactive, hence why I won't join the bandwagon now, but it's better then lynching a town read.

Also, I did not hate the lynch on Kirbyoshi. I was glad we gave Kirbyoshi a chance to speak, we got more information out of it overall and it helped town more. Town would be considerably worse off if we lynched Kirbyoshi before he got a chance to post. Also, by the end of the Day, he was my 2nd suspect.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Xonar, The Paprika Killer, and Overswarm have been prodded.

Xonar and The Paprika Killer are only one prod away from being modkilled. Someone make sure they start playing.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Was our annual fireworks party + girlfriend's birthday this weekend. Will contribute more this coming week.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Would really like not to be lynched over Xonar.

Vote: SSBF You were trying to derail the bandwagon just because you thought he needed to post?

tda is a little funny for me, his postsrelating to Gheb's 'gamebreakers' look to be that he wants him to reveal them without using them. Also, he pushes adum today and backs down pretty easily and then jumps on Ermac "just because there's no clear play".

MEta-Kirby, if I was in your shoes, I'd probably go with voting me lol. Don't becasue I'm town. Who would you vote if Ermac/SSBF weren't here?

Just woke up and have to get off computer so yeah you get this for now.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Don't think SSBF is the best play toDay.

Horrible scum hunting =/= scum.

Ermac/Summoner and Xonar are good plays. Let's lynch one of them. I'm fine with switching to Xonar if ppl want to give Summoner some more time.



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I agree with Gheb. Even though I replaced into the Ermac slot, the slot hasn't exactly done anything of note. If I recall correctly, there isn't as great of a threat of No Lynch as the person with the most votes at deadline is lynched. Normally I'd be like "uuugggh inactive lynch" but it's like the 10th page and D2 and I don't recall a good Xonar post.

Gheb, what are your thoughts on Riddle and who would the play be if myself/Xonar weren't here?

Chibo, I'll replace in for Paprika if I get lynched today.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

I don't like just letting Summonor go, but due to the good possibility that he's town who just got lucky over another townie, combined with the fact that I can't really call a lynch on him a "policy lynch", I'm going have to unvote for now.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Sworddancer, who's the play? Why don't you like letting me go?

It'd be a mad waste of time if I read the thread just to get lynched 2 days later. Instead of saying "this sounds gambity", you could say "this sounds gambity and I think it means this". what do you think my intentions were when I posted that? I still think it's going to be myself or Xonar today. Do you think otherwise? Why/Why not?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sworddancer, who's the play? Why don't you like letting me go?

It'd be a mad waste of time if I read the thread just to get lynched 2 days later. Instead of saying "this sounds gambity", you could say "this sounds gambity and I think it means this". what do you think my intentions were when I posted that? I still think it's going to be myself or Xonar today. Do you think otherwise? Why/Why not?
I don't want to just let you go because I feel there was an alright chance that Dark Ermac was scum. You confirming Dark didn't send in a number brings us into a WIFOM situation of sorts, as I could debate rather or not a scum you would go on and admit to that for hours and still arrive no where.

It sounds, as I said it, "gambity" because, if you're scum, then you almost certainly can not replace back into the game. So for you to immediately say "I'll replace this person if I'm lynched" is implying that you are town. I suppose this brings us into another WIFOM like before, but this time I do feel it's more likely that scum would go on and try this. I mean, it really is quite odd that you jumped on the very first opportunity to publically state you're replace back in if you're lynched.

At the rate we're going now, I do feel that it pretty much is going have to be between you and Xonar.
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