OKayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyEntry, i'm thinking like 2 dollars. Since it's new, pot distribution i'm thinking like 50/30/20 and as/if it gains popularity, we'll tip it more towards first place.
Rules? Nothing's banned, everyone's unlocked, Levels are always RANDOM SELECT unless you guys agree on a stage (for the music or whatever).
If you bring a setup, you MUST have the score file loaded -or- EVERYTHING must be unlocked including all cards(at least 4) for every character. Weather is ON, since it's a nifty part of the game. If you don't like the weather, pack some Weather Change cards in your deck so you can use one when an unfavorable effect occurs and stop complaining. Your SWR MUST be version 1.06 or i'm going to smack you, then update it for you.
Normally i'd say bring your own controller, but if there's only going to be a couple setups, I don't see why I can't let you guys use my extra controller on my setup, which is the one with the analog sticks.
Sound good?
If you wanna play in the Scarlet Weather Rhapsody tournament, I need you in the venue and talking to me by 10:30am. I'll be there at 10:00 or earlier. I'll have my Who Are You? shirt on and probably my awesome SMD Hat. We'll start at 10:45
Some addendums to the rules above:
It is your responsibility to have your profile loaded and correct before the match starts. That means make sure your controls and deck of spellcards are to your requirements/liking before you start beating on each other . Pleaaaase. <3 Especially the spellcard deck, whoamg. That's why I want you in early, so we can make sure profiles are loaded and correct for everyone.
At the end of a match you may change your character if you desire, win or lose. However, if you lose you have the additional option of changing your spellcards if you wish.
If you're bringing a setup, I want you to send me a text message or give me a phone call/leave a voicemail if I don't answer. 615-775-7665. Setups garner big hugs and/or high fives from Milln and extra friendlies. =D