Shoutouts =o
Will_ - that awkwardness from the first tourney "ohey, you're some guy I know on the forums that... I met irl" is fading away, it's cool beans getting to meet you at these tournies. Also Good shtuff winning again. I had alot more to say here but I forgot.
KO - I still can't believe you've owned me on Shoddy Battle before with that Persian, and it had to be you cause I've never seen a Persian except for that one you described. I swear I'll be more in the shenanigans by June(Driver's License + freedom ftw). Great Tourney host too =o even if you were a bit late lol. btw, nice placing as well, Yoshi on Brinstar is effin broken D:
Milln - You're Milln, that in itself is a shoutout. More SWR's in the future, especially in these next 2 weeks, I'll be off barlw and get me mind straight. need something to entertain me.
Midnight - Too beast, 2nd in both doubles and singles, repping that Blue R.O.B, and still keeping it cool as always. Good stuff.
Cody - D: , It was great meeting you, I guess this'll be the end of the road until I see you possibly in the future life. Was great while it lasted.
The one Janitor - Definately need to play you next time, and it's ok I was praying I didn't have you in my brackets either once I found out you were a Snake main @_@. I have trouble as TL with that matchup, but still I definately need an offline set with you.
Moogle - I didn't talk to you much this time around, or get to play you but you were on my to do list along with T1J and it didn't happen D: , The beard's still beast.
NES Noob - in all honesty when you chose C.Falc I had this notion that you weren't taking me seriously at all, so I went D3 to try and do to you what I do to my friends(basically just sit there shield grab and throw off stage), but I guess you really were playing srsly D: , I'll bring a DVD next time for you to burn me a copy of Melty Blood, that game seems beast.
Boomcube - Intense Bracket match, cool guy, though I didn't talk to you much, should definately have friendlies at the next one.
Ajax - Cool guy as always, you remind me of T-Bag from Pure Pwnage(if you guys haven't watched it go to it's a great show). Was kinda scared when you 3-stocked my Falco right off the bat, but afterwards I learned alot from that.
Fayt, Alrgureth, and Kain don't get a shoutout cause I know them personally and it's unneccesary. My shout out to them comes every single day at like 7:45 AM at MLK Magnet.

, and to the people I didn't get, I can't think straight right now so I might add ye in at a later period of time.