MK is the best character in Brawl.
he's not "easy" to beat. MK ***** almost every character in the game. especially low tiers
The best characters in any game, usually does that. Snake does too. and dedede and falco. That's the definition of high tiers
sheik and marth **** the low tiers in melee wayyyyyyy harder than MK does in brawl.
but no one ever considered banning them
but when you say "lolz all MK needs to do is spam tornado" you clearly don't know how to fight MK lol tornado is a beastly move, but only when used sparingly. it's easy to see coming, and easy to not get hit by it, and easy to punish if you manage to avoid it. you should only ever get hit by tornado if your opponent tricks you into getting hit by it. or if your shield is low.
i'm gonna make a video called "how to beat MK". maybe it will save Brawl.
the crazy thing is about 90% of MK players aren't even good at the game, they just get by cuz no one knows how to fight metaknight.
First off, I'm
undecided on MK. I've been on both sides at one point, and I sway back and forth as I get more up to date about the community's progression. Lately I've been a bit more pro-ban, and I can't envision myself turning the other way anytime soon, really.
I'm usually not the one to call anyone out, but your post just isn't true in the least bit. Your conclusions are so fallacious or just plain... wrong that I feel forced to say something. Nothing against you personally. I just heavily disagree with you. For now, I'll just tell you the reason
smart, intelligent, and good players may want to ban him. It's not because he's "hard" to beat. It's because...
1. He breaks the counterpick system. This game revolves around it. It's what makes this game unique and makes it a fun, healthy game. When you have no bad matchups, the best answer to fight your character is the the character itself. (This isn't the case in Melee! There's a clear matchup triangle in that game!) In the long run, people that want to win
will eventually switch to the character that has no bad matchups. This is happening throughout the country...
right now.
"Well, Snake, Diddy, and ____ have a good matchup on him. He doesn't break the CP system." This is all debatable, and that's the reason why I can't confidently say I'm on either side. It
may be too early to tell... BUT the fact that people keep bringing up matchups that may seem even-ish at the time, and people are regularly shooting down these ideas... it says a lot about the likelihood that these supposedly even matchups are actually even.
Ex. Just a couple days ago on the Diddy boards, a well-known, very respected Diddy main wrote a post about why the MK-Diddy matchup is DEFINITELY not in Diddy's favor. (I can fetch if you wish) It rather proposed that it could be higher than 60-40 in MK's favor provided the MK knows how to use the bananas, which is very realistic.
2. He's EXTREMELY easy to use; there's no question. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, (it was the same case for Sheik in Melee for a while- that's a whole nother story though) but when good players are beating other players of significantly better skill
regularly... still!, it's a problem. This makes the transition from ______ to MK that much easier and encouraging. Even against
great players, many good players can and
have picked up MK and have used him in as little as
a couple days and performed much, much better. (I'm not talking about Joe Shmoe beating his friend with MK. I'm talking about at the top level of play. It happens at all levels) Great players want to win more easily and quickly, and MK is by far, the easiest character to use in the game.
3. His moveset is unbelievably good. The speed, range, and laglessness on ALL of his attacks are just too good. He's got the fastest speed to range ratio in the game on nearly all of his attacks, a recovery that is 100% impossible to gimp, single attacks that destroy half the cast (tornado and shuttleloop mostly), etc. I could go on and on. This isn't even mentioning his camping/stalling game (excluding IDC and planking), which most people haven't utilized yet.
What's worse than all of this is that it isn't/hasn't been getting better. Most characters are drifting farther and farther away (I can name several, and the ones that have made small strides and gotten closer aren't even close to MK to begin with), he is doing better in tourneys, more and more people are switching to him or quitting the game entirely (Ex. Chu's biweeklies are slowly converting to Brawl+ because they're tired of this game), and most importantly and again, people are switching to MK.