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Mourning Pirates Present: Enter the Dragon 2/5

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I thought I was going to goof off some here, but nah I'm not.

This is good training time.

I plan on playing as many serious matches as I can throughout the day/night, so holla at me if you want some games.

Also whoever has the best Puff that's going needs to see me for a while.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2010
The Smang House in Trollingwood, NC
I thought I was going to goof off some here, but nah I'm not.

This is good training time.

I plan on playing as many serious matches as I can throughout the day/night, so holla at me if you want some games.

Also whoever has the best Puff that's going needs to see me for a while.
I wanna like play you and stuff... maybe mm in brawl? and ill play you in melee... im not THAT bad in melee


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2011
Greensboro, NC
Yo! Dodge ball, man, ****. Dodge ball has a rich history of being **** ****. Man, I remember at all those sweet *** MPJs everyone would say, you know what, **** video games, lets go play ****ing dodgeball! HEEEELLLLL YEAH!. Basically, crew battles, but with balls. I remember ****ing triforce not giving a **** and just getting hit even though they were mad huge and jacked and ****. And lozr being so fast (maybe?). And the rutherforderton crew just being like, "man, we actually play this **** seriously, watch the **** out". Then Chudat be like, **** this ****, my hair gonna get messed up. So he just tried lookin good in the corner.

**** was mad hype, we gotta get a good game going out in the cul-ve-sac. Thats the thing though, its all about tradition, about slamming each other with balls and neo getting pissed and kicking the ball like 100 feet away and saying: "you ****ing get the damn ball". And everyone saying: "nah dog" and then neo feels bad and gets the ball, then gets hit in the face.

Oh man... I want to play dodgeball now. But my knee may say no. D=

well i understand MvC3 is coming out and your hype for that... but honestly if i was on top of a state pr for awhile and I was used to getting like 1-3rd alot then all of a sudden it seem like i wasn't makin as much money anymore that would DRIVE me to improve! not make me wanna give up and stop playing... I understand brawl isnt always fun to play but there is something that is makin us wanna play it that isnt always about money...

I think we secretly do enjoy the game more than we give ourselves credit for and now that we are such a part of the community and have made some good friends... we dont wanna completely stop. Imo my job is never done till I get to the top... Thats my drive right now at least. I know it will take a lot of work but ya... too stay on top smash has to be an obsession... I hope you dont lose your drive shady.
I know I LOVE brawl. I play for fun, and just happened to get good. And I'm proud of my main, Pikachu. He's served me well, and I'm never quitting until I get as good as or better than he is.

hopefully someone else can drive too and then we can split cars... or maybe someone has like a jeep or bigger SUV that can fit more than 5... anyone gotz a van :D
I has a VAN! =D

In other news, I could bring a full setup for brawl if you want a TINY TV. One of those travel ones that fits in your car. It only has A/V outputs though, so I dunno. I'm bringing everything else regardless, assuming I go.

As for me coming... I really want to, since I'm in Greensboro, but... it depends on my volunteer plans. =( We'll see. If I come, though, I'm willing to drive people back on the day of. I'm not spending the night, so... yeah. =( I may do melee friendlies, but I'm not for melee competitions. I like Brawl. It's pretty! =D In any case, we'll see. I'll try to get there if at all possible.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
7th at g6 baby ;)
I hate you. haha

Actually, I need you to sit down and play with me. Infinite stock Falco vs Jiggs and I need you to plank/edge gay me super hard so I can try some stuff.

Also, if you're good, MAYBE I'll let you touch my hair and say nice things about my Falco.

Maybe. :glare:


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
mahone am i still housing u guys? or was that just in jest?
I'm really sorry, i wish i could tell you right now, but the person that was going to drive is feeling kinda sick, so hes not sure if hes going to go. If he doesn't go, i think i'll still come, but i'll probably leave tomorrow.

I'll definitely let you know the second i find out, he hasn't been online yet today, but hopefully he will be soon.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2010
The Smang House in Trollingwood, NC
Oh man... I want to play dodgeball now. But my knee may say no. D=

I know I LOVE brawl. I play for fun, and just happened to get good. And I'm proud of my main, Pikachu. He's served me well, and I'm never quitting until I get as good as or better than he is.

I has a VAN! =D

In other news, I could bring a full setup for brawl if you want a TINY TV. One of those travel ones that fits in your car. It only has A/V outputs though, so I dunno. I'm bringing everything else regardless, assuming I go.

As for me coming... I really want to, since I'm in Greensboro, but... it depends on my volunteer plans. =( We'll see. If I come, though, I'm willing to drive people back on the day of. I'm not spending the night, so... yeah. =( I may do melee friendlies, but I'm not for melee competitions. I like Brawl. It's pretty! =D In any case, we'll see. I'll try to get there if at all possible.
who are you??? Are you really new to the boards? Your in greensboro? I do have a ride already tho. If your goin to karns you can say hi and play with all of us. :D


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Its raining, that means wet dodge ball! or something...
But, I just realized, I gotsa get balls.
!So! If anyone got balls bring them, if not I'm goin to Walmart! Yeah, let me know.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, um...food. I've got drinks and chips for sale as usual.
Lots of MD, all like five types or something like that, and some cheerwine and other stuff,
basically the ****. Bottled water too for those who are serious about stayin hydrated.

Also, Hot Dogs. If I got buns and meat and condiments and will be boiling them.
However, this won't happen if there isn't demand. I guess I will just see how people feel the day of. Especially cuz getting food in house is way faster (and danker) than going to some far away restaurant.
Well, we will see.

Also, also, hype. And everyone bring all your set ups! And don't forget, feel free to stay the night saturday, that is kinda the point. But its coo whatever you do. Peace!


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
yeah, nvm

but I do need a teammate for dubs. Not sure if I'm going Zelda, MK, Sheik, or Falco. Depends on my mood and how gay I'm feeling I guess.

So someone should definitely team with me.
Oct 5, 2008
Does anyone have a USB extension cable or an s-video extension cable? I might need it for youtube recording


Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
I teamed with Uncle once

I SD'd every stock

stole his stock

killed him

and then SD'd again

then we went double Falcon and won

ahhhh ****

Don't remind me, bro. :awesome:

Our double Falcon **** will always have a special place in my heart, though. Too good.
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