Feel free to vote for (+1) or against (-1) any video as a heart-pumper or not (can vote on each video), or suggest others (vids or it didn't happen). Post any nail-biting set enders (please include a direct link). Not incredible matches that had an awesome ending (eg wombo combo), I mean matches that you're dying from how close they are for an extended period all the way to the end (ie close 1-stock), in a setting that matters (ie cash on the line and potentially last match of set). You can nominate or vote for as many videos as you like, at any time.
- +4 -0 LQ: Android Smasher89 vs. GsE CalleW··········(2011 SKN3)········Added this month
- +4 -0 ??: PC Chris King vs. Ken Isai················(2006 MLG)·········Added this month
- +3 -0 WS: DaShizWiz Lambchops vs. Fenrir Otru·······(2008 Gigabits)····Added this month
- +2 -0 WQ: SilentSpectre Darkrain vs. Drephen 4%·····(2010 Pound 4)·····Added this month
- +2 -0 W3: Armada Aniolas vs. Phil Falcomist·········(2010 Pound 4)·····Added this month
- +2 -0 GF: Mew2King Isai vs. ChuDat Chillin··········(2007 MLG)·········Added this month
- +1 -0 W2: Mango Lucky vs. Armada Aniolas············(2010 APEX)········Added this month
- +1 -0 WS: DarkRain SilentSpectre vs Dr. PeePee LoZR·(2010 Pound 4)·····Added this month
- +1 -0 LF: Azen ChillinDude vs Mew2King Vidjo········(2006 MLG Orlando)·Added this month
- +10 -0 MM: BBQ vs. Billy··············(2010 AUSOM)·············Added this month
- ·+5 -0 W2: Ken vs. KoreanDJ···········(2010 MLG)···············Added this month
- ·+5 -0 GF: Mango vs. Armada···········(2009 Genesis)···········Added this month
- ·+3 -0 ??: Taj vs. Tang···············(2006 Champ Combo)·······Added this month
- ·+3 -0 LF: Lunin vs. Tang·············(2008 SJM- SJSU)·········Added this month
- ·+3 -0 ??: Sliq vs. BigD··············(2007 Cincy)·············Added this month
- ·+3 -0 GF: Dr PeePee vs. Mango········(2011 WinterGameFest)····Added this month
- ·+2 -0 LF: Darkrain vs. Jman··········(2009 Event 52-2)········Added this month
- ·+2 -0 GF: DaShizWiz vs. Falcomist····(2010 CGC)···············Added this month
- ·+2 -0 WF: Mango vs. SilentSpectre····(2008 SCSA)··············Added this month
- ·+2 -0 GF: Lucky vs. Jman·············(2010 DGDTJ)·············Added this month
- ·+2 -0 WQ: Kels vs. Idea··············(2010 SWEET IV)··········Added this month
- ·+2 -0 W1: RaynEX vs. Armada··········(2010 Pound 4)···········Added this month
- ·+2 -0 WF: Amsah vs. EK···············(2006 RoS3)··············Added this month
- ·+2 -0 L?: BigD vs. Moose·············(2010 SCSYN)·············Added this month
- ·+2 -0 LF: Cosmo vs. Kels·············(2010 SCSYN3)············Added this month
- ·+2 -0 GF: Armada vs. Dr PeePee·······(2011 Pound 5)···········Added this month
- ·+2 -1 WF: Darkrain vs. Colbol········(2009 Tipped Off 4)······Added this month
- ·+1 -0 GF: DaShizWiz vs. Forward······(2007 LTEC2)·············Added this month
- ·+1 -0 W3: Mew2King vs. Overtriforce··(2010 Pound 4)···········Added this month
- ·+1 -0 ??: Armada vs. Mew2King········(2010 Apex)··············Added this month
- ·+1 -0 GF: Ken vs. Isai···············(2005 MOAST 3)···········Added this month
- ·+1 -0 LF: Mew2King vs. DaShizWiz·····(2008 FAST1)·············Added this month
- ·+1 -0 LF: Zhu vs. SilentSpectre······(2009 Mango Juice)·······Added this month
- ·+1 -0 ??: PC Chris vs. Mew2King······(2007 Super Champ Combo)·Added this month
- ·+1 -0 L7: SilentSpectre vs. PewPewU··(2010 GSG)···············Added this month
- ·+1 -0 WS: Mew2King vs Armada·········(2009 Genesis)···········Added this month
- ·+1 -0 {}: Velocity vs. Wenbo·········(2011 MAD)···············Added this month
- ·+1 -0 WS: PewPewU vs. Lunin··········(2010 West San Jose)·····Added this month
- ·+1 -0 L?: Armada vs. Hax·············(2010 Pound 4)···········Added this month
- ·+1 -0 W?: SilentSpectre vs. Zelgadis·(2009 Quakfest 14)·······Added this month
- ·+2 -2 LF: Mew2King vs. DaShizWiz·····(2009 ROM)···············Added this month
- ·+1 -1 MM: Jkun vs. TheGreatLeon······(2009 Pat's House)·······Added this month
- ·+1 -1 ??: Hax vs. SilentSpectre······(2010 Pound 4)···········Added this month