A little late in this....
Would you break out of retirement to attend my largest tournament ever in 2012?
First Brawl tournament experience?
Thoughts on meta knight?
You were one of the earlier Ohio players before the scene formed to what it is today. What were your initial thoughts about OUGA, Smashfield, NEOH, etc? How have those changed now?
When did you decide to form the God Kais? How did it explode into what it is today?
I vote for Hylian next.
1) I would more than likely do that....
2). I thought that I would be so bad against the top players, that they would not know how to handle the way I play and they would lose... But It seems i just got ***** anyway. I felt a little strange being at those tournaments.... everyone had character hats... Like Sonic hats and stuff...and I never been around that and didn't know how to handle the situation really... but I adjusted and handled it well... i ended up placing like 33rd or something like that...
YO, Ill answer the rest tomorrow I'm really drunk right now and my stomach hurts...plus Im hungry....
alright now where was I
3). I think Metaknight is okay. I think if more good MK players like Anti, Red Halberd, Judge Etc. who rely on there skill rather than abusing the rules with planking, scrooging, and timing people out, then the MK hate would be as strong. I'm perfectly okay with losing to a MK player that out played me. But it just makes me angry when getting planked and stuff.... I personally like MK. Not as a SSBB character but as a character itself....
4). My first initial thoughts were, I didn't know what OUGA was when i first heard of it. I didn't understand the meaning of it. I thought it was weird.
Smashfield, I thought they lived in Cincy for some reason. I always thought they were good players.
I thought NEOH was horrible at the game because they live so far away from us....
5). I didn't form the God Kais. In the beginning it was Myself, Infern, EarthHero, Fox, and Smash 64. We had matches to see who was going to be a God Kai. Back then I was playing Link and Zelda. Fox ended up going to the Army and Earthhero started working and never had time for us and then eventually ended up going to the army. So it was just Infern, 64 and myself representing The God Kais. We didn't know what we wanted The God Kais to be. We just wanted to be the best. And thus our legacy began
I guess you can say we got well known when we would go to tournaments and just yell God Kais. Even when we did bad...we would yell God Kais. Then we started placing well and beating top players it all began. We wanted to expand the God Kais and decided to recruit from the midwest. First was Quivo... I think the next was, Shugo or Judge. Then Quivo left...then we Got AZ and then Quivo came back haha. Then Legan. Tyr, Blue Rogue, Renegade,KB, Fizzle, and Finally Kain. Each God Kai had something they had to do in order for us to consider them. We dominate the Midwest and when you think of the Midwest you think of the God Kais....We did it!
Now we have to keep our legacy going...