There has to be something I'm missing here that's causing 77 pages of debate. Why can't we put a time limit on how long this can be done? Like, the exact time it takes for one's shield to drop down completely from full. That seems like a pretty fair amount of time to me. It gives MK enough time to utilize this AT for meta-game purposes, and prevents him from stalling because of the time limit. Additionally, if the defender wants, they could hold shield down for 3/4 of the time and then jump since the technique can't follow in the air(I think, correct me if I'm wrong on that). After that, MK has to reveal himself. It's pretty obvious at that point if someone is breaking the rules. At the same time, it shouldn't make a huge difference if someone goes over by a little(a few seconds), since it wouldn't be sufficient for one to truly accomplish their goal for a stall(one or two extra seconds?). And hey, if MK decides to break early, the defender has the option of shield grabbing directly after the attack since his shield won't break down by the end of the time limit.
So it's fair to give him a window during which he's
invicinble and
invisible, and completely
untouchable but if you shield for this entire duration, your shield breaks? Sounds fair to me.
The only real counter to this would be hop to the top platform of Battlefield (or any other platform of equal or greater height) or run away and grab the ledge, both options being
bad against Meta-Knight and in no way combating this, it'd merely be avoiding it.
That only leaves one problem. Repeated use of this with the whatever three seconds that it takes for a shield to wear down completely. But honestly yuna, I know that the whole arbitrary judge thing is a problem, but it's obvious if the MK is CONSTANTLY doing it over and over again. Any sane judge will be able to tell. I hate to sound like everyone else on that though, and I don't want you to think I haven't read most of your posts on this(I say most because I haven't read 77 pages since I do have a life outside of this), so I don't expect you to answer that AGAIN. But at least realize that even though we not have a BLATANT answer to the problem, there's no sense in shutting down attempts to solve the problem without gimping MK of possible meta-game development.
Gah! Because we don't have judges go "You're using this technique too much in a too stallish way! You lose!". At what point does this apparently very legit tactic stop being a legit tactic?
Can't I use it, disappear, move forward and then move backward if I deem the situation too unsafe? If I can, then after how many times does it become stalling? Can I use it to run away from you for spacing and to "get out of sticky situations"? Fine, after how many times does it become stalling? Can I use it to actually stall (i.e., running away) from you, like a Sonic who hits and runs you and then runs away to the other side of the stage? If I can, after how many times does it become stalling?
Also, we
still have the problem of too many TOs needed standing around with
stopwatches and having to time every single Down B! You cannot get around this!
aha, ghosting is an adverb, which means that ghosting describes how metaknight disappears.
How is ghosting an adverb? "He disappears ghostingly"?