First thing I can say is please...please...everybody just take a step back and calm down a bit. This reminds me of the first time TL's dsmash kill video came out. lol aaaaaanyways...
To basically ride the fence on this one, both sides of the argument are right here.
First of all, the side wanting to allow the tactic says the following:
Might have some applicable undiscovered use.
Should be tested at a tournament.
Incredibly hard to do for a long period of time.
Not game-breaking until it...breaks the game.
and the side wanting it to be BANNNNNNNED:
Obviously broken for the invincibility.
Could be (potentially) used to stall a match.
Doesn't matter how hard it is...somebody will learn to do it.
Should be banned.
Let me just take parts of both sides and pair them together.
Yes, should MK be able to maintain invincibility permanently for 8 minutes, that's pretty ridiculous in a tournament setting. however, it has been seen that this is incredibly hard to do. My arm starts aching pretty quick with it...and I'm a good masher, so yeah, I believe that. However, what Dguy and others have said before in this thread is true. If a tactic could be used to win a tournament, somebody will figure out a good way to do it...possibly an arm position, or a different control scheme or something... Don't argue with me about how he could...I don't know everything about the game. I'm just stating a fact that some little kid will figure this out somewhere. it just happens.
The move is a broken's a better retreat at the moment, but seriously, the move has been around for what...a day? so it may have uses unknown to us.
Now for the part where all of you kinda take a deep breath.
Frames and I are both very unwilling to ban a potentially useful tactic just because a scary video comes out. This has happened several times so far, and nothing has really been that gamebreaking. So to just blindly ban a tactic because of a video is pretty ridiculous.
However, stalling, as a core tactic, has already been banned for FAST1. Let me talk about stalling for a bit.
first of all, a definition.
Stalling is the use of any move/tactic/whatever that is simply used to run time on the clock. It has no real benefit to either player, except in the case of a win by time limit. For example:
Jiggs Infinite rising pound under the stage
Peach bomber with no intent to come up
IC wobbling past a certain point
IC freeze glitch
M2 Soul Stunner (is this even possible in a tourney setting?)
Do not be confused.
Projectile camping is not banned.
you can run away and fire your blaster as much as your heart desires. Your character was given a long range weapon in the normal realms of the game, and to take away that advantage would be wrong. In the same manner, spamming a single attacking move, such as Tornado (or moves like counter, even) is completely allowed.
Stalling would be defined as any of the following (with a few more because I can't list everything off the top of my head), to any great degree:
Repeatedly flying under the stage with or MK
Sonic's B thing...although it's not that useful
JUST running away...not attacking or getting close
and now this MK tactic used to stall a match.
What exactly constitutes stalling ...and why is it different than a regular an excellent question.
The answer is intent. It's easy to see when a person is using a tactic to confuse...and using a tactic to stall. I'm not going to give a set time limit or anything of the sort, because of course, the time limits would vary between tactics, and I'm not going to spend that amount of time on this.
Report it to the closest tournament director. I've been recruiting these people over in the FAST thread to help out with situations such as this. yell to them during the match. A director will come watch and make a judgment on the said "stalling". he will verbally inform both players.
the first infraction will be a warning, making you stop whatever it is you are using...and the tourney director will stay and watch the rest of the set.
The second time is a single stock loss. You will be forced to run off the stage without inflicting any more damage to your opponent.
The third is the loss of the match, but not the set.
The fourth is the loss of the set.
plain and simple. If you are abusing stalling, you will be punished for it.We're not going to go crazy here, but yeah, it needs to be enforced.
MK's new tactic, by itself, will not be considered long as you use it in an appropriate manner. If you are just holding it invincible somehow...or you are using it repeatedly to get away from your opponent, you will be warned and so-on.
Everybody feel better?