Relying on single moves is always bad, but they are still amazing moves. The tornado wins some matches almost by itself (Inui vs Bum, anyone?). Suiciding by accident is a player flaw, not a character one. If it happened randomly it would be a character flaw, but it isn't. I have never seen a good MK kill themselves. And airdodging gets you through a dair.. Then he jumps again and dairs you. Avoiding gimpage from a good player is a lot more difficult than you make it out to be.
Meta can't projectile camp, but he can sure ledge camp the whole 8 minutes away as soon as he gets an advantage. He can nado away from most approaches, and nade through when you leave your self open for a second, prolonging the camping game. MK CAN camp. 5 Jumps, tornado, a glide, and SL makes him a mobile character. I don't care how predictable a well spaced fair is, how the HELL do I get around it? If the MK knows how to punish each reaction, you will be hard pressed to get back on your feet once he knocks you off.