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Meta Knight Q&A Thread


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
how does everyone feel about aggressive MK? I find I do a lot better when I camp for the most part but I have no mental discipline and I want to play more proactively, I find it hard to camp with a character without a projectile and I keep losing because my patience breaks down and I try to attack. yesterday I had a 50-70% lead on someone with 30 seconds left and lost because I saw him off stage and decided to go attack him, thinking about either becoming more offensive or switching characters to someone where camping comes more naturally to me. curious what other MK's think about how good aggressive MK can be these days


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2010
Not giving a chainsaw...about anything
@ Etecoon
It's the beauty of MK, best at offense, best at defense. You need to have a balance of both and know when to do which. Against chars like Wario Ice Climbers, you WILL need to have a good defense/camping game. However take Snake for example. You will need to play both Defensively and Offensively depending on the given situation. If he has C4, + mine + Grenades laid out on the stage, you're gonna have to be playing way more defensively. But when hes in the air, your gonna immediately switch towards offense because what primarily makes the Snake MU in MK favor is his ridiculous juggling capabilites, especially on a large character like Snake.

The stage you're playing on also matters, CPing a Snake to RC (or most characters for this case) and rushing him on the cruise part of the stage is plain dumb. You're gonna want to play defensively, and goign for gimps/ making him rack up loads of damage from recovering with his C4

Personally, i ****ing hate camping as MK it feels so wrong to camp with a character with no projectiles, but hey it's the mixup of both of these which makes MK da Bess


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
It depends on the enemy and his character.

If you play Snake you want to put pressure on him and get him offstage/in the air at low %.
If you camp, you won´t get him in that situation.

But don´t forget, even if you play "aggressive" you still should play patienced and not just run into your enemy.


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
Does it ever happen to when you nado and press b and it gets cancelled, then you suddenly do a side B and are in a pretty bad position?
It's pretty annoying.


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
Yeah so I try to see what move they are using and if I see a move coming at me that can cancel Nado then I stop tapping B


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Takes a while to learn to do that.
this is the reason everyday that i seriously consider if i should just stop posting on the mk boards

and let jem(/doom?LMAO) just give you a random post of insight like once a week/month/year/w.e.

not an insult to jem btw, im actually really happy other mks post its just frustrating when i see this kind of ****


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
I don't think people paid attention to your old wall of text post at all
You have to LEARN to get better ffs.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
i think im going to change the nature of my posts, so that they dont give conclusive information

more along the lines of, i think the matchup isnt really played like this, you should try messing with it another way and maybe youll do better

because its very frustrating xD


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
i think im going to change the nature of my posts, so that they dont give conclusive information

more along the lines of, i think the matchup isnt really played like this, you should try messing with it another way and maybe youll do better

because its very frustrating xD
That would actually be more helpful. If you're helping someone reason through something, they're less likely to have a similar problem in the future.

For example, telling someone to B and wait for Snake to Utilt isn't as helpful as explaining why Utilt goes through B and telling them how they can space it so that they can out-last/out-space/etc. moves, which would then help with other spacing options, such as baiting King Dedede's Utilt.


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
I never said it's a bad thing, I just mentioned it takes a while since it's a habit that has gone deep into my head. Gonna take a while to take that habit out. No need to start raging about it.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Takes a while to learn to do that.

This is bad and you should feel bad. I mean, I do that too sometimes, but I have a massive buffer and wifi lag to back my bad move up.
Then again, I'm one to talk. I keep on accidentally killing myself on Brinstar by Drill rushing into/finishing tornado on those breakaway blobs. Hasn't happened recently, but god do I hate it when I do that to myself.


Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2009
How do you cancel a tornado? Its probably in this forum somewhere, but 242 pages is probably bigger than that health care package they tried to pass in congress.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Define cancel. You mean autocancel? To do that, just end it so that within the next 30 frames (half a second), you hit the ground. No matter what, you have 30 frames of endlag after the last hitbox, and if you land within those 30 frames, you get this "autocancel" effect, although it isn't really that. If this lag ends while you're still in the air, you go into specialfall, which will make you have the extra 30 frame specialfall landing when you land from that.

The 'autocancel' effect comes from landing right as those 30 frames of endlag end.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
Define cancel. You mean autocancel? To do that, just end it so that within the next 30 frames (half a second), you hit the ground. No matter what, you have 30 frames of endlag after the last hitbox, and if you land within those 30 frames, you get this "autocancel" effect, although it isn't really that. If this lag ends while you're still in the air, you go into specialfall, which will make you have the extra 30 frame specialfall landing when you land from that.

The 'autocancel' effect comes from landing right as those 30 frames of endlag end.
There has to be something wrong about this information, because you have to be at least at a certain heights to autocancel the nado ending lag.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
no matter what height you end nado you have the same amount of lag is what hes saying

however the lag is replaced w/ a falling animation, not landing lag

edit: omg someone just link to thread LMAO to lazy



See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
this is the reason everyday that i seriously consider if i should just stop posting on the mk boards

and let jem(/doom?LMAO) just give you a random post of insight like once a week/month/year/w.e.

not an insult to jem btw, im actually really happy other mks post its just frustrating when i see this kind of ****
Looool if you stop posting then the dumb posts your getting annoyed with will reign and nothing will ever progress thus turning into the blind leading the blind

Just some food for thought


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
question about tornado, sometimes when I use it, my opponents get out of it a can punish me before I finish my nado. What is the cause for this and how can I avoid this?


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Looool if you stop posting then the dumb posts your getting annoyed with will reign and nothing will ever progress thus turning into the blind leading the blind

Just some food for thought
true. if anything id just end up posting like dmg/fiction and trolling xDDD
question about tornado, sometimes when I use it, my opponents get out of it a can punish me before I finish my nado. What is the cause for this and how can I avoid this?
why do you Think they got of the tornado?

/serious question LMAO


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
IIRC, tronado beats his projectiles, so bait them and punish.
Poke him with tilts (don't wall him, or you'll eat his stuff).


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
dont get get camped and just lol at his aerials with yours (i think lol xD)

IIRC, tronado beats his projectiles, so bait them and punish.
Poke him with tilts (don't wall him, or you'll eat his stuff).
And nope

TL is a *****. Imma just put that out there now. I play with Jerm almost everyday, seriously the best TL in the world at the match up and it's a huge pain in the ***.

You seriously need to be on top of your PS game. He has a bunch of traps with bombs and boomerang so you need to be mindful of what he does with him and how uses them. One thing he likes to do is throw a bomb at you forcing you in shield then run up and Nair you to re-catch the bomb so it either shield pokes or he can throw the bomb right back at you.

Watch for I bombs which are a big way for TL to beat SL and Nado. Also Nado doesn't beat bombs so don't try it. Sometimes it will but a lot of times it won't, it's very situational that Nado wins. Don't air dodge into TL, and watch for Zair > grab or Zair > Nair. That's most of his follow ups. Also simple Bair strings work surprisingly well for TL. I still don't know a lot about the MU. It's a pain but you have to weave in and around all his **** to get to him. Watch out for Dair because they can pogo you for 24ish percent and early Uair kills as well. His spot dodge and air dodge are really good but his rolls are trash. Also TLs like to Zair you after you D throw them so if you can PS then you're golden, but if you're not sure just follow with Nado.

You really need to poke him and just build little damage here and there, he's not a character that's easily combo'd. Ftilt is a pretty bad move in the MU IMO because it's usually a free grab for him, so unless you can land it don't use it.

Use Up-B to cut through his stuff and Nado is really good when he doesn't have a bomb.

Try to Dair him on recovery but watch out for his boomerang when going off stage, usually it's thrown to the ledge so it's hard to get around, but if you do you can Dair it and gimp him.

That's pretty much all I've got, if Dojo happens to comment on this he can tell you everything you need to know


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008

And nope

TL is a *****. Imma just put that out there now. I play with Jerm almost everyday, seriously the best TL in the world at the match up and it's a huge pain in the ***.

You seriously need to be on top of your PS game. He has a bunch of traps with bombs and boomerang so you need to be mindful of what he does with him and how uses them. One thing he likes to do is throw a bomb at you forcing you in shield then run up and Nair you to re-catch the bomb so it either shield pokes or he can throw the bomb right back at you.

Watch for I bombs which are a big way for TL to beat SL and Nado. Also Nado doesn't beat bombs so don't try it. Sometimes it will but a lot of times it won't, it's very situational that Nado wins. Don't air dodge into TL, and watch for Zair > grab or Zair > Nair. That's most of his follow ups. Also simple Bair strings work surprisingly well for TL. I still don't know a lot about the MU. It's a pain but you have to weave in and around all his **** to get to him. Watch out for Dair because they can pogo you for 24ish percent and early Uair kills as well. His spot dodge and air dodge are really good but his rolls are trash. Also TLs like to Zair you after you D throw them so if you can PS then you're golden, but if you're not sure just follow with Nado.

You really need to poke him and just build little damage here and there, he's not a character that's easily combo'd. Ftilt is a pretty bad move in the MU IMO because it's usually a free grab for him, so unless you can land it don't use it.

Use Up-B to cut through his stuff and Nado is really good when he doesn't have a bomb.

Try to Dair him on recovery but watch out for his boomerang when going off stage, usually it's thrown to the ledge so it's hard to get around, but if you do you can Dair it and gimp him.

That's pretty much all I've got, if Dojo happens to comment on this he can tell you everything you need to know
Thanks P4, really appreciate it, but I already knew all of that lol. i used to play TL a lot so i know most of his trix vs MK i need really in-depth stuff


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2008
i is creepin

How to approach Olimar? I can't predict his moves very well, they all look the same. I win against my friend because I know his playstyle, but that won't help me much against real Olimars.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
That isn't "perfect planking".

What he does is drop down and do a bunch of Uairs then dimension cape back to the ledge. Though it's difficult, you can hit him out of dimension cape before he grabs the edge. There's only one frame of vulnerability iirc, but if you use a long-lasting hitbox you can get him. (Wario's fart works)

Perfect planking is just dropping down and Uairing once then jumping and Uairing again then grabbing the ledge...I think. I don't know, I've never seen how to do it perfectly.

edit at above: Tornado is a really good approach but he can get around it if you're predictable.

I recommended fair and landing with a dtilt. You can do this by fairing then hitting down on the Cstick before you land.


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
fair is really unsafe on shield and olimar will **** you for that
DTL is right about M2K's planking. That's just how M2K likes to do it.
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