Karaoke Man
: Before I address issues regarding the whole of your post, I first have to contest a statement you made regarding the melee engine.
Ummm, footsies. Wavedashing and dash dancing is footsies on steroids, but they are, in fact, footsies. It isn't an unprecedented concept that doesn't exist in any other game. It is just a part of zoning in melee, and it clearly doesn't break the game. In fact, Falco, Peach, Sheik, and Puff don't have great dash dance games. Hell, Peach, Sheik, and Puff have fairly poor wavedash games too in comparison the rest of the cast. If this was something so game breaking, then these characters would not be able to function or compete in the current environment.
You mention in your post about confusing subjectivity with objectivity. I would make the same argument regarding your opinion on movement options in melee.
Now, to the real meat of your argument:
Your first paragraph is spot on, after that I have no idea where you are going with all of this. After that
the very mindset that you just expressed that partially put Brawl in the position where it is today.
Why is that? Because you, like others in this thread have before you, blame everything on the melee community. You take no time or effort to see inward and only blame melee for all the problems. This won't change anything. Telling melee players that "melee is broken" is no better than saying that "brawl sucks". Just because you attempt to validate your subjective viewpoint and other people don't doesn't make you right, nor does it put you in any position to attempt to police their attitude.
Also, while it's dumb that people say dumb stuff about Brawl... How is that an opinion they are not allowed to have? Have you considered that they just don't like the game, the mechanics, the feel, the art direction, etc? Also, have you considered that melee players are often engaged by brawl fans asking them why they hate Brawl so much to the point that they are simply tired of the discussion and simply state "it sucks?"
You don't have to get every melee fan to say that Brawl is a good game for the hate to subside. That simply won't happen. You also have to take age and maturity into account. Most of the people who are problems are likely younger and are quick to form strong opinions based on nothing whatsoever. Just let it go, calm down, and don't let a negative opinion bother you. The real problem lies in the people who are picking fights, using slurs or hateful speech towards the communities and or players, etc. If both side focussed on eliminating this then maybe we'd get somewhere, but the constant bickering and finger pointing isn't helping.
Well, 1st I apologize if I let my frustration get ahead of myself a little bit.
I'm didn't blame Melee by itself if you look closely. I did say that Brawl definitely has it's issues within itself most definitely. I was just saying that Melee was
part of the problem.
No on is saying that they can't have an opinion. They have the right to express it, that's fine. However there's a difference between expressing your opinion and
going out of your way to bash what don't you like for no reason. That's just pure ignorance. I'm not trying to understand why they don't like Brawl because I already do understand; what I don't understand is why they keep bashing on a game that's fundamentally, from the very core of it, never going to change. Brawl is always going to be Brawl just like Melee is always going to be Melee. So when they say stuff like "It sucks", it's again labelling subjectivty as objectivity as if their opinion is the only one in the universe that matters and it most certainly
isn't. Humility is what is lacking there, and it's definitely not from me.
I'm not even trying to finger-point honestly, I'm tryin' to pin-point towards the root of the problem(s). Part of the problem is that a lot of these players are
NOT young.
In fact, majority of them are even older than me (I'm 21). That kind of immaturity is what will lead to the downfall of a lot of things if it doesn't cease. I'm not trying to sound hateful or anything. I'm much like anyone else here; just trying to help the Community of the game we all love. So no, I'm not outright
blaming the Melee Community, the Melee Community just happens to be a
very vast part of the problem. Yet, everyone is just supposed to "let it go" and do absolutely nothing about it. but again, I do not disregard that Brawl players have a buttload of their own problems to solve.
Also, when I said "Melee is broken", I am using that term loosely; what I meant was that a lot of the techs aside from L-Cancelling weren't intended to be in the game. So when people who pre-dominantly complain about Smash 4 (Melee players) about how it's "Brawl 2.0" or that it's already a "bad game" eons before it even comes out, they're not considering that:
1.) What do you think Melee would be like with no L-cancelling, Wavedashing or any of those other techs? You guessed it;
It'd literally be just a faster Smash 4.
2.) They haven't even played the game yet. Even if it didn't have all the techs, all the Smash games would be more or less the same in terms the mechancs, but the differences between the games is what makes them their own unique games. The engine being one of the things determining the differences.
All in all, people who
actively go out of their way to hate Brawl just need to accept that Brawl just isn't Melee. It's not the sequel they were looking forward to and it never will be. Much like Smash 4 won't be either. Same case for Brawl.
Also, BO/\K you don't see the issue apparently. Because I am more than willing to bet that you are one of the very
first people that will complain about how there's no "dash dancing" or whatever other tech there is in Smash 4. If it's not that big of a deal, why is it so frequently complained about then?
Zipzo, it has
everything to do with all of this; It's the
mentality of some of these players that needs to change. I'm just giving the examples of how it works from outside the box. Without that mentality, people won't feel like they're being condescended or ragged on all the time. People are
very aware of this issue, but none but a small percentage of people are doing anything about it.
Zone, I said that you
almost never have to commit. "
Almost" representing basically everything you just said. I don't see Street Fighter having this tool, Nor King of Fighters, or Capcom vs SNK or w/e branch of 2-D fighters there. Wavedashing is a zoning tool used to give characters an additional and albeit
artificial way of spacing and imo takes away from the
creativity of your zoning with the very own attributes of your character. Also, don't put words in my mouth; I was not attacking Melee players. Again, I was
elaborating on a common problem. Realism=/= Elitism. I don't recall condescending on