x After Dawn x
Smash Master
actually he does. camp the **** out of sheik with lasers and make her approach. any smart falco isn't going to blindly approach into sheik's grabs. if you have good knowledge of the matchup, all you gotta do is camp it out. if you aren't camping at any point, falco's shine combos work very nicely against sheik. I rarely see sheiks getting low percent gimps off falco, it just doesn't happen (at least not anymore than what falco can do to sheik). also falco ***** sheik when she has to recover. not as much as fox, I'd say, but still. ledge hop to bair works well, dsmash works well too and if you can get off an fsmash, it's like a kill right there.fox beats sheik because of waveshine combos -> death (usmash/uthrow->uair) and shffl bair > sheik's options. falco simply doesn't have an easy solve to sheik like fox does.
I think the matchup is probably even if falco plays too aggressively, but otherwise, you just gotta be patient and the matchup is in falco's favor. it's kind of like fox vs jigglypuff, only falco doesn't get punished as hard if he's too aggressive.