You're right, and we obviously already did this. We've been discussing rules for 2+ weeks and collected a lot of opinions in this thread. We've eliminated the two most hated stages. We've ensured you'll play an MBR5 neutral first round. We've given the option of banning TWO stages.
People who aren't happy with this ruleset will not be happy with any compromise. They want MBR5 or MBR5+PS. Nothing else will make them happy.
I want a bullet list of how this stagelist 'hurts the community'. What the heck does that even mean? I've heard it from others as well.
I guess we're responsible for world hunger and middle-east aggression as well? Dang, this stagelist is POWERFUL
We can't do a poll because people will vote even if they aren't coming, so it would turn into a marketing campaign. Your belief is that people coming to FC want different rules. If you truly believe that, then start a petition among registered entrants. You're free to do so.
But no, I don't believe you. I believe that 75% of the people coming to FC will be perfectly content with the rules. I believe that 10% of people want the original stagelist instead. 15% of the people will want nothing but the MBR5, so there's nothing we can do to accommodate that.
And we might well lose 5 people who won't come because of the ruleset. It will be their loss, because FC is going to be amazing.