Shoutouts for Attila+Tibs and Cao's Big Tasty Meats!
First up, thanks to the hosts, you guys are awesome. =3
Attiladactyl: your ICs are fully broken. And so gay. I love it.
Tiborsaurus: Pika seems to be bringin' the thunder
I wanna see some QAC soon!
CAO: The chosen Peach. I still have no effing idea how to approach it. Thx for giving me and C-dog a place to crash. You are a gentleman and a scholar. <3
Ledge: I can't help but feel we have too many characters. =/ Soooo much training for bad MUs. And I feel its paid off. =) wario vs diddy is by far the most fun matchup ever. Nearly ran out the clock!
Condog: next tourney, top 8 or bust! No johns!
Sam: great to see you man, wish you came to moar meats. =/
Brynoceros: this is your name from now on. We finally had our matches =D yay! *gasp* more bullsh*t stitchfaces plz.
Redact: didn't play you at all =/ and you were supposed to teach me to melee good!
T-Rex: you get better every time I vs you. That marth has crazy spacing. You used to get pwned by my charizard, but now its so much harder. Sorry about share stock>utilt, couldn't resist ^_^;
Note: I would have given you all Dinosaur related nicknames, but all I could think of after a while was ____-saurus. =/