shouts time mofo's oh and "VIC screwed up in crews " yeah, sure they did...
My nsw bro's
ted: ahh sorry about doubles, my lack of DI let us down... good job on winning singles though, I knew you would after losing doubles. great hanging with you as always.
toby: the best part of the day was thinking man I wish toby came and then walking in and seeing toby at the tourney, and then I came
good to see you again, **** outta luck though, we need to practice again and show these new upstarts whats what.
Shaya: 5th? what happened, actually on second thoughts I dont even need to ask, I'm sure you'll tell us all anyways
I loved your performance in crews though, good work.
I dont know if I'll see you again before you go, but you'll be missed! also great work in doubles you were all over us, I told you you'd just click and start rapeing.
ricky: LOL, you were the crew carrier as usual, usual epic story. anyways I love that sonic and I cant wait to see it **** all over everyone, hopefully I'll see you soon for some symphonia eh?
Top guns
Tibor: ahh sorry if I took the whole highfive bro fist explosion
tm thing too far... I love watching your matches though... and bad luck in crews, I know I only got lucky.
great to see you again. "you probs wouldve done better than us in the finals 'cause you actually know how to use snake in doubles unlike attila." its easy, hold a direction and mash A. the faster you mash the better you'll do.
Attila: dou yatte ikimasu ka. It was great to see you again and hang out, when you get back we'll have to have some tech training, maybe after that I might actually be able to ledge jump (no I am not kidding) anyways enjoy the rest of your time in japan and kouun wo inorimasu!
Splice: your a little too young to be a rapist dont you think? nah man you **** at this game, well dont on winning doubles.
Condog: what up dogs (oh god) thanks heaps for running around after us and housing us and ****, hope we didnt cause too much trouble. your a mad kid to chill with and your kirby is going places, come train with me and ted sometime yeah?
jei: Thanks for running a great tourney and putting so much heart and effort into it <3
I gotta try vsing your yoshi sometime.
cao-sama: <3 <3 <3 seeing you at a tourney always makes my day!
Other Melbourne players
Dean: this was only your second tourney right? you have alot of potential and I can see you going pretty far, keep it up.
vermy: high five!
dekar: best troll ever? (except maybe that sakurai kid) your a mad cool guy to talk to, and your G&W is pretty ****.
Afropony: FUUUU I really though I had you but you turned that set around pretty dam well, good job, you earned that win by playing smart.
leisha: wheres my nando's RAGE!!! you played really well against me, you almost beat me both games, rickys been sharing the secerts of the adaptogens with you hasnt he? oh god... I've seen you with red bull, imagine if we gave you adaptogenic herbs... holy ****.
Paladinight: my fav new smasher that I met, your better then you think you are dude, and those glidetoss setups are ****. also I wasnt holding back against you in those friendlys, you did really well.
earl: those few friendlys we had were probably my favourite matches, but playing mk wears me out. fun though.
ledge: holy **** nades everywhere... cant wait to see your new main in action.
x: <3 that **** is the madnote!
atlas: we are in no way alike whatsoever... I dont even know how you could think that.
anyways, great tourny I had fun, melbourne <3