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MD/VA Power Rankings: Updated 8/14/12


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Yea, uh, I decided after I said that @ Korn.

I was like imagining going all the way down to Bolt's to play brawl and I get depressed.
Then I was like **** this. I'm done.


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
I think I'm one of the wierd one in the community.
I love playing brawl but
I would love to see brawl die so everyone can go to melee.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
I think I'm one of the wierd one in the community.
I love playing brawl but
I would love to see brawl die so everyone can go to melee.
Well first of all, that isn't going to happen. When Brawl dies, a new game will take over (lol)
Brawl players aren't going back to melee lmfao.......either MVC3 or another fighter, or if it's smash, most likely Project M if it turns out to be half as good as people expect it to be (I don't care about it though)

Second, you want Brawl to die? For what, so you can get last in melee for eternity? If melee is more fun to you, that's great, but you won't get anything out of 15-20 more people going to melee tourneys. It's just gonna take away from the money you currently make in Brawl.

If you're actually trying to get good enough to place in the money at melee events, that's good but it's not happening unless you dedicate a ****load of time to it, cause you got alot of catching up to do son. In the meantime, if you wanna play melee, then there is still plenty of people to play with around here, but they aren't gonna come to you.



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Well first of all, that isn't going to happen. When Brawl dies, a new game will take over (lol)
Brawl players aren't going back to melee lmfao.......either MVC3 or another fighter, or if it's smash, most likely Project M if it turns out to be half as good as people expect it to be (I don't care about it though)

Second, you want Brawl to die? For what, so you can get last in melee for eternity? If melee is more fun to you, that's great, but you won't get anything out of 15-20 more people going to melee tourneys. It's just gonna take away from the money you currently make in Brawl.

If you're actually trying to get good enough to place in the money at melee events, that's good but it's not happening unless you dedicate a ****load of time to it, cause you got alot of catching up to do son. In the meantime, if you wanna play melee, then there is still plenty of people to play with around here, but they aren't gonna come to you.

I think what Alan is saying is that he'd have more fun playing Melee and not winning than playing Brawl and placing in the money.

Also, I would have been gone back to Melee if it wasn't for the fact that no one in my immediate area actually plays Melee.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
That's true, it's not like brawl tourneys here have large pots lately anyway.

Oh well, I just miss the days where any given tourney could have like 40-70 people.


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
Well first of all, that isn't going to happen. When Brawl dies, a new game will take over (lol)
Brawl players aren't going back to melee lmfao.......either MVC3 or another fighter, or if it's smash, most likely Project M if it turns out to be half as good as people expect it to be (I don't care about it though)

Second, you want Brawl to die? For what, so you can get last in melee for eternity? If melee is more fun to you, that's great, but you won't get anything out of 15-20 more people going to melee tourneys. It's just gonna take away from the money you currently make in Brawl.

If you're actually trying to get good enough to place in the money at melee events, that's good but it's not happening unless you dedicate a ****load of time to it, cause you got alot of catching up to do son. In the meantime, if you wanna play melee, then there is still plenty of people to play with around here, but they aren't gonna come to you.

Wait don't get ahead of yourself.
First, that's the main reason I stopped playing melee because I didn't see an inspired and growing community playing the game especially in md/va.

Second of all, I'm def. not playing this game for money unless I win like every tourney. I'm playing this game because I like the community, like competition, and just like video games.

Thirdly, don't you have to practice in any game if you wanna become pro? Yea melee requires way more technical skill, better competition, and bigger skill gap between players from a low level to a top level.
But you can't really judge a player by how well they are gonna do at melee just because they play a game like brawl.

**** even though I still play brawl, if I started practicing melee I def. won't get last or close to last in this ****ty region anyways. lol

Also if brawl died, I could actually practice melee with people I know because alot of brawl players in md/va play melee anyways.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
do people just really do that?

i can't imagine people staying for brawl. so many people are like "oh man when this game comes out i'm gonna play it and quit this stupid game" but like there are so many games out now already being played competitively, what's stopping you? if you really can jump from game to game like that and still find it interesting, why stick around with this "****ty" game?

i mean admittedly brawl isn't the best game out there or anything, but i would never play anything else competitively because i don't really like anything else. if you like other things or don't like brawl, who are you really helping by sticking around?


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
I think what I read was not what you wrote


back, well I re-read, obviously people are not gonna quit they just like to hype new games for a month then realize they suck at the game and go back to brawl.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

alan said brawl isn't his favorite game of all time but he plays mainly because he likes the community and the sake of competition.

what stops people from playing other perhaps better games is that Brawl is the current thing that's happening so if u wanna be involved in a scene u usually gotta play Brawl

except there's actually a lot of people that still play Melee. u just gotta be in the right location


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
do people just really do that?

i can't imagine people staying for brawl. so many people are like "oh man when this game comes out i'm gonna play it and quit this stupid game" but like there are so many games out now already being played competitively, what's stopping you? if you really can jump from game to game like that and still find it interesting, why stick around with this "****ty" game?

i mean admittedly brawl isn't the best game out there or anything, but i would never play anything else competitively because i don't really like anything else. if you like other things or don't like brawl, who are you really helping by sticking around?
Same here
Everyone plays Halo and FPS games and stuff but I don't think they are fun
I love brawl


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms

alan said brawl isn't his favorite game of all time but he plays mainly because he likes the community and the sake of competition.

what stops people from playing other perhaps better games is that Brawl is the current thing that's happening so if u wanna be involved in a scene u usually gotta play Brawl

except there's actually a lot of people that still play Melee. u just gotta be in the right location
well sure but presumably you'd find just as cool people in any other community. like if i played SF for a bit to find out i really didn't like it (which i don't) but i liked the people, i'd presumably just quit playing and try to find other avenues to hang out with them. aren't other scenes as active? i ask because i honestly don't know.

though i guess what you're saying makes sense, why throw away all that time in a game if you still like the community and can still beat people, but at that point it becomes less of a hobby and more of a skill


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
they are but getting into them is another thing

especially in alan's position since he doesn't have a vehicle. he has people around him that play Brawl and that can scoop him up for rides. plus he trusts the people he's around. that's how i feel mainly

ive gotten to know md/va's sf4/2d fighting community well and they're cool peoples as well, but it's hard for me to play with them cuz i dont have a car and no one lives in my direct vicinity

for me accessibility has a lot to do with it. that's why i'm fine with quitting brawl for sf4 because of the online battle scene allows me to stay in touch whenever


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
they are but getting into them is another thing

especially in alan's position since he doesn't have a vehicle. he has people around him that play Brawl and that can scoop him up for rides. plus he trusts the people he's around. that's how i feel mainly

ive gotten to know md/va's sf4/2d fighting community well and they're cool peoples as well, but it's hard for me to play with them cuz i dont have a car and no one lives in my direct vicinity

for me accessibility has a lot to do with it. that's why i'm fine with quitting brawl for sf4 because of the online battle scene allows me to stay in touch whenever
That's a good point you brought up.

Even though I have a strong interest for melee, I don't want to move onto a game that's lacking competition and isn't growing.

Just like Omni, he wouldn't play melee again probably for the same reasons too. Even though the sf4 community isn't the best competition wise in md/va, the competition is still growing.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing brawl. I just love the ssb series in general. But I would like for melee to have a growing scene again.

Brawl is pretty fun but can be very exhausting on a tournament level. There are just so many aspects to "why I lost?"
It gets frustrating sometimes after tournaments, it really sucks. Even though I got 2nd at Xanadu, I was still really frustrated losing to Poyo.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
oh boy oh boy

everyone that thinks they're getting on PR, start looking at MvC3 characters! we're gonna upgrade!


i reformatted my comp and accidentally lost the PR source image so it might take a day or two longer than it used to, just because i have to recreate the whole thing, but it'll be done asap once rankings are finished
I suddenly wanna get into the MD/VA scene to get Zero as my PR pic.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2008
Bowie, MD
Did they take out Psylocke, Rogue, Mega Man, Iceman, Omega Red AND Cyclops??? What da efff? That's like all the characters I used, with the exceptions of Iron Man And Jill Lol.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
uh no i'd play melee all day

melee is really, really... really fun
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