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MD/VA C3 June Judgement Day 6-20


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
i kinda hate entering tournies and think i'll stop soon
My feelings exactly.

Wobbling was usually banned in Melee tournies. I hate ICs in both games, but they're sooo much gayer in Brawl. How can you like a character that BEGS you to run away from them for 8 minutes? As if the camping in tourny Brawl wasn't bad enough already. The infinite should just be banned to prevent all this complaining and boring matches. It's seriously idiotic for one grab to be able to kill you in place.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
yeah....i still want to ban the infinite for pound 4...but if other regions dont ban it i dont want to make our region weaker =(


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
everyone use top tier controllers, the wii-mote nunchuck..... trust me, you won't break your controller
i used to play mario strikers charged competitively (shut up)

that game uses the wiimote and nunchuk and now it makes me run in random directions at all times, can't help but think that'd happen in brawl at some point too if it got too broken

that game is crazy good though, real deep too, just never got the recognition it deserved

so i'm gonna plug it again like i always do


it's funny, boo is totally the metaknight of that game, and you can have up to three of them on a team

also the key to having fun in brawl is taking normally defensive characters and taking people by surprise by playing them aggressively, i'm an offensive-*** DDD for instance...and P~S is a fairly offensive olimar and he's crazy fun to watch

maybe that's why i never place all that high...just too dumb and stubborn


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
LMFAO @ the hypocrisy in this post. Nobody loved your ****** wobbling

God you're lame Chu
LMAO @ ur hypocrisy in that video I linked. Why would u throw ur controller when u have to use it again in like 10 minutes, Neo? LMAO. Also, I found it hilarious how u were one of the only people to complain about IC in melee after u would always get ur azz handed to me in every tournament match we played LOLZ.

I agree that wobbling is f***ing stupid.

lain said:
How is there a huge difference between what you did in Melee and what we do in Brawl? It's the same exact thing. Except getting a grab + cg'ing is harder.
It's quite simple Lain. U and Meep get a lot of **** for infiniting. I didn't.

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S34dbSDZUrc


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
lol MSC competitively good ****
fun fact: my friend and i are currently known as the #2 best doubles team online, even still

we aren't number 1 only because we don't use three boos, which, i kid you not, is the dumbest ****ing thing i've seen in competitive games. boo has a move that gives him a free goal. it's easy to block if you can focus on one boo, a bit more difficult if there are two, but if there are three of them you can't guard them all because of how fast they pass to each other

we use two boos but we don't do it, three boos is the equivalent of using MK and doing nothing but IDC'ing

anyway i'll shut up about my kids cartoon soccer game...and continue trying to get this community back into smash 64


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI
It's quite simple Lain. U and Meep get a lot of **** for infiniting. I didn't.

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S34dbSDZUrc[/color]
But why is it alright to just say that you didn't get **** and we do thus yours is more justified? That makes 0 sense at all. You got your deal of bull**** at some point, and people more then like always despised playing your climbers because they were so good and 1 grab = 1 stock. Maybe terms like "GAY" came up.

Just because you were "hyped", doesn't mean it's more acceptable. I get considerably less **** for playing IC's now that I'm an established good player. I'm sure the same came with you. People know it takes skill.

How come no other IC player (except for like, what, Wobbles?) but you EVER placed noticeably in tourney and all the others fail? Because you were just that smart.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
they both were gay and infinite that can be done any where should be banned. wasn't wobbling banned at quite few melee tournies?


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
fun fact: my friend and i are currently known as the #2 best doubles team online, even still

we aren't number 1 only because we don't use three boos, which, i kid you not, is the dumbest ****ing thing i've seen in competitive games. boo has a move that gives him a free goal. it's easy to block if you can focus on one boo, a bit more difficult if there are two, but if there are three of them you can't guard them all because of how fast they pass to each other

we use two boos but we don't do it, three boos is the equivalent of using MK and doing nothing but IDC'ing

anyway i'll shut up about my kids cartoon soccer game...and continue trying to get this community back into smash 64
Coneny over my last few tournaments there have been several people who suggested having a Mario Strikers event. Mario strikers is mad fun. What about camping with the hammer bros? What makes boo's deke so special over toad and dry bones and them? I thought Waluigi was top tier as well?

64 looks like fun as well. I preferred the jigglypuff tilt to rest combo over the Ness Dair to uair combo though.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
i used to play mario strikers charged competitively (shut up)

that game uses the wiimote and nunchuk and now it makes me run in random directions at all times, can't help but think that'd happen in brawl at some point too if it got too broken

that game is crazy good though, real deep too, just never got the recognition it deserved

so i'm gonna plug it again like i always do


it's funny, boo is totally the metaknight of that game, and you can have up to three of them on a team

also the key to having fun in brawl is taking normally defensive characters and taking people by surprise by playing them aggressively, i'm an offensive-*** DDD for instance...and P~S is a fairly offensive olimar and he's crazy fun to watch

maybe that's why i never place all that high...just too dumb and stubborn
u can be agro and win, u just can't be agro the entire match ad you have to think more :s


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Coneny over my last few tournaments there have been several people who suggested having a Mario Strikers event. Mario strikers is mad fun. What about camping with the hammer bros? What makes boo's deke so special over toad and dry bones and them? I thought Waluigi was top tier as well?

64 looks like fun as well. I preferred the jigglypuff tilt to rest combo over the Ness Dair to uair combo though.
hammo camping is easily stopped, you just attack in between hammers...there's a ton of cooldown time, and usually a person will do it more than once. an offensive player who is smart with the deke will be dangerous though, but never unstoppable

boo's deke is much, much better than toad's. toad hops over the goalie, sure, but he has to be much more precise with his timing than boo does. also, it was discovered a few months ago that boo has an incredibly gay glitch--basically, deke into your own goalie while charging, then throw it back to that boo, and pass it out. no matter who hits the ball, it will phase through the goalie every time. no matter the shooting rating of the captain or sidekick, it goes right in. of course, you can reverse this tactic (since it goes through ANY goalie, not just the opponent) but it's generally just a frowned-upon tactic. it's also possible to just keep the ball at your own goal and this strategy, while certainly stoppable, takes a decent amount of time to shut down and is generally frowned upon too

not only this, but boo is also ESSENTIAL to any team just because of one simple fact: he's a free charge. by charging the ball with boo, then dekeing and charging again, you have a white ball charge without having to pass to anyone else. a healthy majority of pro teams have two boos (i use toad, boo and monty) but absolutely all teams should have at least one. most three-boo teams get laughed at, (especially with a power captain like DK or petey) though they have the best chance of winning.

waluigi is definitely up there, but it depends on who you ask. there are three distinct styles--trick, shooting, mixed. i play mixed, but most people choose one or the other. for the record, wally/daisy are the best trick captains, and donkey kong (hands ****ing down) is the best shooter. someone made a tier list recently, but it's all honestly preference, except in the case of DK vs. petey vs. bowser, as while petey seems to make more goals on the ground and bowser makes more in the air, DK makes more of both. the captains have individual differences too, like waluigi and daisy both being defensive captains but wally having a better slide but worse tackle, etc.

i promise you, if you have an MSC event, i will be there. it might be ONLY me though, save for two or three others. the game is extremely well-balanced, almost if by accident, and items actually add a ton to the gameplay.

and how could you say that about ness' uair combos, they're so gorgeous. my favorite thing to do in that game is stomp stomp stomp tech chase stomp floating stomp stomp uair :3

u can be agro and win, u just can't be agro the entire match ad you have to think more :s
tru dat, but it really depends on who you're fighting. i get really aggressive against some chars, but i close myself off completely against MK, 'cause when that jerk gets into my ftilt range i'm in a bad position :<


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
naw... i do my best when i switch to agro against mk, i beat one goo mk and from now on if i'm losing i say "wtf, you beat this mk user, why are you running from this gu then i run at them and it works really well XD


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
i've tried that before with DDD, but the tornado is way 2 gudz :[

i have to play, like, completely reactionary...ftilt at middle range, utilt or dtilt if they nado over, bair in between their fairs, stuff like that...'cause if i'm off the ledge against an MK, i'm gonna get nair'd over and over and over and then shuttle looped out of my super jump

then again, i shouldn't be complaining about my off-stage vulnerability to an olimar...


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
You guys bring up a good point

Why don't we have a smash tournament that's not a smash (Brawl) tournament? Just run other games. SF4, Strikers, Mario Kart, Guilty Gear, Halo, Melee, etc.

Would be fun


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
naw... i do my best when i switch to agro against mk, i beat one goo mk and from now on if i'm losing i say "wtf, you beat this mk user, why are you running from this gu then i run at them and it works really well XD
you were not at all aggro against me, lol


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
but in the game it's just like.... a persons whole stock was taken away by one small accidental mistake. That's bs. Sorry man but I can't support that.
It's not a small accidental mistake. No johns don't get grabbed :laugh:

You might as well say "I can't support you for winning because you outsmarted someone into a low-% gimp". Why did they put themselves in that bad position? Because they played worse. When I get grabbed by slow-mo brawl ICs I lol @ myself for being dumb.

but w/e, in general I don't support Warios cuz I just don't like Wario lolll so I guess to each their own... meep don't give up ICs

and lol, I only play competitive smash because once upon a time I was a melee ChuDat fanboy :laugh: chu don't shame me more by whining about broke chaingrabs lol


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
don't get grabbed once... that is asking a lot, maybe we all should just take no damage when we play smash... if one grab isn't consider a small mistake


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
It's not a small accidental mistake. No johns don't get grabbed :laugh:

You might as well say "I can't support you for winning because you outsmarted someone into a low-% gimp". Why did they put themselves in that bad position? Because they played worse. When I get grabbed by slow-mo brawl ICs I lol @ myself for being dumb.

but w/e, in general I don't support Warios cuz I just don't like Wario lolll so I guess to each their own... meep don't give up ICs

and lol, I only play competitive smash because once upon a time I was a melee ChuDat fanboy :laugh: chu don't shame me more by whining about broke chaingrabs lol
You have your own opinion on IC infinites and you think it's legit. I don't think it's legit. Ur right though, complaining about something just makes someone look foolish.

Sorry man but in this game, everyone is a whiner. From Metaknight whiners, to diddy kong whiners, to Olimar whiners. It's Brawl.

Deleted member

I always hated the IC infinites in both games, but I hate it more in Brawl. In Brawl, the reason 70% of the people won't ban it is because "the character has nothing else" which is a horrible logic to follow. The same goes for DDD's infinite CG, where the reasoning is that is only works on a few characters so it's okay. But how many characters would it have to be before it was considered too many and then banned? In the SBR, I've always moved to ban any tactic that removes total control from the opposing player, and the IC infinite in Brawl is one of them.

And yeah @ Chu, I'd sooner ban Olimar than anything else in this game.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
LMAO @ ur hypocrisy in that video I linked. Why would u throw ur controller when u have to use it again in like 10 minutes, Neo? LMAO. Also, I found it hilarious how u were one of the only people to complain about IC in melee after u would always get ur azz handed to me in every tournament match we played LOLZ.

I agree that wobbling is f***ing stupid.

It's quite simple Lain. U and Meep get a lot of **** for infiniting. I didn't.

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S34dbSDZUrc
My hypocrisy is limited only to myself, you're just being a ****ing ***** because Meep beats you

I always thought IC's were gay, but I wouldn't ban them if I hosted a tournament just because I'm losing to them

You did get **** for infiniting you're just ****ing delusional and stuck on yourself you *******

M2K told me he PAID you (or at least tried to) to not wobble him in a tournament, and he complained about it more than me - wtf?

NOBODY liked when you wobbled, stop kidding yourself. How are you this lame? WOW


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
im staying out of this i had this arguement with chu a month ago XD. Its just hard convincing the guy.

You shouldn't be trying to convince anyone of anything Meep

It doesn't matter who thinks who is better than who or why, at all

What matters is what place you get in the tournament. Same **** I said to Omni about quitting MK, play to **** people if that is your general goal


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I always hated the IC infinites in both games, but I hate it more in Brawl. In Brawl, the reason 70% of the people won't ban it is because "the character has nothing else" which is a horrible logic to follow. The same goes for DDD's infinite CG, where the reasoning is that is only works on a few characters so it's okay. But how many characters would it have to be before it was considered too many and then banned? In the SBR, I've always moved to ban any tactic that removes total control from the opposing player, and the IC infinite in Brawl is one of them.

And yeah @ Chu, I'd sooner ban Olimar than anything else in this game.
you always have such good logic mow ^^

Benny The Jet Rodriguez

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2009
You did get **** for infiniting you're just ****ing delusional and stuck on yourself you *******

M2K told me he PAID you (or at least tried to) to not wobble him in a tournament, and he complained about it more than me - wtf?

NOBODY liked when you wobbled, stop kidding yourself. How are you this lame? WOW
I don't know you

but I think I love you


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
everyone says getting a grab in brawl is harder with ic's but i think its easier. in melee you could l cancel and waveland and platform camp and **** to stay away from grabs. when you knock nana away you can COMBO her to kill her. not to mention she recovers better in brawl too. i think the whole "ics are slow in brawl so you cant get grabs as well" is absolute bull****. ic's are slow but BRAWL is slow. not to mention reverse grabs, the easiest powershielding in the world, and the fact ic's can chaingrab almost every char at low % with 1 until the other one gets back into place to infinite. ****ing stupid imo. lol


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
They aren't nothing without the infinite, that's absolute bs. The chaingrab to spike they have ***** characters like Diddy and Snake. One grab on the other side of FD on Diddy and chaingrab him all the way to the other end to spike is a guaranteed 0 to death because ICs just grab the ledge afterwards and no matter how you time it Diddy can't ever make it back.

Having an infinite that allows you to stay in place is really dumb and awful. It makes this game even campier, I really have no idea why you guys want to do that. Why would you want to go into a match thinking, "Gotta fight Meep/Lain next, time to run the clock both matches!".

No offense to Meep or Lain or anyone who learned the infinite. I know it's hard to do and it took you guys a long time to learn, but it doesn't stop it from being a completely broken tactic.
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