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MD/VA C3 June Judgement Day 6-20


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
i mean i only play to get them top tier give them the title sbr. I can quit graciously because this game is bad. I do agree it is a broken tactic. As im slowly getting better its becoming mad easier for me to land grabs.

Neo is so funny lol and yea i like ****** people in brawl. I feel like a boss character in a megaman game where i just touch you once and you instantly die. People needa be smart like neo and not get grabbed i mean he beat me with sheik lol wtf.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
I always hated the IC infinites in both games, but I hate it more in Brawl. In Brawl, the reason 70% of the people won't ban it is because "the character has nothing else" which is a horrible logic to follow. The same goes for DDD's infinite CG, where the reasoning is that is only works on a few characters so it's okay. But how many characters would it have to be before it was considered too many and then banned? In the SBR, I've always moved to ban any tactic that removes total control from the opposing player, and the IC infinite in Brawl is one of them.

And yeah @ Chu, I'd sooner ban Olimar than anything else in this game.
amazing logic... but why are you moving to ban olimar?


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
They aren't nothing without the infinite, that's absolute bs. The chaingrab to spike they have ***** characters like Diddy and Snake. One grab on the other side of FD on Diddy and chaingrab him all the way to the other end to spike is a guaranteed 0 to death because ICs just grab the ledge afterwards and no matter how you time it Diddy can't ever make it back.
I'd like to point out that you can jump out of that at mid percentages and also that at higher percentages you can DI into the edge of the stage and wall tech the spike.

I'm also developing new escapable chaingrabs (Kind of like Kirby's little combo where you have to know which way to DI to get out of it) just in case the infinite is limited to 3 or 5 alternate grabs in the near future.

Deleted member

Then how come you weren't one of the two people who voted to ban it?
cause it was about a week before anyone had used it on me. The following week at your house for cot4, I gave Hylian's ICs 650% and took 250% and still lost from 3 death CGs into spike and it was really ****ing gay.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Let me clarify; I think infinites were a horrible mistake and shouldn't be in the game. But I don't think any have proven to be broken that they should be banned (lol MK makes everything seem ok :psycho:); if only because there's no sensible way to ban them without putting arbitrary restrictions on the way ppl play their characters, and I don't think that's right either. I guess I'm more interested in playing Brawl than Brawl-with-rules-to-make-some-ppl-hate-it-less.

I find it rly fun to escape from ICs :) but maybe it's just cuz sonic is good at it.... I'm in like "playing a minigame with sonic" mode, which is maybe all I want anyway :laugh: he's so fun

Actually Chu's attitude makes perfect sense nao. Infinites suck, but if they're allowed, play-to-win. That doesn't mean you don't hate them. Actually if you think they should be banned, then abuse them as much as freaking possible. (like what OS is trying with MK lollll oops bad example)


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
i mean i only play to get them top tier give them the title sbr. I can quit graciously because this game is bad. I do agree it is a broken tactic. As im slowly getting better its becoming mad easier for me to land grabs.

Neo is so funny lol and yea i like ****** people in brawl. I feel like a boss character in a megaman game where i just touch you once and you instantly die. People needa be smart like neo and not get grabbed i mean he beat me with sheik lol wtf.

Just do you meep, as lame as I think IC's are I'm glad when you win because I like MD/VA winning. I was glad I didn't beat you at the last tourney when you 6-1'd atomsk cuz I wouldn't have won

Chu should be the last person to try to make anyone feel bad for playing like a f4ggot when he's pretty much done that for the entire duration of his smash career

disgusts me tbh


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
Overswarm told me to plank and run away when I played an IC's player in a tournament.

It worked. IC's is garbage. :laugh:

but seriously, I just dont see how a player can legitamately fight a good IC's without considering the possiblity of pickign up a character that can stay in the air for the majority of the match (MK) or planking/timing out the match. It's that bad. and there's that fear factor too. And Nana seems better equipped to save herself now.

Face it guys. IC's are gay. the end.

PS: I can't wait to see how technical an IC's can be outside of the chaingrab, i feel like there is more potential than people care to look at because of the **** chaingrab. Chu?


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
but seriously, I just dont see how a player can legitamately fight a good IC's without considering the possiblity of pickign up a character that can stay in the air for the majority of the match (MK) or planking/timing out the match.
Does planking even work against ICs? Blizzard, ice shots, and their Dtilt are pretty good at the ledge, but I dunno for sure. You can deffo out-camp them with many chars on many stages.

Also you shoulda see Ally's snake destroy Lain at the MWCC this past weekend. Admittedly Lain messed up a billion chaingrabs... but also, once someone starts taking Nana away, Popo rly can't catch up in this game. That's one of the reason Sonic supposedly does ok vs ICs.... just pick off Nana. Snake's 'nades are great at this cuz it's so hard to keep Nana out of trouble :laugh:

Face it guys. IC's are gay. the end.

Deleted member

Chu should be the last person to try to make anyone feel bad for playing like a f4ggot when he's pretty much done that for the entire duration of his smash career
Actually, I'm the exact opposite. For Melee I always hated every IC fight ever except for Chu, since Chu would do something other than WD > shield > grab > rehearsed combo over and over. It's a huge contrast to idk like Blues, who I ***** with Link cause he couldn't WD grab between downsmashes.

Not to meatride chu or anything, ICs have always been pretty ****ing gay.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
cause it was about a week before anyone had used it on me. The following week at your house for cot4, I gave Hylian's ICs 650% and took 250% and still lost from 3 death CGs into spike and it was really ****ing gay.
hate to burst ur bubble mow, but the game only counts dmg done by popo and not nana so the dmg numbers are always gonna look scewed with ic. I average like under 200% most of the time o.O. Those numbers dont even make sense cuz you have to infinite 3 times to kill someone which should be +300% lol.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
thats my point dmg taken is weird.... if hylian did 250% he musta killed you under 50% at one stock which makes no sense <_<. He could spike you but yea. Judging damage with ic is mad glitchy. THe numbers i always see are decieving.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
I thought it was the opposite. I thought they counted the IC's damage. But the opponents damage is practically doubled since it counts how much damage they do to both popo and nana.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
i mean yea you do double the dmg on ic. I mean the amount of dmg ic do to the opponent. Its not always correct because they only count popos dmg output and not nanas. So half the time you have to pretty much double the dmg ic did to make sense, but even then there are moments where popo does dmg alone without nana.

lets say with 2 you do 110% dmg. The end results would only show 55%.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
yea, and I'm surprised you think Sonic doesn't stand a chance against good ICs.
i think its simply due to my extreme prejudice against that tactic. im very biased about IC's as of now. I think im so blinded by hatred for them that if i ever faced a good one in toruneys, win, lose or draw, im playing as gay as i possibly can in hopes that the combined gayness would somewhat cancel each other out.



Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
i think its simply due to my extreme prejudice against that tactic. im very biased about IC's as of now. I think im so blinded by hatred for them that if i ever faced a good one in toruneys, win, lose or draw, im playing as gay as i possibly can in hopes that the combined gayness would somewhat cancel each other out.
Or just counterpick a useful stage, and lrn2nana

hopefully your region has a useful starter list? Remember YI:B is a reasonable place to take them as starter.

IC best approaches involve desyncs. Desyncs leave Nana vulnerably separated from Popo. They have tons of tricks but afaict they all have a weakspot..... if you can get access to them.

meh idk, we both know I suck at this game. but it seems like a sonic party in here :)

Edit: And I still think of dancing around the ICs as a super fun sonic minigame!


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
Yet you lose to a random Sonic from PA and you had to go luigi vs me in a money match awhile ago when I beat your Mario with my Sonic?

oh snap son! the white gloves be off!

I'm pretty sure I could be Boss mario too, btw... just throwing that out there...:chuckle:
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