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MD/VA C3 June Judgement Day 6-20


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
wow @ all the MKs...0_0
Man, everytime i lost, it was to an MK. someone kill it. pl0x. kthnxbai. oh nevermind, i'll just Go Pawnch it.

teh shouterouters:
:sonic::win against pros...especially MKs. We gotta step it up!
Atomsk: wow...that match was soooo hard. every hit i had was a breath of relief. It was fun going against you. That fsmash...
Meep: we didnt play, but i saw you work your magic. And no, i didnt wanna money match you, i'll keep my money thanks. :)
Omni: my man Shado gave it to you, huh? That Street Fighter 4 was intense. TIGER SHOT.
Chu datz: still rapin with that Kirby. good stuff making it so high.
Azen: learn that MK. nice to see you after a long time.
P~S: about time that we didnt have to play in a tourney! good stuff placing so high.
Xero: dude WTF. that was so freaking out of nowhere. You just came to your first tourney, and bam, top 8.
greg: tourney was too good. You made sure it was ran smoothly, and it did have a good outcome. too good.
HAT: hey guy. That Shado guy got you this time. lol, still nice stuff.
June: about time that i met you. cool dude, and skills to boot. Really, winning like that? thats crazy.
EE: lol, the hat throw me off? lol, I bet you STILL hate Sonic.
Shado: hey, that Sonic needs work. you got higher this time, but we still are a team! Man, we really have our work cut out for us.
lobos: Sonic killer eh? ill beat you...one day.
lil b: you are too good. Chicken Bacon Ranch from subway. lets get it. i love that.
Slik vik: wow, what happened? I thought you didnt want to enter singles. Your Wario still *****.
BionicSonic: man, are work is cut out for us. thanks again for driving me, and sorry if you got into trouble. We gotta train...like alot.
Kojin: finally saw you. i gotta remember some things that you told me about vs some other people. My style...needs evaluation.
Tant: thanks for the pep talk. You gotta get me some more pointers vs MK, man.
Matador: man, was the brackets rigged or something? Your Mario is reaaallllyy good.
Smash god: you and matador are twins, basically. still, you guys are too good.
Bolt: that diddy with bananas...i take control of them, so dont put them out. We should play again, it seems that your controller short circuited on you.

Well, this has shown where my Sonic is. Man, MK really wrecks me. Someone needs to help me out. plox.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
GGs everyone.....Teams were fun and JLB is one team not to mess wit :p

I guess for singles me and slik just didn't care enough....I know I didn't after waiting for so long lol.....first match was at like 10....didn't play my next match till 11:30 >_>

Also I **** sonic.....that is all


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
a few very important things:

* the brackets were ****ing weird. it's not greg's fault or anything and i'm certainly not blaming him, but oath and i had to fight boss and p~s first round, then travis and hat second round, and they in no way should be last place! we tore up the loser's bracket, eventually losing to slik and lobos, but there were some teams that got triple byes in doubles, so those results might be a bit skewed somewhere in the middle. toward the top they're more accurate, obviously

* the singles results are a bit strange as well! again, not greg's fault, but some people were stuck with really tough matches for their first two

* matador is IMPRESSIVE, way better than dead last. really, really good mario

* good **** to xero for this being his first tourney and placing higher than many well-known players!

* i want to personally thank plank for not being as gay as he could've been...he still beat me, but at least i could keep up rather than attack the ledge the whole match <33

i had fun! let's do it again!

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Well if Tant won't do it I guess it's up to me =/

Btw, did Glyph not do singles? I didn't see his name...
I left after doubles actually. Mis padres like to flip **** when I don't get home before midnight.

I'll do some shoutouts as soon as I can remember everyone I played...


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD

Coney: good **** fun stuff too bad i didn't get to play you in tourney


G-reg: good stuff in doubles I <3 Uair GREAT TOUREY

Meep: your amazing in doubles lol you hold stock extremely well

chu: June had you that one match good stuff though nice talking to you

BMX: GOOD **** WE **** IN DOUBLES we need to be permanent partners for sure we only get better every time

Azen: good to see your back go mk :D

Chillin: Good stuff in doubles defiantly the hardest snake I have ever played in doubles. You read me the whole way though

Tant: stop letting heatran 5-0 you

Umbreon: Bring your pokemon to the DOJO and whoop my *** in it I have to learn some new stuff

Boss and P~S: Good **** in doubles and P~S good **** in singles

Glyph: amazing camping close match at delfino

MattiX: WOW that was wayyyyyy to close at the end keep it up

Waffle: SURFING milkTANTs

EE: <3333333333

matador: best mario no doubt

plank: keep planking good stuff

King Crave: keep in contact thanks for your corporation

June: **** those pros and your DK is your main drop Lucario

Sonic master: Good ****

Shado: keep it up ATHF <3333

everyone else: GGs



Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
dont be *****ing about the brackets they only seperate the top people from each other and people who play all the time together other than that ...... it just goes random

not directed at anyone just see alot of bracket johns


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
dont be *****ing about the brackets they only seperate the top people from each other and people who play all the time together other than that ...... it just goes random

not directed at anyone just see alot of bracket johns
not johning, just saying it might be expected if they're a little weird. we originally had a bye, oath and i, but boss and p~s got entered late with no seeding and we had to face them

i think those are the only complaints really

and what i said earlier about the singles is really only to say that some really good people got really low, no real clue how their brackets were :<


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
If you look hard enough, you'll find him. (can't tell if you were being sarcastic or not)

But ****, that blows :( Iz all good Matador, we'll show them at Chu's <3


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
Some people had weird brackets, explains some of the odd placings maybe haha

lmfao @ coney

anyway, shout outs;

1: Atomsk - You won, as I predicted, surprise surprise
2: Meep - now you know how it feels :bee:
3: Omni - lol how did we know this wouldn't be your last event
4: Chu - AMAZING clutch spikeon Azen's MK with just six seconds left
5: Azen - Lol good seeing you man, never seen u run the time b4 XD

7: Xero - Another Wifi legend in the making, good stuff :)
7: Plairnkk - Planking all day

9: Hat - less house drama more fun events <33
9: Junebug - Good job, I enjoyed our friendlies, we need to get them uploaded but I don't know who's Wii it was
9: Coney - My D3 bro, lucky bracket you got :p haha nah dude really nice job
13: Esoj - Step it up

13: Deez - Glad you made it in, good stuff
13: BMX - Can't wait till I get you in my bracket again! :chuckle:
17: Chillindude829 You lost to Hat and I out placed you, ****
17: Mattix - Major improvement, you'll be better then Kadaj in no time
17: HOVA - ugh...

17: LLOD - Amazing teams player, obviously

25: BetaZealot - step it up or TKO might take your spot :p
25: SonicMaster - Lol sonic, how I hate him.
25: Lobos - *watches video again*
25: TKO727 - SPIKES CHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25: lil b - good stuff in teams
33: Slik - MM's are almost as good as winning in tourny XD team with me! D:

33: K-9 - aww :(
33: Boss - You should really evaluate your priorities and choices sometimes haha

33: SSR - LLOD is better

33: Bonk - Good seeing you, we still got a 3rd match to finish!
49: Tantalus - No singles johns but good stuff in teams
49: Smash GOD - You did fine, just the SD's that stopped us

49: Matador - Infinities are not needed but they are fun, sorry =[

Korn - always fun man <333
Glyph - Nice meeting you, glad we have an "understand" XD

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
no bracket johns. i just lost to two diddys and really need to work on the match-up...or just only enter teams from now on
Slik I need help with the Wario Matchup so I can offer you Diddy support so long as you offer me Wario support?

anyways, i've been a ***** enough in this thread, I'll just have to take it and go, bad days happen, now to prove them wrong at the DOJO
Very well said Tant, that attitude right there is what I like to hear. :)

dont be *****ing about the brackets they only seperate the top people from each other and people who play all the time together other than that ...... it just goes random

not directed at anyone just see a lot of bracket johns
Well actually from my past experience running tournaments, you must Seed EVERYONE according to their past tournament placings. That's how I do it, but from what I've seen from other Tournament Directors, they just seed the more popular players and leave the rest at 5. That's not how you do it and not how you use Tio to its full use. I've had one complaint at my events when it comes to the bracket, and it was my very first one only because I didn't have previous tournament results to use as a seeding reference. Now I do, and have done my research. IMO there should not be custom re-arranging of the players to fit the needs of others as I have seen in past events. If the seeding is done correctly then you wouldn't need to re-arranges more than two people. As far as the number your receive when it comes to seeding, you get what you earn. If you place high in multiple tournaments, expect a high number. If you place middle in tournaments expect an average number. No if and or buts.

I'm done ranting though, for it will probably get me yelled at or called "dumb". :\

Other than all that I've said, it was a great event and I enjoyed myself. Thanks to Sonic Master, Kojin, MattyP, Mattix, SlikVik, Lobos, Oath and 2 others that I didn't get their name for the friendlies and training.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I wanted to get some matches in with you Levitibus :(


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Trevor is really good at this game. I'm really proud of his progress. He's also the biggest punk ever met ("I feel so baaaaad!" lol).

Special shout-outs to:

ShadoFiend - His Sonic really gave it to me. So many tricks. Didn't understand what was going on, lol.
HAT - It's really good having you around.
EE - For being tight.
Chu - For being an amazing teammate and cool friend.

A bunch of you guys came to me and made a lot of solid reasons for me to stay. I guess my resolve to leave is too weak so I'm not going anywhere.

To be completely honest, the only things that keeps me coming back to these tournaments are the community and the money. No offense to all of those who love this game, but I really don't have any passion to play it nor do I care to get better at it. I guess I can't really ever quit. I've made too many really good friends playing this game.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
^ hate posts like theese -_____________-

Good job Atomask.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Now Atomsk can easily give me that plane ticket money he owes me. :bee:

Good stuff.

It pains me to see you get 4th in doubles. If only we could have teamed in both places at the same time...


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
I separated like 12 people in the bracket, everything else was done manually by me, so that people in the same crew wouldn't have to fight each other first and second round. As far as I know, no one had to play their friends too early on.

There was like 14-15 byes originally, but there were SEVERAL people dropping out AND entering singles while I was just finishing the bracket. Basically, people like Slik and Esoj and others, who originally had Byes, ended up having to play the people who entered late. It's my notion that if the bracket is made, and the opening round matches haven't all been completed, than people can still be added as long as there's room, as long as it doesn't interfere with matches already played. I'd just like as many people to participate as possible, I'd never let anyone join if all first round matches have played, or at the very least start them in losers.

If anyone thinks that this is unfair to the people already in the bracket, please let me know why you think so and I'll consider making a rule that won't let people enter, even after the bracket is made, though I see nothing wrong with it and I wouldn't want to exclude people who are somewhat late. I won't beat around the bush and just say that it was basically Boss and P~S who were late due to car trouble, and then I had to recreate the bracket anyway due to the computer failing, so I just threw them a spot in the bracket where no matches had been played.

BTW Boss, when I said you "can't" drop out of singles, I didn't mean it literally. You really could've if you wanted to, if I pressured you than I apologize, it was just a lot of work to get you and P~S in there. If you did drop out, there would just be another huge pile of complaints from more people about the bracket being messed up, which is apparently unavoidable these days no matter how hard I try.

I feel like everyone has this expectation to play someone bad first round. It just doesn't happen, first round you will play skilled players so just accept it. MLG NY 06, I had to play Isai first round, and I'm g-regulate. **** happens. No one had to play Chu first round, or Atomsk, or Omni, Plank, etc., and i KNOW everyone else below that upper echelon can beat each other, so I don't see a problem anywhere. Come on Tant, bracket screwed by Mattix and Slik? Come on, now.

Korn and Bolt and others, yes I do know that you came and didn't pay venue fee. Bolt let me use his setup for tourney matches so that's much appreciated, you guys aren't in trouble or anything, I'm not going to hound you or get on your cases, but don't make it a habit of just coming and not paying, because you may be spotted by the owner and he'll make you pay or leave. Just for future reference.

Also, in response to Coney, I know you probably don't deserve last place and you had to play 2 really tough teams early on, and i know you arent johning, but think about it this way. If you can't beat those teams early on, than who's to say you're able to beat them later in tourney, after playing some noob teams? True, you lost to 2 good teams, but even if you won 2 sets in the tourney while losing those 2, you'd still only get like 9th or 7th, which, payout-wise, is the same as last place.

So sorry to everyone for having the tournament run soooo late, I wasn't really hard enough on the late people and on the people not playing tourney matches and doing money matches and stuff. For that I apologize. I also didn't really get to give people "tips" like i said i would.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
Ugh I screwed up against G-reg in Winners. Kinda upset about that... but no johns ggs everyone.. I just have to step it up... Shoutouts

o Atomsk- ... no comment. j/k good **** for winning in singles.
o Omni- no surprised at your placing. lawl don't quit :(
o Azen- Dont let the Mk users suck you in. Main Lucario.
o Chu- Epic win on Azen. Good stuff
o Chillin- Eww step it up H2Yl. jk lmao
o Xero- Wifi is too goodz
o Boss- Good shlt in doubles. :)
o P~S- its that Deez basement training! LMAO.
o Plank- we need to do more mms :)
o Esoj- We should team sometime.. I tried to step it up in our mms..
o Lie- Meep Killer? lmao jk...
o Sin-Where you AT?!
o Mattix- Wtf? stop getting so good. and ur mad cool. good set
o EE- I think you owe me about 75 cent sir. lmao and i disagree on lloyd being better then SSR, SSR has the most random Peach out imo. I played both that day, i two stocked LLoyd. and SSR usually takes me to last stock but i stepped it up a lil. cant claim him as best peach in md/va until i play hova in tourny.:)
o HAT- can you say Tranquil o... you had it jus keep your cool next time
o SSR- Good games man... I told you I can play different when i want to :p
o Slik- you'll get me next time... btw need diddy help? play Esoj hes best out right now :p... or you can settle for Deez Basement training. hehe XD
o Norra- Uhh Utilt? lmao!!!
o June- uh oh steppin it up son!
o YoshiDiddy- MM? if i sux so bad.
o Coney- Diddy practice too goodz? lol
o BMX- Slik gives me alot of Wario practice... =\
o Matador- Best Mario perhaps?
o Oath- Thanks for the compliments.. a real confidence booster. :)

And everyone else ggs...

Who needs Deez Basement Training? LMAO!!! WHERE YOU AT!


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2008
Laurel, Md
Big ups to everyone.
Everyone who takes part in that Underground SilverSpring Training. haha

Good **** boss, next time put some base in your voice and say you dont wanna do singles.
Deez, UPTILT UPTILT UPTILT. You got this.
Bert hahaha my ***, keep comming to tournys.
Ps, you did great man keep it up. See how much better you are with them headphones =]

G-reg you ran a good tourny, people just dont know how hard it is to do it. Good job with everything.

OH YEAH BIG SHOUT OUT TO MY NI.G.GA NORAA hah brought that wiigi out =/


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
Don't quit...People just need to learn how to fight them, that's all.....
gets annoying as hell when everyone in ur region wants you to lose. i know you didnt mean to coach trevor chu (no hard feelings), but he was telling me u were kinda encouraging his planking against me.

Sorry if i offend everyone i love you guys i just needa vent a little. That was like the first time ive ever like got mad over losing a game in brawl.

feel like id get more respect just playing my mediocre mk.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
Don't quit ics meep

Ily omni

'Twas nice seeing everyone again.

Good stuff in teams hova. Sorry for getting 4th :(. Least we 5 stocked Chillin and Azen


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2008
Laurel, Md
gets annoying as hell when everyone in ur region wants you to lose...
See how M2k feels....everyone wants him to lose but he shakes that off.

Why care what other people think when it comes to a video game?

Meep do you man


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
greg i forgot about grabbing the money, but dont worry about it. its not your obligation to pay for someone else, nor is it mine. ill just take the hit and remind myself why i dont do favors for people.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
See how M2k feels....everyone wants him to lose but he shakes that off.

Why care what other people think when it comes to a video game?

Meep do you man
cuz i love this community more than winning money. I only play ice climbers to make them top tier and lains doing a better job at it than me might as well put them away.

I dont even acknowledge im good at this game anymore. I just play a broken *** character.


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
Glyph - Indeed, come to the DOJO!
gets annoying as hell when everyone in ur region wants you to lose.

feel like id get more respect just playing my mediocre mk.
Who is everyone? Cause I don't root for you to lose.

Stop the emoness here and keep playing ICies, this region needs that strength. I can only think of like 3 people off the top of my head who whine about the chain grab, I stopped caring awhile ago cause its funny to see happen lol.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
wow.i came in 17th and i just won two matches and left.i didnt even lose once yet.improved maybe?heck if i know.im just happy i beat plank in a mm bowser vs zelda.tho i lost to meep mk vs mk.

kojin+sonicmaster5-i eat sonic teams for breakfest
ssr-ggs.i had to be spammy on peach.she annoys me.
lobos+slikvik-good teamwork guys.if only dr.lu ever practiced we could have done better.or if i had a better partner.
betazealot-wolf is better then falco.lol
tko-we r the best commentators EVER.
meep-ur mk too good vs mine.maybe next time
tantulus-last???ur better then that
bonk-my mk has practice on rc.lolz.i knew you'd also choose mk.

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