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Matchup Thread: WHAT TIME IS IT?

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2008
Dair combos: You will, inevitably, get caught in the dair eventually. It is important to SDI out of it; regular DI wont cut it. If you don't DI this properly, you will take 54% from a dair-dair-uair-up tilt combo, which further puts you in a bad position.

It's important to realize that the dair isn't as fast as it may appear. If you have your shield up and she is above you trying to poke through it with dairs, simply punish her between attacks. You should have enough time to bair or upsmash OoS, depending on the situation. Shield drop to up tilt can also work, as can downsmash if she doesn't buffer her dairs.

Keep her away with bairs, f-tilts, d-tilts, and grounded up+bs. The down+b isn't great in this matchup, because she likes to float around. She will probably only stay on the ground long enough to pull turnips.

Don't try to shieldgrab her aerials. The fair may look like it should have some lag, but it will be autocanceled and she will jab you.

All I can think of off the top of my head. Stay off low platforms, as her sweetspotted upsmash is her strongest kill move. If you avoid that, she'll have to kill with the fair, which we can survive for a very long time.

Personally, I'd call it 60-40 for DK. We have an advantage, but she can certainly win if she plays better than you do.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Pico Rivera, Ca
i never met a peach that gave me serious trouble but they can rack up damage. i never been killed by her up smash but i have been hit by it. i always watch out for the up smash so its not big of a problem but her dair combos are good.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
To tell you guys what I think I do think it's a 55-45 DK or a 6-4 DK. When I fight peaches it's rather hard I'm not going to lie, it's a battle for who can make the other stay grounded. Eedrees, Sky, Peepo, and bones are the three peach's I've fought and I've won handily except against Eedrees. I believe it's very easy to think DK can win but the simple thing is edge guarding with turnip float forward air is gross with peach. Gives you really really small options to get back on stage and forget it if your over 100%. THough DK does have killing power she has a form of disabling DK.

Turnips though can help Dk as well as hurt him, though keeping your Bairs at hand doens't hurt. Peach does rely on her air game a lot as do we DK's, DK's just can't get caught under peach or we get comboed like crazy. Move away from peach as she floats forward so that peach can't combo you. Keeping her back with wiffing bairs making her keep her distance and keeping %s low. Since peach is surprisingly good at KOing.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2006
Edrees knows the DK matchup because of me :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
don't get under peach and caught in it or you will get caught in it. Explained.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2006
Smash Di. Or just avoid it all together by spacing back airs, or in Marth's case, forward air or neutral b.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2008
If a dair hits, you will take some kind of combo. But with SDI, you can at least avoid taking 54%. If you SDI up for example, she will have to user her double jump to hit with the uair after the second dair, which will at least prevent the up tilt from happening. Still pretty bad, though.

As has been said, try to avoid it like the plague.

Donkey Bong

Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2008
ok one other significant part of this matchup is gimping
from what i've played, peach wont pursue offstage much, but at the same time she is one of the hardest characters to pursue offstage. More so than MK IMO, because she has multiple ways of getting onstage (peach bomb, floating, upb). its also more dangerous for DK to chase peach offstage because the way we're going to pursue offstage is obvious, depending on the direction we're facing when we jump off the stage. Peach's neutralb is very good at keeping us at bay offstage so its important to be careful when going for a gimp.

as others have stated, bair is a very useful tool here, what peach has over us in aerial options, she trades off for average range. an up angled ftilt can hit her out of her SH floating approaches. a backwards utilt will stop her approach dead in her tracks and also put her in a more vulnerable position.

also important to note, its impossible for peach to airdodge while jump floating. if possible, exploit that.

not only is her usmash a good kill move, her utilt will also kill when fresh.
her fsmash can surprise you, its fairly quick and the tennis racket has the most horizontal knockback so be on the lookout for it. her bair can also kill with a sweetspot, however it has little range so you should have few problems avoiding it.

unfortunately, down b is almost useless in this matchup, unless she starts glidetossing her turnips. watch for bob-ombs, stitch faces and beam swords!

she is extremely light, so we can kill her easily with dsmash and 9-winds at fairly early percents.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2006
^ Also dont attempt to punish Peach while shes on the ledge. A good Peach will exploit this and it IS impossible to hit her when shes hogging the ledge properly.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
I'd agree that DK has the slight advantage here, he has good KO moves, lives FOREVER, and can pretty deadly in the right hands. I'd agree that its either 40:60 or maybe 45:55.

Peach isnt completely hopeless in this match up. You MUST avoid Dair at low percents, this move is like a godsend to Peach and starts really good combos, most of them being 40% or more, and since DK is a heavy weight she can string multiple Dairs in a float. If it's hitting your shield or giving you pressure Utilt OoS after its over, or just attack OoS. Dair is probably how most of the Peaches are going to approach you in the start of the match so expect it. And make sure you watch out for FF Dairs. They're jsut as deadly in the combo department. And if you do get caught in it just try to SDI the best you can so you wont get comboed as much.

Fair. DO NOT try to punish this move. It autocancels and Peach can immediately Jab you. Most of the time Peaches use this tactic to get grabs in to refresh moves and such, etc. Her other aerials I dont think are as threating to DK.

Turnips. These things can get annoying and force you to approach sometimes. Expect Turnip tosses to Fair a lot. Most Peaches I've fought like to use this. WATCH OUT for Bombs!!! They will kill you. However incase you didnt know the Bomb has a time limit. If Peach doesnt throw it in about 8 seconds t'll explode in her hand, so just stay aways and she'll throw it somewhere eventually. Mr.Saturns arent much of a threat, but they can break your sheild. Most Peaches that get Beamswords will probably throw them (or at least I do). Stitchfaces arent as much of a threat anymore. All you have to do is sheild them and they'll go away. However by doing this your sheild shrinks quite a bit. I would still watch out for these since they can do up to 41%.

Smash attacks. Nothing special really. Dsmash is nerfed so no fear of it doing over 50% lol. Her Fsmash isnt too powerful or scary but MAKE SURE you watch out for a sweetspotted Racket. These things will send you flying like crazy!!!! Fortunately for you guys its at the tip and is pretty much random and situational. Watch out for her Usmash it's her strongest move and will probably kill you at 100% or so I think.

Tilts. Ftilt has good range, but wont be killing you. Dtilt is her least important tilt, however it does has deceptively long range and has its own little AT to it. Utilt has huge range and priority and will stop every Dair in the game including yours lol.

Hmm offstage I'd say it's pretty even. Expect Fairs, and Nairs offstage from Peach. You guys like have two different spikes offstage right? Use them. Chances are she wont recover due to her mediocre vertical recovery.

For stages, I'd avoid small stages like maybe Green Greens since she can kill a lot easier and you have less room to charge your punch and stuff. JJ is a good idea since you'll livve there for like forever lol.

Overall like I said earlier it's slightly in DKs advantage. He has tons of good KO moves, has nice aerial moves, three possible spikes, strong specials, can momentum cancel with his Up B, is a heavy weight and lives up to incredible percents. Hope I didnt come off a little biased >.> lol.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
If a dair hits, you will take some kind of combo. But with SDI, you can at least avoid taking 54%. If you SDI up for example, she will have to user her double jump to hit with the uair after the second dair, which will at least prevent the up tilt from happening. Still pretty bad, though.

As has been said, try to avoid it like the plague.
actually if you SDI upwards peach can double jump and Nair you and will hit with both front and back hitboxes from the Nair if she can time it right, which results in a good 22--28% just from the Nair, and as far as i know DK doesn't really have an answer to peaches glide toss > grab, unless you perfect shield the turnip and then spotdodge the grab. i honestly feel this matchup is advantage peach, imo a GOOD peach doesn't have much trouble killing, her sweetspotted Usmash can kill DK at just over 100% and its not too tough to land a sweetspot on DK since he's so big and he seems to like the air more than most heavyweights. also DK's watch out for stages like pokemon stadium where the edge can be overhung, peach's Dair and Dsmash will stage spike you if you are under there and its a very easy gimp if you aren't careful. i also think other than spaced Ftilts DK doesn't really have an approach on peach, also, beware peaches Dtilt, it has a HUGE range to it, its got an extended hitbox beyond her hands, and will send you strait up and allow peach to get you into a bad position. imo this matchup is 55-45 peach.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
Glide toss from Peach with turnips is okay nothing to be afraid of since good peach's will know A punch is waiting for her if she does glide toss. I believe it's a 6:4 for the simple fact that DK has way more killing power.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
If a dair hits, you will take some kind of combo. But with SDI, you can at least avoid taking 54%. If you SDI up for example, she will have to user her double jump to hit with the uair after the second dair, which will at least prevent the up tilt from happening. Still pretty bad, though.

As has been said, try to avoid it like the plague.
Actually, if they don't SDI at all you can do closer to 60%...dair dair dair uair utilt. I love doing it on noob DK's, but it obviously doesn't work on good ones.

I've got a little experience vs DK, but not an extreme amount. Peach combos him really well, but has a hard time killing (as usual). DK's bair is his best approach and defense. Camp the Peach, because the Peach can go very aggressive on you and shut down your approaches with turnips followed by aerials. Peach tends to shieldpoke with fair, dsmash, and dtilt, and DK's size makes it even easier- and DK's size makes it easier to land upsmashes.

I'd put it at 55:45 Peach's favor. DK has very poor approaching options against Peach, and Peach has many. Peach can rack up damage very fast, and has an easier time landing her kill moves (due to fair shieldpoking and usmash sweetspotting easily on larger characters).

Glide toss from Peach with turnips is okay nothing to be afraid of since good peach's will know A punch is waiting for her if she does glide toss. I believe it's a 6:4 for the simple fact that DK has way more killing power.
Yeah, it's not just glide toss to grab, DK can punch that. However, Peach has a lot of very fast moves (2 frame jab, and grab jabs are easy) and a lot of shieldpoking moves. Glidetossing turnips up are a great way to force him on a trajectory during descent and intercept.

she is extremely light, so we can kill her easily with dsmash and 9-winds at fairly early percents.
This is a common misconception. Peach's weight is slightly below average. She's heavier than Zelda or Marth and in the same weight class as Lucas and Diddy.

It's important to realize that the dair isn't as fast as it may appear. If you have your shield up and she is above you trying to poke through it with dairs, simply punish her between attacks. You should have enough time to bair or upsmash OoS, depending on the situation. Shield drop to up tilt can also work, as can downsmash if she doesn't buffer her dairs.
If you're doing this, we can dair > nair. Comes out faster than anything you can punish us with OOS.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
You don't punch after turning you punch during she is still in toss animation and gets wrecked.


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
Ok, I read all about Peach Vs DK up to this point on the talk. So here is what I gotta say:

First Off. Don't go thinking just cause you got killing power, his match up is all well and easy for you boys. That does not apply for Peach vs DDD. That fight is even. And he kills better that we do on him. You can have all the power you want. Remember power is not everything. Look at bowser. Hell even snake, he has all that power but characters like Peach can go around that and hold her own. So don't get it to your heads power will be your key to victory cause Peach is light.

Peach spaces better than DK. "heck no he has his bair and even tilts and D-B (maybe?)" For the Bair, Peach can just space with hers (yes I am serious) The way for Peach to beat it is if She does her's before DK or after he does it. Worst that could happen is that they trade hits. Or sapce with her Fair. Her spacing is quick. Dk's spacing is not all that fast. Just has range. So a Peach that mixes her spacing with that speed and timing/baiting will beat DK's

You boys might be use to Peach floating to Dairs alot? Well this is good for you. cause dispite how good it is, here is a weakness to it. it is slow. she does not move fast in the air. You can take advantage of that by hitting her out of it with your bair. Also if a Peach wants to pound your shield with Dairs, once a set of Dairs is done, Uptilt out of your shield before the second set comes in. I think his uptilt is fast enough to get her before the second set comes in.

Now for her Dair come set up being slow cause of her floating speed, here is something I like to do alot and it gets an any character well. Really big ones. I short hop Dairs. I am able to do whatever I want once I touch the floor instead of doing a floating Dair, then waste like a sec touching the floor, and with in that sec:

- You could roll away
- Sidestep to a counter attack or just get the hell away from me
- Attack out of your shield or even grab me

when I short hop Dairs, you wont really go anywhere. Cause the 4th kick wont touch you, and you will pop up in the air and stay in place. then I can do w/e I want since her dair auto-cancels I can also do this to get behind you and follow up with w/e quick attack I want. Peach short hoping her dairs are godly, makes her fast and can lead to set ups at any % you won't go anywhere. And People can SDI out of it. which is better cause I won't be in the air when you do it since I short hop them. I can follow up with w/e I want/can.

What Peach lacks in killing well, she makes up for it in racking damage:

- Can combo you well.
- Great air game.
- Good and quick ground game.
- Great at spacing and her spacing game is quick and has good range.
- 2 frame,auto canceled air attack that can break through nearly all of DK stuff.

All this helps with her killing. You do all of this to get that good damage on him, then when he is at that danger %, Peach can then whip out the kill moves and he will die that the % he should be. Hell, maybe a lil sooner. She is hard to hit/grab and good at racking up damage. also has a projectile at that if she needs to refresh her kill moves. so if her moves got weak. Peach can just use turnips which do good damage on you. and her moves will be refreshed.

Peach can still glide toss DK. Just cause he can punch, does not mean she can't do it at all. She can still do it to him and helps. The Peach just can't be stupid to do it when its obvious what will happen or.......I don't think I need to explain the concept of this. Glide toss helps and can screw DK over. You don't shut it down for good.

Also I read that some one said they can gimp Peach. I'll tell you boys right now, Peach is one of the hardiest characters to gimp. She is not very gimpable. (yes even with her recover) Don't sleep on her recovery and think you can just abuse her like that. She has alot of recovery options. Not gonna get into all of that, you can just read the Peach guide for it. But You can not gimp Peach so easy. Fact.

Someone also said Japes and Brinstar are good against Peach. Brinstar I counterpick DK's there if I have too. That stage its easy to keep the pressure on DK with her quick spacing, and even ground game. Her air game is ok here but not all of that. so that might be what you guys are looking for. to tone down her air game. but you better have something good for her other stuff. also, it is easier to hit you here, and not to mention the lava can get at you good here. And coming back on the stage will be hard with her edgeguarding.. this stage actually helps with that. Cause if it is not her, its the stage getting at you while trying to return from Peach's edgeguarding. and her uptilt can get you good here too, but not all that.

japes I would say the same, but it is one of her best stages. only think I see DK has here is killing her well off the sides, but even with god DI, it can still be hard. Fought snakes there and I don't die off the sides that easy. But yea, DK can do his damage off the sides there. If she falls in the water, she can jump out and float back to grab the edge( Yes even if she used her float already, it gets refreshed once she touches the water. You won't be killing her off the top that easy. Then again, we wont nether so we can't aim for that. best bet is off the sides and DK has good options for that with his KO power.

Good stages I say for you are:

- Halberd
- Rainbow cruise (ha, if you can play well with DK there, this is a dangerous trump card, but you can get the job done here)
- Pokemon stadium 1
- Pictochat
- Delfino (oh man, so much I can think of right now with DK on that stage, it is insane)

edgegaurding DK is hard. Cause of that super armor. and it covers him well horizontally. I have tried hitting him with turnips off the top of his head and nothing. I think the only way to get him out of it is under him, or maybe toad it? Never tried. But you guys got that one.

That's about all I have to say. Anything else I have I'll post later, or any questions debates you guys have, I'll take them.

I say this fight is ether even of slightly in peach's favor. and you can throw anything at me and I will not back down. I will back up why I say this with what I have already said here.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
:? I thought it was you. Come to the peach boards - everyone was wondering why you were banned.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
You should ask Edrees Sky, PEepo and others what they think of these things. See when I've played them, (personally think t hey are the best Peach's around) I've been able to out space them and for the most part keep them where I want them. And maybe I'm wrong about this whole best thing I will say that they are skilled players and I give them credit for being good Peachs.

But I would like to hear from peachs I've played for the sole reason I'd like to know how they view the matchup.


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
You should ask Edrees Sky, PEepo and others what they think of these things. See when I've played them, (personally think t hey are the best Peach's around) I've been able to out space them and for the most part keep them where I want them. And maybe I'm wrong about this whole best thing I will say that they are skilled players and I give them credit for being good Peachs.

But I would like to hear from peachs I've played for the sole reason I'd like to know how they view the matchup.
I am not sure Sky is up there like that. Idk anything about him or what he places in tournaments. And I never heard of PEepo.

You have more range than Peach so that's how you can out space her. But her spacing has range as well and it is fast. Edreese would have to speak for himself on this but I never had a problem out spacing DK when I needed too. Also to screw up his spacing, I throw a turnip for w/e reaction comes out of the player then go in for my spacing.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Pico Rivera, Ca
DDD, snake, and bowser all have killing power like DK but DK is a bit faster than all of them. whats this about her down til having such range? i see peaches that use dtilt and an automatic answer to it is a ftilt, dtilt, or DK punch. our dtilt is faster than peaches dtilt and outranges it as well. i do disagree with japes being one of peaches better stages. you can float all you want down there and the klap trap will **** you it comes every 10 seconds so you cant stay down there too much. also DK has his up b game on that stage where he can go under the platforms on either side giving him SA frames at the start of his up b and invincibility frames when he grabs the ledge so he can just mind game you. DK can either cargo dthrow peach under the platforms to put peach in a unsafe spot or spike her into the water with dair, fair, or side b. japes is too good in DK's favor and peach can exploit her floating but its not safe for her to use it so much. the stage is small on the sides so DK's fsmash and punch can kill so early on here, i killed a few people at 50% with a fsmash on this stage before. i wouldnt go as far as saying its in peaches favor but a 55:45 DK. peach has her moves to rack the damage up but she just lacks the killing potential on dk and he can abuse his super armor frames so much.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2007
^ If Peach saves her fair or bair, they’re nothing to sneeze at.

Dark Peach said:
That is what my name says in japanese. Hi there.
Just a heads up — it really doesn’t. And referring to yourself with an honorific like that will probably be considered as weird and conceited. ;)

This is an interesting match-up — does Peach have a dthrow chain on DK at all? There are some videos in the Peach forum of Bum vs VaNz from August, but are there any of the most renowned Peach players?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I don't feel like going too in depth about it, but I consider this a pretty even matchup. The thing is, if Peach gets a lead and decides to reverse glide toss turnips and stutter step forward smashes (stutter step AWAY) DK cannot get in and she doesn't need to kill, she's in the lead and just needs to maintain her advantage. Peach has the ability to play extremely gay in the matchup and gain the advantage. I would only do this in a tournament match though. I don't believe DK has that ability on Peach, because of her glide tosses, turnips, and forward air. Sure, he can back air turnips, but all that is doing is cancelling them out, he cannot effectively approach while back airing turnips. I play this matchup real gay in tournament and it becomes much easier, the ideal is for Peach to float, space and forward Smash until DK does one of his laggeir moves or makes a mistake.

50-50 to me.

CBK, you didn't mention Bone as one of the better peaches yet he's the one that took you out of tournament before (At Axis) I'm surprised you'd consider a 6:4 advnatage despite this.

Chrono : Peach can space above DK's back air and come down with a forward air to punish it. what I do is float back and forth until he tries to back air me, then I use my second jump to jump away from the back air while doing a retreating forward air. It's a near for sure way to punish DK's back air. DK doesn't have the option to react to Peach's float because once he is in the air he is commited to either attack or land, Peach can wait a few seconds, space away, space closer, attack, land, and most importantly, change the timing of when she uses that second jump out of the float. The reason you may not have had a hard time with other Peaches is because they don't use the float properly, which allows her to space DK's back airs out.

It's just a matter of prediction which is why I said 50-50. Peach's f-air is the last move she'd ever have trouble landing, thats why it gets so stale so quickly - because it hits a lot.


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
DDD, snake, and bowser all have killing power like DK but DK is a bit faster than all of them. whats this about her down til having such range? i see peaches that use dtilt and an automatic answer to it is a ftilt, dtilt, or DK punch. our dtilt is faster than peaches dtilt and outranges it as well. i do disagree with japes being one of peaches better stages. you can float all you want down there and the klap trap will **** you it comes every 10 seconds so you cant stay down there too much. also DK has his up b game on that stage where he can go under the platforms on either side giving him SA frames at the start of his up b and invincibility frames when he grabs the ledge so he can just mind game you. DK can either cargo dthrow peach under the platforms to put peach in a unsafe spot or spike her into the water with dair, fair, or side b. japes is too good in DK's favor and peach can exploit her floating but its not safe for her to use it so much. the stage is small on the sides so DK's fsmash and punch can kill so early on here, i killed a few people at 50% with a fsmash on this stage before. i wouldnt go as far as saying its in peaches favor but a 55:45 DK. peach has her moves to rack the damage up but she just lacks the killing potential on dk and he can abuse his super armor frames so much.
Idk about this Dtilt talk so I will leave that alone.

Also the chance of getting clap trap everytime you get in the water is something I not depend on. and If I see it once I start floating, Up Gets the job done to grab the edge or the center stage edges. Also just how DK can get to the center stage edges with his up-B. Peach can do it too with her F-B. And if you touch her F-B while I do it, you will eat H2-0 and drift to your death.

For the cargo trick, we can tech it. and small stages are good for Peach against DK. Her spacing and pressure game is quick and easy to eat your shield, have you rolling to get away and run into a hit/grab, or get comboed and forced out of the shield. Her pressure on characters are good. Best on big characters. That stage is one of her play grounds,

And again, you guys are letting this killing power decide this match up, cause that is all I keep hearing. lay off that. that does not mean much at all. I have already explained what Peach can do for that, and actually, it buffs her options to kill you.

Now look at what Peach has over you:

- Spaceing (anyone can try to prove me wrong, and I'll gadly debate and bring up facts on this, I would not be saying any of this if I could not back it up.)
- Air game
- Ground game
- Better approaches
- Lots of approaches
- More than one recovery option
- Rack up damage good and fact.
- Fast ground game
- All air attacks auto cancel so makes her a bit faster than DK when it comes to fighting speed.
- Pressure the hell out of you.
- Big target, not to hard to hit.
- edgeguarding.

I stand by what I said, even or slightly in Peach's Favor.



Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
And sorry if this is rude but I find it laughable that Japes is even considered good against Peach? She can just stand on the platform and throw turnips down when she has the lead, forcing DK to approach. If she gains the lead on that stage at any time, it's a gauranteed victory. It makes it extremely hard to approach with turnips raining down and that gap between the platform, DK puts himself in a real bad position.


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
Just a heads up — it really doesn’t. And referring to yourself with an honorific like that will probably be considered as weird and conceited. ;)

This is an interesting match-up — does Peach have a dthrow chain on DK at all? There are some videos in the Peach forum of Bum vs VaNz from August, but are there any of the most renowned Peach players?
Pichi= way to say Peach as in Princess Peach, the actually nintendo character.
San= this is the most common honorific and is equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms., Mrs, etc It is all-purpose honorific and can be used in any situation where politeness is required.

So not sure how this leads to be being weird and conceited. I find THAT weird. But IDK not gonna let what people think of me change who I am, and this is not the thread for this anyway.

And Yes Peach can chaingrab DK with Dthrow.

And sorry if this is rude but I find it laughable that Japes is even considered good against Peach? She can just stand on the platform and throw turnips down when she has the lead, forcing DK to approach. If she gains the lead on that stage at any time, it's a gauranteed victory. It makes it extremely hard to approach with turnips raining down and that gap between the platform, DK puts himself in a real bad position.
I was gonna say she can camp DK there and all but I assume these boys knew that already.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2008
I could accept this matchup as being even, as many good points have been brought up. I wouldn't agree to a Peach advantage, though. This is heavily a prediction-based matchup, and DK has a huge advantage in terms of survivability and killing power.


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
I could accept this matchup as being even, as many good points have been brought up. I wouldn't agree to a Peach advantage, though. This is heavily a prediction-based matchup, and DK has a huge advantage in terms of survivability and killing power.
Again with the KO thing again. I have a question for you guys, is that all you boys think about?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
Yes, Did you know after DI DK is the heaviest character on the chast, surviving fresh uptilts up to 140? Fresh forward tilts up to 160 Dk usually live till 200 the same cannot be said about Peach. DK is way strong in this matchup.

DK's kill and survive %>Peach's Rack damage turnip camp and kill potential.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Any DK's wanna play a bit online like... right now? :D :D :D

I've been meaning to get the match-up down.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2007
Reno, NV
My mistake Your right Bones definately one of the best, sorry I don't know why I didn't mention it. But 6:4 is what I believe but like I said it's almost even. At least that was when I played you *and Bones*.XD But your right it's not totally one sided. *I don't think I said it was...maybe I did* But I still think the adv is for DK slight in not a 6:4.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2007
Dark Peach said:
And Yes Peach can chaingrab DK with Dthrow.
I guess it’s not very prominent, since it hasn’t come up, but out of curiosity — any further details? How long does it last from 0 damage?

Does DK have any good grab release options on Peach?


Dark Peach said:
Pichi= way to say Peach as in Princess Peach, the actually nintendo character.
San= this is the most common honorific and is equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms., Mrs, etc It is all-purpose honorific and can be used in any situation where politeness is required.

So not sure how this leads to be being weird and conceited. I find THAT weird. But IDK not gonna let what people think of me change who I am, and this is not the thread for this anyway.
It’s not my place to tell you what your username should be. And yet the message it conveys to anyone who’s taken just one Japanese 101 class is “weeaboo”.

I’m not trying to be insulting, but the amount of bad Japanese you see on these boards from otherwise intelligent posters and experienced smashers is incongruous, and annoying. /my two cents


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
Just because I main DK does not mean I am a boy.
I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend you. but you lead me no sign that you was a female. usually females type in a certian way or use those faces they like alot. But I love and respect female smashers so cool on being one.

Yes, Did you know after DI DK is the heaviest character on the chast, surviving fresh uptilts up to 140? Fresh forward tilts up to 160 Dk usually live till 200 the same cannot be said about Peach. DK is way strong in this matchup.

DK's kill and survive %>Peach's Rack damage turnip camp and kill potential.
Dude, so what? You know how hard it is to freaking kill DDD with Peach, or any heavy character? And because of that, people don't say "Man we kill better, screw that, thats what matters" Seriously people thinking like this is the reason they are not at the level they wanna be or should be at this point of them playing (for however long that was for them.

Ok, you can can DI and have good KO power. But I have something to ask you. Just how easy is all that with a character who is hard to hit and grab. as well get inside whlie they can get inside you? First off, I don't even need to be near you to deal damage. I have turnips. What do you have, nothing. You wanna do damage to me, you have to get in my face.

Second, I can out space you or even be a tool and camp you on japes or any average size stage goof for camping. But I am sure you already knew that right? I have so many ways to approach you. I will say this one more time.

What we have over you is:
- Spaceing
- Air game
- Ground game
- Better approaches
- Lots of approaches
- More than one recovery option
- Rack up damage good and fast.
- Fast ground game
- All air attacks auto cancel so makes her a bit faster than DK when it comes to fighting speed.
- Pressure the hell out of you.
- Big target, not to hard to hit.
- edgeguarding.

All this and you gonna come saying all that matters and what you have over us is killing and DI? Dude look at the list, this beats your "killing logic" That list alone destroys your logic for DK's killing being the end of Peach and her biggiest weakness. Sorry but it is not. about half the roster or maybe more kill better than Peach and that is not her biggiest downfall at all nor do people go "well we kill better than Peach does and she is light, thats all we need and nothing to worry about"

How you expect to get better at a match up if you keep biasing things and not excepting what is straight up facts hands down. killing is all you need? nothing to worry about. Lets see you touch a Peach and beat her easy when:

- she spaces the hell out of you
- Attacks you from distances where she can force you to approach and you will even eat a few turnips on the way. Ether way you put it, you are forced to go to hear, she does not need to come to you for damage, you do, so she can control this match if she really wanted to.
- Pressures the hell out of you where you are put to the defensive.
- Peach has a good air game and creams yours if you dare take it to the skies with her.
-Faster combat game and is really technical so this helps alot for her combat speed.

Yea you keep thinking that is all you need, beating a Peach like this and who is smart as hell and knows thier character in /out won't be a problem for DK.

You know, after all that I just said, I change my mind, and none have to agree. I say this match up is in Peach's favor, and don't give me anything say "No way, we kill and live longer than you do" Peach is a character that can make up for it big time and even not make it a problem for both players. I backed up what I had to say, and if no one can do the same for thier claims, then it does not mean anything and you are biasing your character. you wanna learn and be good at a match up? except facts and proof of it when giving to you.

45-55 Peach.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2008
Gilroy CA
I'd like to let everybody know, that DK Pretty much ***** Peach.
I consider myself to be a good peach player.
And CBK Stuck his donkey **** in my Peach, and pretty much 2 stocked it, twice. Once on a level that He wasn't supposed to win on. Frigate. >_<

Maybe it's just me, but this is so hard for peach. DK out Ranges her, and also completely screws up her Air game.
For the Peaches that Subsist on the Guess and Check method, (Spaced Double jump Fairs,) This is a bad matchup.

That is all.
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