Grab release u-smash doesn't work I think. You're going to have to put up a video of you doing it for there to be proof blacknight. Even a low quality cell phone video will work.
Mike and I tried grab release pivot walk f-smash, and I think Mike is one of the best at it and it was too hard to do consistently at maximum speed, and anything less than that it's not even close.
How are you guys grab release d-airing mk? I'm clawing.
grab release pivot walk f smash I can pretty much say is not possible, unless mike can pull it out of his box of magic tricks.
I know i have no proof of my finds. No camera to use
Also the time you can cancel a foxtrot into F smash when marth is in his standing position during foxtrot, I will test (via diffrent controler settings) what else i can do and post back later.(edit i already have changed C stick to all options and this is abnormalities)
When c is changed to Special the following happens during cancel times
Up B is jump
foward b is standard (DB)
down B is jump
back B is wave bounce (DB)
Neutral B is nothing or is DB
because when you normaly dash and try to back B you end up RARing, however in normal dash you also are able to counter and DS as well.
It might be possible to cancel GR dash foxtrot- F smash on MK i don't know
I have no idea why f smash and ONLY f smash work
another thing about foxtrot is that when the begging animation of another dash occurs you do not have to be pressing button for you to have a "foward direction on control stick"
for example i went in training mode in 1/4 and foxtrotted and pressed R (without holding control stick) and rolled. This led me to a diffrent conclusion on dash to Up smash GR.
What I am 75% sure what happens is is from ( a starting point) when you foxtrot (before animation begins) marth will start up smash from the point of the second dash or first foxtrot.
this isn't on video so i CANNOT prove by frame but i created a custom stage to measure distance objectivly. its possible to dash and start up smash for same distance if you foxtrot at same point, however if you Do dash flick foward again up on c stick (or foxtrtot up smash) you are given free time to do what you will as it will give a buffering period. I have NO idea if this is in the standard buffering period or if it gives you ADDITIONAL time to buffer. (I am inclined to think the latter do to shield and rolling stated earlier)
If you have an SD card i may be able to send you replays via wii