Yeah mars16 has been progressively getting better after playing me lots on wifi. I feel he's getting a lot more patient overall, and harder to break down. In the past I'd usually beat him solidly by camping and pulling off some really stupid reads on him. He seems to be getting better at not falling for tricks, particularly in the Mario ditto, and these days I go a lot closer with him.
Tooooo busy for the next few weeks. And wifi between you and me is going to be out of the question once I have to return my friend's LAN adapter before going home.
Also, I discovered recently from playing offline apparently my reactions are much better than I expected, since I actually can consistently hit confirm Mario's Jab cancel combos consistently when lag is not an issue. I'll have extremely recent vids of me uploaded soon. I don't win all of them, but I daresay I play very entertainingly. I have some of the most aggressive edgeguarding out of all Mario users imo.