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Make Your Move 5

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Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Review Time!

Vi tan que este sistema fijado y yo lo pensé que alguien finalmente hizo un canario para esta barra de mono impresionante (o por lo menos el pájaro evolutivo; Era mucho anhelo para una gimnasia de la selva fijada). It' s siempre una nueva cara y un I' m you' absolutamente alegre; ¡VE nos ensambló… pero bastante habla, sobre el sistema! Primero apagado, el comunismo está muy en un colector del ojo en ése. Pero ninguÌn Canadá. Ahora, éste es algo you' ¿VE nunca vista antes de que usted lo llamara una sección de la mantequilla de cacahuete o una sección de la jalea, o ambas combinó? I don' t sabe qué llamarlo, pero lo necesita el espacio de gatos. Básicamente da a japonés una descripción de lo que necesitan hacer y de qué Pearl Harbor es capaz de en pocas palabras… así que conjeturo que es los pros/la sección del contra, que I haven' t visto en un ' fije desde entonces… Jesus' resurrección de s. Gracias por traer que trasero. " Usted piensa que las cámaras de gas para las manos son la cosa más grande ever." " Usted piensa de alguna manera que el holocausto para el vacío no es la cosa más grande ever." + 1 ariplane. Las manzanas parecen más… Pienso. He' ¿el S.A. se extendió de con prioritario? Oh no de dios… que parece quebrado. Bien, él de tiene lujuria lamentable, maÌn retraso, y gama horrible del gancho agarrador… él puede para chaingrabbed también, así que muchos conjeturo he' s no que el quebrado. Parece Hitler maining a este individuo Y lo luchará la mayor parte del tiempo (él ama a los judíos pesados que don' t tiene que acercarse, y él las cañerías José Goebbels, que tiene un chaingrab molesto del ing del ****). ¿También, por qué es él floaty? Quizá he' s por completo de judíos muertos. /horriblepun I' m lol' ing en nuestro mucho-en el fuego. Special' ¿s primero? Parece usted han ido al mercado de pulgas Montgomery. Los Specials primero son agradables. Guau, el pollo frito es grande. Amo este movimiento, seriamente. It' s grande, a menos que prefiriera usted le da un sistema que " characters". Esto haría le una porción entera más fácil prever. Si usted hace eso, después este movimiento será pene. El Special lateral parece como un gatito fiable que reparte el proyectil, tal como Samus' Special lateral. Parece aceptable, pero parece como un special del Sakurai-estilo. Es decir algo que podría tener sido un Plorf que colgaba solamente isn' t. Contaba con realmente algo original para este movimiento. Bien, es una buena pizza, I' el ll le da eso. What' ¿s su flor preferida, mac? Mine' chocolate de s. Abajo el Special es más interesante que los dos specials antedichos, y evocador de McCain y de Palin' moveset de la propaganda de s. Tengo gusto de cómo toman la violación constante hasta que puedan ponerlos uno mismo hacia fuera con agua o hasta que los 12 segundos están para arriba. ¿También, la tomo que los hitboxes desunidos pueden dañar su pene a través del fuego? Che Guevara' ¡los ataques regulares de s pueden amenazar a mexicanos y hacerles deseo que habían permanecido caseros de la casa de la grieta hoy! Autorización, I' m que va a resumir las torres gemelas en algunos puntos algo que movimiento que va por movimiento. I don' el medio de t de ser áspero, pero las matanzas es terrible lulzy. Muchos de éstos podían ser algo mucho más interesante. Algunas de las animaciones ellos mismos del ataque son duras de imaginarse que (el derrumbarse del norte de la torre es el más notable) satis***a tan elaboran en ellas más en el futuro. " Cada uno en el plano died." hecho me literalmente LOL. También aconsejaría que usted pusiera el " Tower" del norte; y " Tower" del sur; ataques en un " Comercio mundial Center" sección en el futuro. Le aplaudo para hacer las muertes ya mencionadas, aunque, pues hay solamente un puñado que lo hace actualmente. ¿Libros… antes del siluro? Meh, los quisiera después de siluro, pero éste está muy bien. Tengo gusto de cómo usted elaboró más en su tamaño del pecho más en esta sección, y el hecho de que usted elabore más/agrega comentario lulzy al principio de cada ****** le da un encanto único todo el sus los propios. Me encuentro otra vez el repetir de lo que dije sobre sus bolas, en que él es tristemente genérico, a excepción de la tuerca izquierda. I' m apesadumbrado, pero yo necesita ser serios con usted sobre el unoriginality de los ataques. I realmente don' t quiere ser áspero. Ahora, encendido al Yoshi. I can' t dice que son unoriginal, porque Yoshis don' t tiene que ser original. De hecho, éstos parecen ser el contrario. Su inferencia de seguir un huevo pone con DSmash es muy agradable, pues amo el vore que puede combinado en uno a y obro recíprocamente siempre. Algo I can' t hace nunca, que usted lo hace aquí (en el FThrow), está en en qué porcentaje pueden matar los movimientos. Nunca he podido imaginar eso. Una adición agradable que tengo gusto es cómo los opositores pueden despedir del bebé Mario. Allí usted va, Sundance.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Now that every one is basically done voting and stuff lets talk about how we can make MYM better. I say that a little bit of spam would increase the amount of time that we are on the front page causing more people to join. More ideas... also can this become a normal chat area now? and my votes are in.
Spam as a mechanism to get more people to join? Hmmm... Well, like I've said a bajillion times, I'm no MYM expert, but spam seems to be frowned upon for some reason. I mean, to a certain extent it might work, but nothing too drastic.

Also, here's an interesting idea I got for a MYM moveset. After reading through some of the older pages of the SSB4 Discussion Thread, I found a pretty cool character idea: 9-Volt from the WarioWare series. He could incorporate classic Nintendo weapons and items and such into his moveset. Could be a fun endeavor.

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Wow, thanks for the full review Kholdstare! Believe it or not, I had no idea about the last minute rush that this was near the end. I remembered this from long ago when I came to the forums a while back, and the idea of a Magmortar in Brawl had been flying around in my head for the past few days, so this was actually scratched out pretty quickly and roughly. I plunked this out in about 4 hours.

I wanted to thank you for the in-depth commentary and the appropriately used harsh words. I'm going to try my hands at a few other things, and then try to reflesh this out, giving much, much more attention to detail and creativity. I already have ideas for different close range fireball moves, and a wicked new Dair I want him to use.

Also, I hate myself for realizing at the last second I had forgotten to do a final smash and tacking on Giga Impact as a quick patch. Had I remembered to do so earlier, he'd be popping Heatran's signature move, Magma Storm...

Thanks a lot, I'll definitely consider everything said here in the next MYM.

Deleted member

Smady, I hope you realize that the Final Smash is taken directly from the anime.

That makes things a little better, but it wasn't described as such in the moveset, or by Khold and Kibble in their comments. Seems like another example of the set presuming the reader is an avid FMA watcher, but then it is only the final smash. :p

Also, good review. It's extensive for such a short moveset and Magmortar didn't get much attention when it was released. With these kinds of sets, we should really take it upon ourselves to review and then PM the MYMer. It would help out a lot of new users and these kinds of pieces usually aren't very long, so a review wouldn't take much work. :chuckle:

Edit: Haha, look at this thread I made when I first started on SWF a couple of years ago. Genuine proof of my long dedication to MYMing, before the term even existed. :D



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Get those pretenders out **** here!
Tourettes Guy

**** Italian Dragon
Joseph William (born 23 March 1972) is a Welsh former prCOCKessional boxer
who retired undefeated.PISSwas rated by RASSg magazASSe as pound for pound
one **** **** top 10 boxers *** **** world, so you'd better step up to **** mark!

Did I mention? He's joASSASSg **** Brawl. Yeah, you're as good as TKO'd

‡‡‡ Stats ‡‡‡
Tourettes Guy's arms can reach up to 1.25 stagebuilder blocks when fully extended, though DICKre will be plenty **** times whenPISShooks his shots, halvASSg this range
All boxASSg is about momentum. Build up enough **** it, and rob ***** foe **** his, and Knockout moves will land much more readily. His arsenal **** moves is raDICKr polarised, with most **** DICKm simple dealASSg paDICKtic knockback for **** sake **** spacASSg
Though you want to land as many blows as possible *** boxASSg, Tourettes Guy knows that a few well placed shots will work much more COCKten. He packs more damage ASSto his attack sweetspots, so space **** foe well!
This is where Tourettes Guy suffers **** most. But boxASSg is about timASSg, you can't just throw a PISS ASSto ***** opponent's PISS and expect to wASS, you have to play it smart and pick ***** moments.
Tourettes Guy is a light-heavyweight, which is a full three classes below heavyweight. It's a nice balance, with more emphasis on **** durability side **** thASSgs
Tourettes Guy does not move quickly. After all,PISSisn't some straw-weight, he's packASSg a bit more power than that. What Tourettes Guy has to his advantage is **** ability to move accurately.PISScan short step and backpeddle distances that would be oDICKrwise impossible with an analogue stick.
Tourettes Guy uses **** Southpaw stance, *** whichPISSleads with weaker right handed PISSes and uses his left for **** stronger blows. This has some importance *** Brawl because, if Tourettes Guy is facASSg right,PISSwill have his back to **** camera, makASSg it harder to tell which attack he's gearASSg up.
Like all boxers, you don't want Tourettes Guy's feet COCKf **** ground. Without a firm foundation to stand on, his PISSes lose DICKir momentum and his defensive skills drop radically. And don't you dare short hop as Tourettes Guy, none **** his aerials auto-cancel
When you're agaASSst **** ropes, you have no oDICKr choice but to bounce back and wASS. Tourettes Guy can stick around longer than you'd thASSk a boxer could

‡‡‡ DefendASSg ‡‡‡
Like any real boxer, Tourettes Guy has a plethora **** defensive manouvers at his disposal. A perfect candidate for **** defense orientated SSBB-metagame.

Tourettes Guy brASSgs his fists up to his chest. This shields agaASSst knockback, but only mitigates one half **** ASScomASSg damage. You can however, angle his fists up and down, completely blockASSg high and low attacks respectively.
Tourettes Guy's shield strength only decreases ifPISSleaves his fists at chest level, so accurately judge **** ASScomASSg blows, and you can hold a defensive stance for as long as you want.

Tourettes Guy's hurtbox varies wildly durASSg his attacks, asPISSbobs and weaves ASSto **** background and foreground. This allows him to counter-PISS without havASSg to wait for **** end lag. Just remember that Tourettes Guy always has at least some weakpoASSt on show, so don't try to counter PISS any especially large moves

Spot Dodge:
Tourettes Guy's spot-dodge is unique *** thatPISSmaASStaASSs a defensive stance while dodgASSg. This means any attacks that would normally hit him while dodgASSg, no longer work.
But bear *** mASSd that Tourettes Guy does not hold up a defensive durASSg **** dodgASSg parts **** his counter-PISSes

Clear out:
When Tourettes Guy perfect shields an attack,PISSsuddenly bursts ASSto a menacASSg advance which physically pushes **** foe backwards 1.2 stagebuilder blocks. Tourettes Guy DICKn hops back to his origASSal position. This is best used to scupper **** opponent's retaliation after you land a successful chaASS **** attacks.

Sweep ***:
When Tourettes Guy sour shields an attack (perfect shield an attack with a <50% shield),PISSbobs forewards 0.25 stagebuilder blocks, brASSgASSg him right ASSto melee range. This almost always leads ASSto a grab. If you're runnASSg out **** shield, you should defASSitely try to get a Sweep ***.

Technical Knockout:
Tourettes Guy can earn TKOs (Technical Knockout), which count as half a real KO (Tourettes Guy earns a poASSt, but **** foe does not lose a poASSt). TKOs are earned *** **** followASSg manner;
  • If Tourettes Guy manages to knock **** foe to **** ground 4 times.PISSachieves a TKO. KnockASSg a foe down ASSvolves strikASSg **** spikASSg **** foe *** a way that results *** DICKm lieASSg *** **** prone position. It also counts if Tourettes Guy launches **** foe, and DICKy neglect to exit **** 'tumble' state before landASSg
  • If Tourettes Guy opens a cut on **** foe's forehead, and keeps it from healASSg for 35 seconds (explaASSed *** more detail later).PISSachieves a TKO.
It's important to note that, *** brawl, TKOs are not real KOs. **** foe will be quite unharmed by a TKO, DICKre will be no loss **** stock and no respawnASSg. **** fight merely contASSues with an extra poASSt on Tourettes Guy's tab.
That said, once Tourettes Guy earns a TKO, he'll have to properly KO **** opponent beforePISScan start earnASSg anoDICKr one. Also, if **** foe is KO'd beforePISSachieves a TKO, Tourettes Guy will have to start **** process over from scratch.
Tourettes Guy can sometimes be a technical boxer, so gettASSg a TKO and waitASSg out **** clock can net him some easy victories.

‡‡‡ AttackASSg ‡‡‡

Jab AKA "Laggless Jab"
It's just as it sounds, a jab that has no lag on eiDICKr end. It comes out on frame 2 and retreats on frame 5. By frame 8, Tourettes Guy can move or jab agaASS. If you do **** math, that's 7 PISSes a second! Too bad DICKy all deal 0.33% damage. But if you hit **** opponent square on **** nose with **** very edge **** **** jab (0.8 stagebuilder blocks away) **** damage will rocket to 5%.
With **** sweetspot *** mASSd, foes will likely DI toward you as you jab, which can lead to consequences should DICKy get behASSd you. But you WANT DICKm to try that. Draw DICKm *** with ***** paDICKtic jabs, DICKn suddenly burst ASSto anoDICKr move

Foreward-Tilt AKA "1-2 straight"
You'll be forgiven for thASSk this is just **** jab agaASS. It does ASSdeed begASS with **** exact same jab. But DICKreASS lies **** genius **** **** manouver. After **** paDICKtic first tap, Tourettes Guy DICKn delivers a far more brutal straight with his left. This one deals a neat 7% damage at its tip (1.25 stagebuilder blocks) and a respectable 5% even when sour spotted. **** knockback is around **** 0.8 stagebuilder block mark, but Tourettes Guy also advances 0.33 stagebuilder blocks, soPISSwon't be exactly safe when **** foe comes to.
This is **** easiest thASSg to land after **** jab, and you can even use if without jabbASSg first (although DICKre is zero mASSdgame potential *** that). Whip this one out when **** foe tries to beat a hasty retreat durASSg ***** flurry **** PISSes. But you'll need to enter a defensive stance after **** move, to avoid a counter

Downward-Tilt AKA "Cross-Counter"
Tourettes Guy throws his shoulder behASSd anoDICKr straight PISS, transferrASSg much **** his hurtbox ASSto **** background durASSg **** attack. This time **** sweetspot is at **** 0.75 stagebuilder block mark raDICKr than **** very edge **** his range. This deals a meaty 9% damage (6% when sour-spotted) but no knockback. ASSstead, Tourettes Guy hops backwards 0.5 stagebuilder blocks, a handy move for gettASSg a little space. If **** opponent was *** **** middle **** an attack when this blow lands, Tourettes Guy tags on an extra 4% damage.
Don't thASSk you're ASSvASScible durASSg this. Tourettes Guy's legs remaASS *** **** foreground, beggASSg to be struck. **** lag when this misses is easy to punish too (though his body will still be *** **** background whilePISSrecovers). Cross-Counter is nothASSg you'd want to launch right after a jab, though you'll want to use **** jab to pester **** foe ASSto attackASSg irrationally. If you land this at close range, you may still be close enough to try a second Cross-Counter right away, and that's somethASSg **** opponent will have to be wary **** too

Upward-Tilt AKA "Half Hook"
Tourettes Guy tries to land a blow to **** side **** **** opponent's head. Simple, right? SASSce this blow swASSgs around **** side **** **** foe, this will strike anyone who is shieldASSg or spot-dodgASSg (It won't get past any counters or "fortress" moves). **** trade COCKf is that it will only hit foes standASSg 0.75 stagebuilder blocks away from Tourettes Guy. If and when you land this piercASSg strike, **** foe will suffer 3% damage and stagger backwards 0.8 stagebuilder blocks, leavASSg DICKm awkwardly out **** Tourettes Guy's range.
If you can't get **** spacASSg right to land a grab, this is **** next best thASSg agaASSst shielders. **** startup is easy to spot, even though **** lag isn't that long. **** end lag is also surprisASSgly short for a move **** this type, sASSce Tourettes Guy doesn't put **** full force **** his strength ASSto this PISS. This is a good thASSg when you consider how everyone will try rollASSg behASSd you. **** consequences **** landng this are fairly steep however, as it'll ruASS any current effort you put ASSto good spacASSg.

Foreward-Smash AKA "KO blow"
Tourettes Guy telegraphs **** most basic lookASSg straight *** existance, holdASSg his leadASSg arm out to **** side asPISScharges with his left. Just beforePISSactually PISSes, Tourettes Guy steps forewards 0.1 stagebuilder blocks. It's a small poASSt that opponents might forget but it lends **** attack some deceptive range. Damage varies between 2% and 34% dependASSg on charge... yikes.
Despite **** giveaway name, Tourettes Guy does not use this for actually KOASSg **** foe. ASSstead, it knocks DICKm to **** ground (ASSto **** prone position), brASSgASSg him one step closer to a vital TKO. Tourettes Guy must sweetspot this for **** afformentioned knockdown, but unlike his oDICKr PISSes **** sweet spot is at 0.15 stagebuilder blocks (i.e. Tourettes Guy must catch **** opponent *** as much **** this PISS as possible)
LandASSg **** KO blow requires good spacASSg and a foe who is so morally crushed thatPISScan't dodge it. **** first requirement is a snap for Tourettes Guy, but **** second is all down to how wellPISScan domASSate, mentally. To make matters worse, you have to land this 4 times for a sASSgle TKO.
If you manage to strike an airborne foe with this, DICKy will be spiked. That'll usually result *** a knockdown anyway, so don't worry about how you hit DICKm, so long as you hit DICKm.

Downward-Smash AKA "Body shot"
This is an underarm short-straight which hits down at **** opponent's body. Tourettes Guy also ducks for this attack, and places his feet *** **** background. **** range is quite weak (0.5 stagebuilder blocks) but you can sweetspot this if **** foe is even closer. This deals between 15% and 22% and forces **** foe to stagger forewards (0.2 stagebuider blocks if sweetspotted and 0.4 stagebuilder blocks oDICKrwise)
This is essentially a cross-counter **** a different flavour, one designed to outwit low blows while also duckASSg under high ones. **** lag **** this smash rivals **** KO blow, although Tourettes Guy ducks durASSg chargASSg, so you can use it to avoid a low or high blow and DICKn unleash a body blow while DICKy're exposed. BrASSg this one out when you want to swASSg **** fight back around *** ***** favour.

Upward-Smash AKA "Uppercut"
It's **** only ground move **** Tourettes Guy's that will deal traditional knockback (KOs uncharged at 210%). But not only that, but this is **** only wayPISScan attack someone above him. Just as you'd imagASSe, this attack is a sweepASSg uppercut, one which comes out quickly when compared to his oDICKr smashes. **** sweetspot, is exactly 0.5 stagebuilder blocks *** FRONT **** Tourettes Guy (hittASSg anyone above him deals only weak knockback and half **** usual damage). **** damage can vary between 11% and 28%, though it kASSd **** defies **** poASSt **** a quick smash if you charge it up..
Tourettes Guy's maASS KO move is quick (makASSg him alltogeDICKr unique *** **** world **** MYM). **** correct spacASSg can be a paASS to achieve but it's all **** same easy to land. 210% may sound like a tall order, but Tourettes Guy will want to drag **** fightASSg out as much as possible *** order to snag a TKO under his belt anyway, so it fits ASSto his style well. **** end lag isn't exactly stellar, but you'd never start an uppercut expectASSg to miss... would you?

Dash attack AKA "Approach"
**** name truely does say it all. Tourettes Guy ducks down and brASSgs his gloves up to his face asPISScontASSues to dash forewards for as long as A is held. This is an extension **** his regular shield, and it runs COCKf **** same timer too, so if you don't let ***** shield regenerate, you'll end up breakASSg it when you use Approach. This attack draASSs Tourettes Guy's shield at twice its normal rate, and that ASScludes loss **** shield ASSflicted by enemy attacks too. Tourettes Guy can advance up to 4 stagebuilder blocks with this move, and he'll automatically stop dashASSg once **** move ends
On paper, this is **** ultimate approach as it is literally a shield while dashASSg. **** problem is how fast this shield breaks. If you use approach through anythASSg stronger than a tilt, you'll end up with a broken shield.
And what can Tourettes Guy do whenPISSgets to **** foe? His shield will be significantly crippled, so all his defensive options go straight out **** wASSdow. And when **** opponent knows Tourettes Guy has to attack, that's when Tourettes Guy's at his most predictable
Approach is best COCKf used to reposition Tourettes Guy when he's at mid-range. Any furDICKr out and he'll be better COCKf just rollASSg. Any closer to **** foe andPISScan just use his oDICKr, better, spacASSg tools.

Grab AKA "ClASSch"
Tourettes Guy's grab range is frankly crimASSal (0.1 stagebuilder blocks). But DICKn agaASSPISSdoesn't make a formal grab at all.PISSsimply advances so close to **** foe that neiDICKr **** DICKm can get *** an attack. Yes, that does mean that this grab is automatic, you don't need to press Z to ASSitiate it, you simply stand still when at **** correct distance from **** opponent.
When you've got someone *** a clASSch, it's time to take a breaDICKr. Both **** you will heal 2% every second **** **** grab, so you can forgive **** opponent for not wantASSg to escape this.
For Tourettes Guy's pummel,PISSgrASSds his head agaASSst **** foe's neck, negatASSg 1% **** **** foe's healASSg. This comes at a price however. Every successful pummel makes **** grab easier to escape from (ClASSchASSg is not exactly an honest boxer's technique)
Tourettes Guy's grab is certaASSly surprise *** any situation. SASSce DICKre is no need to press Z, DICKre is no lag, meanASSg Tourettes Guy can simply get *** nice and close as part **** his usual attackASSg style.PISScan shuffle *** quickly and accurately to guarantee a grab *** almost any situation, even after an attack (makASSg PISS-clASSch-throw **** only combo Tourettes Guy can perform). Pummel fast enough, and **** foe won't get any healASSg at all. Feel free to get *** a few clASSches just before you go to KO ***** opponent. You could also use ClASSch to force healASSg on a foe who might be tryASSg to maASStaASS a specific level **** damage. And **** course this has uses *** Team Battles too.

Foreward Throw AKA "Parry"
Tourettes Guys pushes **** foe away 0.7 stagebuilder blocks and stands with his gloves up. **** foe is free to move and attack, but ifPIS****s Tourettes Guy with anythASSg for **** next 0.8 seconds (even a grab or "non-attack" attack). Tourettes Guy will parry **** blow, takASSg only half **** damage (and no knockback) from it. Not only that, but by parryASSg **** attack, **** foe will suffer 1.3x more end lag, and an additional 0.2 seconds **** end lag on top **** that!
This is quite **** strange "counter" throw ASSdeed, but it can grant Tourettes Guy quite **** openASSg ifPISSgets it right (andPISSWILL, becausePISShas anoDICKr ace up his sleeve to help mASSdgame **** foe ASSto attackASSg). Tourettes Guy can only parry **** victim **** this throw, oDICKr players are free to beat **** tar out **** him *** **** meantime.

Backward Throw AKA "Peek-a-boo"
Tourettes Guys pushes **** foe away 0.7 stagebuilder blocks and stands with his gloves up. Sound familiar? This is **** same as Parry but with one crucial difference. Tourettes Guy's defensive stance is only a feASSt.PISScan *** fact move and attack as normal, butPISSwon't parry any ASScomASSg blows eiDICKr
This is **** sister throw to "Parry" and **** only way **** afformentioned throw will ever work agaASSst a knowledgable foe. So long as Tourettes Guy stands still, he'll keep up **** facade, so **** foe can never tell which throw you used until DICKy attack him. On **** flip side, if **** foe is convASSced this is a Parry and tries to flee, Tourettes Guy can simply chase and punish straight out **** his fake stance! This is really **** moDICKr **** all opportunity openers, use it well.

Upward Throw AKA "CuttASSg Gavotte"
Tourettes Guy steps twice away from **** foe, DICKn hops back towards DICKm and lands a critical upper-straight agaASSst **** foe's forehead. This deals 2% damage and light knockback. But it also opens up a cut on **** foe, causASSg DICKm to take 1% damage every second. **** bleedASSg will stop after 5 seconds, but it will start up agaASS for anoDICKr 5 seconds if Tourettes Guy lands ANY attack on **** foe. If Tourettes Guy can maASStaASS **** bleedASSg for 35 seconds straight,PISSwill be awarded a TKO
Anyone with a cut to **** forehead is doomed to lose, as this is **** maASS way boxers wASS DICKir matches. Open a cut, keep it open, and not only will you get a TKO, you'll brASSg **** foe that much closer to an actual KOable percent

Downward throw AKA "Wide open"
Tourettes Guy spreads his arms out *** a "come on and hit me" gesture. **** foe obliges his request and attacks him. **** attack DICKy use will be **** 2nd to last attack DICKy used before beASSg grabbed.
Luckily, Tourettes Guy will roll with **** blow, takASSg only half **** damage and knockback from it.
Huh? A throw that damages YOU!? Why on earth would you even try this? That is a good question, but it all comes down to what **** opponent's "2nd to last" attack actually was. It could be a laggy recovery, that leaves you with plenty **** opportunity to punish. It could be an attack that backfires if used too frequently or has sizable fail-lag. It might not even be an attackASSg move at all, or a move designed to help allies *** Team battles.
When you thASSk about it, DICKre are plenty **** moves that are detrimental when used *** **** wrong situation, and this throw creates that situation.

Neutral Aerial AKA "Check-Hook"
Well, he's *** **** air now, this won't end well. Tourettes Guy throws a basic hook *** front **** with his maASS hand while leanASSg ASSto **** background with **** rest **** his body. **** range **** this is 0.6 stagebuilder blocks, and you will deal 4% on **** COCKf chance you actually hit someone)**** knockback is adaquate for repellASSg foes but will never KO realistically. Tourettes Guy can still be damaged durASSg this attack if **** PISS itself is out-prioritised , and this neutral-air only hits *** front **** him
Tourettes Guy's aerial counterPISS. It's horribly difficult to land correctly, and ***** foe would have to be pretty bad to fall prey to this (DICKre aren't a whole lot **** attacks *** brawl that wouldn't end up hittASSg his hand ASSadvertantly). But if you do land it, **** foe will be COCKf balance enough to allow you to return to **** ground. You can actually spam this quickly, but... why would you want to?

Foreward Aerial AKA "Drill PISS"
*** what has got to be **** most outlandish attack *** his arsenal, Tourettes Guy delivers a straight PISS, DICKn twists it left and right as if it were drill. This attack is a multi-hitter, drags foes with it and can be held out for as long as Tourettes Guy wants by repeatedly mashASSg A. It deals 3% per second and has a range **** 0.9 stagebuilder blocks
ODICKr than **** lag, which you will grow to hate, this attack is probably Tourettes Guy's best bet at gettASSg down safely. After all, **** foe can't punish you if you've got DICKm trapped *** ***** attack, can DICKy? DICKre's almost no damage output to this though, so don't get **** wrong idea about what kASSd **** attack this is.

Backward Aerial AKA "Bolo PISS"
This backwards aerial attacks *** front **** Tourettes Guy. And why shouldn't it? What kASSd **** boxer turns his back on his opponent?
Anyway, Tourettes Guy throws a short ranged PISS, that tightens its circular arc as it launches. Thanks to **** bizarre way *** which **** PISS is thrown, this is actually **** strongest PISSPISScan use *** midair and his best horizontal knockback move, fullstop. If you catch someone with this (**** range is 0.7 stagebuilder blocks and it can hit airdodgers too) DICKy will take medium knockback and 10% damage.
This aerial actually sounds good. So what's **** downside? Well, it's an easy PISS to see comASSg, as gearASSg this up takes effort. It also stales significantly if it hits. After all, it's more **** a gimmick PISS than anythASSg else, ***** opponent won't likely fall for it more than once. Basically, use this once when you're *** trouble, and DICKn never use it agaASS until ***** next stock.

Upward Aerial AKA "Overcut"
Tourettes Guy throws this PISS like you'd throw a baseball. It's just crazy enough to work, though whiffASSg **** attack has **** worst consequences **** any **** Tourettes Guy's moves. **** foe has to be directly *** front **** you (DICKy also have to be roughly at **** same height as you *** midair) for this blow to land. But if it does, DICKy'll be spiked downward with an extra 8% damage to DICKir name.
**** high-risk, high-reward move **** Tourettes Guy's aerial arsenal. **** reward is a chance to land safely. **** risk is that you could easily miss...
But spikASSg **** foe ASSto **** ground can earn you a knockdown and brASSg Tourettes Guy one step closer to a TKO, so that's one reason for Tourettes Guy to get aggressive *** midair.

Downward Aerial AKA "Cross Armed"
Tourettes Guy crosses his arms *** front **** his face and leans ASSwards, effectively creatASSg an aerial guadASSg stance whichPISScan hold for as long asPISSholds A. This unfortunately only guards agaASSst blows which hit Tourettes Guy's head first, so you need to be below **** opponent to use this effectively
ClammASSg up until you reach terra firma sounds like an ASSfallible plan, until you factor *** **** dreadful end lag asPISSemerges from his guard. **** lag is even more dramatic ifPISSlands durASSg it. So if you don't want t be knocked right back up agaASS, you have to release this move when you're still quite high *** **** air.

‡‡‡ Specials ‡‡‡

Neutral Special AKA "Shuffle"
Tourettes Guy shuffles forewards (or backwards if **** analogue stick is tilted that way durASSg **** chargASSg period) a short distance. **** distance travelled is proportional to **** length **** **** spent holdASSg B (For every 0.05 seconds **** holdASSg B, Tourettes Guy will travel an extra 0.1 stagebuilder blocks). **** maximum distance Tourettes Guy can shuffle is 3 stagebuilder blocks.
**** best thASSg about this special is that it can be used durASSg **** start and end lag **** oDICKr attacks, allowASSg Tourettes Guy to space himself perfectly for his attack or help him escape after it.
Get used to tappASSg B folks, because you'll be doASSg this before and after EVERY SASSGLE ATTACK. SpacASSg is vital to Tourettes Guy, and this special grants him all **** spacASSgPISScould ever want. But bear *** mASSd that Tourettes Guy's attacks generally don't have much lag, so you can't shuffle very far *** most cases.

Side Special AKA "Rope-a-dope"
Tourettes Guy reclASSes backwards as a series **** elastic ropes appear behASSd him to support him.PISScan jump COCKf **** this, but only at half his usual jump height (and without a second jump or an additional use **** his Side-special). If Tourettes Guy is attacked while on **** ropes, DICKy will sprASSg him *** **** opposite direction to **** attack's usual knockback. If Tourettes Guy is movASSg particularly fast when this move is used, **** ropes will automatically sprASSg him COCKf *** **** opposite direction.
Tourettes Guy can stay on **** ropes for up to 3 seconds beforePISSslips through DICKm.
This is Tourettes Guy's Recovery, and an awesome one at that. Tourettes Guy will be bouncASSg back from pretty much anywhere, and most attempts to gimp this will only help Tourettes Guy. A clever foe can still gimp Tourettes Guy, by usASSg an up-air or similar move (so that **** ropes would launch him downwards) and he'll still take all **** damage from whatever attack hit him.

Upward Special AKA "Corner Play"
Argueably Tourettes Guy's least useful special, dependASSg on how you play him. Tourettes Guy will take a short breaDICKr, healASSg a paltry 1%. **** lag **** this is also raDICKr stiflASSg, and ASSvites punishment like a naughty schoolgirl.
**** move, improves however, if Tourettes Guy has managed to knock **** opponent down or opened up a cut on DICKir face. *** return for strikASSg one knockdown from **** record (meanASSgPISSwould need an additional knockdown to gaASS a TKO) or removASSg **** cut permenantly, Tourettes Guy's damage is reduced to 0.7x its previous value.
If Tourettes Guy has any TKO's under his belt, **** attack changes agaASS. *** return for removASSg one TKO from **** record, Tourettes Guy will be completely healed and cured **** any status effects(he will also regaASS his jumps/recovery ifPISSwas *** midair at **** time)
RefreshASSg larges chunks **** health *** exchange for TKOs *** progress is a difficult choice to make. And if Tourettes Guy has any TKO's at all, that version **** this special will take priority, makASSg **** choice so much harder. If you have plenty **** TKOs but are on ***** last stock, you may end up havng to use one while you wait out **** clock.
It basically all boils down to wheDICKr you want to play aggressively or defensively

Downward Special AKA "Eagle PISS"
It's not quite a Falcon PISS, but it's about a thousand times more useful. **** PISS itself is hardly discernable when compared to all **** straight PISSes Tourettes Guy uses, but it has one critical advantage. It has priority that will clank agaASSst ANY ATTACK.
You won't be usASSg **** PISS to actually attack, but if you do strike a foe with it, you'll fASSd it to be a horribly weak move(1% damage and miserable knockback)
AttackASSg to defend, that's **** axiom on display here. **** start up lag is 0.7x that **** a Falcon PISS, so you have to know when a big attack is comASSg if you want to stop it. ConsiderASSg how bad **** priority **** Tourettes Guy's attacks usually are, Eagle PISS is a godsend *** **** face **** Metaknight's Tornado.
Just remember that it only clanks, it doesn't outprioritise and it wont stop grabs

‡‡‡ FASSal Smash: Title fight ‡‡‡
Tourettes Guy's FASSal Smash is an extension **** his playstyle (no, not his special mechanic, you miserable cretASSs!). When Tourettes Guy activates his FASSal Smash, it all comes down to this. For 20 seconds, **** scorASSg for a KO, TKO or SD is doubled, allowASSg Tourettes Guy to decisively pull ahead and guarantee an easy victory. **** course, **** foe could also KO Tourettes Guy, so **** risks *** pullASSg this fASSal smash at **** wrong time are severe. If **** match is a CoASS match, all coASS values, and **** penalties for gettASSg KO'd are doubled for **** 20 seconds

‡‡‡ Playstyle: StASSg like a wasp ‡‡‡
So let's get right on down to **** nitty gritty specifics **** boxASSg. SpacASSg is kASSg, and **** kASSg **** spacASSg can suck **** momentum out **** almost any foe. So how DOES Tourettes Guy space?

Obviously, his Neutral Special has a lot to do with it, beASSg able to move a mere fraction **** a stagebuilder block at will is a boon any combo artist would kill for. Simply keep *****self at **** very tip **** ***** opponent's range, so you can sweep right *** and capitalise on a whiffed attack. **** course, that is predictable, but it's certaASSly **** easiest way for an ASSexperienced player to wASS with Tourettes Guy.
For **** more prCOCKessional boxASSg connoiseur, you will want to bait out **** foe ASSto makASSg rash decisions. And that'll ASSvolve stayASSg ASSside DICKir range. UsASSg **** Neutral Special to keep youself *** danger sound counterproductive, but if you keep *****self withASS **** sweetspot **** **** foe's strongest attack, you can bet ***** hide DICKy'll be tempted to use that attack. And Tourettes Guy has **** best defensive options **** any character *** brawl, so dodgASSg **** attack might not even be neccessary.

But that's not **** whole story. Every one **** Tourettes Guy's attacks has specific spacASSg properties, gently movASSg eiDICKr **** foe or Tourettes Guy himself. Most **** his PISSes will space **** foe to help more PISSes land, but usASSg **** easiest PISS *** a situation will quickly see you outguessed and outgunned. Go agaASSst **** graASS, use ***** Neutral special to counteract **** spacASSg **** ***** PISSes, so that you can land **** more surprisASSg ones. And seriously don't forget you can use Neutral Special DURASSG attack lag. You won't be able to move more than 0.3 stagebuilder blocks *** most cases, but that can make all **** difference between connectASSg with a sweetspot, or whiffASSg **** attack entirely.

One key strategy for Tourettes Guy is for him to keep a shield at under 50% soPISScan Sour Shield enemy attacks. GettASSg a Sour Shield will make Tourettes Guy Sweep *** towards **** foe, and almost always results *** a grab. **** quickest way to a 50% shield is to use Approach through a weak projectile or a jab, though you'll get DICKre soon enough simply by beASSg "that" shield spammer everyone hates. Sweep ***'s are vital for keepASSg a chaASS **** attacks goASSg. Tourettes Guy can't combo anythASSg ASSto anythASSg else, unless a grab is ASSvolved, soPISShas to contASSuely counter **** foe's decisions to land additional hits. And **** more PISSesPISSlands, **** furDICKr from **** foe Tourettes Guy will tend to fASSd himself. A Sweep *** will brASSg Tourettes Guy right back ASSto **** thick **** it while openASSg up **** foe's defense.

So what will Tourettes Guy be aimASSg for? 210% damage would be nice eventually, but *** **** meantime Tourettes Guy absolutely has to try for a TKO. DependASSg on **** foe, it may be easier to knock DICKm down 4 times, or keep a fresh cut on DICKir forehead long enough. *** most cases it's cuts for **** heavyweights and knockdowns for **** lightweights, with middleweights beASSg trouble for both.
Don't thASSk you can just waltz ASSto a TKO. Tourettes Guy will be hard pressed to get a sASSgle TKO *** a competitive match. **** knockdown moves are hard to land once, nevermASSd on four seperate occasions *** a sASSgle stock. And as for keepASSg a cut open? Good luck doASSg that when Tourettes Guy can't chase down anyone faster than Ganondorf.
But TKO's are genuASSely worth **** hassle. Regular KO's won't be comASSg quickly for eiDICKr side *** a match, and it's entirely possible to end up with a 0-0 draw with Tourettes Guy wASSnASSg due to **** TKO. And if **** KO's are freely flowASSg? Tourettes Guy can use up his TKO to fully restore himself, and that's a pretty good deal as it's like havASSg an extra stock.

Tourettes Guy's ASSsane ability to become clamshell defensive leads to **** common tactic **** Tourettes Guy gettASSg a TKO lead, DICKn waitASSg out **** rest **** **** match. IfPISSgets dangerously close to death,PISScan use **** TKO to heal, and he'll still be able get a % wASS.
But Tourettes Guy is obviously slow, soPISScan't just flee. He'll have to outsmart **** foe almost constantly to keep DICKm from landASSg any blows. Perfect ShieldASSg is COCKten **** easiest way to scupper an enemy assault, though Tourettes Guy also has a couple **** PISSes that would achieve a similar goal. Counter PISS and Body Shot are always DICKre for when **** foe is pressurASSg you just a bit too hard. And let's not forget **** mASSdgame potential **** Parry and Peek-a-boo to disorientate **** foe. ASSdeed, it is ironically **** case that, even while on **** defensive, Tourettes Guy should keep himself close to **** foe.

So, what is Tourettes Guy's weakness DICKn? Well, oDICKr than **** presumably obvious "strong aerial game" and "campers", Tourettes Guy has a horrible disadvantage agaASSst foes who can crouch really well. And this all stems from one crucial problem with Tourettes Guy,PISSis a by-****-books boxer.PISSdoesn't cheat or resort to low blows.PISSdoesn't chaASSgrab, fire COCKf wacky projectiles or call on his traASSer for help mid-match. DICKre is a very strong sense **** reality behASSd **** way Tourettes Guy plays, and that COCKten makes it hard for him to adapt to **** zanier brawl tactics.

‡‡‡ Matchups ‡‡‡
Metaknight: 50/50 neutral
when you thASSk about it for any length **** time, you'll realise MK and Tourettes Guy form a YASSg and Yang **** sorts. Unperterbable ground spacASSg vs unstoppable aerial rapeage. GettASSg Tourettes Guy up *** **** air is by far **** hardest part **** this matchup for MK, as his slim hitboxes are perfect fodder for Tourettes Guy's counter-PISS and body-shot.PISScan barely duck, so he's goASSg to have to pit his ASSelegant spacASSg agaASSst Tourettes Guy's godly spacASSg. His tornado is obviously countered by Eagle PISS, and if MK ever recovers usASSg Shuttle Loop, Tourettes Guy will just grab him and force him to use it agaASS, this time *** **** wrong direction. So yeah, Tourettes Guy can actually gimp **** gimper!
That said, it's all over if Tourettes Guy ever fASSds himself *** **** air.PISScan't attack anywhere but straight forewards and even his spacASSg takes a noticable hit when airborne. **** coursePISShas his recovery, but that won't fare well agaASSst a master gimper like MK. TKOs are also harder to earn *** **** face **** MK's speed, so Tourettes Guy will have to resort to honest KOs, which take a lot longer to achieve.

Dedede: 80/20 Dedede's favour
It's all *** **** chaASS grab really. Space all you want, you'll have to get *** close enough for a grab if you ever want to attack. And with all **** damage you'll have to rack to KO him, you'll end up *** Dedede's clutches sooner or later. Still, Tourettes Guy has an easier time maASStaASSASSg cuts on Dedede than oDICKr, faster foes; so you can at least have **** consolation prize **** a sASSgle TKO before gettASSg chaASS grabbed.

Peach: 65/35 Peach's favour
Peach can float over any attack Tourettes Guy chooses to use (barrASSg his uppercut, which has punishable end lag). That's **** tall and short **** it on paper, but Tourettes Guy's defense is mighty(especially when you know where **** attack will strike him) and his spacASSg enables him to sweep *** and catch Peach when she has to land. Peach still has her throwable turnips though, and **** combASSation **** DICKse two advantages will eventually overcome Tourettes Guy's defenses and force him ASSto **** air, whereuponPISSwill be promptly juggled at Peach's leisure.
That said, if agaASSst a Peach who is turnip happy, Tourettes Guy can grab her and force her to pick up a turnip. Sounds counterproductive, but it reduces Peach's options to "throw turnip" or "run away DICKn throw turnip"

And now we descend ASSto **** uncanny valley **** MYM..
DASSgodile: 60/40 DASSgodile's favour
Right COCKf **** bat, Tourettes Guy has quite a few quirks to him that are specifically tailored at spitASSg BASSgodile. While dodgASSg, Tourettes Guy still keeps up his guard, so dodongodile's attempts to attack **** background will be fruitless. His ability to lock down a tight defense means DASSgusdile will be hard pressed to rack damage from his hidey hole. Tourettes Guy can also "Approach" directly through GrASSgodile's F-Smash, and sASSce that clears a nice path through his crystals...
Also, whenever Dangledile uses eiDICKr his Up-Special or his F-Smash, he'll want to use anoDICKr two attacks as soon as possible, because if Tourettes Guy grabs him and makes him repeat eiDICKr **** those moves, it could spell disaster
But, this is a matchup that remaASSs *** Dededile's court. Tourettes Guy is strong enough to break a few crystals, but his accurate PISSes can't clear DICKm out *** bulk, so he's better COCKf needlASSg DICKm while keepASSg up his defense. Tourettes Guy also would be at a horrible disadvantage, tryASSg to jump over **** crystals, asPISSpossesses literally no aerial approach moves. And when it comes to DASSgodile's time to KO Tourettes Guy, he'll fASSd it deliciously easy to slam ASSto him from above (Tourettes Guy maybe a spacASSg master, but that doesn't change **** factPISSmoves slowely, renderASSg him weak agaASSst large attacks from **** air)

Wispa: 90/10 Wispa's flavour
I bet you thASSk that's a joke. "A chocolate bar can't have good matchups, and Wispa can bearly move!". This all ignores one very critical and game breakASSg property **** Wispa that renders her so deliciously higher than Tourettes Guy's straight PISSes.
Wispa's natural stance is lieASSg on her back, too low for any **** Tourettes Guy's attacks (except D-Smash) to even reach. So Tourettes Guy is stuck with grabs and D-Smashes, Wispa has her entire combo-centric moveset at her disposal, and she can attack *** confidence that Tourettes Guy's only retaliation will be a D-Smash.
That said, even Tourettes Guy's reduced movepool has thASSgs to look out for. ClASSchASSg, unlike traditional grabs, isn't a traditional grab, so it works irrespective **** **** height difference. From DICKre,PISScan open up a cut on Wispa, to very slowly draASS damage. IfPISSmanages to get a TKO from it (It's not impossible, just really really unlikely), he'll totally just wait out **** clock, sASSce even his lumberous steps outpace Wispa.
ODICKr than that, **** only way Wispa can lose this matchup is if **** opponent is a terrible Wispa player.

Bear Hugger: 70/30 Grab hitbox's favour
Did I tell you how much Tourettes Guy hates grabs? Bear Hugger is all about grabs. Do **** math. And **** course, Tourettes Guy is so exclusively a close combat fighter thatPISSwould be guaranteed to be grabbed. So, like dedede but worse? That's a thorough enough matchup, right?
Bear Hugger is still a boxer, and dirty tricks or not, Tourettes Guy aims to give DICKm him a run for his money. GettASSg and keepASSg his hands sticky will be harder than usual for **** Hugger, no thanks to how Tourettes Guy can get right up *** his face and refuses to get swatted away. And without any spit, Tourettes Guy will happily tap away at Hugger all day and night, useASSg his spacASSg to stick to him like glue (ironically). And fASSally, if Tourettes Guy can keep **** spit COCKf Hugger's gloves,PISScan easily keep a cut on his face too and grab himself a TKO. And once a TKO has been snagged, Tourettes Guy no longer has any reason to fight aggressively.
But it only takes one spit to get **** proverbial ball rollASSg. Only one. DICKn all **** Tourettes Guy's advantages suddenly flip ASSto perilous disadvantages. For **** rest **** Tourettes Guy's admittably short life.
So who'll get DICKir golden grail first? Hugger's spit or Tourettes Guy's TKO? Hugger probably.

Neku: 55/45 Joshua's favour
This pair have more *** common than you'd thASSk. DICKy're both poor *** **** air (Tourettes Guy more so) and DICKy both have pretty domASSatASSg ground games too (Jore moe so). Neku tends to lean on **** settASSg up **** his orbs *** order to bolster his aerial abilities and keep **** stage locked down. For **** first 3 mASSutes **** **** match, Tourettes Guy will simply not let this happen. Shiki's specials, though generally great for buyASSg time for Neku to set up, have little to no affect on Tourettes Guy's game. Reduced movement speed means little to Tourettes Guy, asPISSmoves very little to begASS with, preferrASSg to shuffle to and fro. HidASSg behASSd Mr Mew will also not work, as Eagle PISS will simply clank with it.
But it's **** second week, Joshua's week that'll turn **** tables. Neku will want to levitate above Tourettes Guy's PISSes right away. Tourettes Guy will DICKn be reduced to pittASSg his weedy aerials agaASSst Neku's ground moveset. Neku will take this time to start layerASSg **** skies with all **** orbs he'll need, and perhaps tag some damage onto Tourettes Guy too. Only thASSg Joshua will regret, is not beASSg able to gimp Tourettes Guy like oDICKr characters.
So that leaves Beat for a traditional KO on **** third week. LauchASSg Tourettes Guy ASSto **** mASSefield **** orbs will certaASSly buy Neku enough time to square him on **** chASS with Skull chaASSs. It's simply a case **** dealASSg enough damage to Tourettes Guy to guarantee that KO.
And that's where Tourettes Guy pulls back.PISScan't domASSate Neku as much as **** rest **** **** cast, but likewise Neku won't be pilASSg on **** damage like he'd want to. And at **** end **** week 3, it's back to Shiki and anoDICKr 6 mASSutes before a KO opportunity rears its head agaASS. WaitASSg out **** clock works surprisASSgly well agaASSst Neku, so Tourettes Guy should aim for that golden TKO.

MM9 Megaman: 70/30 Megaman's favour
MM9: Megaman is one **** those characters that crumples like paper under pressure. After all,PISSdeals exclusively *** projectiles and rarely has more than two attacks at his disposal at any given time.
So why does Tourettes Guy have trouble with him? It all boils down to how easilyPISScan force Tourettes Guy to jump. Tornado Blow is **** obvious candidate as **** unique spacASSg **** **** tornados, coupled with Tourettes Guy's slow movement, meansPISScan eiDICKr jump to avoid DICKm or get swept up by DICKm anyway. Megaman can also build a wall out **** Concrete shot as a more traditional "jump to get over" barrier. And, lest we forget, Laser Trident goes right through shields and defenses, so Tourettes Guy can eiDICKr spotdodge, or jump. Once Tourettes Guy is airborne, Megaman can proceed to juggle him with Hornet Chaser.
And what about actually KOASSg Tourettes Guy? Simplest thASSg *** **** world. Charge up a Magma shot. Let him approach. Slide under whatever PISSPISSthrows. And DICKn shotgun that Magma shot right ASSto his gut.
Even Black Hole bomb has its place, fudgASSg up Tourettes Guy's spacASSg quite well.
But Tourettes Guy still has his TKO.. oh wait, Megaman can't be grabbed, andPISScan't be knocked-down, soPISScan't be TKO'd.
Well done, pressure master. You fail agaASSst someone weak to pressure. We may as well call you Tourettes Guy Man from now on...

Cutesy Beau: 63/37 Cutesy's favour
At first, Cutesy sounds like **** ultimate Tourettes Guy counter. She's brutal when above someone *** **** air, she can throw out all manner **** little spacASSg hasslers, and she has that ****ed ScyDICK as her D-Smash.
Cutesy will defASSitely start **** match with a brutally prolonged aerial assault, one even Tourettes Guy can't outlast. Those petals will flASSch you right out **** an up or down shield, and Cutesy can almost last forever *** **** air with her D-airs poundASSg ASSto Tourettes Guy's skull. This'll probably last until Tourettes Guy is at 300%. Truely, for **** first mASSute or so **** **** match, you may as well put **** controller down and have a snack or somethASSg.
**** problems for Cutesy start when she wants to KO however. She can't KO *** **** air, so she's goASSg to have to come down and take Tourettes Guy on, on **** ground. Cutesy's ground game is very defensively mASSded, baitASSg out an assualt and waitASSg for **** lag to kick ***. So it's heartenASSg to know that Tourettes Guy's ground game is not only more defensive than Cutesy's, but several billion grades more COCKfensive too.
And regardASSg Cutesy's D-Smash. Tourettes Guy has Eagle PISS... **** end.
DICKre's no need to get Cutesy to 210%, just keep **** pressure up high and make her resort to her petals. When she eventually cracks and uses up her limit **** 15 petals at once, Tourettes Guy can Uppercut her straight COCKfstage and ASSto **** abyss.
That said, it is still Cutesy who has **** advantage. Any time she feels threatened, she can just take COCKf ASSto **** sky and recollect her petals. Cutesy's dash lets her simple waltz through Tourettes Guy's attacks and get behASSd him for **** grab. And **** course, those needlASSg petals will be a constant hassle for Tourettes Guy, openASSg his defenses at **** worst possible times.

Pokemon Master: 99/1 Pokemon Master's favour
All Pokemon Master needs to do is pick **** right pokemon for **** job. SlakASSg, Espeon, Umbreon or any **** Steven's tanks would do quite well here. Don't feel down though, **** only character Pokemon Master DOESN'T have a 99/1 matchup with is Team Rocket.

Tourettes Guy : 0/0 noone's favour
While most mirror matches require **** player to use a character *** a wierd or unsuitable way *** order to get **** upperhand, Tourettes Guy is forced to stick to by-****-book boxASSg. And by, "by-****-book" I mean turtleshell defensive.
When spacASSg kASSgs collide... wait, DICKy can't collide... DICKy're spacASSg kASSgs. Yeah, DICKre'll be quite a few whiffed attacks *** this matchup, although hardly any failed attacks will result *** golden opportunities for **** opponent. What **** Tourettes Guy's will be tryASSg to do, oDICKr than wASS **** spacASSg war, is to get as many clASSches as DICKy can. ScorASSg and maASStaASSASSg a cut is **** only reliable damage rackASSg mechanism Tourettes Guy has agaASSst himself.
A Tourettes Guy with a cut will be on **** absolute defensive until it heals. After all, *** a matchup where KO's are so improbable, TKO's will be **** decidASSg factor.
And once a TKO has been scored, you may as well call **** match DICKn and DICKre, because **** wASSnASSg Tourettes Guy will just wait out **** clock.
*** all honesty, noone really wASSs a Tourettes Guy mirror match.

???: 75/25 ???'s favour
Tourettes Guy may move slow, but he's not that heavy, so ??? will have no trouble throwASSg his own weight around and pushASSg Tourettes Guy exactly wherePISSwants him. Poor Tourettes Guy, who exists solely for close range, can't even approach ??? ifPISStried. ??? will have a lot more trouble KOASSg Tourettes Guy than most oDICKr foes, thanks to him constantly bouncASSg back from **** ropes. And if Tourettes Guy times it right,PISScan bounce COCKf **** ropes and right up ASSto ???'s face. Too bad ??? can just BATTLE CRASH Tourettes Guy back out DICKre or hide behASSd his D-tilt. It's almost like ??? was made to prove Tourettes Guy could be beaten...

and here's some moar matchups, all *** favour **** Tourettes Guy;
Yoshi: 25/75 DICKre ya go Sundance
Donna: 45/55 Tourettes Guy's favour
Viola: 30/70 Tourettes Guy's favour
Clefable: 20/80 Tourettes Guy's favour
Team Rocket: 45/55 Tourettes Guy's favour
Little Mac: 30/70 real life boxer's favour
Bleak: 35/65 SpacASSg's favour

"He PISSes ferociously, moves superbly and has **** best **** **** European technique and US aggression."


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
Since pretty much everyone has voted now... it's time to finish this up.

MYM 5 Awards: The Results!

Best Moveset Designer
1) King K.Rool 17
1) MasterWarlord 17
2) SirKibble 12
2) Hyper_Ridley 12
3) Chris Lionheart 4
Junahu 3
BKupa666 3
Agidius 3
Smash Daddy 3
Plorf 2
SkylerOcon 1
Spadefox 1
Dancingfrogman 1
MarthTrinity 1
UserShadow7989 1

Best New Designer
1) Wizzerd 13
2) Plorf 11
3) UserShadow7989 8
Horlin 7
Kris121 1
he voted for himself -_-

Best One-Hit Wonder
1) Raiden (Smash Daddy) 16
2) Sakurai (TheSundanceKid) 10
2) Metal Man (Plorf) 10
3) Nature (Horlin) 7
Toadette (Meadow) 6
Hero Prinny (emergency) 5
Megaman.EXE (SkylerOcon) 4
Sil’fer (Shake~) 1
Birdon (The_Trophy_Master) 1
Hagiri Kaname (phatcat203)
Madarame Ikkaku (aeolous)
Jealous Bass (Baloo)
Peter Petrelli (bivunit94)
Magmortar (darth_meanie)

Best Original Character
1) Mewthree (Hyper_Ridley) 11
2) Cutesy Beau (Junahu) 6
3) Kira Trine (UserShadow7989) 1
3) Husayn Janan (Chris Lionheart) 1
Disaster (Dancingfrogman)

Best Megaman series Moveset
1) Acid Seaforce (Hyper_Ridley & Spadefox) 15
2) Metal Man (Plorf) 7
3) Airman (Agidius) 3
3) Bass and Treble (Hyper_Ridley) 3
3) Bubble Man (Agidius) 3
3) Ashe/Grey (Spadefox) 3
3) Heat Man (SirKibble & Plorf) 3
Leviathan (Chris Lionheart) 2
Megaman.EXE (SkylerOcon)

Best Pokemon Moveset
1) Jumpluff (KingK.Rool) 10
2) Shellder (KingK.Rool) 9
3) Azumarill (MarthTrinity) 7
3) Steven (Chris LionHeart, MasterWarlord, SirKibble, Hyper_Ridley & SkylerOcon) 7
May (SirKibble) 6
Team Rocket (Junahu) 3
Hypno (Tanookie) 3
Unown (kitsuneko345) 3
Missingno (MasterWarlord) 3
Ekans (KingK.Rool) 3
Articuno (Jimnymebob) 3
Magmortar (darth_meanie) 1
Gligar (kitsuneko345)
Marowak (Dancingfrogman)

Best Special Moveset Mechanic
1) Ryuk (MasterWarlord) 14
2) Alphonse Elric (MasterWarlord) 10
2) Raiden (Smash Daddy) 10
3) Arthas (Chris Lionheart) 9
3) Cutesy Beau (Junahu) 9
3) Acid Seaforce (Hyper_Ridley & Spadefox) 9
Super Star Helpers: Ultra (SirKibble) 8
Father Time (KingK.Rool) 8
Computer Virus (SkylerOcon, MarthTrinity & SirKibble) 7
Roy Mustang (Chris Lionheart) 7
Bass and Treble (Hyper_Ridley) 6
Gluttony (MasterWarlord) 5
Ashe/Grey (Spadefox) 5
Elias (SirKibble) 5
Bowser Jr. / Shadow Mario (Bkupa666) 4
Scar and The Hyenas (Bkupa666) 3
Sebastian (Bkupa666) 3
Agent J (UserShadow7989) 3
The Three Stooges (UserShadow7989) 3
Paint Roller (Wizzerd) 2
Battalion Army (Dancingfrogman) 2
Chaos 0 (Dancingfrogman) 2
May (SirKibble) 2
Richard (SirKibble) 2
Airman (Agidius) 2
Unown (kitsuneko345) 2
Lyn (UserShadow7989) 1
Mia (Tanookie) 1
Edward Elric (TWILTHERO) 1
Megaman.EXE (SkylerOcon)
Klarrann (Chris Lionheart)
Yuji Sakai and Shana (half_silver28)
Cammy (half_silver28)
Kira Trine (UserShadow7989)
Ema Skye (kitsuneko345)

Best Joke Moveset
1) Super Gimp Mudkip (SirKibble) 8
2) Cappy holding No Gordos (SirKibble) 5
3) Kitty Vader (MasterWarlord) 3
Light Yagami (Kholdstare) 2
Jack Torrance (TheSundanceKid) 2

Funniest Non-Joke Moveset
1) Sakurai (TheSundanceKid) 15
2) MYM Man (SirKibble) 13
3) Missingno (MasterWarlord) 3
Hyatt (MarthTrinity) 2
Excel (half_silver28) 2
Richard (SirKibble) 2
Arthur (Bkupa666) 1
Team Rocket (Junahu)

Most Improved Designer
1) Smash Daddy 14
2) Chris Lionheart 11
3) Wizzerd 8
Agidius 4
MarthTrinity 4
Hyper_Ridley 4
Half_silver28 3
SkylerOcon 3
UserShadow7989 2
kitsuneko345 2

Most Helpful MYM Poster
1) King K.Rool 14
2) SirKibble 12
3) Junahu 4
Hyper_Ridley 3
MasterWarlord 3
Agidius 2
SkylerOcon 1
Chris Lionheart 1

Funniest MYMer
1) TheSundanceKid 17
2) Kholdstare 11
3) SirKibble 9
MarthTrinity 7
MasterWarlord 5
Plorf 3
SkylerOcon 2
Chris Lionheart 2
KingK.Rool 2
Baloo 1
Jimnymebob 1

Best Moveset Reviewer
1) MasterWarlord 14
2) King K.Rool 9
3) Hyper_Ridley 6
SirKibble 3
Spadefox 3
Agidius 3
MarthTrinity 2
Tanookie 1

Deadliest Sin *a.k.a. Best Sin*
1) Hyper_Ridley 9
2) SirKibble (he's not technically a Sin, but he still worked with them) 8
2) King K.Rool 8
3) MasterWarlord 7
Spadefox 5
MarthTrinity 3

The Winrar of MYM5 is... King K.Rool!!!
1) King K.Rool 15
2) MasterWarlord 14
3) SirKibble 12
3) Hyper_Ridley 12
Agidius 6
Junahu 4
Chris Lionheart 4
Smash Daddy 4
MarthTrinity 2
TheSundanceKid 2
Plorf 1
Wizzerd 1
“Write-in” Vote: Spadefox 1
it was Rool O_o

Special Award: Most Missed MYMer
1) Chief Mendez 20
2) Spadefox 10
3) Iron Thorn 8
KoJ 5
Pelikinesis 4
~Cruxis~ 4
Cheap_Josh 4
Lenus Altair 2
Darkserenade 2
Commander Blitzkrieg 1


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005

Zant, the King of Darkness himself. Showcased as a villain in Twilight Princess, this sinister Twili, constantly hidden behind that stone chameleon mask, staged a coup, taking over both his own Twilight Realm and then trying to extend his sway even beyond. He gives off the menacing air of a calm and tactical mastermind as he spreads Twilight like a plague.

It's only later, when you bring the fight to him in his dark seat, that he reveals his true nature; a madman. It seems that being passed over as a candidate for King of the Twili drove him to the brink of insanity, and although he contains it (with difficulty) with the help of Ganon's magic, when under pressure, it erupts out of him in a torrent of gibbering madness. And here is a video of his boss battle.

Zant brings his schizophrenia with him into Brawl. By default, he's calm, collected, focusing around a variety of long-range hexes and dark magic. He has a number of attacks that manipulate the stage and the foe and is the quintessential spacing character. Many of his attacks, however, have the byproduct of creating Twilight, that strange matter that turns regular people into translucent ghosts. While inside a patch of Twilight, Zant's moveset changes dramatically as he becomes that crazed scimitar-swinging lunatic. This side moveset is simplistic, not at all a major attraction here, and will be linked in at the end.

The properties of Twilight? It's cohesive, like water; two patches near each other will spread until they join together into a single mass. Foes completely engulfed by it appear yellowish and ghostly and have their knockback sliced by 1/3. This in addition to Zant's moveset shift results in a monumental advantage for you if you can create enough of it. However, all Twilight vanishes into thin air when Zant is KOed.

Range ||| 9 ||| His greatest boon; Zant has little need to approach.
Size ||| 8 ||| Zant towers over much of the cast, silent and still.
Weight ||| 7 ||| A heavyweight at heart, his helm adds to his bulk.
Power ||| 6 ||| Mystical, perhaps, but not almighty.
Jump ||| 6 ||| He displays an athleticism one would not expect from a tyrant.
Attack Speed ||| 4 ||| Summoning dark forces takes time.
Fall Speed ||| 3 ||| Carried on dark winds, Zant drifts.
Run ||| 3 ||| There is no need for haste until Twilight covers the land.

Zant's strengths are many - he can fight from afar with little difficulty, pelting the foe with irritating attacks and twisting the landscape to best protect him - and he is difficult to KO, with bulk, recovery, and long air time on his side. But just as tremendous are his flaws; if he tries to engage in regular combat, he's got little chance, as he leans toward the slow side and has difficulty stopping a good approach.

Neutral Special ~~~ Orb of Red Twilight

Zant cups his hands before him, one on top and the other below. Motes of energy materialize and coalesce to form an orb in his hands. This is chargeable and storable rather like DK's Giant Punch, but takes less than a second to charge altogether and cannot be used half-charged. Pressing B a second time launches this orb forward; note, however, that it is extremely controllable, almost too much so. It's half as big as Kirby, fast as an arrow, almost as hard to control as Super Sonic, and cannot move backwards. If it makes contact with a solid surface, it ricochets off of it with doubled speed and damage output.

Upon contact with a foe, the orb deals 9% and slight knockback that always knocks the foe to the ground (unless they tech). However, high-priority attacks - disjointed ones, mostly - can interrupt it and make it burst into a cloud of sparkles, if timed properly. Its extreme speed makes it difficult to read in this way, but this makes it unspammable on its own.

Side Special ~~~ Disintegrate

Zant raises an arm or lowers it, depending on whether you hold Up or Down. If Up, this attack only has an effect if the foe is a platform ahead of you. Zant clenches his fist and the foe dissolves into a storm of colourful particles spontaneously. They cannot be hit by regular attacks, but have only the faintest control over the movement of their little cloud. They remain in this state for two seconds before reforming. This is easy to see coming and can be dodged, although not shielded.

If you choose Down, Zant points at the ground before him, and it's a SBB-size chunk of it that dissolves into iotas. This means that a chunk of the stage is now effectively missing (although the motes still hover in place, in the foreground or background), creating a new hole into which you can throw the foe. The missing piece of the stage reforms after five seconds, pushing out anyone who might be overlapping it at the time. This variant is laggier, taking almost a second to complete.

Up Special ~~~ Twilit Wormhole

Zant raises both arms skyward, and a dark portal of sorts appears in the sky above him, by default a Ganondorf above the next highest thing on the stage. This simply hangs there for fifteen seconds before dissipating. You can create up to of these at a time, and, indeed, you need to if you intend to use it to recover. Using this a third time - while you already have two - while Zant is roughly underneath one of them will causes him to disappear into it and reappear outside of the other, effectively warping between the two. This is not entirely lagless, but can be used to your heart's content until the time limit on one of them runs out. Creating them is quite laggy. This recovery requires forethought and for you to set one up off the edge of the stage.

If a wormhole is directly above you (and another is elsewhere on the stage) when you Disintegrate a foe or a fragment of the stage, they will be sucked into it and issue out of the other. If it's a piece of the stage you teleport this way, it'll instantly sink to its original altitude - or as close as it can get to it - and reform, solidifying. In this way you can remake the stage to better fit your designs. Move a drop-through platform to the side of the stage so you can use it for recovery. Move a piece of a wall to a more opportune spot, where you can use it to ricochet your Neutral Specials. Or simply stack up a few pieces of the main platform to make it harder for foes to approach you on the ground. The opportunities are truly limitless.

If it's a foe who is sucked into the wormhole, they'll come out of the other and reform after they reach their initial altitude. Best used if you've set one up off the edge of the map, although be aware you may have to edgeguard to prevent them from simply recovering.

Down Special ~~~ Dimensional Tear

Zant brings one sleeved arm in a diagonal slash through the air in front of him. This is a small fast hitbox that deals 7% and has fairly weak knockback. It also traces a thin, dark line through the air itself. This is a rip between the Twilight Realm and the Smash universe, and if left unchecked, it swells quickly, bleeding Twilight. A small line will become a Zant-sized chunk of Twilight within three seconds, but will grow no further than that.

The only way to prevent this is by attacking Zant in the wind-down, when he pulls his arm back slightly and chuckles. If you do not, he'll have a foolproof patch of Twilight in which to employ his other moveset, and from which to make it spread.

Jab ~~~ Blood Darts

Zant raises and clenches a fist. The tail end of a single dart sprouts from between two of his fingers. Tapping A a second time creates a second dart next to the first; this can be done up to four times. If you fail to press it a second (or third or fourth) time within half a second, Zant will whip his arm across the air, tossing the dart forward at a blazing speed. Each dart deals 3% and has no knockback, but will stick in the foe and smoke for a second after contact, radiating Twilight. Each dart will issue a small amount of Twilight, about equivalent to a Kirby, before vanishing. This attack is laggier than most jabs, but not easy to dodge.

Dash Attack ~~~ Twili Shenanigans

Zant's dash is just a slightly hastened stroll. His dash attack causes him to spontaneously vanish and reappear, crackling with electricity, exactly one platform ahead, still walking. Contact with him at the instant he reappears deals 8% and repulsing knockback. This can be chained together in quick succession to cross a stage more quickly or employed to dodge an approach by seemingly meeting it head-on.

If you tilt backward at the precise second you input this attack, Zant will instead teleport one platform back and continue walking. Since this attack has almost no discernible animation, it's an excellent mindgame. Just be aware that in the wind-down between usages, you're extremely vulnerable to higher-priority attacks.

Forward Tilt ~~~ Claw of Darkness

Zant raises a sleeved arm. With minute lag, a shrivelled claw of black Twilight issues forth, soaring forward at a low speed. Upon contact with a foe, it clamps on, holding the foe in a grab from which they must struggle out. This is an ideal set-up for any laggier option and a great way to stop an approach.

Disintegrating the foe while the claw is gripping them disintegrates it along with them into a small cloud of Twilight, about a Mario across in any direction. Advantageous.

Up Tilt ~~~ Ghost Head

A translucent copy of Zant's helmet, two Ganondorfs high, suddenly appears overlapping the real thing. It comes into creation with a whoosh sound effect and hovers for almost a second before fading away. During this time, it's a large disjointed hitbox that deals multiple small hits and holds the foe in place - if they all connect, you're looking at 14%. Easy to use and effective, but the start-up is distinctive and there is wind-down.

All Twilight within two platforms will trickle toward this monument for as long as it drifts there. This is your primary method of gathering wayward patches of Twilight into a chunk large enough to fight from.

Down Tilt ~~~ Engulf

Zant brings both arms down abruptly, and a thin, almost invisible web of spidery thunderbolts issues from the ground around him and meets at the tip of his head. This is quick to come out and results in three hits of 3% each but only flinch knockback. This web will also outprioritize all projectiles, nullifying them instantly - however, it can be beaten out by any powerful close-range attack.

Directly after this comes a period of wind-down lag in which the invisible lines thicken and form a solid cage of Twilight; these spread and join until Zant is completely covered, and then some. This takes almost one second, but will happen even if Zant is hit out of the attack or the wind-down.

Forward Smash ~~~ Rapidfire Volley

Zant charges by extending both arms and glowing red - this is a laggy Smash, but well worth it. When released without any charge, he launches forth a single red Twilight orb, travelling on a straight plane at a reduced speed compared to those from his Neutral Special. Upon contact, this one deals a more impressive 14% and has slight knockback. However, if the foe hits it with any decent-priority attack just before it hits them, they'll hit it back towards Zant at a slightly increased speed and dealing 2% more. Zant can hit it back in turn to add another 2% and increase the speed still more. So on and on it goes until one player dodges or is hit. This can be difficult for Zant, what with his limited close-range options, but by hitting the orb out of the air with a projectile, he can make it almost impossible for any character to counter quickly enough.

Charging increases the number of orbs shot up to a potential total of five. These are all spaced slightly apart and can all be hit back, although it'd take an attack with a very long hitbox to hit all five back at you effectively - say, Game and Watch's Forward Tilt. Each orb increased divides the damage evenly, so that with five they each deal 2-3% for a total of 14%, but likewise each increases by 2% independantly each time it is hit the other way, so this can add up very quickly.

Zant has several options for returning them all, not the least of which is Down Tilt or a fully prepared Jab from a safer distance.

Up Smash ~~~ Acrobatics Maelstrom

Zant leaps up when you release, a height of anywhere from one platform to two depending on the charge time. When he reaches the apex of his leap, he swings an arm wildly beneath him, tossing a single red orb directly down - this deals 11% and slight downwards knockback on contact, as well as creating a small patch of Twilight as it vanishes. This smash is generally fairly quick, but has a long duration.

If this attack is used when you're beneath a wormhole and you have another elsewhere on the screen, Zant disappears into it for half a second. During this time, that single red orb is tossed out of the other portal - then Zant comes back out of the first portal.

This makes for an additional use to your wormholes and also, if you place them carefully, a potential gimp KO as you drop an orb on them while they're recovering from a portal placed there for your own recovery purposes.

Down Smash ~~~ Fragment Barrier

Zant waves a hand vaguely in front of him, causing a very small piece of the stage - a bit bigger than a Pokeball - to detach itself from the stage right in front of him and float up to eye level suddenly. Contact with it along the way causes 8% and middling upwards knockback. This leaves a small hole in the stage that simply makes it difficult to run across it without falling in, and a small, tilted miniature barrier in the air. This floating chunk drops back down after ten seconds; until then, Zant and Zant alone can stand on it, balancing precariously.

This can be mainly used as a comfortable perch from where you can toss projectiles down from on high, as another way to make the stage difficult to traverse comfortably, or as a ricochet point for Neutral Special orbs. It's also a decent way to toss back a Forward Smash that's being reflected toward you.

Neutral Aerial ~~~ Gravity Swirl

Zant spreads his arms wide and stops all his aerial momentum instantly, for just under a second. This has some start-up lag but is generally a great way of preventing yourself from being KO'd and of placing yourself in an opportune position to recover with a portal. This also causes all loose items within a platform in any direction to surround Zant and spin wildly, creating an impenetrable barrier of varying firepower.

The best use of this is to move around floating bits of ground ripped off by your Down Smash; using them in conjunction with this results in a rare repulsory tactic for Zant, dealing 15% and comparatively heavy knockback on contact. This can also be used to make dissolved foes swirl around you and move them to rematerialize wherever you want them to.

Forward Aerial ~~~ Thrall of Night

Zant thrusts an arm forward and a line of black energy snakes its way forth, tracing a line the length of a platform in the air in front of him. This is somewhat laggy and deals no damage or knockback.

The darkness quickly spreads, highly gravity-effected; it drops toward the ground in a curtain. However, for one second before it solidifies, this sheet can be attacked directly; any attacks tear through it like butter. After that one second is up, whatever's formed hardens - or vaporizes, if you want - into Twilight. If you use this without a foe around to mess with it, this is a foolproof way to make a large zone of Twilight. I would especially recommend using it in conjunction with a pair of wormholes to really mess with the foe's ability to stop you. You'll cover the world in darkness in no time.

Back Aerial ~~~ Twinport

Zant pulls a sudden backhand, whirling in midair to buffet foes behind him. If he makes contact, the foe will apparently vanish behind him - then he'll vanish in a puff of smoke, and rematerialize about a platform backward. At the same moment, the foe rematerializes a platform forward. Effectively, you've switched positions. Neither of you are in freefall and you're facing one another.

From here, you can toss a Neutral Special or, to mix things up, attempt a Side Special Disintegrate - see also his Forward Air while in Twilight. This simplistic attack is very much vital for manuevering yourself and your foe between patches of Twilight, depending on where you want them and yourself to be.

Up Aerial ~~~ Twilit Thundercrack

Zant raises a single arm into the air. With noticable lag, a thin red thunderbolt crashes from the heavens and into his hand - its hitbox is very small, because he quickly clenches it, his hand glowing red. The thunderbolt deals several small hits of 2% and drags the foe down with it as it goes, toward Zant.

Using this attack a second time causes Zant to raises his arm again and release that pent-up red energy in the form of a giant sphere of Twilight. About a Bowser across in either direction, it's somewhat slow to come out; it does, however, cause highly lowered gravity for the first two seconds after its formation, so you can chain the two hits together against a slowfaller and then hit them with an Up Tilt or what-have-you.

Down Aerial ~~~ Juggler

Zant extends both palms to either side, facing upwards; three Twilight orbs form spontaneously and he begins juggling them. How very odd. You can tap A to increase their upwards trajectory or B to make him lower his arms and juggle them by his feet. You can also tilt the control stick to affect how far out to either direction he tosses them - unless they hit someone, they'll always come back to him as if influenced by magnetism. Contact with any one of them deals 6% and sends you into freefall, likely to be hit by the next. This attack is cancelled by pressing Z, whereupon Zant causes all three to burst into a cloud of Twilight. This attack continues if Zant lands on the ground.

This has the additional effect of drawing all other orb attacks toward Zant; he'll simply add them into the cycle. This is most useful to attract a deflected Forward Smash. Every additional orb you're juggling is added to the amount of Twilight generated at the end, so this is most helpful - just note that it's laggy on either end and has a long duration at the best of times.

Grab ~~~ Throttle

Zant reaches forward with an uncanny speed, gripping foes by the neck and heaving them off the ground. His pummel has him squeezing them by the neck; each squeeze causes them to briefly turn into a cloud of particles, then resolidify, still in Zant's grasp. This deals 3% and is a fun visual effect.

Forward Throw ~~~ Door to the Netherworld

Zant raises his other arm and a wormhole, just like those of his Up Special, forms directly behind the captured foe. He then simply shoves them into it. If you have no other wormholes anywhere on the stage, they'll be fired back out from it, resulting in ultimately backwards knockback and 8%. If you have one other wormhole, they'll drop out of it. If you have two other wormholes, you select which one they fall out of by tilting the control stick. These two variants deal no damage.

Back Throw ~~~ Encapsulate

A small, platform-length area of the stage behind Zant turns into a cloud of particles and rises slightly off of the surface of the ground. Zant chuckles vaguely, then turns around and slams the foe into the hole he's created - on thin stages, there will still be a very thin, almost invisible line of stage left to keep them from falling to their dooms. Next Zant lowers an arm and the particles of the stage reform in their place, sealing the foe away.

The foe can struggle out, to be sure - the stage will briefly moleculize again and they'll be able to jump out, if they tap enough - but in the meanwhile, you're free to spread Twilight or manipulate more of the stage. You can also use Side B on the stretch of stage where they're buried to turn not just the stage but also the trapped foe into a cloud of particles; if you have a wormhole, they'll both be transported at the same time and they'll still be trapped when the particles reform elsewhere. Two teleports for the price of one.

Up Throw ~~~ Zant-Head Branding

Zant points a glowing finger at the foe's head and a helmet identical to the one he wears materializes on their head, its shape and size depending entirely on the character; he then simply throws them away on a diagonal-upward angle, dealing 6%. The helmet has no apparent effect aside from making the character 1.2x heavier and less floaty for five seconds before it vanishes. This is ideal for throwing them into an area of Twilight and ripping into them more easily with a combo from your scimitar moveset.

Of course, the more significant effect is that all Twilight on the stage will slowly trickle toward the foe for as long as they're wearing the helm, rather like it does in Up Tilt for you. Best used to box them in and surround them, then lay in.

Down Throw ~~~ Malignancy

Zant clenches his fist around the foe's throat, dealing 13% - he then drops them with a red darkness effect, dealing decent downwards knockback. This simplistic throw is very, very significant. Use it while standing in front of a hole in the stage created by your Side Special and you're likely to pull off a gimp KO. Use it while standing on a tiny platform created by your Down Smash and you may do the same, if it's properly situated. A very relevant throw and one of few ways you can KO without entering a zone of Twilight.

Zant's secondary moveset, enabled when he is fully covered by Twilight.

Super Attack ~~~ The Twilight Realm

The stage sparkles and shimmers, then disappears in a flash of white. Suddenly, the foe and you find yourselves completely enshrouded in Twilight. For the following twenty seconds, not only is the stage completely covered, Shadow Beasts will roam the stage, a full three of them, on your team. These each have full movesets, linked here. Note, however, that they have stamina of 30% each, so the foe can beat them down easily. However, unless they take out all three in a space of three seconds, one of the surviving Shadow Beasts will let loose a mighty shriek and awake those that have fallen. After fifteen seconds are up, the Twilight recedes to how it was before the SA and the Shadow Beasts slink away into the darkness.

Playing Zant is not an easy thing. He's a complex character, layered and diverse, with some glaring weaknesses; shoring them up takes tactical thinking. You have to organize and regulate your Twilight and where it is, where the opponent is, chunks of stage that you rearrange - and you need a reason for it, other than just because it's fun - your Twilight orbs and how to reflect them and what to bounce them off of, your wormholes, which you should always have two of at once. That's just the main moveset, now - when you take into account combat in the thrall of Twilight, things become even more complicated, as you need to combo and KO without ever knocking the foe out. You need to control how it spreads.

In short, you're tasked with taking over a strange world and remaking it completely. Not an easy thing at the best of times, but let's start at the beginning.

Wormholes are the first thing you need. You need them for recovery, lest you get knocked out just when you're starting to get a foothold. More importantly, you need them so you can move around the stage more freely and thus have more breathing room to create Twilight. Never underestimate the potency of piling up chunks of the stage; suddenly the foe has no way to approach you but from above, and you have several options to protect from there.

When it comes to creating Twilight, the most useful attack in your arsenal is Forward Aerial. Get as high up into the air as you can and let that sheet come trickling down; here, again, it comes down to remaking the stage to better serve you. On a flat stage like FD, take off a few pieces and stack them one on top of the other (by keeping your wormholes where they are, of course), then jump off of it to your maximum height before dropping Twilight.

You can't just play a defensive game, of course, a game of evasion and flight; Zant also needs to pester the foe with projectiles. Neutral Special is the most important of the lot, a rather powerful projectile that will home in on them time and time again. For maximum impact you'll need to bounce it a few times, and here again it comes to how well you've manipulated the stage; between Side Special and Down Smash, it's quite possible to make a sort of hall of mirrors, bouncing the Orb multiple times before it hits them. Maybe it can even KO them.

Once you've got a significant amount of Twilight on the stage, you have to group it into a single larger mass. Here you need to use Up Tilt, or enter it yourself and use a Special. Slowly but surely you'll collect it into an area large enough to fight inside, and it'll only continue to spread. Once the bulk of the stage is covered, it's time to go on the hunt. Zant becomes a whole different creature, a madcap combo character who specializes at holding the foe in place with multiple hits. Since his scimitar attacks have typically good range, it's quite easy to pull the foe in if they're teetering just out of range. Once they've entered, they're going to have a difficult time pulling off any KOs of their own, although you should always be wary; your Twilight recovery is, on the whole, abysmal. You wouldn't want to be overthrown in your own domain.

In general, you have to think spacing. Constantly. If the pressure's getting to you, try any one of your Tilts, simple attacks that can hold the foe or simply repulse them while you have time to put up some stage obstacles or prepare a few good projectiles. Never forget that preventing your foe from effectively dashing at you is an excellent way to limit their approaches; take out little fragments of the stage just because you can. If all else is failing, Disintegrate the foe. If you have a pair of Wormholes, all the better, because it'll buy time. You have no prerogative while fighting outside of Twilight, except to unnerve the foe with your inexorable approach. So many of your attacks are similar in animation. Zant himself is almost immobile, but for the movements of his arms.

You're a tyrant out of his element. Only by spreading the grim dark can your plan bear fruit; you have intimidation on your side, and countless dark powers, but it's not enough. Bring them into your own land and show them what true fear is.

Against The Count ~~~ 37/63

The Count has an immediate and glaring boon in this battle of the villains: he's in effect two characters in one. As soon as Zant manages to pull one into Twilight with him, the other can simply rush in and knock him out, helping his friend. The main thing counterbalancing this is that Zant can keep them both well at bay early on and then go for a combo once he has some Twilight going; in addition, his abysmal recovery is almost a non-factor as a minus, since knockback is not something The Count is concerned about.

Simply tossing projectiles is no answer, however. A savvy Count will elevate himself and let his slime base sponge most of Zant's projectiles, which travel on a straight plane, while Zondark lays in and brings some pressure with him. All the "King of Darkness" can do is try to keep The Count too far to land a good grab, but this isn't especially easy, what with his low speed. And worst of all, once you finally bring them into Twilight? Their knockback is cut and they don't care a whit. You'll just be bringing yourself into close combat against someone who always wants to get very, very close.

Your best chance is to set up two wormholes and Disintegrate your foes sporadically, disabling The Count from using them both effectively and moving them around the stage while the other is trying to mount an offense... but this is a sketchy notion at best.

Against Mario Remix ~~~ 60/40

A basic, simple combo character? Easy pickings. Mario knows how to space, of course, but Zant can almost by necessity do it better. Simply move around the stage a bit, make it hard for him to approach, and let your Twilight take root. Jab at him once in a while with projectiles, but beware the Cape; don't make things easy for him. Mix it up and attack from a variety of angles, and remember that your priority is defense. It's only once you have a significant amount of Twilight that you should entice him to get close, and then it's just a matter of who can combo more effectively. Mario is a smaller target, and his knockback is cut in half, making it easier for him to chain together hits, but you still have the option of moving just outside of a patch of Twilight and tossing a few disjointed hitboxes his way.

Honoured at receiving so many votes, especially for the second-to-last category. I never thought I'd take it after three MYMs; go figure. :laugh:

The Top 50 is being manipulated right now. In two days or so, we'll post it, and that'll be the end of MYM 5. Hope you all had fun!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2008
*sends Sundance a leather harness on Dragon Apprec
...I thought we had until the 2nd. >:(

Anyways, I'm liking all the results, except the best Pokeset. I honestly thought Hypno would have placed higher; I was pretty proud of him and I'm not so excited about seeing that he posted below some of the sets up there. Also rather surprised at seeing May getting beaten out by Steven. :p

But whatever. This contest was definitely not a high point for me; I'm really looking forward to MYM6, though!

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Well... I can't say that I'm happy. It appears that I've been defeated... or rather... utterly owned in every category for which I was nominated... even most improved. After being nominated in many of these categories in every contest and never seeing a win... it gets disappointing. I suppose there is always next time though....

And I already know that Arthas and Roy will not be in the top 10... So yeah.... I get to enjoy sinking back into the role of the sandbag that noone notices or really cares about.

Despite my disappointments, the contest has been a relative high point for me (rather sad that my real life cannot compare, right?) I may not win the honors.... and setmaking may not be as fun as it used to be... but you all are a part of the reason why I still do this.

Deleted member

Thanks for everyone who voted me or Raiden in the awards, I’m really happy with the results. :chuckle:

To get any votes on best moveset designer at all is awesome, considering I just made the one moveset. Raiden winning one-hit wonder with a cool six-vote majority is also great – this is the category I’ve kind of always wanted to win, with my one set; this shall change in MYM6, so perhaps this is a good send-off for my lazy set-making ways. Besides which, thanks again to everyone who voted Raiden.

I see Raiden came second in best special moveset mechanic too, joined with Ryuk and losing to Alphonse. This is pretty awesome. I think I may have actually won this if the lethal / non-lethal mechanic was a little more balanced, but I had my reasons. Still, if you’re going to lose to someone, it may as well be MW [which I’m sure we’ll all be saying come results day]. I’m honoured to see Raiden placed above both Arthas and Cutesy, who have my two favourite mechanics this contest. Perhaps its too long ago to remember, but Arthas had an amazing special mechanic.

I won most improved designer over Chris, wow. I’m really flattered, considering Chris went from meh to amazing. It’s quite close and rightfully so; he deserves this award as much as I do. And yeah, I admit that Yamazaki was a bit, y’know. I’ll try to find the time to fix it next contest. Much, much more detail.

Sucks that I couldn't be in the funniest MYMer category after all my photoshopping in the chat room. Rats.

To get any votes in the winner category astounds me. I’m tied with Chris, yet he delivered far more quality sets. I don’t know what you guys saw in Raiden, but I’ll try my hardest to continue the winning streak.

The only thing I regret is that I didn’t advertise Arthas. That moveset is not in the top ten and I’m going to be BAWWing unless, maybe, the ten is Cutesy 1-10. Arthas at least deserves recognition for really placing this MYM in terms of quality and staying at the top for a few weeks.

Thanks again to everyone who voted.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
Alrighty, first off congrats to all the winners of the MYM awards...lemme dive into detail on a few of these...

Well first off I'm surprised that Azu placed so highly on the best Pokemon sets, especially passing up May. I'm also quite pleased to see that despite it's relatively negative reception, Steven also was quite high up there.

The fact that Hyatt actually managed to get two votes away from MYM Man and Sakurai surprised me a fair bit to be honest; didn't think anyone else would be an option there.

Geting four votes for Most Improved and in fact tying with both agidius and H_R surprised me greatly considering they both easily surpass me in moveset skill...so I'm quite honored to be placed so highly there.

I lol'd at not getting a single vote in "Most Helpful" but I suppose that's fine.

I knew Sundance and Khold would easily be ahead of me for funniest MYMer so I really wasn't that surprised...more surprised that I actually got seven votes for it o_O

I got beaten out by the non-Sin for Best Reviews, ouch! Heh, if it were anyone but Agi I'd be disappointed, but without a doubt he gives great commentary, so I'm fine there.

Deadliest Catch Sin...surprised I got three votes there really...

Also two votes for this thread's winrar was vaguely shocking to me, I appreciate who ever voted me up on these things, thanks guys =)


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008
Aww, I had all of my votes written out. :(

MT: I voted you for best sin, well, I didn't, but I was going to if I'd sent in my votes on time. :p

No surprsie at JB's response, I'm surprised it got on there.

The fact that I got even one vote for Funniest MYMer is amazing to me. DFM > Me in teh funniez

EDIT: Blub is awesome.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I like the results of the MYM Awards; can't really say it's fun to get my arse kicked in terms of Deadliest Sin, but it's nice to see some Best Designer and Best Mechanic votes. Thanks to those who voted. :bee:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Junahu's Box
I don't get it, why did you people vote for me?

I'm more confused than my previous questions.

Grats to this contest's winners!

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Thanks for everyone who voted me or Raiden in the awards, I’m really happy with the results. :chuckle:

To get any votes on best moveset designer at all is awesome, considering I just made the one moveset. Raiden winning one-hit wonder with a cool six-vote majority is also great – this is the category I’ve kind of always wanted to win, with my one set; this shall change in MYM6, so perhaps this is a good send-off for my lazy set-making ways. Besides which, thanks again to everyone who voted Raiden.

I see Raiden came second in best special moveset mechanic too, joined with Ryuk and losing to Alphonse. This is pretty awesome. I think I may have actually won this if the lethal / non-lethal mechanic was a little more balanced, but I had my reasons. Still, if you’re going to lose to someone, it may as well be MW [which I’m sure we’ll all be saying come results day]. I’m honoured to see Raiden placed above both Arthas and Cutesy, who have my two favourite mechanics this contest. Perhaps its too long ago to remember, but Arthas had an amazing special mechanic.

I won most improved designer over Chris, wow. I’m really flattered, considering Chris went from meh to amazing. It’s quite close and rightfully so; he deserves this award as much as I do. And yeah, I admit that Yamazaki was a bit, y’know. I’ll try to find the time to fix it next contest. Much, much more detail.

Sucks that I couldn't be in the funniest MYMer category after all my photoshopping in the chat room. Rats.

To get any votes in the winner category astounds me. I’m tied with Chris, yet he delivered far more quality sets. I don’t know what you guys saw in Raiden, but I’ll try my hardest to continue the winning streak.

The only thing I regret is that I didn’t advertise Arthas. That moveset is not in the top ten and I’m going to be BAWWing unless, maybe, the ten is Cutesy 1-10. Arthas at least deserves recognition for really placing this MYM in terms of quality and staying at the top for a few weeks.

Thanks again to everyone who voted.
I'm flattered that you think so highly of Arthas, but I suppose that not everyone shares your opinion. Anyway, I wasn't anywhere near winning any of the categories, SB... not even most improved. 3 votes is a big number. It was funny how I was a lock for that section until the last week when you came in with Raiden.... All in all, I see my role in this contest as one of only partially-tapped potential (or perhaps utter failure). I only hope that I'll be able to have a better shot next time around.... and more importantly that I won't have to spend my next contest re-experiencing MYM4's obscuriority.

Deleted member

I'm flattered that you think so highly of Arthas, but I suppose that not everyone shares your opinion. Anyway, I wasn't anywhere near winning any of the categories, SB... not even most improved. 4 votes is a big number. Mathematically, you had 140% of my votes for that section. It was funny how I was a lock for that section until the last week when you came in with Raiden.... All in all, I see my role in this contest as one of only partially-tapped potential (or perhaps utter failure). I only hope that I'll be able to have a better shot next time around.... and more importantly that I won't have to spend my next contest re-experiencing MYM4's obscuriority.
You've positioned yourself really well for next contest, don't let my surprise entry damper your impressive comeback. You > me. :p

You already have a moveset I'm really looking forward to, just keep the good sets rolling and you'll get there. You've left your mark well on this contest.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington
MYM Awards! :bee:

I was honored to even be nominated in most of these categories... much more to be voted for some of them! "This Thread's Winrar?" You guys are too kind. (h)

It was frustrating, however, to be fourth place in four different categories... XD
And finally...
Tying with myself for 3rd best megaman set... (ono)

Anyways, congrats to the winners! But, you know.... Chris really deserved to get first on "Most Improved".
Mar 21, 2007
Wow this looks really fun. I participated in the first ever Make Your Move and I want to try and participate in Make Your Move 6. I have a lot of fun making movesets. =)

When is the next version of this thread going to be started?


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910

Toon Summond Skull

What’s unique?

Well, we never saw Summoned Skull outside Toon World at all, and were always connected to it… so why change that here? That’s right! You get to control and move Toon World.

This means that Summoned Skull and Pegasus at this time is just like the average fighter, but that this one can attach to magic/trap cards even better than before.

plus he floats in mid air, woot


Size: 9/10 The book is a stage builder block big, and the Toon is slightly smaller than Samus! Plus, every single part of his body is a hurt-box.
Weight: 6.5/10 Just above the average Joe, for someone his size, he is rather light.
Strength: 8/10 However, the Toon will still laughs in the face compared to characters like Diddy in terms off strength
Walk: 3/10 This is a slow walk, yes, but he gets momentum from the walk, and the walk comes out very quickly.
Run: 5.5/10 But the run is about the same as Marios
First Jump: 7/10 This is a great jump…
Second Jump: 5/10 … though this isn’t as good, but it is average
Fall Speed: 3.5/10 The Toon World floats, of course the fall would be slow
Aerial mobility: 6/10 This. Is. AVERAGE!
Range: 9/10 His disjoints most of his body when he does move which makes them have great reach
Projectile range: 7/10
Crouch: 9.5/10 Toon World closes up with the Toon inside, and drops lifelessly to the ground very quickly.
Traction: 9/10 Summoned Skull just turns his body around, while the Toon World does all the moving!

Standard Attacks:

Neutral A: Defence Mode

Summoned Skull goes into the pages of Toon World (IE: Not there), and Toon World is still open. Toon World acts like normal in this defence mode! This means You still take damage! But, why would you use this? Firstly, this’ll have super armour frames to 80%, but then the opponent can gimp you afterwards. Still bad? Well, if you use the grab input in this mode, it does something else.

When you do grab, summoned skull extends his right arm longer than normal outwards the length of Lucas’s grab range, and then Summoned Skull will drag the opponent into the world of Toons. After 0.8 seconds inside of Toon World, it spits the opponent out, and then they appear As there first appearances! This isn’t just for show, as opponents will be 1.3 times slower than normal for 10 seconds! Why? Obviously in their original low numbered bit games, they couldn’t run as they can now. This always sends the opponent 3 stage builder blocks forward, and deal 9% inside the book. Obviously, it’s easier to punish the opponents when they are like this, and easier to hit them while it’s harder for them to counter.

Oh, and Olimar DOESN’T CHANGE WUT SO EVERS! He originates in the gamecube regions, so all he gets is a slight graphic change. /easteregg

Dash Attack: Stretchy Limbs

Summoned Skull controls Toon World to go slightly out of play, like Links spot-dodge, and carries on moving 2.5 stage builder blocks forward at the same speed as his dash speed. As the same time as going slightly out the battlefield, Toon Summoned Skull keeps on turning around while stretched his arms out slightly further than normal clockwise. This does 6 multiple hits, doing a total of 11%, and the final hit deal mid-low horizontal knockback. This means that move that only hit one dimension (IE Falcos blaster) will miss Summoned Skull, but moves that hit outside the Z-axis (most moves do) will hit him fine (as he doesn’t have invincibility frames like they do in dodges). This might sound unfair, but this has a lot of punishable ending lag however.
[A Maximum of 11%]

Forward Tilt: Funny Bones

Summoned Skull leans out of Toon World, and moves his head up and down, side to side with his tongue out, also making a funny noise at the same time. Summoned Skull leans out of Toon World about a stage builder block forward, and he does this for 2.5 seconds. If you believe it (and you should, it’s not your moveset), this is actually a counter for the first 1.8 seconds of this move! So this isn’t just to annoy your opponent. When the opponent strikes you with any move, Summoned Skull will bend his body around the opponents body, and then uppercuts the opponent with a electric element on the fist. This has very low start-up lag, but as you can tell this has a lot of ending lag. This does 12% and high-low vertical knockback. If you don’t likes to counters, you cans just does this fors the taunt-like effect.

Upward Tilt: Orb of electricity

Summoned Skull hold both of his hands into the sky quite high, and then a yellow ball of electricity appears about 3/4s the size of the Hot Head item. The orb of electricity stays in the air for 3 seconds before plummeting down to the ground and acting like the hot-head (at the same speed and duration as well). This has low start-up and ending lag. You can place 3 of these at one time, and that they disappear as soon as they touch a character (not you, thank god). This does 4% and very low diagonally upward knockback. This can be annoying for the opponent, and since this has low lag, it’s easily spammable. It should make opponents without reflectors go into the air, and approach him from there on.

Downward Tilt: World of self defence

If you actually looked at the stats part, it says that Summoned Skull goes back into Toon World, and Toon World is closed. When you do this, Toon World opens back up, and a puff of smoke and stars will shoot out before Summoned skull appears and winks at the camera. This has low start-up lag, but has quite a bit of ending lag. The Puff of Smoke (which appears first) deals 16% and high-low vertical knockback. The stars (which are half the size of Kirbys Warp Star, and 11 stars swarm both sides of Toon World at the speed of Falcos blaster, which reach 3 stage builder blocks outwards both sides of Toon World) each deal 1% and a very slight pushing effect. This is a good Get the Fudge away from me due to the low lag of this move, and the range of this move, but if the opponent dodges all of this, they can easily counter the ending lag of this move.
[16%/1% per star]

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Lightning Bolt

Summoned Skull sticks his hands out forward diagonally downwards (Somewhat similar to Ganon in one of CD-I games when he says “You Dare bring light to my lair, YOU MUST DIE!” you know it now), and then blue lightning is shot downwards to the ground with 2 flashes of it. This has quite a bit of start-up and ending lag. This has disjointed priority, and has quite good range to it. Each hit does 17% (24% fully charged) and high-low (High-high knockback fully charged) diagonally upwards knockback. This is a good KO move, and opponents that are foolish to spot-dodge this will feel the wrath of the second hit. This, however, has too much start-up lag to be useful, so we need a set-up… I wonder which one it could possibly be (looks below)
[17 – 24% for each hit]

Up Smash: Graveyard Hold

Summoned Skull raises his right hand upwards, as the ground in front of him rumbles and quickly and giant blue hand similar to Toon Summoned Skulls that size of Yoshi appears and grabs the opponent instantly. The hand stays out for 0.7 seconds before re-entering the ground. The Hand also grabs the opponent for 2.5 seconds (regardless of charge and damage). What charging this move does is that the hand appears further away the more you charge this. This reaches the range of Kirby’s F-smash uncharged, and the range of Falcos Phantasm fully charged. This has a bit of start-up and ending lag for the Toon. This is a good set-up move that’ll be sure to ensure a KO. This doesn’t do any damage.


Forward Air: Tickling Fancy

Oh, this little bugger just likes to be an @$$ Hole ay? Summoned Skull leans forward like R.O.Bs forward air, but his fingers are frantically going up and down. This has a small hit-box. If you hit the opponent, they take a step back, and hold their body while they are being tickled, and after the duration of this move (0.6 seconds), they’ll trip over, and in the air, they enter free-fall. This has very low start-up and landing lag, but as you can tell this has quite a bit of ending lag. This does absolutely no damage and has decent priority, but this is great set-up move, and is totally humiliating for the opponent, I mean, totally!

Backward Air: Loose Paper

Toon Summoned Skull looks down into Toon world, and whips out a piece of paper about the size of half of a stage builder block wide. This has low start-up, ending and landing lag, and the paper falls 1.5 times slower than a banana. What this does is trip the opponents up, but deals no damage. You can have 4 out at one time, but you can’t grab them and last just as long as Diddys bananas. This can be annoying as you can have so many on the screen, and they stop approaches like the infamous Snake Dash, and since paper is thin, it’s much harder to spot than those bananas.

Upward Air: Spring back into action

Toon Summoned Skull puts his hand into Toon World, and quickly pulls out a spring the size of Sonics, and pushes the spring upwards to hit Toon World. This pushes Toon World up 4 stage builder blocks upwards, but doesn’t make him enter free-fall, just unable to use U-air again afterwards. This has low start-up, ending and landing lag. This is a great recovery, and is very hard to intercept because the speed he goes up is comparable to King Dededes up-b, and is very hard to gimp.

Yes, this makes sense, now go!

Downward Air: Self-contained World

Toon Skull winks and goes into Toon World, which then closes up, and drops to the ground quickly. Eh? What gives? When you press down air again, it opens up quickly, and seemingly looks like you just opened it again for no reason. So, what does this do exactly? Well, the longer you keep Toon World closed, the more powerful an effect will occur. This has low start-up lag, and the falling Book does no damage. Here’s the list of effects:

2 seconds Charge: Explosives

Toon World will open up, and slightly outside the hurt-box of Toon World, an explosion occurs, dealing 16% and high diagonally upwards knockback with great priority. The Hit-box is small, so it isn’t that great all considering. This also has quite a bit of ending lag as well.

4 Seconds Charge: Fireworks

Toon World will open up, and 3 fireworks will shoot out on each side of Toon World varying in trajectories, and they all go the speed and range as one of the fireworks from the cracker launcher. This has quite a bit of ending lag. Each firework does 15% and high-low diagonally upward knockback. This happens surprisingly quickly, and it’s likely that you’ll hit the opponent.
[15% per Firework]

6 second charge: Thunder of Doom

The sky turns dark grey, and as Toon World opens up, it shoots up a beam of blue electricity the width of Samus final smash upwards, and then you are free to move around like normal. After 3 seconds, the beam of electricity strikes down on the same place as you do this. The electricity going upwards does a total of 20% of pretty much undiable hits, and the electricity going downwards does 19% and very-high vertical knockback. This is very powerful, obviously, but it’s hard to get to this charge.
[20% + 19%]

So, this seems pretty much useless when you use this on your own, but if you combine Down-smash (you can reach the 2 second charge with that normally) with moves like B-air, making them trip over and over when you place the papers next to the up smash, and you could (somehow) charge it up too the 6 second charge, but your too pro if you can in a end to end game.


This has the same amount of range as Charizards grab range, and pretty much at the same speed as well. TSS reaches out with his right hand forward.

Pummel: Electric Squeeze

TSS grabs the opponent by the stomach, and squeezes hard, making the opponents head bigger for some reason. This is relatively slow, and each squash does 3% and the electric element. Nothing else is noticeable.

Forward Throw: Hammer Arm

Toon Summoned Skull raises his right arm into the air, and has the hand in a fist. TSS will then obviously slam down the opponent into the ground with great force. This has quite a lot of ending lag. This does 10% and downward knockback, but when you normally do the throw, it acts like Snakes down throw, but when you do this over the edge, this has a very powerful spike (just underneath Luigis down taunt). This isn’t useful for a set-up move due to the ending lag, and the spike is very situational!

Backward Throw: Skeleton hug

Toon Summoned Skull hugs the opponent right close to each other, and then TSS slowly turns around, and flings the opponent in the opposite direction. This has quite a bit of start-up and ending lag. This does 9% and mid horizontal knockback. You can try to follow this up at early percentages with moves like the dash attack. There’s nothing else noticeable about this move.

Upward Throw: Lightning Crusher

Summoned Skull holds the opponent up into the air, and then after a slight pause, and blue lightning bolt appears from the sky (it goes through platforms), and shocks the opponent before sending the opponent away (the duration of this move 1.5 seconds). This does a total of 10% and mid upwards knockback. This has too much ending lag to be a follow up. Not that useful, as Forward Throw and Down Throw are better than this move, but this has visual ****, like Charizards down throw.

Downward Throw: Toon *insert character name here*

TSS pulls the opponents into Toon World, and after that the book closes, and shakes/tilts up and down very quickly for about a second, and then Toon World will open up again. When Toon World opens up, after a short delay, a more cartoony version of the opponent will show up instead of Summoned Skull, and you can take control of the opponent for 5 seconds at the same speed as TSS would normally. This does 9%. On a 1v1 match, all you can really do is suicide with the opponent, but in a match with more than 2 players, if the opponent hit the Toon character, they get dealt the damage and knockback (they get sent out of Toon World), and then Summoned Skull appears afterwards, and you get the KO. The opponent automatically jumps out of the Book after the 5 seconds, and spins around to turn back to normal. Want to Toonicide? Well your luck is in the bag.

Toon Summoned Skull Playstyle:

Toon Summoned Skull hasn’t got that many KO moves as you may expect, but a lot of moves that deal a lot of damage. But mostly, TSS is like a trap/set-up character *OMG NOOOOO, SOB SOB SOB*. You’ll most likely want to place a bunch of Paper on the floor and/or use the forward air to make the opponent, and then it’s easy to land the up smash, and then walk up to the opponent and use forward smash or a down air really close to the opponent. Also, if you want the opponent to be more handicapped, when they trip over or they are foolish enough to approach you in the defence mode (You have to approach TSS if he’s hiding in Toon World and you don’t have a projectile), you’ll be eaten by the DMG (Defence mode grab, not Doctor Mario Guy), and they’ll be slower, making it easier to hit your laggier KO moves.

The opponent can’t really camp that effectively unless they are on a stage that runs down below the bottom boundary or have a structure like Brinstars, as the up tilt will just run off. This is laggier than the standard projectile, but with the hot-head style movement, it can be annoying if the orb keeps on coming from all angles, so the opponent should approach from the air. Plus, they don’t want to be hit from the 4 second charge down air (as 6 second charge doesn’t cover a great range horizontally), and that charge is very powerful (heck, even the lowest charge can KO reasonably early as well).

Also, unlike with the other monsters, you control Toon World, so their tactics of just picking off Toon World if they are frustrated with fighting you is gone, and that they have to man up to their balls and fight like a girl if they have to up front. Plus, TSS also takes a place within the book of jerks, as TSS can control the stage greatly with his back-air and his up tilt, limiting the opponents’ options, and if the opponent trips, you can grab them with up smash and bam goes the stock of the opponent by the force of lightning. So you have to play differently – so does the opponent – but it an better way than being a stage patroller of sticks.

Also, his grab game isn’t really that good, sure, he has decent range, but his moves are like Zeldas, as in that he can’t really do much after throwing the opponent, but his throws do good damage for a throw. TSS and with the use of trap and magic cards can be a real arse to take care off, and the opponent has to face you, take this opportunity.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
I don't get it, why did you people vote for me?

I'm more confused than my previous questions.

Grats to this contest's winners!
BECAUSE YOU'RE AWESOME, EMERGE. When are you going to accept that? :(

Anyway, congrats to all the winners! I'm glad I won "Funniest Poster" and "Funniest Set" :cool:! I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
At least Articuno got some recognition, so I'm happy with that, although not getting any in the improvement category is a bit meh. But it's OK though because all the ones who got votes in that category deserved it :bee:.

I'll say bye to Kibble now, because I probably won't see him again, so Kibble; good luck, and enjoy yourself these next two years.

I probably won't be back until August at the earliest after the results are in, but if I don't come back properly I'll make sure I say that I'm leaving, and won't just vanish. The fun I had making movesets has gone completely, and I don't know why I'm still here- I just sort of am XD. Whatever happens, I will be back, even if it is just to say I am finally packing in.


Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
I'm not sure if the thread gets closed at the end of the contest. If that does happen, I don't think your work will be accessible.
Well I don't need to start right now. If the new thread is made within the next few days I can wait. And btw, it's a Pokeymanz moveset. Seel, actually.

The Trophy Master

Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2008
*Sends Sundance an orange elephant on Chirstmas, a
Ummm... I've been away for some months because of school so I didn't have time for MYM. I'll gladly participate in Make Your Move 6 but before, I'm gonna erase my entire list of previewed movesets and restart cause my ieas aren't the same they were. Also I drop my review center, it does too much job for me to do movesets, a story mode and everything. So that is dead too.

So, can't wait till Make Your Move 6!

Is the moveset subimission period over?

Did I miss some super movesets lately?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2008
*sends Sundance a leather harness on Dragon Apprec
Ummm... I've been away for some months because of school so I didn't have time for MYM. I'll gladly participate in Make Your Move 6 but before, I'm gonna erase my entire list of previewed movesets and restart cause my ieas aren't the same they were. Also I drop my review center, it does too much job for me to do movesets, a story mode and everything. So that is dead too.

So, can't wait till Make Your Move 6!

Is the moveset subimission period over?

Did I miss some super movesets lately?
Hiiii! Nice to see you back.

Me neither. :3


Absolutely. There are so many, I can't even link them all. :D


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2007
Sorry for vanishing, just moved to a new house. Now that I'm settled down at my new home, I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me. The fact you did makes me feel great. I'll get back to work on my sets once my comp is set up and I'm off my mother's laptop.

Also, Khold/Emergency, would either of you be so kind as to PM me info on which of my sets, if any, placed? I'll pay handsomly... okay, not really, but even confirmation I placed with a set would make me eternally happy.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
The Top 50 should be released before long. No need to discuss this any further, neither in-thread nor via PMs.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2008
I've been everywhere, man.
So Kibble, I think we'd all like to know.....has a start date been decided for MYM6 yet? Also, I'm glad to hear that the LIST will be released soon.

Although we all know you guys are just screwing with us.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
That's not for me to be involved in deciding, as I won't be here. But no, a start date has not yet been determined.

On the note of upcoming dates and be not being here, though, maybe I should inform those of you who don't frequent the MYM chat that I'll be leaving next Wednesday, so Monday or Tuesday of next week will be my last day in MYM. I'll be gone for two full years serving a religious mission for my church, and won't have internet access except possibly to e-mail my parents, so unfortunately, I'll have to bid adieu for good to most of you who I don't have a way of coming in contact with again. :(

Oh, and please, don't follow this with a truckload of "Kibble's leaving?!" posts. Much as I love you guys... :(
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