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Make Your Move 5

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Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
There! Did I get your attention?​

It's a sad state of affairs that I read Toadette on a dare. But now that I've read it I can do what noone else has, acknowledge the fact that this moveset exists and comment on it!

Now, obvious thing first, the amount of detail is overhwhelming. When something as simple as the first hit of a neutral jab constitutes a wall-of-text, you know something must have gone wrong. I applaud you for including absolutely everything there is to know about every attack, and I shudder to think how long that must have taken you, but there is simply too much detail here. But you already know that, so I'll stop there and move on...

The writing style, I actually ended up endeared by it, and I have no idea why. It's long and bloated, you contradict yourself numerous times. but..
Maybe, it was because it was flawed, because it had human admissions of guilt and the occasional "does that make sense?", that I managed to find the moveset readable in the first place.

The organisation; Thanks for including the Ctrl-F friendly contents list, but the rest of the organisation left much to be desired. The biggest thing I can point out, other than those very long paragraphs, is how lightly coloured the headers are, and how they're almost intangible against the white wash of move descriptions. They are calming colours, and they do suit Toadette, but they are barely visible. Headers are meant to leap out at the reader, not hide.

The moves themselves, suit Toadette to a T, strangly enough. Even the fact that every move involved a prop seemed to make sense, though that does result in the moveset being highly fractured and a little all over the place (if there is such a thing). You left no detail out, which is both these moves blessing, and the moveset's curse.

For some reason (and this is really creeping me out) reading Toadette turned out to be a positive experience.
You have boundless enthusiasm for a character I would have never given a second thought to. And through reading the moveset, I have gained an actual interest in Toadette. If you can somehow bring that enthusiasm to your next moveset, and work on trimming unneccessary detail, I think it would do really well.

and seriously, get some confidence in your writing style... and Down-Special isn't bad, you just didn't tap the potential hard enough.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
@Reactions to Steven: Overall, I see where everyone's coming from. Several sets fused into one is essentially what Steven is, I'll be the first one to admit that. Basically, we just wanted one big joint set as a sort of "big closing" by having several big names (and myself) making one large set to kind of sum up MYM as a whole.

Time restraints were our biggest set back with this, with several of the MYMer's working on multiple sets once, Steven kind of got pushed to the back burners (at least for myself and Cradily). Overall I felt as though I could've done a better job of coming up with something to link the Pokemon together but unfortunately it's a tad late for that.

In the end of it all however, I'm VERY glad that Steven was made and, while it may be receiving rather negative feedback (or at least mixed feedback) I'm very glad to have gotten the chance to work with so many big names on this massive set and am very glad with how it turned out.

To those of you who read Steven, I thank you very much for putting in the time to read what we worked so hard on. For those of you in the Steven team, Warlord, Lionheart, Kibble, H_R, Ocon; I thank you all for putting in such hard work to make this set a possibility, thank you all so very much.



Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I guess I'll try and have Will done for MYM6. I saw this coming.

I can send a link to Spadefox if he wants to see it. You did mention you wanted to see it.

The round's closed, so I'm wondering if I should still try to comment on movesets. I'm thinking, I won't be able to get to all of them, so if I do comment on them, I should sample them randomly, to be totally fair. Of course that would mean that submissions of a multi-submission user would be more likely to get hit, but that makes sense to me.

So I'll work it out and comment on maybe four move sets.

Oh, and a question:

Don't catagorize movesets like that. We'll never have any real way to gauge moveset quality. Even our top 50s are highly subjective and, in the end, the "best" movesets are often just the ones we happened to like more at the time.

To quote Pk-ow (of all people) on the subject;
"And then we have votes, which lets us see which sets were the most appealing, whatever that meant that round."
Can I ask you Junahu what you mean by "of all people"? I don't recognize the usual use I understand for that phrase. . .


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
Herndon, VA
Junahu : Oh, wow, thanks for taking the time to actually review and comment on my moveset ^^' My movesets don't get much attention, or at least, I don't notice it, so it was really nice of you to do all that, even if it was done on a dare.

My writing style really isn't anything to be special or endeared to (That's how I think); I just write whatever pops into my head or any side-thoughts I may have about the move and type them onto the move, so that may explain the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem I may have shown in the moveset...but if it makes at least one person happy, then I'll continue it. I like to write my movesets with a slightly carefree yet competitive attitude (I know that's contradicting, again, but I'll stop rambling about this).~ Although I'm sure almost everyone, if not everyone, feels the same way!

My enthusiasm in my movesets only seems to be bigger than others because of my writing style, I think. I don't think that I displayed more enthusiasm than anyone else here, it's just that it seems more visible because of my ... openness? But I'm happy you enjoyed it, I can only hope anyone else that reads it will too!

Thanks again for the review, Junahu, and sorry to anyone if I sound sort of um, elite or anything.

There I go again, showing my lack of self-esteem and confidence. ^^' That's how I've been for years, but I don't really mind.

Oh, and I'm really sorry that I didn't notice it before on the Steven moveset (Just goes to show you how I never read things right), and that you did a great job with it, Skyler_Ocon! And everyone else (I think everyone else is a Sin, sorry again if I didn't think right...)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2008
*sends Sundance a leather harness on Dragon Apprec
Mkay, so...we get the typical last-second rush of amazing leadership movesets. At least this time the hype for Steven isn't disgustingly overdone.

I have to agree with what K.Rool said in that it seems like the set is almost meant to be an auto-top 50 set, but hopefully it'll get the position it deserves. With a joint set, if there's even one set that's noticeably weaker than the rest (like Metagross), then I believe that the joint set as a whole should suffer as a result. I mean, if you're going to stick a bunch of movests together like that, they'd all better be f*cking amazing.

...Of course, aside from Metagross, they were all very good sets. I particularly liked Armaldo and Cradily. Nice work, guys. ^_^

Toadette was a litte...awkward. The attacks were nice (from what I could tell), but the organization made it very hard to get into initially. I haven't actually finished reading the whole thing yet, though, so I'll have to get back too you on the meat of the set. In the meantime, I suggest working with the many Walls-of-Text that plague the set and making it look...prettier (you did it with Roll, so we all know you can do it).


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
So I could keep reading more and more sets, but I’d rather take a break from reading to do some commenting. I doubt I’d remember the sets I’ve already read well enough to comment them after reading all the other sets anyway, and I don’t particularly feel like commenting 15 sets at once, so here goes on what I have read.

I can’t say I’ve ever so much as touched Master of Disguise or ever heard of the character, so I naturally have a slight bias at the start of the set. . .But it’s a freaking K. Rool set. I can’t go without reading one (Besides Galaxy Man), so if anything you have more of a bias in your favor simply due to your name being stamped on it. Regardless, these sort of canceled each other out, so let’s move on.

I absolutely love the idea of stealing attacks with the neutral special. It’d make every match with Cannoli quite interesting to see play out, even if it would make the count hellish to play against. I love how you give him so many moves to get behind the enemy, and making the neutral special grab better with the foe’s back turned was quite a clever and very fitting concept. In addition to stealing moves from the enemy, he can potentially use them as ammo with his fsmash, fair, and dthrow (Excuse me if there’s more), wrapping this up all the better.

I absolutely love Cannoli, and in addition to the main show of stealing moves he also has absolutely insane mindgame potential with wickedly cool moves, namely the dtilt, side special, dair, and usmash. There’s very little to complain about. . .

But the moveset is somewhat rushed. While the detail for the most part suffices, it’s not quite up to the standards of Miracle Matter or Jumpluff despite Cannoli’s brilliant moves deserving more detail then the former two. That’s still not the main issue though, it still gets the job done fine, far better then Father Time and earlier. What’s the problem? There’s a couple obvious rushed moves (Uair says hi), sure, but more importantly Cannoli is quite overpowered. A particularly obvious example is his up special, which is absolutely godly recovery (5 seconds makes Pit’s look bad) and hard to edgeguard while still letting Cannoli use his aerials and steal moves.

That’s not that massive of a complaint though, as I didn’t find it quite as overpowered outside the up special as some of the other people in the chat (Get out of there and comment this beauty properly, you lazy *****! You know who you are). My main problem with this is how the cornerstone of his playstyle, the move stealing, is absolutely random. This would make luck play quite a large factor. . .I’ve joined HR on the anti random effects movement. While this normally isn’t enough to break a set, this isn’t just a few simple things like extra random move effects to make things more interesting, this is something that could get competitive players quite pissed at the luck they can’t turn off. Perhaps you could’ve had him steal the last move they used or something? Or perhaps to make it harder on Cannoli to steal specifically what he wants but not make it luck based, say, the 5th last move they used? I dunno. Just something to not make it luck based.

A significantly smaller complaint is that Cannoli’s alter ego, the Silver Zephyr, feels rather pointless. I think the moveset could’ve done just as well without him in there, and I find it quite awkward how he has to transform for some of his move interactions. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just mash the two forms of the moves together? While this couldn’t be done for all cases, there are other inputs you could overwrite with these effects, such as the uair. Then again, this might be fitting for Cannoli. I wouldn’t know, I haven’t touched the character. You be the judge.

So while there are plenty of complaints here, this is still without a doubt a very fine set none the less. While there’s a good bit more bad then some of your other sets, there’s also far more good. I’d rank him as your second best after Miracle Matter, who I’ll eventually get around to reviewing after I read the other ten thousand sets I have left to go, including your precious Cutesy.

I agree with K. Rool in that it was indeed a breath of fresh air to see a newcomer come in actually informed for once and have actually done some lurking, but I didn’t expect you to come up with such a great first entry that beats out those of newcomers who have already been here a couple months. Very nice first effort!

I find it somewhat strange that the character is male yet is supposed to be Mother Nature, but it’s your character. . .So yeah. Moving on. I like the seasons mechanic considerably and how Nature is better suited to doing certain things depending on the season. He can damage rack quite well during a certain season, but if he doesn’t get the damage done before the season’s up he’s kinda screwed. Quite an interesting playstyle with the mechanic, even if the moves don’t really interact in particular, and the final smash tied it up better then most mechanics.

I’m blind to organization, but I agree with Junahu/K. Rool (I forget which said it) that the organization would make far more sense if you color coded the attacks based off which season buffed them up and could make this a real beauty.

Unlike Junahu, I feel the moveset could’ve benefited from some more creativity on the individual attacks and possibly used a slight increase in detail (Though nothing too large). Too many of the moves just felt bland to me, although I can’t be asking too much of you on your first set, now can I (Then again, there is Donna. . .)? I hope you stick around, you’d make a fine addition to the community.

So let’s see. . .Where to start? I don’t particularly remember all the parts of the set amazingly well considering I read Magician and Slime a couple months ago and Great Dragon was also a good few weeks back, so all I had to read here was Puppet and Evil Knight. While this gave me little left to read, it makes it rather tough to piece it all together for me. Guess I sort of ruined the experience for myself. . .Let’s see what I can remember from those three I read earlier in the commentary, eh? Although I did re-read Slime and a bit of Magician. In any case, this certainly goes better then many other 3+ joint sets due to having a switch mechanic that actually binds them together in a fitting way rather then an obligatory one (Even if it would make maining the virus torture).

Slime and Puppet have some of the most wickedly cool moves in the entire set, although I assume that’s mainly because you had so few button inputs to work with that you could squeeze all their potential on those few moves. Still, either way, great job, particularly on Slime. Considering how well Slime turned out, I wouldn’t mind seeing him get a full set. Puppet, while creative, isn’t quite as good as Slime and I like K. Rool found the string box mechanic rather confusing as there was no string box in his picture and you made no attempt to explain it.

Magician. . .Probably the most creative of the main trio, although he has far more potential then the other two due to being able to explain everything away with magic. He’s only freaking called MAGICian. Still, you tapped into his potential without getting awkward and I applaud you for it, even if several of the move ideas –did- come from yours truly. . .You made him flow as a damage racker just fine, albeit that is indeed a rather generic playstyle, basically identical to Megaman.EXE, but far more creative, thankfully. My biggest real beef with the Magician though is that I think he’s overpowered. . .You should probably buff up those kill percents. A char so good at damage racking shouldn’t be able to kill until 200%, IMO, although you did at least make it hard to do (Though not quite as hard as you claim).

Evil Knight. . .A shame you got stuck with the worst of the three in terms of moveset potential, MT. . .Wait? You decided to make him a suit of armor and give him dark magics? Epic. Great way to get some more material out of this otherwise quite bland character. I agree with K. Rool in that the mechanic isn’t particularly special, but is fitting because of the other characters he’s attached to and the switching methods. I like the mindgame potential you gave the guy in particular, even if it was only for a few moves it was pretty d*mn well executed, such as in the dash. My biggest complaint for the knight is that some of the moves actually get worse/do nothing under the effect of darkness. . .This would frustrate casuals and people learning the knight to no end. You’re taking damage to get more powerful. . .You do a move for bonus effects. . .And it does nothing?!? Bthrow is a particularly bad culprit here, even if it would logically make sense.

Great Dragon. . .You could’ve just called him dragon, y’know. What kind of false advertising is that? Kidding, kidding. The dragon is somewhat more bland then the knight. Kibble doesn’t seem particularly fond of heavy characters. . .To be honest, the dragon is really rather unmemorable and I can’t come up with much to comment on, which is probably a pretty bad sign, albeit he has very little potential, even less then the knight considering MT took some creative liberties with him. That said, I do like how you made Dragon able to power up his power/speed, although I found the throws a bit too blatantly overpowered, even for how slow the dragon was. 25%. . .? Really?

The set was without a doubt a bit rushed to come out, as evidenced by the rather bland final smash that doesn’t really fit the virus as a whole and would’ve made more sense for just Slime, as well as the organization. The color scheme doesn’t really fit any of the characters besides Magician or the virus as a whole. . .Great Dragon’s beta organization was far superior, as K. Rool stated.

Despite being very slightly rushed (Go on a few pages for the true incarnation of rushing), this is still probably my favorite multi set ever, particularly because of how closely bound the characters are instead of just a generic down B. This laughs in the face of the Halberd Crew, albeit nothing can beat my old halberd conversations.

I apologize for bashing this set so much in the chat. . .But considering that everlasting SM chapter revolved around the guy, I take it I’m not entirely bad news for you, right? I honestly didn’t expect much, but I was absolutely blown away at your absurdly large improvement over Yamazaki back in MYM 4. This dwarfs even Lionheart’s transformation. . .Holy good crap. This set’s amazing.

. . .But I don’t think it’s as amazing as some of the others (K. Rool, Junahu) seem to think it is. The moves are pretty random and wacky and don’t particularly work together into that cohesive of a playstyle for me, and your playstyle explanation wasn’t particularly good. Unlike K. Rool, I found your writing style rather awkward and hard to understand at times, and you also have somewhat of a case of DFM syndrome. The set was rather hard to read through, although it’s far from the hardest considering the absolutely stellar organization and the masses of pictures throughout the moveset.

At first I found Raiden to be god tier with those fast tilts in combination with his ridiculous power, but the powerful moves were exceptionally laggy, and while he does indeed have some fast moves they’re rather limited in number. Still, I think those kill percents are too dangerously bordering on broken and would’ve liked to of seen them toned down.

The most enjoyable part of reading this set is the mass MGS2 fan service throughout the set, particularly with the throws. The fthrow and bthrow are absolutely hilarious even if rather uninteresting, and the dthrow is both at the same time and actually well implemented into Raiden’s playstyle. The non lethal final smash is also one of the absolute best final smashes I’ve ever seen, if not the best. Absolutely brilliant.

As for the mechanic of the set, I found it interesting, but rather unnecessary considering how many moves had no non lethal versions (Aerials) and how many of the non lethal moves’ main purposes were just to make the timer for the sleep tick down faster. It was a good concept, but executed poorly.

While I don’t see this set as an absolute god among men like some others, I still love it without a doubt, despite the occasional flaw. I didn’t think you had it in you. . .I wish I’d actually taken the preview offer you gave me instead of just blowing it off. Very good work.

I largely questioned if you could just somehow “decide” to join the playstyle movement with one set, particularly when you said Sebastian was the last of your old style sets, but I was pleasantly surprised that you’ve managed to take a significant step towards it. The playstyle sections are easily the best you’ve written yet, although there’s a good bit of stuff in them that would apply to pretty much any character in MYM nowadays. Playstyles generally assume the character is being played at the peak of their game, so there’s little reason to tell people to try them out and get used to them and such. That would also help in reducing the length of those massive sections.

Ignoring the descriptions of the playstyles, Jr/Shadow Mario actually flow together quite well none the less, although admittedly it’s considerably easier to do with the theme of traps and it’s been done a lot. I still like it anyways, though. Anyway, enough with the playstyle already. The individual moves are plenty unique on their own and they all have their usual quirks, although I feel Jr. is a good bit better then Shadow Mario in both uniqueness and playstyle. The plentiful move interactions are also welcome. Good job.

The extras are actually worth reading, being extremely high quality, namely the stage and SSE Role. While SSE Roles have pretty much entirely died out, it’s refreshing to see a good one after them having been dead for so long, and it makes all too much sense for a character who should’ve been actually in the SSE to have a SSE Role. It was quite an entertaining read, the only thing being particularly questionable being your awkward boss choice, but at least you, y’know, actually have one.

The stage is pretty much a direct translation of how it was in Sunshine, and I was very impressed how you managed to include every part of it and all the elements of it (Besides the torture that was propelling that evil boat) while still keeping it at a relatively readable length and at counterpick status. Very well done.

A couple more general complaints that have been with your sets for a considerable time that I wouldn’t of mind seeing Jr freed of are the random move effects and the overly creative situationals. The situationals aren’t that much of a problem, but when you have less creative regular moves wouldn’t it make more sense to put them there? As for the random move effects, they’re not nearly as bad as usual seeing they can all be pretty much used for the same thing, though the coins in Jr’s fsmash would more likely heal the enemy when fired, which could be somewhat frustrating. Not a big issue, but I find it annoying when some of your attacks rely on luck to be interesting, such as Jr’s ? block aerial (The fair I believe).

Sorry for pretty much critizing you for half the commentary and just praising the extras, but I really do love this set and it is indeed quite impressive that you actually made a full moveset for a Zelda/Shiek combo. This is without a doubt THE BKupa set to vote for.

Deleted member

MYM4 -> MYM5 Statistics

I’m in the midst of reading a lot of movesets, but I figured I could spend some time updating you all on how MYM5 compares to its predecessor in mathematical, easily-understandable terms. The following samples are taken from The Abyss.

MYM4 had 230 movesets.
MYM5 had 121 movesets.

MYM4 lasted from 11-27-2008, 10:04 PM to 03-01-2009, 12:00 AM
MYM5 lasted from 03-19-2009, 07:00 AM to 06-24-2009, 01:00 AM

There was only a one day difference between contests - I will therefore ignore any possible influence it has on my results as negligible.

Username | # of movesets posted

Baloo 14
Spadefox 11
Chris Lionheart 11
Hyper_Ridley 9
SirKibble 9
Pelikinesis 7
dancingfrogman 7
KingK.Rool 6
BKupa666 5
MasterWarlord 5
majora787 5
Evilgidgit 5
Chief Mendez 5
~Cruxis~ 5
Sonic the Baron 4
goldwyvern 4
Tanookie 4
Lenus Altair 4
Akiak 4
phatcat203 4
Jimnymebob 3
MarthTrinity 3
Dokutayuu 3 [Editing's note: this guy made Alphonse and Ryuk before MW... ?]
Junahu 3
SkylerOcon 3
Kholdstare 3
princesspeachluver13 3
The Trophy Master 3
IvoryFlame 2
UnSaxon51 2
Mario_and_Sonic_Guy 2
SonicBoom2 2
agidius 2
half_silver28 2
Mardyke 2
Snowstalker 2
Twilight-Emblem 2
Lemonwater 2
john9blue 2
SparkZ 2
flyinfilipino 2
kitsuneko345 1
Lord Sakurai 1
evilgidget 1
Tubaam 1
cutter 1
TheSundanceKid 1
Smash Daddy 1
aeolous 1
WolfCypher 1
Meadow 1
airsmasher 1
Darkslash 1
Frf 1
LockeCarnelia 1
Alfa 1
cena_wolf 1
peeup 1
Mindsmasher 1
Chaos11011 1
I Love Celebi!!208 1
emergency 1
Iron Thorn 1
cheap_josh 1
Adapt 1
hyperhopper 1
sonicshadowshowdown 1
Shake~ 1
missingnomaster 1
Weldar 1
PrepareYourself 1
Tornadith 1
cjrocker 1
kigbariom 1
Zook 1
PowerBomb 1
The_Great_Panda 1
Skyshroud 1

There were 80 submitters in MYM4, with an average of approximately 2.9 movesets per person. Not counting joints, Baloo was the most active with 14 movesets and Spadefox and Chris Lionheart were the second most active submitters with 11 posted each. 38 submitters posted only 1 moveset, making up little less than half of the total number of submitters.

Username | # of moveset posted

Chris Lionheart 8
SirKibble 8
MasterWarlord 7
UserShadow7989 6
KingK.Rool 6
Wizzerd 6
Hyper_Ridley 5
dancingfrogman 5
BKupa666 5
Mario_and_Sonic_Guy 4
kitsuneko345 3
agidius 3
drag0nscythe 3
half_silver28 3
Mythic02 2
Darkslash 2
Jimnymebob 2
Tanookie 2
sandbags06 2
Junahu 2
MarthTrinity 2
Meadow 1
SkylerOcon 1
Condog 1
Shake~ 1
Apemasta’ 1
Zook 1
aeolous 1
JOE! 1
evilgidgit 1
majora_787 1
Baloo 1
TheTrophyMaster 1
Budget Player Cadet 1
kirbywizard 1
kris121 1
Plorf 1
Katapultar 1
phatcat203 1
bivunit94 1
Smash Daddy 1
Horiin 1
darth meanie 1
emergency 1

There were 45 submitters in MYM5, with an average of approximately 2.7 movesets per person. Not counting joints, Chris Lionheart and SirKibble had the most movesets with 8 submitted. 23 MYMers submitted just 1 movesets out of the 45, over ½ of the total amount of MYMers; this is a very slight increase and possibly brought on by the neglect of joints, which increased in number in MYM5.

These statistics are a little off as I didn’t count joint sets, The Stadium was a tiny bit disorganised and Spade is absent from MYM5 due to his removal of movesets. Also, some of the submitters were named more than once because of spelling mistakes, which I may not have handled perfectly. The amount of submissions has dramatically decreased, but submissions per MYMer has only slightly declined.

Not counting last pages, MYM4 had 858 pages, or 12870 posts. MYM5 has 136 pages, or 2040 posts. This is a decrease of over 10000 posts and 650 pages. Per approximately 3.7 pages, MYM4 had a moveset, or one new moveset approximately every 56 posts. Per approximately 1.1 pages, MYM5 had a moveset, or one new moveset per 16 posts – almost one per page! There has definitely been a massive decrease in spam. There is an obviously massive decline in activity, due to reasons like the crack down on spam and the move to the Smash workshop, but the amount of movesets per page or post has increased exponentially as a result. This means that MYM5 is more efficient than MYM4 altogether, with this being spurred on by individuals continuing to support MYM despite restrictions on spam. This arguably means the spam restrictions have been successful.

There are quite a few observations that can be made from these statistics, but I’ll leave that up to other users. I hope this is an enlightening post for members of MYM.

Edit: What can be concluded from these numbers is that for every 3.7 pages, there was 1 moveset, meaning that there were more than two pages free for movesets. The 1.1 per moveset number means that there is practically no space for movesets, a .1 chance that there is not a moveset on the same page. If we want to increase the amount of space for movesets, we need to either change the paradigm of 'space' in MYM [once per page] or increase activity - not spamming, but discussing. There was a serious lack of discussion this MYM in the thread. What I'm getting at is that we could return to our previous levels of activity MYM-wise, we haven't hit a perfect balance quite yet as we have seen a decrease. This may all be conjecture, however, if you take into account other affects such as the Smash workshop move.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Wow, that is very good of you to have done all that work. It saves me couting the movesets and stuff. This post should be saved onto the abyss or something for a tally. It was also educational for a newcomer such as myself, who never had anything to do with MYM4.

It also looks like MYM is less popular than before, which I think it is becuase of the lack of story modes on the user blogs, becuase that is how I found out about MYM. User blogs are right there and story modes brighten things up, as they are very enteritaining. I think MYM could be much better (And popular) if more story modes were created. Take inspiration from Hyper Ridley's MYM4 Story Mode Playing God, which I absolutley loved. Its sad that MYM5 had a lack of story modes, and hopefully there could be more in MYM6 to give MYM some more attention in the blogs.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
So I could keep reading more and more sets, but I’d rather take a break from reading to do some commenting. I doubt I’d remember the sets I’ve already read well enough to comment them after reading all the other sets anyway, and I don’t particularly feel like commenting 15 sets at once, so here goes on what I have read.

I can’t say I’ve ever so much as touched Master of Disguise or ever heard of the character, so I naturally have a slight bias at the start of the set. . .But it’s a freaking K. Rool set. I can’t go without reading one (Besides Galaxy Man), so if anything you have more of a bias in your favor simply due to your name being stamped on it. Regardless, these sort of canceled each other out, so let’s move on.

Appreciate getting some more comments, so thanks right off the bat, Warlord.

I absolutely love the idea of stealing attacks with the neutral special. It’d make every match with Cannoli quite interesting to see play out, even if it would make the count hellish to play against. I love how you give him so many moves to get behind the enemy, and making the neutral special grab better with the foe’s back turned was quite a clever and very fitting concept. In addition to stealing moves from the enemy, he can potentially use them as ammo with his fsmash, fair, and dthrow (Excuse me if there’s more), wrapping this up all the better.

I absolutely love Cannoli, and in addition to the main show of stealing moves he also has absolutely insane mindgame potential with wickedly cool moves, namely the dtilt, side special, dair, and usmash. There’s very little to complain about. . .
Well, that's good. The stealing mechanic is something I was pretty proud of, and I really tried to fuse creativity with overall playstyle in this one. Cannoli's got a lot of sides to his character (evil genius, thief, magician, rich guy with lots of machines and money) and it's good to hear that even with all of them in there he turned out interesting.

But the moveset is somewhat rushed. While the detail for the most part suffices, it’s not quite up to the standards of Miracle Matter or Jumpluff despite Cannoli’s brilliant moves deserving more detail then the former two. That’s still not the main issue though, it still gets the job done fine, far better then Father Time and earlier. What’s the problem? There’s a couple obvious rushed moves (Uair says hi), sure, but more importantly Cannoli is quite overpowered. A particularly obvious example is his up special, which is absolutely godly recovery (5 seconds makes Pit’s look bad) and hard to edgeguard while still letting Cannoli use his aerials and steal moves.
Overpowered? Pfft. It takes two seconds to edit it to two seconds or three instead of five (my god, did I really put five?). Balance is boring. :p

That’s not that massive of a complaint though, as I didn’t find it quite as overpowered outside the up special as some of the other people in the chat (Get out of there and comment this beauty properly, you lazy *****! You know who you are). My main problem with this is how the cornerstone of his playstyle, the move stealing, is absolutely random. This would make luck play quite a large factor. . .I’ve joined HR on the anti random effects movement. While this normally isn’t enough to break a set, this isn’t just a few simple things like extra random move effects to make things more interesting, this is something that could get competitive players quite pissed at the luck they can’t turn off. Perhaps you could’ve had him steal the last move they used or something? Or perhaps to make it harder on Cannoli to steal specifically what he wants but not make it luck based, say, the 5th last move they used? I dunno. Just something to not make it luck based.
Eh. Stealing the last move they used would take away a lot of the fun. I guess you could say Cannoli's a character for casual players; I know I'd have a hell of a lot of fun playing him.

A significantly smaller complaint is that Cannoli’s alter ego, the Silver Zephyr, feels rather pointless. I think the moveset could’ve done just as well without him in there, and I find it quite awkward how he has to transform for some of his move interactions. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just mash the two forms of the moves together? While this couldn’t be done for all cases, there are other inputs you could overwrite with these effects, such as the uair. Then again, this might be fitting for Cannoli. I wouldn’t know, I haven’t touched the character. You be the judge.
The Silver Zephyr is strictly relevance to character. Basically, to be totally realistic I should have put all thief-like attacks on him and given Cannoli more machines and wand attacks, but that would have neutered the overall playstyle.

So while there are plenty of complaints here, this is still without a doubt a very fine set none the less. While there’s a good bit more bad then some of your other sets, there’s also far more good. I’d rank him as your second best after Miracle Matter, who I’ll eventually get around to reviewing after I read the other ten thousand sets I have left to go, including your precious Cutesy.
Second best, eh? Very good. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Warlord. No comments on the organization, though?

Wow, that is very good of you to have done all that work. It saves me couting the movesets and stuff. This post should be saved onto the abyss or something for a tally. It was also educational for a newcomer such as myself, who never had anything to do with MYM4.
I'll save it under MYM History in The Abyss. You're right, Daddy did some good work right there.

It also looks like MYM is less popular than before, which I think it is becuase of the lack of story modes on the user blogs, becuase that is how I found out about MYM. User blogs are right there and story modes brighten things up, as they are very enteritaining. I think MYM could be much better (And popular) if more story modes were created. Take inspiration from Hyper Ridley's MYM4 Story Mode Playing God, which I absolutley loved. Its sad that MYM5 had a lack of story modes, and hopefully there could be more in MYM6 to give MYM some more attention in the blogs.
I don't think it's less popular so much as more exclusive. With less emphasis on socializing in the thread, it's not as easy to get into MYM. However, the same circle of MYMers are just as dedicated as ever; it's just that the quality of movesets has increased, and therefore the amount of time put into each.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2008
Number crunching!
I think that by making many posts people would want to see what all this hoopla is about on the main page causing more people to join and we should be able to ask for a new page. It gets people to post their sets faster if they prefer the first post! I found this by scrolling the first page so more posting= more MYMers.

Also good work Smash daddy!

Me and Kits are making a Yu-gi-oh set and I am making a complete organization 13 set!:bee::bee::bee:


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
Little Note for the stats thing: I actually posted 2 movesets in MYM 4 (Apollo and Klavier). Just a little note.

And yes, me along with Kris, are making a Yu-gi-oh set in the not-too-distant future. It'll probably be done in sometime in the near beginning of the contest at this rate. Since that would be considered my "first" moveset in MYM 6, my next moveset will probably either Red Gyarados (I like the idea, but he might be too big and broken), Crobat (I don't have enough ideas for him, but it's also a possibility), or Ho-oh (To give myself a little challenge). After that... It'll probably be a remake of a set I made that has been placed. Then there are some others I'm thinking of... well, here are the movesets that I'll make for MYM 6 (and possibly MYM 7).

Yu-gi-oh (guarantee)
Red Gyarados, Crobat, or Ho-oh
Hariyama or Plusle&Minun

Organization XIII? Will this include the 14th Member as well?

Deleted member

I think that by making many posts people would want to see what all this hoopla is about on the main page causing more people to join and we should be able to ask for a new page. It gets people to post their sets faster if they prefer the first post! I found this by scrolling the first page so more posting= more MYMers.

Also good work Smash daddy!
Bringing back asking for a new page is definitely not a good idea, but thanks for reading. The whole "I need a new page right now and can't wait a couple of hours" was one of the main reasons for the spam.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
It also looks like MYM is less popular than before, which I think it is becuase of the lack of story modes on the user blogs, becuase that is how I found out about MYM. User blogs are right there and story modes brighten things up, as they are very enteritaining. I think MYM could be much better (And popular) if more story modes were created. Take inspiration from Hyper Ridley's MYM4 Story Mode Playing God, which I absolutley loved. Its sad that MYM5 had a lack of story modes, and hopefully there could be more in MYM6 to give MYM some more attention in the blogs.
Wow, I'm glad to have helped introduce somebody to MYM. :)


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
I have read most of the movesets fully now, and whilst I'm not going to give full commentary, I can confirm that the majoroty of them are brilliant, so well done everyone.

However, I haven't finished Steven though- I have read Skarmory, and Cradilly, but that's it.

Would a highly visual set be OK to do, or should I avoid against it?


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Those statistics are very useful, Smash Daddy. Thank you for taking the time to research this. And yes, we will have to increase our non-moveset activity, in order keep MYM afloat.

Anyway, I thought I'd shamelessly get in on this statistics racket too, so here's the dates and post# of every MYM5 moveset (man that brings back memories!)

The data has been split up into "weeks", with the start of the first week being the first day of the contest. There's summary at the bottom, since noone will actually sit down and read a bunch of dates.

#note 1: The dates are according to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), so many movesets that appear to have been posted on seperate days, will have probably been posted on the same day in America
#note 2: Also because of GMT, the final week has an extra day (or an extra hour, as the case actually was)

19/03 #5
19/03 #23
19/03 #25
19/03 #32
19/03 #34
20/03 #70
20/03 #78
20/03 #86
20/03 #89
20/03 #106
20/03 #121
20/03 #137
21/03 #169
21/03 #181
21/03 #216
21/03 #218
21/03 #241
21/03 #245
22/03 #256
22/03 #271
22/03 #289
23/03 #316
24/03 #347
24/03 #350
25/03 #373
25/03 #384
25/03 #391
25/03 #407

27/03 #451
28/03 #526
28/03 #545
28/03 #556
29/03 #568
29/03 #571
29/03 #586
29/03 #601
30/03 #606
30/03 #611
31/03 #664
01/04 #681

02/04 #709
02/04 #717
04/04 #727
05/04 #751
06/04 #770

09/04 #797
10/04 #813
11/04 #825
12/04 #841
12/04 #847
13/04 #894
14/04 #912
14/04 #923
15/04 #941

16/04 #960
17/04 #976
18/04 #999
19/04 #1021
19/04 #1036
22/04 #1096

23/04 #1111
24/04 #1143
25/04 #1156
26/04 #1171
26/04 #1188
28/04 #1204
28/04 #1231
29/04 #1238

30/04 #1247
30/04 #1257
01/05 #1276
03/05 #1297
03/05 #1325
06/05 #1366
06/05 #1368
06/05 #1378

07/05 #1390
08/05 #1396
09/05 #1400
09/05 #1411
11/05 #1432
13/05 #1439

14/05 #1456
15/05 #1471
15/05 #1473
16/05 #1487
17/05 #1494
20/05 #1516

22/05 #1531
22/05 #1534
23/05 #1539
23/05 #1549
24/05 #1561
26/05 #1576
26/05 #1591
27/05 #1606

28/05 #1636
29/05 #1644
31/05 #1681
01/06 #1696

07/06 #1743
09/06 #1771

11/06 #1805
12/06 #1818
13/06 #1834
14/06 #1851
15/06 #1863

18/06 #1921
20/06 #1936
22/06 #1951
22/06 #1966
23/06 #1972
24/06 #1977
24/06 #1980
24/06 #1983
24/06 #1989
24/06 #1993
24/06 #1996
24/06 #2011
25/06 #2024
25/06 #2026

Week 1: 28
Week 2: 12
Week 3: 5
Week 4: 9
Week 5: 6
Week 6: 8
Week 7: 8
Week 8: 6
Week 9: 6
Week 10: 8
Week 11: 4
Week 12: 2
Week 13: 5
Week 14: 14

I've underlined the two most interesting weeks here. Week 3 appears to be the best point (in the early contest) to post a moveset as they have a much greater chance of standing out then. After that week, there is another spike of activity, and then the submissions appear to level out to an average of 1 submission a day.
After Week 10, the number of submissions drops dramatically, bottoming out at 2 movesets in Week 12. This probably corresponds more to Exams and other School commitments, than it does to the impending final week rush.

And just as I assumed it would, the final day rush absolutely blew the first day rush out of the water (First day: 5 movesets - Final day: 9 movesets). It was the reverse for MYM4 (First day: 7 movesets - Final day: 2 movesets). There are many possible reasons for this increased activity;

#1: It's summer time now, lots of free time (for most of us)
#2: Actual Brawl+ activity is now much lower than the hype attracting users to the board, due to it approaching it's "final" release.
#3: The increasing popularity and accessibilty of Texture hax, again attracting users to the board

(there are other reasons I'm sure)


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Some interesting stats you have there, Junahu. Not much to say about them that you haven't already covered.

So I'm reposting this yet again, just to remind you all to GET YOUR VOTES IN.

K.Rool's List of Eligible Voters

-- The Sins



-- The Voters

Chris Lionheart
Smash Daddy

-- The AWOL



Okay, so two things to note about this. Firstly, if you're not on this list but feel you've made a significant enough contribution to MYM - be it through the chat or wherever - you have the right to present your case. If you do so, PLEASE do so somewhere other than the chat where all of the Sins can see and discuss your argument. I have no problem with people other than the above voting, but I'd prefer to first know who they are and why they should be allowed to vote.

Secondly, I'll be tallying most/all of the votes, but feel free to send yours to any of the Sins (other than Warlord). It's just vote diffusion, y'know, to stagger them as it's a pretty big job and also to reduce the power of one person holding lone copies of all the votes.

Lastly, try not to feel obligated to vote. It's better for everyone if you only vote if you've read a significant chunk of the movesets, and not just the ones with the most hype. Just tell me or someone that you won't be voting, your name will be crossed off; it'd be better for everybody.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2008
*sends Sundance a leather harness on Dragon Apprec
First of all, I want to thank SmashDaddy and Junahu for crunching these numbers/reading through all the sets to make these statistics. I think it's very interesting to see how MYM has evolved...and SmashDaddy, I did get the render- thanks. But her name is Dawn. ;)

To K.Rool: I assume Sins have to send their votes to another Sin? Y'know, to prevent unfair alterations of the votes...?

And, since we apparently don't get to advertise sets anymore (which I quite enjoyed, if anyone cares), I'd be interested to see which sets other people are working on for MYM6. ^_^


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009


Roserade was a new Pokemon added in the fourth Generation of Pokemon; it is the evolution of Roselia, whom evolves from Budew. It's Grass and Poison type combination adds for an interesting array of strengths and weaknesses. Roserade has gained mild popularity in the "Standard" battling environmment for its good speed, decent attacking power and vast movepool, and also happens to be favored by many characters throughout the T.V shows and manga.​

Basic Information:

Name: Roselia

About Mario's height.

A little heavier than Ivysaur.

Fall Speed: Fast, slightly slower than Sheik's fall speed.

Run Speed:
Fast, slightly slower than Sheik's run speed.

Quite a few disjointed hitboxes ( in exchange for some really short-ranged moves).

Launch Power:
Decent, but not the best. Her smashes seem to have low launch power.


Basic Attacks

Neutral A Combo:

Roserade smacks the enemy with her left bouquet (her hand), and then her right bouquet. No startup, little end lag; 2%, 3% for each hit respectively, kills at 820%, about 90% of the range of Peach's jab. Extra Info: the first smack has no KBG to allow to always combo into the second jab.​

Dash Attack:

sorry I didn't mean to post yet. my computer just kinda flipped out again.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
First of all, I want to thank SmashDaddy and Junahu for crunching these numbers/reading through all the sets to make these statistics. I think it's very interesting to see how MYM has evolved...and SmashDaddy, I did get the render- thanks. But her name is Dawn. ;)

To K.Rool: I assume Sins have to send their votes to another Sin? Y'know, to prevent unfair alterations of the votes...?

And, since we apparently don't get to advertise sets anymore (which I quite enjoyed, if anyone cares), I'd be interested to see which sets other people are working on for MYM6. ^_^
Yeah, Sins should send their votes to other Sins, preferably me, since I'm doing the tallying. :p

And we can still advertise! It's just that no one seems to want to...

Although there are a few sets that I've been noticing not many people are voting for...

By Chris Lionheart

This fantastic set is my second favorite of Chris's, after Arthas, of course. Gwen is from Guild Wars, a game I'm entirely unfamiliar with outside of the most basic summaries of gameplay, but her playstyle is truly unique. Almost all of her attacks are reactive rather than proactive, requiring you to read the opponent's attacks and take advantage of them. Playing against Gwen would basically be a massive question: do or don't? It's all quite awesome, and I love it.

It's not too late to change your votes, if you should find Gwen as impressive as I did.

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move

By MasterWarlord

"This is your end. I shall put you out of your misery."

Practically everyone is voting or super voting Alphonse and Ryuk, but they aren't the only marvels Warlord has to offer. Zasalamel seems to have been forgotten, and yet, it is his 3rd best work in this contest, easily. With lots of creativity despite rather low potential and such simple but effective mechanics, Warlord's Zasalamel set is one to vote for.

Tanookie Says:

See, guys? THIS is what I mean by a set with no special mechanic that STILL rocks. Definitely your best moveset so far, Warlord, and it's my favorite of yours as well. It's so insanely true to character I can't stand it. I've always wanted to make an Amy moveset (I'm a lolita freak, shaddup), and this is inspiring me to do so.

SkylerOcon Says:

I like how something like Gluttony managed to get more reception that Zasalamel...

It's the best entry so far. Even if I did like Waluigi, it would beat that. Everything about Zass is awesome. The chaingrab, the new neutral special (glad you moved the old one to the final smash)... everything.

You guys need to spend less time bickering about who liked Waluigi's up taunt more than the actual set or whatever, and more time complimenting this.

Chris Lionheart Says:

That was your best moveset yet, Warlord. The Down and Up Aerials were absolutely genious.

Wizzerd Says:

All right then. I really liked Zalasamel. I love how all of your attacks were original, even if nearly all of them used a scythe. I would have had generic slashes for each attack, but you thought of something original for everything. My favorite moveset of yours so far and perhaps one of the best in the thread so far. I would say I'm voting for it if that wasn't so taboo this early in the thread.

In closing...



Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008
Yay, I won Most Movesets in MYM4! :bee:

Of course, half of them were beneath Roomba's standards. <_<

But very interesting stats there.

And does this coloring look alright? It's for part of the Toad Brigade.



Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Psshh. Kitty Vader was Warlord's 3rd best moveset, hands down.

Baloo, I haven't posted a set yet, so I'm no layout expert, but that looks pretty good if you ask me. At least, it's tolerable.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
As a reminder to anyone who has yet to vote on the MYM Awards...

I would really like to get everyone's votes as quickly as possible. The awards are linked below:


The absolute deadline to submit your votes to me is Thursday, July 2 at 8 PM U.S. Eastern time (12 Midnight GMT). Again, don't post your votes in the thread, pm them to me.

Also, I want to clarify this: You do not need to be on K.Rool's voting list in order to vote in the MYM Awards. You just have to be part of MYM. :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2008
Nah clownbot you just had to see most of the movesets and was an active part of the community. Also Down special changes aren't "taboo" is it.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Well, it's predictable, but I wouldn't say it's unreasonable.

Eh, I don't think I gave the movesets a thorough-enough read to vote. Probably next contest, I will.

Deleted member

Wrath – So I posted before that I’d read this through properly – I’m sorry that it took so long. As this is quite a short moveset, I’ve decided to give it a review out of respect for that promise before. If only I had the guts to do this with Steven or Toadette.

The introductory paragraph needs to be a little more descriptive, without prerequisite knowledge of FMA at least in small amounts it would be hard to understand this first paragraph. It’s also not very long, especially when considering the blacked out sections. This may seem like nitpicking, but without an interesting start, it’s unlikely readers will be encouraged to continue.

The statistics are well written and the essential descriptions below each are present, although a visual aid in the size area would be easy to create and is quickly becoming the norm with movesets. Paste Wrath next to Mario and voila, you have an extremely useful comparison.

I don’t think anyone really cares about the animations too much, but they’re all there and fitting to character.

Getting to your neutral special, your writing style is somewhat difficult. I think this would be best described with some quick editing by myself.

Your version:
“Wrath chuckles a bit as he braces himself with his hand(s) forward. This position can be held indefinitely, and upon being hit by any projectiles, Wrath will catch them and transmute them into his body effortlessly, taking no damage or knockback. This applies to everything from Pit's spammable arrows to King Dedede's Waddle Dees, Doos, and Gordos, as well as things like crates and barrels, though these will take slightly longer, like Kirby or King Dedede when inhaling such items. Having minimal startup or ending lag, this makes Wrath fully capable of forcing approaches and discouraging projectile spammers, but unfortunately serves no purpose against fighters lacking projectiles, like Donkey Kong and Marth.”

Could be easily edited to:
“Wrath braces himself and brings his hands forward, chuckling; this position can be held indefinitely. This allows Wrath to effortlessly catch and ‘transmute’ (absorb) projectiles into his body – this nullifies any damage or knockback. Any projectile at all – from Pit’s arrows to King Dedede’s Waddle Dees – can be absorbed, as well as items like crates or barrels. These latter two items take a little while longer, comparably to Kirby inhaling the item. This move is therefore great for match-ups with projectile-based opponents and suffers from minimal lag on either end, but serves no purpose against characters without projectiles such as Donkey Kong or Marth.”

See, you have a way of separating your clauses too much. It’s a lot nicer to read when many words are connected over constant commas. You also waste space with useless statements such as using three examples of Dedede’s projectiles and including him twice in the same run-on sentence. It serves only to needlessly stretch the move out.

With that very negative criticism out of the way, I like the attack and it fits to Wrath’s character impressively well. Still, you should really describe how he exactly ‘absorbs’ it, it is somewhat confusing just to say, “he transmutes it into his body.” I also don’t encourage using words like transmute without explaining them at least once. I feel you balanced the move out well by creating a difference between projectiles and elaborating on the move’s weakness.

The side special is pretty funky. I love how you implemented this obviously canon move, but again, your writing style makes it somewhat confusing. I feel this move’s potential is somewhat wasted by your trite paragraph of description, you could have gone for far long, talking about possible advantages of the move or elaborating on the exact mechanics of it, as it seems to just be an A-pressing contest as it stands – both ways, in fact. If the range is low, there’s no reason to reward Wrath so little when he actually manages to complete the move. With the whole ‘hand(s)’ thing, just say hands – details like that are hardly important anyway. Most other complaints like that one are described above in my neutral special critique.

The up special is far better than the first two moves, just with that second paragraph added on for an extra little detail. That little detail happens to be excellent! Great move. Again, though, your writing is somewhat baffling at times. Sentences like, “This entire process takes about half a second, and is able to be interrupted, which will hit Wrath and put him into a helpless state.”, should simply not exist.

Ooh, down special is very unconventional. You have to choose between your smashes and aerials? That seems a little broken. I don’t see why this move couldn’t just open up aerials and change your smashes, even just to generic ones, it seems like a massive sacrifice. I like the different materials making different swords, though. The different kind of blades are quite cool and seem varied, I like how this would effect Wrath on different types of stages – but you leave some very big voids in some of the descriptions. “It also makes you a bit lighter, enhancing your jumps and speed” is one such ambiguous statement that needs to be addressed. Sometimes, even a simple comparison to an item like the bunny ears will suffice.

Neutral A is an utter clone of Wario’s neutral special. Also, I’m seeing a pattern emerging with this moveset being underpowered, as doing 6% plus just 1% per hit is ridiculously low for a short-ranged attack. Lastly, the final sentence is abominable. “If you only graze the opponent, they get only 2 damage, but more knockback, and you get less lag, while if you bite them fully they get no knockback at all, but you get lots of lag.” What is grazing, what is ‘biting fully’ and what is ‘lots of lag?’ You really need to work on your grammar.

The forward tilt is not at all inspired. You’re starting to fall into a crux here and are becoming reliant on Wrath’s abilities becoming the end-all, can-do-anything characteristics. Also, damage of 7% is far too low again considering the low range. Up tilt is extremely underpowered too – it’s only useful if it hits someone, but it has terrible priority. For what it’s worth, shooting a frigging cannon in the air is really cool, but again, your writing skills are holding you back immensely and balance is neither a strong area of yours.

The down tilt has a very confusing detail about “skilled players” throwing the mouse, which makes no sense at all. How do you throw the mouse? This move’s use is quite cool, but it’s hardly fitting in this part of the moveset, it’s more like a taunt or something because of the low damage and ease of avoidance. Also, I don’t think it would be easy to tell when this move was performed with how small I imagine the mouse could be.

The dash attack move when not absorbing projectiles is weak as hell – a pure copy of the forward tilt. I like the idea of changing the move if the neutral special is used, but having such a gassy, Sakurai-inspired generic move otherwise is just insulting. Surely, you could think of something better! Throwing back the projectiles in the second version is kind of cool, but it’s not suited to the dash attack at all. Dashes are supposed to be fast and deal low damage or knockback, but this one seems to lack speed as well. This would have been much better suited as Wrath’s forward tilt, lest that move have to be used twice. Just swap them around.

So we come to the smash attacks, I expect them to be powerful to make up for that bullyragging no sword / no aerials weakness. Okay, the forward smash is quite cool. I like how it shatters to free the arm, but the weakness just makes it another underpowered move in this set. Having it end normally would make it just an average move. His up smash is quite cool and reminds me more of Prototype than anything else, if you’ve ever seen that advertised. The damage is way too low, though. I love how the move can basically create new areas of the stage with different materials, but it’s somewhat cheap [for once] that an infinite number can be made. The down smash is unfortunately really taking me into uncanny valley, surely, surely there was a move less generic than “hits ground and makes earthquake” that you could have used. It also is uniformly underpowered.

At this point, it may seem like I’m being wholly negative, but there are some areas I haven’t touched upon as I have no problem with them. The organisation, for example, is good and especially presentation with the decent headers and colours used are very fitting. It’s quite a pretty moveset, if a little uninspired in terms of design. It’s not eye-catching at all, though; it’s just ‘good.’ It has an “average set” look more than most movesets this competition.

Okay, aerials now and they look beefy! All right, the neutral special contains one part I like with the ball, but this deforms Wrath’s blade so he has to grow it again… eurgh. Aside from that, this move is very generic with ‘kicks’ and ‘slices.’ The question raises again, why even make a moveset when the moves are mainly generic besides the specials? I hope you didn’t rush this out due to the contest ending; it looks like that may be the case. I also don’t think the ‘combo’ thing is particularly unique or necessary. Fair suffers a similar fate to neutral air, with the blade shattering. Neither of these moves seem to even be worth the trouble or accomplish little more than slashes and slices. Avoid these clichés like the plague, Baloo – slices, slashes, kicks, punches – only use them out-of-context as some kind of mockery or parody, you’d do well to never used them alone again. “Punching” people mid-move is so MYM2.

The back aerial is as promising as the others, with a very generic archetype used. I get the vibe now that you just gave Wrath a sword because you couldn’t think of any decent aerials otherwise. This move seems quite damaging and doesn’t break the stupid blade like Wrath’s other aerial moves – why can’t the others be like this! The up air is complex for what it is and sounds useless if the last hit is escapable.

This made me laugh: “he'll deliberately shove his blade directly upward.” Deliberately and directly really don’t need to be there, suffice to say.

Wow, the down aerial is by far the worst though. A mid-air grab is hard enough, but then it only deals 20% and no knockback? This again doesn’t sound like a move suited for its button input, I’ve never heard of a stunning grab Dair, for good reason.

And so I end the aerials feeling far less enthusiastic than when I started them. They are effectively useless and the smashes aren’t all that great either, so having to pick between them is like picking between a ride off a cliff or into the ocean. I don’t see why they need to be separated at all balance-wise as they both have massive weaknesses anyway, plus on the design side, it really doesn’t add anything to Wrath or make more sense characteristically, it is needless.

Going onto your grabs / throws, they’re all unremarkable besides the up throw which is still pretty widely used. Same comments as stated above apply here, I won’t waste either of our times on commenting. Same with the situationals, which is forgivable.

The final smash is decent, but this is one area where I can let your bad writing skills fly. It sounds like a fun move, at least, but very unimaginative. Just absorbing lots of guns is quintessentially what any character could do by having lots of guns out – this is a final smash, after all. Wrath should really absorb like a tank or grenade launchers or something very destructive – like a landmaster!

Your extras section is quite lacking. You lack a series logo when it’s right there in the headers. Wrath’s special up victory pose is cool, but I don’t want to see characters with stump limbs in Smash, for the record. It’s far better to just have them disappear, leaving it up to the player to decide what happened.

Your playstyle section is contradictory. You say Wrath is versatile, yet he can only use his smashes / aerials dependently. Your advice of damaging first then KOing is…

Okay, so this moveset is pretty bad. I don’t think it deserves to place and you really need to improve, Baloo. This is obviously a rushed set and it isn’t hard to believe that considering how close it was submitted to the end of the contest. However, this doesn’t excuse the amount of clone moves or its ridiculously generic throws and aerials – how is this when Wrath can literally use any weapon ever created? It’s a riddle of extreme proportions. You tout the aerials and smashes as being worthy of co-dependency, but then you weaken them so much they’re extremely hard to use affectively. You have a major problem with balance and there’s only one move or two I can even think of that isn’t flawed severely. There’s also a mega lack of detail.

On a good note, your presentation is basic, but works. It isn’t very welcoming though. A major problem is indeed the approachability of this moveset, as it is very poorly written and the organisation is crass. This is why it has only a few comments from fans of FMA or people who comment on everything. Perhaps I’m being harsh, but I expect more from you and every MYMer, Baloo. This moveset was not fun to read. I can only hope you take my advice and can come back in MYM6 with something far better.

Count Cannoli - This has the misfortune of being the last moveset in the contest, but it's probably the best last, if you get what I mean. The writing style and flair of the moveset shine through constantly and it has made me reconsider some of my votes. The moveset itself is also quite good, but not my favourite from you [which isn't to say much]. Also, the font is tiny and the colours you use aren't helpful either.

*sends off votes*


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Smash Daddy said:
Lots of commentary about Wrath.
Ouch. First time I've ever had someone say my writing style was difficult. Maybe it's because this moveset was extremely rushed, but it still stings. :ohwell:

That said, you pointed out a multitude of valid points, basically nullifying my previous thoughts about the moveset (which were something like, "for being put together so quickly, this turned out pretty good.") :dizzy:

By far, most painful commentary I've ever received on a moveset. :urg:

*Includes bee so this post isn't so negative*



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
I have to contradict Smady and state that Wrath is one of my favorite movesets in this contest, and one of the two I would main (the other being Raiden). I almost SV'd it, but MW and K.Rool pressured me to change it for Ryuk.



Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
This is why it has only a few comments from fans of FMA or people who comment on everything.

Also, great review, Daddy. Not mini-review, but full-on review. Very impressive indeed.

Count Cannoli - This has the misfortune of being the last moveset in the contest, but it's probably the best last, if you get what I mean. The writing style and flair of the moveset shine through constantly and it has made me reconsider some of my votes. The moveset itself is also quite good, but not my favourite from you [which isn't to say much]. Also, the font is tiny and the colours you use aren't helpful either.

*sends off votes*
The tiny font was me trying to make a moveset that was attracted to look at as a package and a bit more troublesome to actually read. Wouldn't want vote splitting, now would I? :)

And I know the colors don't compliment one another and come off as a touch dreary, but hey, it fits the character. I'm a slave to my themes.

Thanks for the comment, Daddy!

I have to contradict Smady and state that Wrath is one of my favorite movesets in this contest, and one of the two I would main (the other being Raiden). I almost SV'd it, but MW and K.Rool pressured me to change it for Ryuk.

I did no such thing. I discourage supervoting Ryuk on the basis of Warlord's pressuring. :p

Deleted member

Ouch. First time I've ever had someone say my writing style was difficult. Maybe it's because this moveset was extremely rushed, but it still stings. :ohwell:

That said, you pointed out a multitude of valid points, basically nullifying my previous thoughts about the moveset (which were something like, "for being put together so quickly, this turned out pretty good.") :dizzy:

By far, most painful commentary I've ever received on a moveset. :urg:

*Includes bee so this post isn't so negative*

I didn't realise you worked on this moveset, Kibble. I thought it was all Baloo. :psycho:

For what it's worth, there are a couple of promising moves, but this is of course nowhere near as good as your other movesets. Saying that, it hardly matters to you, as you have plenty of very good ones that will easily place, it's Baloo that will suffer. May I ask, who exactly did what in this joint set?

I have to contradict Smady and state that Wrath is one of my favorite movesets in this contest, and one of the two I would main (the other being Raiden). I almost SV'd it, but MW and K.Rool pressured me to change it for Ryuk.

As much as I burned this moveset, I can almost see why you'd think that. The aerial / smash mechanic would keep me far away from this. It reads like Brawl's Jigglypuff meets Brawl's Ganondorf, except with less priority. :p

I don't like to mention the technical stuff, honestly. This one was just so bad with it it seemed like I would be doing the writers a disfavour by not mentioning it. It reminds me of my Yamazaki in many ways, except that while Yamazaki had mindgames, Wrath is, as stated in his playstyle, predictable. That's a massive understatement considering you need to have a sword out just to use aerials, I don't see how Wrath's metagame is recovering from that! :laugh:

Also, great review, Daddy. Not mini-review, but full-on review. Very impressive indeed.

The tiny font was me trying to make a moveset that was attracted to look at as a package and a bit more troublesome to actually read. Wouldn't want vote splitting, now would I? :)

And I know the colors don't compliment one another and come off as a touch dreary, but hey, it fits the character. I'm a slave to my themes.

Thanks for the comment, Daddy!

Haha. Actually, I'd say the moveset would look better with bigger font, but who am I to split your votes?

The colours fitting your character is something I always read, even when the colours are black and white. I'm sure there are plenty of colours that suit Cannoli, not just ones he would wear. The font, however, I did really like, it's the kind of font I wish I wasn't scared to use again.

Also, I'm sorry that my comment on Cannoli was so small compared to Wrath. There's not really much to criticise with Cannoli either, so I don't think you'll miss that. :)


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008
The introductory paragraph needs to be a little more descriptive, without prerequisite knowledge of FMA at least in small amounts it would be hard to understand this first paragraph. It’s also not very long, especially when considering the blacked out sections. This may seem like nitpicking, but without an interesting start, it’s unlikely readers will be encouraged to continue.
I didn't write the beginning, but See what you mean.

The statistics are well written and the essential descriptions below each are present, although a visual aid in the size area would be easy to create and is quickly becoming the norm with movesets. Paste Wrath next to Mario and voila, you have an extremely useful comparison.

I don’t think anyone really cares about the animations too much, but they’re all there and fitting to character.
The part I had nothing to do with you liked the most, it seems. :(
Getting to your neutral special, your writing style is somewhat difficult. I think this would be best described with some quick editing by myself.

Your version:
“Wrath chuckles a bit as he braces himself with his hand(s) forward. This position can be held indefinitely, and upon being hit by any projectiles, Wrath will catch them and transmute them into his body effortlessly, taking no damage or knockback. This applies to everything from Pit's spammable arrows to King Dedede's Waddle Dees, Doos, and Gordos, as well as things like crates and barrels, though these will take slightly longer, like Kirby or King Dedede when inhaling such items. Having minimal startup or ending lag, this makes Wrath fully capable of forcing approaches and discouraging projectile spammers, but unfortunately serves no purpose against fighters lacking projectiles, like Donkey Kong and Marth.”

Could be easily edited to:
“Wrath braces himself and brings his hands forward, chuckling; this position can be held indefinitely. This allows Wrath to effortlessly catch and ‘transmute’ (absorb) projectiles into his body – this nullifies any damage or knockback. Any projectile at all – from Pit’s arrows to King Dedede’s Waddle Dees – can be absorbed, as well as items like crates or barrels. These latter two items take a little while longer, comparably to Kirby inhaling the item. This move is therefore great for match-ups with projectile-based opponents and suffers from minimal lag on either end, but serves no purpose against characters without projectiles such as Donkey Kong or Marth.”

See, you have a way of separating your clauses too much. It’s a lot nicer to read when many words are connected over constant commas. You also waste space with useless statements such as using three examples of Dedede’s projectiles and including him twice in the same run-on sentence. It serves only to needlessly stretch the move out.

With that very negative criticism out of the way, I like the attack and it fits to Wrath’s character impressively well. Still, you should really describe how he exactly ‘absorbs’ it, it is somewhat confusing just to say, “he transmutes it into his body.” I also don’t encourage using words like transmute without explaining them at least once. I feel you balanced the move out well by creating a difference between projectiles and elaborating on the move’s weakness.

The side special is pretty funky. I love how you implemented this obviously canon move, but again, your writing style makes it somewhat confusing. I feel this move’s potential is somewhat wasted by your trite paragraph of description, you could have gone for far long, talking about possible advantages of the move or elaborating on the exact mechanics of it, as it seems to just be an A-pressing contest as it stands – both ways, in fact. If the range is low, there’s no reason to reward Wrath so little when he actually manages to complete the move. With the whole ‘hand(s)’ thing, just say hands – details like that are hardly important anyway. Most other complaints like that one are described above in my neutral special critique.
I didn't write the neutral and side specials, so nothing to say here.

The up special is far better than the first two moves, just with that second paragraph added on for an extra little detail. That little detail happens to be excellent! Great move. Again, though, your writing is somewhat baffling at times. Sentences like, “This entire process takes about half a second, and is able to be interrupted, which will hit Wrath and put him into a helpless state.”, should simply not exist.
I wrote the second part of Up B, thanks. But I didn't really do the specials, so Kibble deserves more credit here than I.
Ooh, down special is very unconventional. You have to choose between your smashes and aerials? That seems a little broken. I don’t see why this move couldn’t just open up aerials and change your smashes, even just to generic ones, it seems like a massive sacrifice. I like the different materials making different swords, though. The different kind of blades are quite cool and seem varied, I like how this would effect Wrath on different types of stages – but you leave some very big voids in some of the descriptions. “It also makes you a bit lighter, enhancing your jumps and speed” is one such ambiguous statement that needs to be addressed. Sometimes, even a simple comparison to an item like the bunny ears will suffice.
Kay. Can't fix it now, but good for reference.

Neutral A is an utter clone of Wario’s neutral special. Also, I’m seeing a pattern emerging with this moveset being underpowered, as doing 6% plus just 1% per hit is ridiculously low for a short-ranged attack. Lastly, the final sentence is abominable. “If you only graze the opponent, they get only 2 damage, but more knockback, and you get less lag, while if you bite them fully they get no knockback at all, but you get lots of lag.” What is grazing, what is ‘biting fully’ and what is ‘lots of lag?’ You really need to work on your grammar.
I did two jabs, Kibble used the Wario Bite clone.

I feel like I'm blaming everything on Kibble, I'm not trying to. <_<

I did write this one, so the grammar crap is my fault. :p
The forward tilt is not at all inspired. You’re starting to fall into a crux here and are becoming reliant on Wrath’s abilities becoming the end-all, can-do-anything characteristics. Also, damage of 7% is far too low again considering the low range. Up tilt is extremely underpowered too – it’s only useful if it hits someone, but it has terrible priority. For what it’s worth, shooting a frigging cannon in the air is really cool, but again, your writing skills are holding you back immensely and balance is neither a strong area of yours.

The down tilt has a very confusing detail about “skilled players” throwing the mouse, which makes no sense at all. How do you throw the mouse? This move’s use is quite cool, but it’s hardly fitting in this part of the moveset, it’s more like a taunt or something because of the low damage and ease of avoidance. Also, I don’t think it would be easy to tell when this move was performed with how small I imagine the mouse could be.
I just meant that if someone has good enough speed and timing they could catch the mouse before it gets away.

The dash attack move when not absorbing projectiles is weak as hell – a pure copy of the forward tilt. I like the idea of changing the move if the neutral special is used, but having such a gassy, Sakurai-inspired generic move otherwise is just insulting. Surely, you could think of something better! Throwing back the projectiles in the second version is kind of cool, but it’s not suited to the dash attack at all. Dashes are supposed to be fast and deal low damage or knockback, but this one seems to lack speed as well. This would have been much better suited as Wrath’s forward tilt, lest that move have to be used twice. Just swap them around.
To late now, but that makes sense.
So we come to the smash attacks, I expect them to be powerful to make up for that bullyragging no sword / no aerials weakness. Okay, the forward smash is quite cool. I like how it shatters to free the arm, but the weakness just makes it another underpowered move in this set. Having it end normally would make it just an average move. His up smash is quite cool and reminds me more of Prototype than anything else, if you’ve ever seen that advertised. The damage is way too low, though. I love how the move can basically create new areas of the stage with different materials, but it’s somewhat cheap [for once] that an infinite number can be made. The down smash is unfortunately really taking me into uncanny valley, surely, surely there was a move less generic than “hits ground and makes earthquake” that you could have used. It also is uniformly underpowered.
Didn't do smashes, no comment.

At this point, it may seem like I’m being wholly negative, but there are some areas I haven’t touched upon as I have no problem with them. The organisation, for example, is good and especially presentation with the decent headers and colours used are very fitting. It’s quite a pretty moveset, if a little uninspired in terms of design. It’s not eye-catching at all, though; it’s just ‘good.’ It has an “average set” look more than most movesets this competition.
It seems like everything I did you hate and everything Kibble did you Ike. :urg:

Okay, aerials now and they look beefy! All right, the neutral special contains one part I like with the ball, but this deforms Wrath’s blade so he has to grow it again… eurgh. Aside from that, this move is very generic with ‘kicks’ and ‘slices.’ The question raises again, why even make a moveset when the moves are mainly generic besides the specials? I hope you didn’t rush this out due to the contest ending; it looks like that may be the case. I also don’t think the ‘combo’ thing is particularly unique or necessary. Fair suffers a similar fate to neutral air, with the blade shattering. Neither of these moves seem to even be worth the trouble or accomplish little more than slashes and slices. Avoid these clichés like the plague, Baloo – slices, slashes, kicks, punches – only use them out-of-context as some kind of mockery or parody, you’d do well to never used them alone again. “Punching” people mid-move is so MYM2.

The back aerial is as promising as the others, with a very generic archetype used. I get the vibe now that you just gave Wrath a sword because you couldn’t think of any decent aerials otherwise. This move seems quite damaging and doesn’t break the stupid blade like Wrath’s other aerial moves – why can’t the others be like this! The up air is complex for what it is and sounds useless if the last hit is escapable.

This made me laugh: “he'll deliberately shove his blade directly upward.” Deliberately and directly really don’t need to be there, suffice to say.

Wow, the down aerial is by far the worst though. A mid-air grab is hard enough, but then it only deals 20% and no knockback? This again doesn’t sound like a move suited for its button input, I’ve never heard of a stunning grab Dair, for good reason.

And so I end the aerials feeling far less enthusiastic than when I started them. They are effectively useless and the smashes aren’t all that great either, so having to pick between them is like picking between a ride off a cliff or into the ocean. I don’t see why they need to be separated at all balance-wise as they both have massive weaknesses anyway, plus on the design side, it really doesn’t add anything to Wrath or make more sense characteristically, it is needless.
Kibble's work, no comment. But I see what you mean

Going onto your grabs / throws, they’re all unremarkable besides the up throw which is still pretty widely used. Same comments as stated above apply here, I won’t waste either of our times on commenting. Same with the situationals, which is forgivable.
Which Up Throw, I did one, he did one?
The final smash is decent, but this is one area where I can let your bad writing skills fly. It sounds like a fun move, at least, but very unimaginative. Just absorbing lots of guns is quintessentially what any character could do by having lots of guns out – this is a final smash, after all. Wrath should really absorb like a tank or grenade launchers or something very destructive – like a landmaster!
:laugh: But I don't think we need another Big Tank Transformation FS.:p

Your extras section is quite lacking. You lack a series logo when it’s right there in the headers. Wrath’s special up victory pose is cool, but I don’t want to see characters with stump limbs in Smash, for the record. It’s far better to just have them disappear, leaving it up to the player to decide what happened.
I did the up pose, thanks. But I see hat you mean about stumps, but it would be kinda strange if they just disappeared. :ohwell:

Your playstyle section is contradictory. You say Wrath is versatile, yet he can only use his smashes / aerials dependently. Your advice of damaging first then KOing is…

Okay, so this moveset is pretty bad. I don’t think it deserves to place and you really need to improve, Baloo. This is obviously a rushed set and it isn’t hard to believe that considering how close it was submitted to the end of the contest. However, this doesn’t excuse the amount of clone moves or its ridiculously generic throws and aerials – how is this when Wrath can literally use any weapon ever created? It’s a riddle of extreme proportions. You tout the aerials and smashes as being worthy of co-dependency, but then you weaken them so much they’re extremely hard to use affectively. You have a major problem with balance and there’s only one move or two I can even think of that isn’t flawed severely. There’s also a mega lack of detail.

On a good note, your presentation is basic, but works. It isn’t very welcoming though. A major problem is indeed the approachability of this moveset, as it is very poorly written and the organisation is crass. This is why it has only a few comments from fans of FMA or people who comment on everything. Perhaps I’m being harsh, but I expect more from you and every MYMer, Baloo. This moveset was not fun to read. I can only hope you take my advice and can come back in MYM6 with something far better.[/QUOTE]

Not much to say here, but Wrath isn't my only rushed MYM5 set. See Jealous Bass with MYM3 detail on most moves.

I have to contradict Smady and state that Wrath is one of my favorite movesets in this contest, and one of the two I would main (the other being Raiden). I almost SV'd it, but MW and K.Rool pressured me to change it for Ryuk.

:bee: At least someone liked it. :p

I didn't realise you worked on this moveset, Kibble. I thought it was all Baloo. :psycho:

For what it's worth, there are a couple of promising moves, but this is of course nowhere near as good as your other movesets. Saying that, it hardly matters to you, as you have plenty of very good ones that will easily place, it's Baloo that will suffer. May I ask, who exactly did what in this joint set?
I did the standards, the part of the up B you liked (:p), some throws, and a few other details. Kibble did the rest.

And I really don't know what got into me this contest, all of my movesets were forced, I didn't really want to make movesets. :ohwell: I have a few better ones for MYM6 almost ready, it's a bit annoying that the instant MYM5 ends I suddenly have the urge to make movesets.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Almost all of the votes have been collected.

K.Rool's List of Eligible Voters

-- The Sins



-- The Voters

Chris Lionheart
Smash Daddy

-- The AWOL


Kris and Phatcat don't seem to be voting, so we're waiting entirely on Junahu (if he's voting at all) and Hyper_Ridley. I'll leave it to you guys to pester them, as after they submit their votes, it'll be a short matter before we can unveil them.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington

Sakurai by TheSundanceKid

Once again, Sundance only gave us one set this contest... but what a set it was! I had the privilege of reviewing this set myself, so I saw first-hand how amazing it was. While it didn't have much of a playstyle and essentially threw balance out the window... the creativity and humor found throughout more than make up for it. I realize most of you have voted by now... but anyone who hasn't, try to make room on your list for Brawl's creator, Masahiro Sakurai!

Sundance, I've got two words for you.


Well what can I say really? I've been waiting a while for you to post Sakurai and I can't say I'm disappointed. Looks great Sundance, must say that I'd main Kibblerai.

Also, the down tilt is my favorite move in the entire set.
You know what, Sundance? Missing the page was worth it for this. I actually wasn't back when you announced Sakurai, so this came as a complete surprise for me. The whole thing was the essence of lulz. I really don't think anybody would stand a chance against Sakurai, with his moves their brain would overload. Seriously, the Blue Screen of Death would be visible in their eyes. Everything was epic, not a dull thing in the moveset. Plus, you incorporated a massive amount of memes in there, too. Actually, I wonder if someone should make a MemeMan set...

Anyways, I now have to chemical-wash my brain to wipe out the image of a middle-aged Asian man shooting bear heads from his crotch. And ****** Captain Falcon.
I laughed. I cried. I blamed Agi.

Seriously, this moveset was just so random, it was hilarious. I'm real glad you finally got this done, Sundance. Bears, blenders, cocks, alt. costumes as MYMers... The whole things was superiorly funny. This is pretty much exactly what I was expecting from this moveset! :bee:
I was laughing from the moment I read his "bio" and I lol'd the whole way through. Live Action Chicken FTW!

Besides being hilarious all the moves were really creative as well. Unfortunatley, all that randomness came at the sacrifice at a coherant playstyle, but then again, that just makes Sakurai like his actual creation's lack of playstyles xD

Good work Sundance. I'm glad to see another move set from you.
Bthrow thanks to Plorf. Anyway, a great set, even if it is utterly ridiculous. I guess that's a good thing in this case, because all the attacks are quite original: something I'm quite fond of in a set. The chicken was also cool, though I'm not sure why it needed an appendix. Your best work so far, easily. :bee:
Wow. I pretty much LOLed the whole way through this set. From the bio, to the random poses, to the chicken laz0r & the awesome victory poses; Sakurai was just a mountain of epicness rolled into a lulzy pile of secrets win. I agree with ocon & MW in saying that Sakurai has no playstyle, but seriously, I wouldn't have it any other way. Awesome job sundance.

This is pretty much a lock for funniest non-joke moveset... O.o
Sakurai is seriously epic, Sundance. Aside from being basically the funniest thing I've read all contest, he's actually pretty dang creative to boot. The Appendix was the ultimate capper to the whole thing, Live Action Chicken would basically be my main.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Smady, I hope you realize that the Final Smash is taken directly from the anime.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2008
Now that every one is basically done voting and stuff lets talk about how we can make MYM better. I say that a little bit of spam would increase the amount of time that we are on the front page causing more people to join. More ideas... also can this become a normal chat area now? and my votes are in.
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