Why are you more intent on needling me than scumhunting? I have NEVER seen you play like this semi-lurker stuff you're doing now.
It's no one point in particular, but the whole mound of evidence is pretty convincing. The fact that he's replacing out instead of responding doesn't help his playerslot's case either. As for a vote... I'll support his lynch when it comes down to it, but I really don't like BY.
About BY:
It's not BY skimming that I dislike about him. It's how he
a) Lied about it. All the evidence points to him skimming. For him to just go "You liar, I didn't skim" doesn't hold water. I wouldn't have made a big deal about it if he said "Whoops, missed that, my bad." However, instead he is vehemently denying he didn't skim despite the evidence otherwise. I think he noticed how I was going after Seph for skimming, and he wanted to avoid the heat.
b) Has been Oh-my-gosh-you-suck attacking me for pointing out his FAIL. (He was on J as well until J backed off). I mean, he asked the group if I usually tunnel like this, the group reply was a unanimous YES, and he just ignored it.
c) One last point, he hasn't responded to my last post about him that PROVED he skimmed.
Also, I wanted to point out that if he flips scum, that gives us some huge connections to Overswarm, Zen, and Gheb to a lesser extent. All three have been going "Nicholas1024's a bad player, nobody is on the wagon, don't bother with it." All three KNOW that I don't give up easily and trying to dissuade me would be useless given the evidence, so it would be the perfect scumplay to keep BY-scum alive. (I could really see Overswarm in particular doing this.)
@Blue Yoshi
Tell me, do you have ANY reasons behind voting me? (Aside from me showing you to be a liar, that is.)