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Mafia All Stars: In the end, it was Nothing Special

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
i'd say seph is the only one that i'd put on this list here so far.
Can you give why you find Seph scummy? SwordsR also asked that and I am curious as well.

Mentos/MacMan/Ryker.....get in here...now....T~T

@Mod: Request prod on Mentos and MacMan as well.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
J, sorry I didn't get my vote in in time, but Blue, thanks for responding.

FYI, if you're the same person I think you are, Washington owes you a debt of gratitude. We've been quoting Dr. Robotnik's "Egg da egg combo" line from his conversation with someone on AiB that I remember with your avatar for the last year or so every time people land consecutive hits. xD

BSL is looking scummy for stealing J's post color. Lynch all thieves.

I've seen joke roles, I don't see Marc's post having relevance as to Overswarm. That said, Overswarm seems somewhat reserved.

I don't like the fact that Zen was telling us to get off of the Blue Yoshi bandwagon before Blue Yoshi had responded to it. The point of D1 bandwagons isn't always to get a lynch, it's usually just to get players to take stances and give information, and only lynch if they fail to cooperate.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
D: I'm sorry ;-;

Also hmm do you think we should look into Zen a bit more? (btw it's k you didn't vote <3)


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
He hasn't posted enough for me to get a read, I just didn't like that he said this:
Basically the wagon is **** and I encourage you to get off especially since it's being led by Nick's aggression which always is just one-sided tunneling.
but I don't think that's scummy yet, unless we have a Zen-BY scum team. I'd refer back to this if one of them flips scum later.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroths. You are voting BSL, who has played as weak as you have, he promised us that post and then disappeared. You're being hypocritical in other words. You've pointed out his scumtells, but you just state the obvious, which is what you have done yourself.

unvote Vote: Seph
You do know that this post is hypocritical too?

So we go through RVS.

Seph, how'd you miss this question? i mean, you quoted it directly and didnt answer it. people pointed it out, yeah, but you never explained why you didnt answer it.

I thought he was asking a question within a question. Thinking he was asking “Why did you skim?” But as soon as he re-asked it, I answered it.


so then we leave RVS. i made one more joke vote on J. i figured it was pretty obvious that it was a joke vote. this, along with my RVS vote on Gheb, and my pressure vote on BY was my only three votes in the game. nothing to see here, im just pointing this out cause it's important for later in this post. nothing to see here yet.
Seph. i asked you earlier, but im saying it again so you dont miss it.

i made 3 votes in this game so far. two were obv RVS, and one was on BY, which i alluded to previous cases as my case. what's so wishy washy about it?
The wishy washy comment still stands, your votes in RVS are still votes. And the fact you voted in every post before you were pushed into activity, is what fueled that comment.

i'd say seph is the only one that i'd put on this list here so far.
Sorry to re ask J's question, but why do you think I'm scummy?

Still waiting on Swords answer too.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Gotcha gotcha. Also it seems if Zen/BY is scum it clears Nich maybe =x

What would you think of either a BSL or Seph lynch?

Also Mentos, I see you keep coming into the thread and reading....post please ;-;


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I'm not advocating a Zen/BY scum team. Right now neither seems scummy enough to run a lynch on. Just if one flips at a later point, I'd look at the other.

BSL or Seph I have mixed feelings on. Gonna give them some more attention tomorrow; I work Saturdays and it's slow, I'll re-read them.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Heh I've been reading up, any time before now was me popping in to not fall fully behind despite not having time to post :D

It feels like there's been a lot that's happened in this game, yet not a lot at the same time. So much of the early talk was about potential roles and rabbit ears>_>

People were asking about Marc's post, I would say there's not much to it. Would like to request Mac(our last Broomer) takes a look at the original role pm from SLJ mafia to see if it's anything more than a time-bomb, although can't really trust the response with no reason to believe he's town yet.

Gheb mentioned the idea of saying whether our role pm's are the same as the original if we can find them, and I've got no problem with it, but don't think there's any benefit if all of town isn't on track with it, so I'd like to hear everyone give their thoughts on the idea.

I sadly have to agree that BY's play is in line with his standard play, so although he hasn't seemed all that townie, I've gotta take it as a null-tell.

A couple people out there are looking really good right now, most of my qualms with players come from inactivity more than anything. Which leads me to the fact that it's still too early in the day for me to know who the play is. I know it's been asked, but really there isn't enough here for me to be confident on the play. All the inactives need to post.

That's all at the moment cuz I got some stuff to do, any specific questions people would like to direct at me I'll be checking back in in a while.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Kinda irrelevant. Probably less than everyone else here though.
It's relavent because I want to know who you are as a player thus being able to get more accurate reads. About how many games have you played?

@J My vote on BY was obvious. He was skimming at the time, i added for pressure at the first, it was the RVS stage and i wanted to get out of it. But right now, even though i have some scummy vibes from BY, i want to look at....

Sephiroths. You are voting BSL, who has played as weak as you have, he promised us that post and then disappeared. You're being hypocritical in other words. You've pointed out his scumtells, but you just state the obvious, which is what you have done yourself.

unvote Vote: Seph

@BSL who is scum and why?

And J, for my scum list, it would go like this.

Blue yoshi

I'm not giving null reads or town list because i think it tells the mafia who to kill.
...what? I don't get your logic at all. I don't disagree that Seph is suspicious but I don't understand the logic behind your vote. BSL targets BY as you did and you find BSL scummy. Seph also finds BSL scummy so you think seph is scummy??

FoS: Halo

Also you didn't answer my earlier question.
All right wise guy, who SHOULD we pressure? Right now D1 isn't exactly going places, and all you've really done is insult me and try to dismantle my wagon. Oh yeah, and jumped on one of the guys who supported my wagon. If BY flips scum, I'm coming after you next.
That's what I mean. You're always so linear. If Blue did flip scum, you would automatically assume I'm scum and lock on until I was dead even with evidence proven against it. I don't mean to be harsh but your play is so static and dangerous. It's like if you had it in your mind that brocoli was red and someone showed you a piece of green brocoli, you would disregard it and continue to argue that brocoli was red. I'm not defending BY, I'm attacking the silly wagon which I could easily see grow into a useless lynch. I've seen the power you have with your agression Nich and I don't like it. If you say brocoli is red, scum and town both go right a long with you regardless of the lack of valid evidence.

J, sorry I didn't get my vote in in time, but Blue, thanks for responding.

FYI, if you're the same person I think you are, Washington owes you a debt of gratitude. We've been quoting Dr. Robotnik's "Egg da egg combo" line from his conversation with someone on AiB that I remember with your avatar for the last year or so every time people land consecutive hits. xD

BSL is looking scummy for stealing J's post color. Lynch all thieves.

I've seen joke roles, I don't see Marc's post having relevance as to Overswarm. That said, Overswarm seems somewhat reserved.

I don't like the fact that Zen was telling us to get off of the Blue Yoshi bandwagon before Blue Yoshi had responded to it. The point of D1 bandwagons isn't always to get a lynch, it's usually just to get players to take stances and give information, and only lynch if they fail to cooperate.
True but more often than not some take part on wagons initially just to get reads while others end up viewing the person as actual scum and eventually that person ends up getting lynched from bogus reason leaving no trail on scum. And I have yet to see scum lynched off a wagon that was made up of bogus reasons. It gets old after a while.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
That's what I mean. You're always so linear. If Blue did flip scum, you would automatically assume I'm scum and lock on until I was dead even with evidence proven against it. I don't mean to be harsh but your play is so static and dangerous. It's like if you had it in your mind that brocoli was red and someone showed you a piece of green brocoli, you would disregard it and continue to argue that brocoli was red. I'm not defending BY, I'm attacking the silly wagon which I could easily see grow into a useless lynch. I've seen the power you have with your agression Nich and I don't like it. If you say brocoli is red, scum and town both go right a long with you regardless of the lack of valid evidence.
Then suggest an alternative. To use your analogy, if I was arguing that brocoli was red, show me evidence that it's green/blue/whatever. Just saying "Brocoli isn't red, stop it" isn't going to dissuade me in the slightest. Also, if you're attacking the wagon on Blue yoshi, aren't you basically defending him?

That said, I like your points on Swords.

It feels to me like you're bandwagoning every wagon here. It's been a while since I've seen you as scum, but it reminds me way too much of Test subject mafia. Explain yourself.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Ah, sorry about that. I was after you for skimming and having said nothing useful. Also, I'm fine with BSL's vote. He basically voted BY for skimming and to add pressure. Nothing unusual about that IMO.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
just reread Seph. the only reason i thought he was scummy was because of the skimming thing, now that i look at it.

i guess maybe i just made it a bigger deal in my head than it really was.

The wishy washy comment still stands, your votes in RVS are still votes. And the fact you voted in every post before you were pushed into activity, is what fueled that comment.
but now what scumminess i thought had gone is now back.

i dont like how you portrayed me there.

your votes in RVS are still votes.
yeah, they're votes. but do you people actually get reads out of those? or is it just you?

And the fact you voted in every post before you were pushed into activity
pushed into activity? i definitely would say that its almost the exact opposite of pushed into activity. heck, i dont think i was even mentioned too much before i came into activity.

where's OS? i know some people havent posted too much, but he hasnt posted at all, i dont think, since yesterday morning...


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
k, so OS has posted since yesterday morning. so he's here. just all he did was

tap his foot, vote J for a reason i dont understand (J, you seemed to understand, what did he mean?) and question J's simultaneous posting skills.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yeah, I'm not reading right now. Waiting for more stuff to occur. Some games of mine are finishing and this game has a ton of players.

I've picked up on a few things and asked a few questions. Did deliberate time wasting / prod dodging posts to see who asked about me.

Won't get much from me atm.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
pushed into activity? i definitely would say that its almost the exact opposite of pushed into activity. heck, i dont think i was even mentioned too much before i came into activity.
Your kidding right?

Unvote Vote: BSL

FoS:BSL for hopping on the easy wagon after promising a later post.
@BSL: What is with the bandwagoning? Please give a real reason to your voting BY. Also please make that post you promised soon.

Vote: BSL

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm not advocating a Zen/BY scum team. Right now neither seems scummy enough to run a lynch on. Just if one flips at a later point, I'd look at the other.

BSL or Seph I have mixed feelings on. Gonna give them some more attention tomorrow; I work Saturdays and it's slow, I'll re-read them.
Alright, I'll be looking forward to it.

Heh I've been reading up, any time before now was me popping in to not fall fully behind despite not having time to post :D

It feels like there's been a lot that's happened in this game, yet not a lot at the same time. So much of the early talk was about potential roles and rabbit ears>_>

People were asking about Marc's post, I would say there's not much to it. Would like to request Mac(our last Broomer) takes a look at the original role pm from SLJ mafia to see if it's anything more than a time-bomb, although can't really trust the response with no reason to believe he's town yet.

Gheb mentioned the idea of saying whether our role pm's are the same as the original if we can find them, and I've got no problem with it, but don't think there's any benefit if all of town isn't on track with it, so I'd like to hear everyone give their thoughts on the idea.

I sadly have to agree that BY's play is in line with his standard play, so although he hasn't seemed all that townie, I've gotta take it as a null-tell.

A couple people out there are looking really good right now, most of my qualms with players come from inactivity more than anything. Which leads me to the fact that it's still too early in the day for me to know who the play is. I know it's been asked, but really there isn't enough here for me to be confident on the play. All the inactives need to post.

That's all at the moment cuz I got some stuff to do, any specific questions people would like to direct at me I'll be checking back in in a while.
;D Thanks for posting finally and giving a bit more insight. Alright let me ask this to you then since you say you don't know which players you find scummy. Can you give me your top town reads from what you have read so far?

I got prodded

i'll read up some time today or tomorrow
Please do soon. ;3

k, so OS has posted since yesterday morning. so he's here. just all he did was

tap his foot, vote J for a reason i dont understand (J, you seemed to understand, what did he mean?) and question J's simultaneous posting skills.
I actually have no clue at all as to why he voted me. =x Also if you are gonna pressure OS a bit more then you should pressure X1-12 as well. X1-12 you need to post in here with a recap on events with BSL/BY/Seph.

Yeah, I'm not reading right now. Waiting for more stuff to occur. Some games of mine are finishing and this game has a ton of players.

I've picked up on a few things and asked a few questions. Did deliberate time wasting / prod dodging posts to see who asked about me.

Won't get much from me atm.
Hmph....fine =/ Don't go too far away though. It is passively anti-town (well duh why I am point out the obvious idk.)


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
It's relavent because I want to know who you are as a player thus being able to get more accurate reads. About how many games have you played?
I dunno man I never kept track.

The kind of player I am is the kind of person I am, an abrasive and sarcastic dip****.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
haha alright then on the joke. However I have a question for you:

@J/anyone who cares:

I like Praxis, Nicholas, and GorditoBoy.

+I got strong town vibes from Marc in his two posts. XD
What prompted you to give your town reads? It just seems a bit random is all. Also what is your reasoning behind putting it like "J + anyone else" you could have just said everyone but you chose to single me out. Why is that?

Also can you elaborate on what you like of Praxis and Nich? Use posts to help support your thoughts please.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
haha alright then on the joke. However I have a question for you:

What prompted you to give your town reads? It just seems a bit random is all. Also what is your reasoning behind putting it like "J + anyone else" you could have just said everyone but you chose to single me out. Why is that?

Also can you elaborate on what you like of Praxis and Nich? Use posts to help support your thoughts please.
I'm on my phone right now, so multiquoting would be hard to do. Would you rather me do this later?

And I said J/everyone else because you asked me the question, and I was just being sure you noticed my answer. Worked, right? Lol.

Mixing up games is why I said my town reads. It won't happen again, though. Me and mentos are teamed as a hydra in another game. You asked him, and I mistook it as for both of us. Sorry about that, lol.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
alrighty then that is understandable.

i will wait till you can answer the other half about Praxis and Nich. Don't keep me waiting.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I will likely forget my questions by the time I finish my post, so I'll just make them in red as I post. So anything in red starting with "QUESTION" is a question directed to either one person, or many people. I'll do this for now on whenever I make a big post. That way it will be easier for me when I make large posts. Anyways, time for another large post.

@J My vote on BY was obvious. He was skimming at the time, i added for pressure at the first, it was the RVS stage and i wanted to get out of it. But right now, even though i have some scummy vibes from BY, i want to look at....
By this, did you mean "I thought he was skimming at the time"? If so, then nevermind. Otherwise, read my giant post. I have not skimmed yet this game, no matter how much people accused me.

All right wise guy, who SHOULD we pressure? Right now D1 isn't exactly going places, and all you've really done is insult me and try to dismantle my wagon. Oh yeah, and jumped on one of the guys who supported my wagon. If BY flips scum, I'm coming after you next.

@Blue yoshi
It's been pointed out before, but one more time...

You asked (and I quote)

If you'd read any of the past several pages up to that point, you'd have known that there WAS a role in a past game that did this, Gaston from Disney mafia. So for you to claim that "I didn't skim this game" is manifest nonsense. So not only do we have you on skimming, but we know you're a liar as well. The skimming itself is a minor tell. Although it's anti-town, I've done it as town myself, and so has everyone else here at one point in their mafia careers. (Before someone asks: I was going after Seph because he'd posted a few times yet been skimming and done nothing. Also, there wasn't really a better target at the time.) However, the lying is a different story. I think you saw me go after seph for skimming, so you immediately denied your own skimming to keep me from going after you.
Well then... now I can reverse our roles to me attacking you for various reasons.

In my giant post, I clearly stated, with all the evidence in the world, that I did not skim. I would like to take one specific part of my post:

Strikes 2 and 3 are basically all completely related to my question. How about I post my entire post in question, then explain my question in context:

The title of the mafia game says:

Mafia All Stars: D1: You Fool [10 of 18, 11/4]

so... I'm assuming this means that 10 of 18 people have made a joke about Praxis. So that said, seeing as this is being kept track of, there must be something significant about it.

I'll assume it's something bad... but anyways, has anyone played a game where there was something like this to be done (e.g. make fun of Praxis)? And if so, was there a consequence, and if so, what was it?
If you read my entire post (up to before the question), I state that I assumed that the 10 of 18 meant that 10 of 18 people in this game made fun of Praxis, as required in the opening post of this day. Now, quite clearly, I was wrong, and it was 10 of 18 people to lynch. However, to disprove "Strikes 2 and 3", think the way I thought when I made this post (I was wrong in my logic, but nevertheless, just... put yourselves in my shoes).

I see 10/18, I think it means 10 of 18 people made fun of Praxis. So, since the mod is keeping track of how many people made fun of Praxis, there must be a reason behind this (i.e. everyone must make fun of him or something happens... or something to that effect). I mean, why else would the mod keep track of who made fun of someone? The only logical thing I could think of was that we needed to reach a certain number (likely everyone) to have made fun of Praxis, and depending on whether we reached this number, something good/bad would happen (or not happen).

Ok. Now, that said, look at my question in context:

I'll assume it's something bad... but anyways, has anyone played a game where there was something like this to be done (e.g. make fun of Praxis)? And if so, was there a consequence, and if so, what was it?
I can see how I mis-worded the question, but I re-stated what I meant in a later post:

I did not skim any posts at all. I simply mis-understood the title 10/18 and thought it meant 10 of 18 people made fun of Praxis, and thought that meant if we don't get 18 of 18, then something bad would happen. My question may have been slightly poorly worded... but I basically asked "Has anyone played a game where the entire group was supposed to do a task (in this case, make fun of Praxis), and if so, what was the consequence for if everyone did or did not do it"?
So that said, if you take my question, and put it in context, it was simply a mis-understanding of the 10 of 18 on my part. Taken out of context, obviously, results in a completely different meaning.

I clearly stated here why my question may have caused confusion, but cleared it up. Yet, you post:

If you'd read any of the past several pages up to that point, you'd have known that there WAS a role in a past game that did this, Gaston from Disney mafia.
Didn't I just state in that large post that I meant something completely different, and taking my "misworded" question out of context COMPLETELY changes the meaning to something else? Yet you are STILL accusing me for the out-of-context meaning?

QUESTION: Nich, have you read my large post? If so, did you read the part I quoted just now (the debunking of "strikes 2 and 3")? In other words, DID YOU SKIM?

Anyways, moving on...

now. i dont know how BY has his page set up. but J's post was post #41. so if he has something other than 40 posts per page, he couldve missed SwordsR's answer. BY, does the screenshot possibly show anything that could hurt town? lets see the screenshot, since you have it.
For the record, I am in 15 posts per page. I just prefer it this way.

Then suggest an alternative. To use your analogy, if I was arguing that brocoli was red, show me evidence that it's green/blue/whatever. Just saying "Brocoli isn't red, stop it" isn't going to dissuade me in the slightest. Also, if you're attacking the wagon on Blue yoshi, aren't you basically defending him?
Well... to slightly change the analogy, lets put it this way:

You are saying everything revolves around the Earth (e.g. Sun, planets, stars, etc.). I prove to you that the planets do not each stay the same distance from Earth, thus meaning it does not revolve around the Earth. Yet, even though I disproved it, you ignore my statements and proofs and continue to say everything revolves around the Earth.

Going back to what just happened, you said I skimmed. I proved in every case stated against me that all were false. Still, you use the exact statements I dis-proved and continue to say I skimmed. So... please explain yourself. Did you skim? (I already asked this question above, so no point re-asking it in red again).

QUESTION (though this is the end of my post, but meh, I'll just stick to the same colour scheme so that everyone (me included) gets used to this): Can people who have played with Nich before state whether or not what he is doing against me is his usual playstyle or not? e.g. does he do extreme "I am right no matter what you say" tunnelling?

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Anyways, I'm off to bed, since I start work in 7.5 hours, but after that, I'm heading to a smash fest/halloween party, so unless I find a way to log on, I probably won't be able to respond until I come back... probably late-ish tomorrow night or the next morning.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Can people who have played with Nich before state whether or not what he is doing against me is his usual playstyle or not? e.g. does he do extreme "I am right no matter what you say" tunnelling?
Yeah, it is, imo.

I'm kind of unsure where to go from here. So many people we know so little about. I wish other people would get talking for a change instead of the same people arguing back and forth.


I actually pretty much dropped the idea because we most likely will get no benefit from it. The idea that Praxis is a rabbit - I tunneled it too much so I thought that if all role PMs remained the same he would have to be the March Hare and not the White Rabbit [essentially clearing him]. But for all we know the whole "bunny ear" thing might've just been some joke around Praxis being the fool toDay.



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I actually have no clue at all as to why he voted me. =x Also if you are gonna pressure OS a bit more then you should pressure X1-12 as well.
This is true, But then what about all the other massive lurkers in this game? I don't really like activity policing but why do you pick out me over Teran(lionel luther) who has been proddodging all game?

X1-12 you need to post in here with a recap on events with BSL/BY/Seph.
I don't need to post here with a 'recap'. If someone wants to know what happened then they should read the thread, this is a real dumb question. I can only assume what you actually mean is that you want my opinion on it?

BSL is leaning scum. I've played with him in an ongoing game where he's dead and I don't think he matches up to what I saw there, tbh at this time I just have enough time to play games so I'm putting off re-reading.

BY... I don't even know who is this kid? FF summed it up pretty well saying he's the nightmare dumb or scum questions like "DID YOU SKIM????" are nails down a blackboard to me. tbh if BSL and seph both flip town he's gonna have to go. I don't see all of them being town.

Seph: his#224 looks like either angry/annoyed town or cocky scum.
Sorry to re ask J's question, but why do you think I'm scummy?

Still waiting on Swords answer too.
I'm pretty sure he's the 3rd person to ask this question, if he knows its been asked before (he says sorry) why does he bother asking again? I also as a rule don't like people who say "what do you think about me?" because as town, you shouldn't really care.

Kill seph first, then if he's town probably BSL next. If i get enough time to get some better meta on BSL before the day ends then it might change. That said I don't want to just randomly lynch those three, copping BY would help I think

@People who've played with BSL in a game where his alignment has been revealed, how do you think it matches up to his play toDay?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Well then... now I can reverse our roles to me attacking you for various reasons.

In my giant post, I clearly stated, with all the evidence in the world, that I did not skim. I would like to take one specific part of my post:
*insert joke about "It's a small world after all"*
Seriously, your evidence is far from convincing.

I clearly stated here why my question may have caused confusion, but cleared it up. Yet, you post:

Didn't I just state in that large post that I meant something completely different, and taking my "misworded" question out of context COMPLETELY changes the meaning to something else? Yet you are STILL accusing me for the out-of-context meaning?

QUESTION: Nich, have you read my large post? If so, did you read the part I quoted just now (the debunking of "strikes 2 and 3")? In other words, DID YOU SKIM?
I read your large post, I just don't buy the explanation. In your own words, you asked this:

Has anyone played a game where the entire group was supposed to do a task (in this case, make fun of Praxis) and what was the consequence?
If you HAD been reading, you would have known that the exact same thing happened in Disney mafia. I don't care if you accuse me of taking it out of context. The fact is, if you'd been reading, the question from you would have been something like:
Does anyone remember what the consequence was from Disney mafia if you didn't make fun of the fool?
The fact that you obviously didn't know what game the fool mechanism came from PROVES you skimmed.

Well... to slightly change the analogy, lets put it this way:

You are saying everything revolves around the Earth (e.g. Sun, planets, stars, etc.). I prove to you that the planets do not each stay the same distance from Earth, thus meaning it does not revolve around the Earth. Yet, even though I disproved it, you ignore my statements and proofs and continue to say everything revolves around the Earth.
The problem is, your "proof" has holes in it. All you proved in your analogy is that the orbits of the planets are not circular around the earth. There are alternate possibilities (elliptical orbits, for example). However, you narrow-mindedly assume that you disproved my entire point, and therefore miss the important part of the argument.

Going back to what just happened, you said I skimmed. I proved in every case stated against me that all were false. Still, you use the exact statements I dis-proved and continue to say I skimmed. So... please explain yourself. Did you skim? (I already asked this question above, so no point re-asking it in red again).
Nope. I'm not satisfied with your answer. I'm skeptical about the 10/18 title thing, but okay, fine. I can't disprove you there. However, the quotes don't lie, and your lack of knowledge about Gaston and Disney mafia screams SKIMMER!

QUESTION (though this is the end of my post, but meh, I'll just stick to the same colour scheme so that everyone (me included) gets used to this): Can people who have played with Nich before state whether or not what he is doing against me is his usual playstyle or not? e.g. does he do extreme "I am right no matter what you say" tunnelling?
Yep. Not QUITE that extreme, but I am fairly difficult to persuade.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Nich generally tunnels regardless of alignment. I generally ignore anything he says and just listen to other people's comments on it. Everyone else should too.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Nich generally tunnels regardless of alignment. I generally ignore anything he says and just listen to other people's comments on it. Everyone else should too.
how would that work? surely no-one would comment on it, if so, how would everyone listen to other people's comments on it?

Are you proposing we just leave nich alive until the end of the game, regardless of his alignment?
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