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Mafia All Stars: In the end, it was Nothing Special

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
ack im so sorry my question is causing such a sidetrack ;~; I'll try and do better...

@BY: To add to Nich's thing if you have been keeping track here is who has made fun of Praxis:


14/18 people who have made fun of Praxis...

I really cant believe you honestly thought that the title meant that when it hasnt change since the starting day.

FoS: Blue Yoshi

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
lol I are smart. I did not count who made fun, but it seemed to be around 10 ish. (well... depending on when it was updated, it could have been 10). Anyways, I never looked at the title (I have a tab constantly open, so I never need to see the title). So I never noticed it was like that the entire game.

For the record, I have not skimmed this game... yet... ;)


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
lol I are smart. I did not count who made fun, but it seemed to be around 10 ish. (well... depending on when it was updated, it could have been 10). Anyways, I never looked at the title (I have a tab constantly open, so I never need to see the title). So I never noticed it was like that the entire game.

For the record, I have not skimmed this game... yet... ;)
Liar. Your comment
has anyone played a game where there was something like this to be done (e.g. make fun of Praxis)
PROVES you skimmed this thread. And, since you didn't reply to the part of my post addressing that, it proves you skimmed my post as well.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
As votes begin to fly, people begin shouting at each other in pure bad*** fashion. One of you realizes that, if you want to survive, this is not the way it should be done. He limps over to the waterside podium to get all of your attention. He is clearly bleeding through his wetsuit.

It takes a moment for you all to give him the floor, but you do.

"...swore that we said it was the snow that killed the other two. But it wasn't. Nature can be lethal... but it doesn't hold a candle to man. Now, you've seen how bad things can get and how quick they can get that way. Well they can get a whole lot worse. So we're not going to fight anymore! We're going to pull together, and we're going to find a way to GET OUTTA HERE. First, we're gonna seal off this roo--AARRGGLLLGHH"

As he is making his heroic speech, a giant shark reaches out of the water and grabs ahold of Marc with his jaws. It then throws his weight around left and right, decimating the still-living human, before retreating back into the sea with its prey.

"What the ****..."




Marc (Russell Franklin, Samuel L. Jackson Mafia -- unknown one-post time bomb, town) has been eaten by a ****ing shark.

Day 1 continues.

Day 1 Vote Count
Blue Yoshi (4): Blue Yoshi, SwordsRbroken, Gheb_01, Nicholas1024
Sephiroths Masamune (3): Overswarm, frozenflame751, Xatres
Overswarm (2): Sephiroths Masamune, Lionel Luther
Praxis (1): X1-12

Not voting: BSL, Macman, mentosman8, J, Praxis, Zεη, Ryker

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

The deadline is Thursday, November 4 at 11:59:59 PM.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
.......wtf......can someone explain to me what that One-post time bomb is?I can't find the original mafia thread (prob cuz i fail at searching even after looking at the archives) and i just honestly dont know =/

Also BY is at strike 3 for me by skimming with Swords post, the entire Praxis dilemna, and now Nich's post along with lieing trying to say he didnt skim....

Vote: Blue Yoshi


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
@mod Is the cursing and blasphemy really necessary? :urg:

I think it means the guy dies after making one post. (One post time bomb... blows up after one post, get it?)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
yea but i didnt think it would be that blunt haha ^^" wow though what a not fun role to have.

Does anyone see any relevance to Marc's last speech? It seems to be jist fluff x.x"


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
His speech is quoted from the video.

I'll make a real post tomorrow (parents are making me go to sleep), so be patient guys. /lol


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
just reread the thread. i sneaked snuck sneaked onto the computer so i could reread and make a post, but now i'm tired.

i guess the post really will come tomorrow.

fun fact for tonight. past tense of sneak is sneaked, lol.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
tomorrow after school, maybe not until tomorrow night. gonna go watch the homecoming football game. might be able to post it before then.

vote: blue yoshi for skimming.

i'll guess i can delve into it more when i make the post, if i need to.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Oh, hey guys. I just got back from a really long swim.

If anything happens to me, I blame Overswarm. =o
I don't know how far we should look into this.

I mean, the swimming is definitely a bread crumb about the shark attack.

But does that mean we should take what he said about Overswarm to heart or should we assume he was joking?

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I did not skim any posts at all. I simply mis-understood the title 10/18 and thought it meant 10 of 18 people made fun of Praxis, and thought that meant if we don't get 18 of 18, then something bad would happen. My question may have been slightly poorly worded... but I basically asked "Has anyone played a game where the entire group was supposed to do a task (in this case, make fun of Praxis), and if so, what was the consequence for if everyone did or did not do it"?

Nich, I did not skim, which makes your accusation and continuous "proof" over nothing... basically nothing. You're tunnelling me really hard, using basically everything I post against me. I do not see why a townie would do such a thing. So, that said,

Vote: Nich

J... Please explain to me these three strikes. I'm especially waiting on what I skimmed on Nich's post.

FoS: J

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
BY, that vote and FoS is very OMGUSy

Also in regards to how you skimmed Nich's post....he actually just said how you skimmed his post by ignoring to adresse that part on you.

My points is that you admitted to what you did with Swords post so Strike 1

You completely bypassed the Praxis situation which is a def Strike 2

Nich's point and you continuing to say you did not skim is a hearty Strike 3

Also to everyone, BY is at L-3. No need to be hasty since we have a week left. However if we were to at the current time I would rather it be BY.

BY, if you want more explanation i will give it to you bu I gotta get on a cpu first.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Unvote Vote: BSL
FoS: J

Nich, I did not skim, which makes your accusation and continuous "proof" over nothing... basically nothing. You're tunnelling me really hard, using basically everything I post against me. I do not see why a townie would do such a thing. So, that said,

Vote: Nich
Dude, that's the kind of OMGUS that you want to avoid. Bad townies will be all over you for that stuff. The "you vote me foor stupid reasons, you're scum [insert OMGUS vote]" has gotten many players lynched in the earlier stages of their playtime. Hop off.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Blue Yoshi (5): Blue Yoshi, SwordsRbroken, Gheb_01, Nicholas1024, J

J, it's L-4, no need to worry yet.

As for the time bomb, that is interesting, i have never seen that sort of role before. Does it have something to do with another N0 ability? Just some food for thought.

FoS:BSL for hopping on the easy wagon after promising a later post.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Frozenflame, I just realized that we have a problem.

Which of us is dying toNight?
Pretty sure I died more on N1 recently than him :urg:

I think Halo Mafia should be evidence as to who is top N1 kill priority, considering all of us were in that game too. =P

So I tried finding that time bomb role but unfortunately Samuel L. Jackson mafia 1 isn't in the archives, only SLJM:2. So yeah, no luck there.

@ Gheb, why do you think Praxis is the March Hare and not the White Rabbit? Wouldn't either of them fit the bunny ear deal? I'm asking because I checked Wonderland a bit and didn't see any flavour that involved the mod openly revealing someone had bunny ears at the starts of the day.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
That's a very good point, Frozen. How ironic that I remembered the March Hare but not the White Rabbit from the same game. Yes, he could also be the White Rabbit but I always had the March Hare in mind when I read the "Bunny Ear" part and the "starving for carrots". Probably because I personally like the March Hare a lot [I even had him in my avatar for a while] or because I died way before the White Rabbit even mattered in Wonderland Mafia and I kind of didn't follow it all the way.

This gives us something to think about:

Do you think now that Kiki would really leave all roles unchanged? If so, there's a 50% chance that Praxis is scum [White Rabbit was the goon] unless somebody finds any other character that could refer to "Bunny Ears" ... I doubt that there's a lie in all that because Praxis "confirmed" that he was a rabbit. This leads us to another question: Would Kiki really confirm that Praxis is a Rabbit when it leaves us with said 50% chance? I know it's WIFOM but this is the first time ever that I see mod-WIFOM. I think if the mod gives away such a hint right in the beginning then it's unlikely that he would put a mafioso in a WIFOM situation.

Unless somebody has a better idea on how to handle the whole Praxis / bunny ear/ mod-meta - issue I think it's probably better to just drop it, like I wanted to in the first place.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yeah, I'm gonna say Marc was a filler character.

Apparently this game is going to be amusing.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
That's a very good point, Frozen. How ironic that I remembered the March Hare but not the White Rabbit from the same game. Yes, he could also be the White Rabbit but I always had the March Hare in mind when I read the "Bunny Ear" part and the "starving for carrots". Probably because I personally like the March Hare a lot [I even had him in my avatar for a while] or because I died way before the White Rabbit even mattered in Wonderland Mafia and I kind of didn't follow it all the way.

This gives us something to think about:

Do you think now that Kiki would really leave all roles unchanged? If so, there's a 50% chance that Praxis is scum [White Rabbit was the goon] unless somebody finds any other character that could refer to "Bunny Ears" ... I doubt that there's a lie in all that because Praxis "confirmed" that he was a rabbit. This leads us to another question: Would Kiki really confirm that Praxis is a Rabbit when it leaves us with said 50% chance? I know it's WIFOM but this is the first time ever that I see mod-WIFOM. I think if the mod gives away such a hint right in the beginning then it's unlikely that he would put a mafioso in a WIFOM situation.

Unless somebody has a better idea on how to handle the whole Praxis / bunny ear/ mod-meta - issue I think it's probably better to just drop it, like I wanted to in the first place.

2. Gheb_01
3. frozenflame751 replaces vVv ChiboSempai
4. Overswarm
5. X1-12
6. BSL replaces GorditoBoy69
7. Sephiroths Masamune
8. Macman
9. mentosman8
10. Nicholas1024
11. Lionel Luther
12. J
13. Praxis
14. Xatres
15. SwordsRbroken
16. Blue Yoshi
17. Zεη
18. Ryker

There are 17 players in this game.

I don't think a scum being "outed" will be that large of a deal from a balance perspective. We'll get more information as time goes on; is more information given tomorrow? Is someone telling the mod what to say?

So knowing that we have no confirmation as of yet, we need to get it. How do we get confirmation for our suspicions later, and can we do so with a lynch? A strong town play based on meta could easily be usable since potentially know that Gaston is a character and there's some sort of rabbit. Quirky as it may be, this could still be a red herring, but it's important that everyone reread this after D2 starts.

I don't think that we should do anything like mass claim or anything... but keep in mind staying in our closets and holding our roles secretly might not be the best course of action.

The most important thing is someone telling us if a role flips and the alignment has changed. If the white rabbit is the goon in anotehr game, and praxis flips white rabbit, mafia goon, we get no information about alignment. If he flips white rabbit, vanilla townie, we get some awesome info: alignment can be switched.

With 17 people remaining and these roles hand picked, I'm going to assume that there will be very few vanillas and very few actual powerful roles.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
BY, that vote and FoS is very OMGUSy

Also in regards to how you skimmed Nich's post....he actually just said how you skimmed his post by ignoring to adresse that part on you.

My points is that you admitted to what you did with Swords post so Strike 1

You completely bypassed the Praxis situation which is a def Strike 2

Nich's point and you continuing to say you did not skim is a hearty Strike 3

Also to everyone, BY is at L-3. No need to be hasty since we have a week left. However if we were to at the current time I would rather it be BY.

BY, if you want more explanation i will give it to you bu I gotta get on a cpu first.
Please, give me a better explanation.

What did I do with Sword's post? What about Praxis did I bypass? And how is me saying I did not skim proof that I skimmed?

I have not skimmed this game at all, so I would like for you to explain to me your logic as to where I skimmed. Go in detail. Don't be vague.

I don't care if this post or past posts (or future posts) make me look scummy or like an idiot, if someone falsely calls me out on something, I will prove them wrong.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
There's another thing I remember now:

In the original game the white rabbit had a posting restriction - he always had to be the last player to get posting each new day. If he didn't adhere then the mod would leave a little note in the thread. This doesn't seem to be the case with Praxis. So either he's the March Hare or the roles have been changed - as long as we don't have a flip that would lead to a different conclusion, I'm inclined to think Kiki didn't change the original role PMs. As of now I'm sticking with Praxis being the March Hare unless we see a flip that doesn't match with the original flip.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
This actually leads me to another idea. As far as I can see there is no downside in claiming if the role PM you received matches the original role PM of the game Kiki took it from. You don't have to claim the character or the role - just whether the role PM is one and the same as the one from the original game. If everybody does this it should be fairly easy to find out if the role PMs have been changed or not.

If we find that the role PMs all remained 100% the same, then we can pretty much clear Praxis because he is supposed to have a posting restriction [which he actually already broke if he was the White Rabbit].


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
And just as I post, another idea comes to my mind. Once we know if all role PMs are unchanged we can also somewhat tighten the pool of roles Kiki could've possibly chosen. The reason for this is, that not all Game Mods post the role PMs at the end of the game [although most do] and if he took the original PMs one by one then he must've seen the original PM posted somewhere.


Does claiming whether your role PM is altered from the original game, break this rule?

"Nor may you post metadata about mod communications, such as the time of day a PM was sent or the PM ID in the URL of a mod message you receive."

It is not specifically mentioned but it may fall under that rule.



Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Do you think now that Kiki would really leave all roles unchanged? If so, there's a 50% chance that Praxis is scum [White Rabbit was the goon] unless somebody finds any other character that could refer to "Bunny Ears" ... I doubt that there's a lie in all that because Praxis "confirmed" that he was a rabbit.
A strong town play based on meta could easily be usable since potentially know that Gaston is a character and there's some sort of rabbit.
I have absolutely not confirmed that I am a rabbit; my post was in jest. Keep in mind that the verbage of the OP is that "someone" is "wearing" rabbit ears. We may be reading too much in to this.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
I have absolutely not confirmed that I am a rabbit; my post was in jest. Keep in mind that the verbage of the OP is that "someone" is "wearing" rabbit ears. We may be reading too much in to this.
I think the wearing part of it may be the key to the whole thing.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Please, give me a better explanation.

What did I do with Sword's post? What about Praxis did I bypass? And how is me saying I did not skim proof that I skimmed?

I have not skimmed this game at all, so I would like for you to explain to me your logic as to where I skimmed. Go in detail. Don't be vague.

I don't care if this post or past posts (or future posts) make me look scummy or like an idiot, if someone falsely calls me out on something, I will prove them wrong.

Alright BY, I would be happy to give you a better explaination with evidence this time ;D The reason I have not been quoting posts is because you can't multi-quote on an itouch and going back and forth is infuriating on it. If it came down to that is what I had to do then I would. Let me get back to this now. I wanna go about it point by point:

My points is that you admitted to what you did with Swords post so Strike 1
What kind of a question is this? That's like flipping a coin and saying that if it's heads OS is scum, if tails, then Nicholas is scum.
I really don't see what we can gain from this question... roles are assigned at random, so the probability is the same for everyone.
Well to be honest that question was a bad one and I knew that. It was really just an RVS question really. If I were to have been asked that queation i would have said Marc since he played really good mafia in a game I was in. So yes you can take that question with a grain of salt.

BY, can you tell me the reason you had just reiterated what Swords had just said? I really see no point in it after he had just said something about it.
Because I was smart and did not notice that there were other pages of posts... and when I noticed, I decided to just leave it as it was lol.
You yourself said that even when you did make an error in posting you were like "aw who cares i'll just leave it." That rubs me the wrong way and then it was followed by two votes from Gheb and SwordsR which you did not even comment on at all. Also the fact that you said pretty much what SwordsR seems to be a way for you to seem more "pro-town" even though the question was obviously RVS.

Personal Strike 1

You completely bypassed the Praxis situation which is a def Strike 2
I'll assume it's something bad... but anyways, has anyone played a game where there was something like this to be done (e.g. make fun of Praxis)? And if so, was there a consequence, and if so, what was it?
I'm gonna make this clear so that no one will skim over this even you. Look at that...you see it? That was made after all the revealing that there is a GASTON in the game in which the FOOL thing came about. Nich points this out here and also your fallicy to simply see the title shows how many people it takes to Lynch.

For missing the Praxis dilemna and just skimming over it: Personal Strike 2


Blue yoshi, The 10 of 18 means TEN OUT OF EIGHTEEN TO LYNCH! How on earth could you not know that, as I believe that title has remained unchanged all of D1! Not to mention, discussion about the fool stuff has been going on for the past several pages! The role that did it last time was even quoted in the thread! This is one of the worst cases of skimming and pretending to be helpful I have ever seen.

Unvote, Vote: Blue Yoshi
^This is to go with Strike 2 and starts to begin why Strike 3 was put into my mind.

Nich's point and you continuing to say you did not skim is a hearty Strike 3
lol I are smart. I did not count who made fun, but it seemed to be around 10 ish. (well... depending on when it was updated, it could have been 10). Anyways, I never looked at the title (I have a tab constantly open, so I never need to see the title). So I never noticed it was like that the entire game.

For the record, I have not skimmed this game... yet... ;)
You...never....looked at the dag on title of the game you were playing in....and you did not notice it was like that...*breathes in*

AND you try and say you have never skimmed when it was blatantly obvious that you had done so with the Praxis and Gaston situation! *breathes out* Also look, Nich had even pointed it out right here:

Liar. Your comment

PROVES you skimmed this thread. And, since you didn't reply to the part of my post addressing that, it proves you skimmed my post as well.
Plus Nich points out that you even bypassed a part of his post that you skimmed because you didn't comment.

Strike 3 gladly marked down.

Now let's bring back up what you said at the beginning shall we?

I have not skimmed this game at all, so I would like for you to explain to me your logic as to where I skimmed. Go in detail. Don't be vague.

I don't care if this post or past posts (or future posts) make me look scummy or like an idiot, if someone falsely calls me out on something, I will prove them wrong.
I wanna take a look at these two parts precisely. You have skimmed and have been caught, admit that and I will lay off some of the heat.

Let's look at the other people who have a vote on you as well. SwordsR and BSL. (besides yourself, you should really unvote ^^") Why have you not confronted either of these two placing a vote on you? You have confronted me and Nich on why we have voted for you however you just keep saying, "No i didn't!" "Nuh-uh!" and it's just gah x.x

I am more aggravated with what you are doing at the moment however I have been thinking about this alot. And I have come to this conclusion:


I do not think you are scum....just acting extremely infuriating. Since I do not think you are scum I really cannot keep my vote on you =P However I still GMEOU. If you continue to aver town and become a liability to scum-hunting I am gonna be on you so fast. Just a forewarning. ^_^

You still have those three strikes from me and I am not gonna forget about them ;D

Blue Yoshi (5): Blue Yoshi, SwordsRbroken, Gheb_01, Nicholas1024, J

J, it's L-4, no need to worry yet.
So sorry about that. ;_; I guess I counted wrong since I couldn't see the number very well on my itouch. No excuses tho. However I have a question for you,

Vote:Blue yoshi
Why did you put a vote on BY? You never really said why and you still have kept it on him.

Care to give a reason why I am suddenly suspicious? ;3

I think the wearing part of it may be the key to the whole thing.
That one word blows a huge hole in what Gheb has been saying about it either being the March Hare or White Rabbit from Wonderland Mafia.....*sigh*

Alright these Rabbit ears are really side-tracking us from what we are supposed to be doing...Scum-hunting. Let us do some of that eh? If it needs to be brought up again I will be all for it but there has to be a just reasoning because we are going NOWHERE at the current time.

@BSL: What is with the bandwagoning? Please give a real reason to your voting BY. Also please make that post you promised soon.

@Ryker/Macman/Xatres/Teran: You four have slipped under my radar and without looking at the list of players again I would have forgotten. Scares me a bit. Thoughts on BY, Gheb, and BSL?

@Swords/X1/OS: I believe you three to be town at the moment the most. Who are your current scum picks and why?

@Nich: Besides BY, who do you feel is being anti-town/scummy?

@Seph: What is your stance on Nich's FoS on you? You have not commented at all on it.

@Everyone Else: Who do you think should be the play today and why?

Also I believe it is time for @Mod: Prod Request on Ryker, he hasn't even posted yet. :<

To go off of Gheb's idea of saying that our role pms were not altered is kindof a WIFOM idea. Cuz some roles may be changed while others may not. However just to say this:

I have checked my role pm and the original game thread from whence it came and it is 100% identical.

However how to proof this? Exactly the point i am trying to make. I could be lieing (which I'm not) or I could be telling the truth. Plus some roles could be altered and others not to make it even more confusing....I'm not going into this WIFOM.

I also wanna point out Praxis is in NO WAY cleared of being scum or town. All we know is that someone picked him to be made a Fool...that's it. Please do not assume this. No one is cleared of anything yet and everyone is still a possible canidate to be scum. We will have definitive proof as of D2 and Night Actions.

I wanna raise a question to: Does Praxis have to make fun of himself? I read the role PM for Gaston but I didn't read the game and see if the person who was made a fool had to make fun of himself. KiKi does say EVERYBODY. Just to be cautious, Praxis make fun of yourself (omg this is so stupid sounding xD) and those of you who have not should do so which include Lionel Luther (teran), Ryker, Macman, and Praxis.

We have a week till the deadline is up so let's get to going ;3

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
FFFF holy crap I forgot about Zen. Seriously that scares me,

Zen, add yourself to the list with Macman/Xatres/Teran/Ryker and answer the question.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I already made fun of myself.

I have not decided on a play of the day, but I dislike Blue Yoshi.
It was asked earlier, however, whether skimming is scummy or not. I would consider skimming to be anti-town, but not inherently scummy. Scum may skim because they aren't taking an interest in scumhunting (as someone earlier posted), and town may skim out of inattentiveness, but it hurts town either way.

I don't think skimming implies Blue Yoshi to be town, but it does suggest that he is not going to be a useful player and possibly scum, and thus a valid lynch target on D1. But we might be able to come up with something better through the day, so I'm not throwing down a vote just yet.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Blue Yoshi, I've directly asked you an admittedly inconsequential question twice. Why haven't you answered it?

Waaaaaait, were you the guy who Dr. Robotnik argued with about Yoshi's Neutral B and the Game & Watch matchup, like, a year ago on AiB? Or another person with the same avatar?
I dislike Blue Yoshi's posts so far, though I have not played with him before.

@ Blue Yoshi, why did you not answer my question?

Waaaaaait, were you the guy who Dr. Robotnik argued with about Yoshi's Neutral B and the Game & Watch matchup, like, a year ago on AiB? Or another person with the same avatar?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
oooh I'm so sorry Praxis I just didn't get the joke at first ^^"

BY is still a viable lynch canidate for exactly the reasons you have said and I am for it though tbh I do not believe in voting someone unless I find them scummy. I believe tho we shouldn't go directly for him. Let's use the time we have.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Oh, hey guys. I just got back from a really long swim.

If anything happens to me, I blame Overswarm. =o
I don't know how far we should look into this.

I mean, the swimming is definitely a bread crumb about the shark attack.

But does that mean we should take what he said about Overswarm to heart or should we assume he was joking?
@Everyone: What are your thoughts about Marc's post? D you think it's a clue? Or do you think it's nothing worth going into?

@Seph: What is your stance on Nich's FoS on you? You have not commented at all on it.
I noticed it, nothing to really say about it. He FOSed me about skimming earlier.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Honestly, if I could only make one post before dying, I would blame Overswarm too.

I think anyone in the BBR would.

I couldn't find Samuel L. Jackson Mafia in the DGames Archive? Only "Samuel L. Jackson Mafia 2: Bruce Willis Mafia - The Revenge of Samuel L. Jackson". Can anyone find and post the role PM from that game so we can find out if Marc was likely to have had some sort of information or just got one post to lollygag around with?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I believe tho we shouldn't go directly for him. Let's use the time we have.
While I do think we should keep our eyes open for other lynch targets, Blue Yoshi definitely needs to respond to the criticisms directed against him before we consider letting up on pressure.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
There was no Time-Bomb role SLJ Mafia 2 so I really do not think we can go off it unless someone knows something about it. Otherwise we will be heading back into WIFOM land as to why Marc said OS. Maybe to cause some spice in the game since he only had one post, maybe to throw OS under the bus, maybe he had info, maybe maybe maybe. We can't go around doing that.

We should not delve into it more and just take it for face value until more info is shown. I'm not letting this town go into another WIFOM rage. So I hope that answers your question Seph.

Also hmm...alright about the Nich thing for now Seph.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
While I do think we should keep our eyes open for other lynch targets, Blue Yoshi definitely needs to respond to the criticisms directed against him before we consider letting up on pressure.
100% agree with you Praxis. Hold hands on the BY lynch if it is inadequate? :3


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Wow that was weird. Did we post at the exact same time?

I hit the post button and your post was below mine when the post went through.
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