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Mafia All Stars: In the end, it was Nothing Special


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The game rules prevent you from posting your own role PM, but they've said nothing about posting other people's PMs!

“Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston, looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here’d love to be you, Gaston, even when taking your lumps. There’s no man in town as admired as you, you’re everyone’s favorite guy. Everyone’s awed and inspired by you, and it’s not very hard to see why! No one’s slick as Gaston, no one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston! For there’s no man in town half as manly – perfect a pure paragon! You can ask any Tom, ****, or Stanley, and they’ll tell you whose team they’d prefer to be on! No one’s been like Gaston, a king pin like Gaston, no one’s got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston! As a specimen yes, he’s intimidating, my what a guy that Gaston! No one fights like Gaston, douses lights like Gaston, in a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston! For there’s no one as burly and brawny, as you see he’s got biceps to spare, not a bit of him’s scraggly or scrawny, and every last inch of him’s covered in hair!”

“When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge!”

Welcome to Disney Mafia, Airgemini. You are Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), and you are the manliest of men. In fact, you are so incredibly amazing, you can force everyone to gang up and make fun of someone else.

Passive Abilities:
You have no passive abilities.

Active Abilities:
No one’s like Gaston: Before each night, you can PM me the name of one player. It will then be announced that they have been made a fool of, and everyone will be required to make fun of them. This may also have other effects on the player, as everyone reacts to being made a fool of differently.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Someone in this town is Gaston. We have one confirmed (but still hidden) townie. If you are Gaston and you are going to be lynched, claim Gaston. If someone counter-claims, they are mafia and we get a 50/50 chance on a mafia lynch on D1 and 100% on D2. Plain and simple.

I don't know how Gaston's ability worked in that, as the role PM says it 'may' have 'other effects'. I'm not sure what those are in terms of this game, however, with quasimodo:

Hidden Ability: Topsy Turvy Day: You were made to look like a fool, but you are the King of Fools! Today, the King will choose a lynch and you will choose a lynch! There will then be closed ballot voting, the lynchee with the most votes will be lynched, and then the votes will be made public!
So it may be that there is someone in this game that can have an affect. Maybe not. Maybe Gaston's role PM is slightly different this time around? We'll have to find out when Gaston claims (if he isn't NKilled first).

Of note: Kirby King was a statue in that game, and he could communicate with Quasimodo. Finding games KKing was a part of could help determine what roles he's chosen. He's probably going to have chosen the "favorite" roles of his, given the flavor of this game, but I'd prefer not to say "this guy is totally in this game" without some way to confirm.

The next step to finding things out about roles will be when we discover what kind of game this is. Standard with a few roles? Independents? Mafia NKills or arsonists? Serial Killers or day killing vigilantes? Sane cops or paranoid or insane or whatever cops?

If someone else flips a Disney character in this game, or someone flips a disney character, we'll be able to determine if there might be some overlap. It could be that Gaston and Quasimodo are both in this game as they interacted in that game (I doubt this very much), or that there were a mason pair, etc., etc.

Don't let someone claiming a Dinsey character other than Gaston clear them as town.

When someone claims a character name, find what game that is from and look at their role PM. It is likely alignments are similar, but not confirmed. Take it into account, but don't let it be a deciding factor.

Praxis, could you answer if you character actually has bunny ears? You do not have to if you think it would make you easily identifiable, but knowing if Gaston's foolery gives any hints would be useful.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yes for both questions.

I will only answer one though because answering the other is potentially harmful: Check Disney Mafia. There's a character named Gaston who can choose a player each night. The next day everybody is required to make fun of that player.

Wait, what second question?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Good **** Gheb. That made things easy.

I knew I'd never encountered a role like that in any of the games I'd played here so I started to do some digging to find where it came from. That saved me a lot of time and effort lol.

But yeah, Gaston role matches perfectly to this flavor. Pretty much confirms he's in the game.

So yeah, Praxis does this "bunny ear" deal a result of the Gaston flavor, or no?

Oh and @ OS:

Does anyone know of or remember any sort of role with a n0 ability that has anything to do with "bunny ears" or making fun of a player or even forcing the mod to do something like that?
I think Gheb (like me) read this sentence has containing two questions, the first being "does anyone know of a role of a n0 ability that has to do with bunny ears" and the second being "does anyone know of a role that makes fun of players". Or maybe its the "role that makes fun of people" question and the 2nd question is "does anyone know of a role that forces the mod to do something like that". Either way, he answered the one regarding making fun of people, so he's withholding info about either of the other two potential Qs.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wait, what second question?
You asked two entirely different questions even if you weren't aware. The bunny ear thing and Gaston have absolutely nothing to do with each other - both things just happen to affect Praxis toDay but they are different mechanics. Your question deals with two different thing and thus I looked at them as such - as "two questions".

Everybody should stop asking Praxis or anybody about the whole bunny ear" thing. It's more harmful than helpful for the town really. If you know where it's coming from - and I know some people should know - then don't hint at anything.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yeah, I don't buy it.

If some people know and it isn't just you, scum could know.

If one scum know, ALL scum know. WTF wouldn't all of town want to know?

If only YOU know, you just breadcrumbed to scum about what to do.

Seriously, if there's an ability that is public like this and we can discuss it, it KIND OF makes it obvious that scum is going to figure it out before town if we don't talk about it. We have a DGames archive thread. Do you want each individual townie to go through it? Because they won't. Scum will know though.

Give me a reason why I should let you hide information that every scum member could know.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Disney Mafia was different than all other mafia games. I don't know if it means anything but maybe you can work with it: There was no voting in that game at all. The lynch was decided by a King, who was given his status by the Kingmaker. So the Kingmaker is kind of the "opposite" of what Gaston is - instead of making somebody a fool he would make somebody the King. Maybe that has something to do with the "other effects" of Gaston's ability [like what could happen if both target the same player].

Regarding Kiki I'd be very careful with mod-meta. He never played in a lot of games outside of the BRoom. The only one's I know about are Spidey Mafia and one of Xiivi's games as hydra with EE and both are drastically different from Disney Mafia, naturally. I highly doubt you will find anything useful.



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Overswarm: Is this true?

It may also leak out power roles. Who would have thought we have two nurses? What if there's an arsonist? If I was mafia and there was flavor talk going on, I'd NKill the first person that mentioned a role I didn't like because 9/10, they mention their own role. Flavor talk has to be handled carefully; talking about colors (too simple) or mod meta (too vague) only helps scum by creating false leads for town and worse.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Give me a reason why I should let you hide information that every scum member could know.
I don't hide any information - it's publicly available, you only have to search. But I will not publicly state things when there's a chance that scum does not know about it. Especially because I know for a fact that it's better for us if scum doesn't know.

If you really care that much about the meta of this game I can give you some food for thought though:

As administrator Kiki has access to all "rooms" on SWF. Tom - the host of Disney Mafia - is a BRoom member. The Praxis issue is related to a BRoom member as well. Everything that we can know up to this point has its roots in the BRoom. If you feel like that's enough data to see a general trend, games that were hosted by a BRoom member are probably good places for you to look at.

Evil Eye, Scav, Macman, Rockin, M3D, Mediocre, tmw_redcell, McFox, Circus as well as Kiki himself are all BRoom members who hosted at least one flavored game some time in the past in dGames [KevinM also hosted one but it didn't have any flavor]. These are the games I'm most inclined to believe to inspire Kiki to add their roles in this games.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@Overswarm: Is this true?
You mean the game where I was scum and said whatever I could to confuse town? :p

Please give your statement in the form of a question. I don't know the context of that or what I was thinking right now, so I'd prefer a direct question.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I don't hide any information - it's publicly available, you only have to search. But I will not publicly state things when there's a chance that scum does not know about it. Especially because I know for a fact that it's better for us if scum doesn't know.

If you really care that much about the meta of this game I can give you some food for thought though:

As administrator Kiki has access to all "rooms" on SWF. Tom - the host of Disney Mafia - is a BRoom member. The Praxis issue is related to a BRoom member as well. Everything that we can know up to this point has its roots in the BRoom. If you feel like that's enough data to see a general trend, games that were hosted by a BRoom member are probably good places for you to look at.

Evil Eye, Scav, Macman, Rockin, M3D, Mediocre, tmw_redcell, McFox, Circus as well as Kiki himself are all BRoom members who hosted at least one flavored game some time in the past in dGames [KevinM also hosted one but it didn't have any flavor]. These are the games I'm most inclined to believe to inspire Kiki to add their roles in this games.

Again, give me a good reason we should limit the information town has?

Let me put this in perspective for you:

There are many players in this game.

Many are town.

One town member knows what the bunny ears mean = one town member knows what the bunny ears mean

One scum member knows what the bunny ears mean = ALL SCUM MEMBERS KNOW

It's public information. If you can find it, others can find it. Scum can know this and use it. They already know it is important and they will find it.

How about this:

Go and look up the game that has the role. Can other players in this game reach it? Is it only in the back room?

If that's the case, you have the possibility of an argument depending on how many palyers in this game would have access.

If it isn't, spill the beans.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
You mean the game where I was scum and said whatever I could to confuse town? :p

Please give your statement in the form of a question. I don't know the context of that or what I was thinking right now, so I'd prefer a direct question.
Erm I think it is a question.... I'll rephrase anyway

Do you think talking about mod meta either
A) is too vague
B) creates false leads for town

Also do you think This mod is Meta-able?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
In my eyes, there is no benefit for the town to know all the details about Praxis except that we shouldn't lynch him. Unless you are afraid that Praxis is going to get lynched I can guarantee you that the knowledge I have will not help you.

I'm not to decide if the whole thing should be public - it's his role and thus his decision. Even if Praxis is OK with it you will have to be patient or do your own research for now.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Also, I just checked it - only 2 players in this game could possibly know the background of the "bunny ear" reference without doing research. Statistically it's unlikely that scum already knows.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
In my eyes, there is no benefit for the town to know all the details about Praxis except that we shouldn't lynch him. Unless you are afraid that Praxis is going to get lynched I can guarantee you that the knowledge I have will not help you.

I'm not to decide if the whole thing should be public - it's his role and thus his decision. Even if Praxis is OK with it you will have to be patient or do your own research for now.

I'm sorry, I didn't hear your reasoning. Why should scum have the ability to know something and town not?

If I can research it and find out for myself, WHY are we hiding it since scum can do the same?

I don't care if this makes Praxis a huge NKill target. Someone will die. Scum still has to decide who to NKill, and NKilling the person that is most likely to be tracked is a big decision.

I'd rather EVERYONE know that Praxis will be killed because of his bunny ears rather than just scum knowing that they are giong to kill him, Praxis dying, then me *****ing about it, you explaining his role, then lynching you for hiding information from town for no reason.

Erm I think it is a question.... I'll rephrase anyway

Do you think talking about mod meta either
A) is too vague
B) creates false leads for town

Also do you think This mod is Meta-able?
It isn't really "mod meta", but more "human ability". He's not going to use dumb roles; he'll picked interesting ones. Gaston is one of the ones he picked, he was involved in the game. All this says is that there is a Gaston. Once he flips, we'll see if Gaston is still town in this game. We have speculation, and that's it.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
At least I'd like to hear somebody else's opinion on the matter before I actually reveal it. I have no reason to trust you yet or to not question the motives behind your urge to know everything. If a couple of people agree with you then I guess I won't keep it a "secret" anymore.

I'd rather EVERYONE know that Praxis will be killed because of his bunny ears rather than just scum knowing that they are giong to kill him, Praxis dying, then me *****ing about it, you explaining his role, then lynching you for hiding information from town for no reason.
You can play this game just fine without knowing it and I'm pretty sure I will not be lynched for such ******** reasons either. After all, I do not hide anything - you might perceive it as if I was "hiding" something but that's only because you're impatient. I'm simply not convinced that now is a good time to lay some cards on the table already - especially since these cards aren't even my own.

Either way, implying here and now that my current stance will or might get me lynched toMorrow is nothing more than an empty threat. But rest assured that you will achieve nothing by playing the way you do right now.

I'd rather hear some of Marc's or mentosman's thoughts first. Perhaps they even forgot that they are in this game since the confirmation phase took so long.


Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I don't think Gheb should reveal anything, for all we know he could be wrong. This could lead to wasting of time worrying about someones role that hasn't been confirmed yet instead of scum hunting. And in all fairness, it's Praxis role not Ghebs. Why should Gheb reveal what he thinks is what Praxis role instead Praxis himself?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I don't think Gheb should reveal anything, for all we know he could be wrong. This could lead to wasting of time worrying about someones role that hasn't been confirmed yet instead of scum hunting. And in all fairness, it's Praxis role not Ghebs. Why should Gheb reveal what he thinks is what Praxis role instead Praxis himself?
Hidden information can be good for town, or good for scum.

Open information is always good for town. Zero realistic exceptions.

The bunny ears thing is open information. Scum knows what it means, or will soon. I do not. Town should know as a whole, not just Gheb.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
We don't even know if the bunny ear thing pertains to his role. It could infact mean nothing at all and is meant to throw us off (which it's doing a pretty good job if so).

And how do we know that your not scum? How do we know that your not just fishing information for scum?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I agree with Gheb that we should wait to hear what others' opinions on this matter are first before we reveal anything. This is just plain old good discussion generation.

Furthermore, I think it is also important that we wait for Praxis to confirm/deny or not comment on whether or not he's actually the person with bunny ears. We really don't know if it's him or not. If you look carefully at the flavour, it says in one sentence that one person is standing out because they are wearing bunny ears. Then, in the next sentence, it says Praxis has been made a fool of. As we've figured out, Praxis being made a fool of has to do with the Gaston role that we're pretty sure is in this game. However, there is NO DIRECT LINK between that role, and the bunny ears. There is also no language that explicitly states Praxis has bunny ears. The two statements simply have proximity which makes it seem like they're related, but they really may not be at all. Someone else entirely could be wearing the bunny ears.

So yeah, def. want to hear from Praxis on this one. Though I do agree with OS that if the game that contains the explanation to the bunny ears deal is in an area with restricted access (such as the Broom) which would statistically lower the mafia's ability to access that info, that withholding that info may be beneficial, especially if it's sensitive info as Gheb is alleging.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I agree with Gheb that we should wait to hear what others' opinions on this matter are first before we reveal anything. This is just plain old good discussion generation.

Furthermore, I think it is also important that we wait for Praxis to confirm/deny or not comment on whether or not he's actually the person with bunny ears. We really don't know if it's him or not. If you look carefully at the flavour, it says in one sentence that one person is standing out because they are wearing bunny ears. Then, in the next sentence, it says Praxis has been made a fool of. As we've figured out, Praxis being made a fool of has to do with the Gaston role that we're pretty sure is in this game. However, there is NO DIRECT LINK between that role, and the bunny ears. There is also no language that explicitly states Praxis has bunny ears. The two statements simply have proximity which makes it seem like they're related, but they really may not be at all. Someone else entirely could be wearing the bunny ears.

So yeah, def. want to hear from Praxis on this one. Though I do agree with OS that if the game that contains the explanation to the bunny ears deal is in an area with restricted access (such as the Broom) which would statistically lower the mafia's ability to access that info, that withholding that info may be beneficial, especially if it's sensitive info as Gheb is alleging.
I thought that too.

Praxis, the mod just gave a hint about who your character is. How do you feel about that?
Praxis said:
Bouncy, with a craving for carrots.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Right, I know that's what he said, but he didn't explicitly say that it actually has to do with his role.

It's very possible that Praxis, just as we did, thought the bunny ears statement and the "praxis has been made fun of statement" were related, and thus both applied to him. This understanding could cause him to respond with such a statement, even if his role has nothing to do with it. He could have just been going along with what could easily be misunderstood flavour.

That's why I want him to tell us exactly whether or not his role pertains to the bunny ears or if the flavour was misunderstood.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
There's one flaw in your argument, and that's that open information is NOT always good for town, Overswarm. Although I agree it usually helps town, we don't want to go too far here. Does a D1 massclaim help town? That's nothing but open information. Agreed that we should get everyone to chime on on this, we need more discussion.

Also, just wanted to point out that Gaston might not be town. It's obvious he's in this game, but the roles are ADAPTED from previous mafia games, not carbon copies.

Are you going to be active this time around?

Are you sure the bunny ears might not be just from being made a fool?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
There's one flaw in your argument, and that's that open information is NOT always good for town, Overswarm. Although I agree it usually helps town, we don't want to go too far here. Does a D1 massclaim help town? That's nothing but open information. Agreed that we should get everyone to chime on on this, we need more discussion.
Are you high? That's the release of closed information. The bunny ears role PM is open information, since anyone can find it. Gheb already claims to know it. That is open information to anyone who looks.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Gheb, Overswarm is right. If the information is publicly available, and you have already indicated to scum that they can find it by searching, there is no reason to hide the information. You simply end up hiding it from the town members too lazy to search, while only one scum needs to find it.

You should post what you've found.

And Nicholas, I think you misinterpreted what Overswarm means when he says "open information".

That said, I'm only advocating the revealing of existing public information that Gheb has seen. I would prefer to not assist in confirming information about my role, so will refrain from answering questions regarding it.

My "Bouncy" comment was made in jest.

I don't hide any information - it's publicly available, you only have to search. But I will not publicly state things when there's a chance that scum does not know about it. Especially because I know for a fact that it's better for us if scum doesn't know.

If you really care that much about the meta of this game I can give you some food for thought though:

As administrator Kiki has access to all "rooms" on SWF. Tom - the host of Disney Mafia - is a BRoom member. The Praxis issue is related to a BRoom member as well. Everything that we can know up to this point has its roots in the BRoom. If you feel like that's enough data to see a general trend, games that were hosted by a BRoom member are probably good places for you to look at.

Evil Eye, Scav, Macman, Rockin, M3D, Mediocre, tmw_redcell, McFox, Circus as well as Kiki himself are all BRoom members who hosted at least one flavored game some time in the past in dGames [KevinM also hosted one but it didn't have any flavor]. These are the games I'm most inclined to believe to inspire Kiki to add their roles in this games.

Please explain how my issue is related to a BRoom member?

None of the members you listed are BBR members, and have not played a game with me.

Macman, why so serious?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The original host of the game your role is from is or was a BRoom member, right? Check the dGames archives to confirm. If you can confirm that I'm right about that then there's no doubt that I'm right about your character / role either.



Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Looks like he is. Though keep in mind that BRoom =/= BBR, and I am BBR.

Why, though, are you connecting the two? I don't understand how the host being a BRoom member necessitates that you are correct about my role.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Looks like he is. Though keep in mind that BRoom =/= BBR, and I am BBR.

Why, though, are you connecting the two? I don't understand how the host being a BRoom member necessitates that you are correct about my role.
Where did the BBR come into all of this?

It's actually a lot simpler than that, really. Mod confirmed in the sign-up thread that all role PMs are taken from previous SWF Mafia games. In the starting post of toDay he hinted at the fact that you are a rabbit. You hinted at the fact that you are a rabbit. There's only one rabbit in the history of dGames so far and it's the March Hare from Wonderland Mafia. I know that because I was in that game - alongside Nicholas and Macman [who was the March Hare himself].

The host of that game is a BRoom member [although inactive now]. Tom is a Broom member as well and we already found a role taken from one of his game here. There is no connection between you / your BBR status and the mod or possible mod-meta [which is actually irrelevant for me but I mentioned it since Overswarm might find something interesting], which might be Broom related.



Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Praxis why did u post the same message but in a 30 minute interval?

@everyone: from previous games you've played who is the most likely to be scum in the list of players?
What kind of a question is this? That's like flipping a coin and saying that if it's heads OS is scum, if tails, then Nicholas is scum.
I really don't see what we can gain from this question... roles are assigned at random, so the probability is the same for everyone.
Well to be honest that question was a bad one and I knew that. It was really just an RVS question really. If I were to have been asked that queation i would have said Marc since he played really good mafia in a game I was in. So yes you can take that question with a grain of salt.

BY, can you tell me the reason you had just reiterated what Swords had just said? I really see no point in it after he had just said something about it.
Those two said what I woulda if I was around about the question. Don't feel BY stating it was that bad, especially since he gave a more concrete answer. But the main reason I quoted this is that you say you knew it was a bad question. Always bugs me when people say something, then as soon as it's called out respond "oh, I knew it was a bad question/statement/whatever, just ignore it." What's the point in asking it if you KNOW it's a bad question? If you're town it will either A. invariably make you look bad when it's called out, or B. waste town's time on something that you don't really care about.

It's anti-town, but I wouldn't call it scummy. I mean wouldn't scum want to follow the game as much as possible? Nothing is gained when skimming on either side.
The biggest reason skimming is scummy, is because scum don't need to scumhunt. Townies will look at every post in full trying to find tells, whereas scum don't need to find baddies so they can just follow along and pick and choose things.

The game rules prevent you from posting your own role PM, but they've said nothing about posting other people's PMs!

Someone in this town is Gaston. We have one confirmed (but still hidden) townie. If you are Gaston and you are going to be lynched, claim Gaston. If someone counter-claims, they are mafia and we get a 50/50 chance on a mafia lynch on D1 and 100% on D2. Plain and simple.

I don't know how Gaston's ability worked in that, as the role PM says it 'may' have 'other effects'. I'm not sure what those are in terms of this game, however, with quasimodo:

So it may be that there is someone in this game that can have an affect. Maybe not. Maybe Gaston's role PM is slightly different this time around? We'll have to find out when Gaston claims (if he isn't NKilled first).

Of note: Kirby King was a statue in that game, and he could communicate with Quasimodo. Finding games KKing was a part of could help determine what roles he's chosen. He's probably going to have chosen the "favorite" roles of his, given the flavor of this game, but I'd prefer not to say "this guy is totally in this game" without some way to confirm.

The next step to finding things out about roles will be when we discover what kind of game this is. Standard with a few roles? Independents? Mafia NKills or arsonists? Serial Killers or day killing vigilantes? Sane cops or paranoid or insane or whatever cops?

If someone else flips a Disney character in this game, or someone flips a disney character, we'll be able to determine if there might be some overlap. It could be that Gaston and Quasimodo are both in this game as they interacted in that game (I doubt this very much), or that there were a mason pair, etc., etc.

Don't let someone claiming a Dinsey character other than Gaston clear them as town.

When someone claims a character name, find what game that is from and look at their role PM. It is likely alignments are similar, but not confirmed. Take it into account, but don't let it be a deciding factor.

Praxis, could you answer if you character actually has bunny ears? You do not have to if you think it would make you easily identifiable, but knowing if Gaston's foolery gives any hints would be useful.
Ok, kudos to you and Gheb for pointing out Gaston, but this post makes me facepalm. Roles won't necessarily be the EXACT same as they were in their original game. I say this because it says specifically in the first post roles are ADAPTED from other games, not copied. While it does seem pretty clear that Gaston/his ability in the game, this does NOT instant-clear anyone who claims the role. It points to them being town, but it does not confirm that fact. Ruling out possibilities on page 3 of the game is stupid, and you know this.

Also, hahaha man, Praxis is such a failure, tryin to be the new Frozen


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Oh, hey guys. I just got back from a really long swim.

If anything happens to me, I blame Overswarm. =o

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
The title of the mafia game says:

Mafia All Stars: D1: You Fool [10 of 18, 11/4]

so... I'm assuming this means that 10 of 18 people have made a joke about Praxis. So that said, seeing as this is being kept track of, there must be something significant about it.

I'll assume it's something bad... but anyways, has anyone played a game where there was something like this to be done (e.g. make fun of Praxis)? And if so, was there a consequence, and if so, what was it?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009

Blue yoshi, The 10 of 18 means TEN OUT OF EIGHTEEN TO LYNCH! How on earth could you not know that, as I believe that title has remained unchanged all of D1! Not to mention, discussion about the fool stuff has been going on for the past several pages! The role that did it last time was even quoted in the thread! This is one of the worst cases of skimming and pretending to be helpful I have ever seen.

Unvote, Vote: Blue Yoshi

FOS: Seph I haven't forgotten you.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I don't see why people are so pensive when it comes to information.

Yeah, of course town doesn't want to give scum too much of a read on things, but at the same time day 1 is far more productive if more information is shared, more information means a better coordinated lynch.

Yeah I've been busy all day bite me.
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