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Mafia All Stars: In the end, it was Nothing Special


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
Hopefully next time i play in a kiki game i won't replace the basically d1 lynch.

Also, Zen and X1 thanks for winning the game for us. This was the second time zen won a game for me as scum after i died right away Xp.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@Praxis: Zen was claiming Kenzou Tenma from Monster Mafia, who was a Miller Doctor. Scanning him would have been a waste, so you made a stronger play by scanning Tando. I got really worried when I saw OS still pushing me and Tando on the last Day there despite the overwhelming evidence against Tando being antitown, though, so maybe it didn't help as much as it should have. Haha. But yeah, I was really worried about dying and then having OS roll over on a supposed cultist Tandora.

Speaking of dying, I got a hearty chuckle out of seeing you guys fretting about me possibly having passive abilities not only when my cheeky bluffs were in play, but even after I'd fully claimed as a VT and flat out said that all gambits were now off the table. I was actually really hoping my starkness would instill doubt and all that WIFOMy goodness, hehehe.

Still bothered by OS getting at me so often with the base rationale of "he is good at mafia". That just really doesn't sit well with me, ever, and I had trouble imagining it from OS. Honestly, I had trouble accepting that his ego would allow him to even perceive someone as sufficiently dangerous in that regar xD
@EE - Someone was scum, presumably more than one. You were the most likely to be able to manipulate town as a whole, so you get the most attention as you are the most dangerous.

Other than the incredibly anti-town setup, town lost because of two things: players who weren't interested (Macman, LL) and people keeping secrets and acting of their own accord. We had the game won once we had all the information set up, but then people decided to try silly gambits and Praxis and Tandora both decided to play the "everyone focus on us cuz we're important" anti-town game. If Praxis had just said "you'll see my clears when I die, I'll tell you if we shouldn't kill someone" and Tandora hadn't backed him unnecessarily, we could have done much more.

When scum are hiding and you have a small pool to choose from and you aren't guaranteed town until after your flip, it's not a good idea to tell people "Hey, just trust me! I'm town, for realz! Also, you're going to have to wait until lylo to know if I'm telling the truth or not, but I TOTALLY am". You just lay all the info out or you make a case on someone else. Zen and X1 both got a free ride because they did the pro-town thing and used their abilities as town would want them to be used and didn't hide any information.

Know what would have been really cool? Claiming what your role does. What would have happened if Praxis was watched by Seph and Zen had to protect Seph every Night? That would have been an unstoppable combo; Zen would have to out himself. And here's the kicker: Tandora could have recruited Praxis, then sent PRAXIS to do the recruiting every night. Ta daaaaaa. Praxis eventually dies and we find a scum by him dying AND we get all his clears!

But, no, instead we got Tandora's ability. :(

Don't cause headaches. I've said it before and I'll say it again... come at the game like you're not special.

Town being bogged down by LL didn't help either; that basically removes an entire lynch phase. Not that the lynch phase mattered.


X1's ability is useful, and can be directed. Good for us.
But we can't control it. Bad for us.
However, X1-12 can't lie about anyone he investigates if they are town. So if X1-12 investigates someone, he has to tell the truth... otherwise it's a he said / she said situation. I can see this being an issue with LL and X1-12, where X1 says "LL isn't a bomb!" and LL says "Yes I am!" and disappears again, but other than that is harmless. X1-12 is a viable lynch, but can still be useful.

Zen's ability can be useful, and can be directed. Good for us.
But we can't control it. Bad for us.
However, he has presumably caused no harm this game; we saw Seph watch him early on, remember? He visited someone and they didn't die, and didn't report anything bad happening to them. If he's scum with a doctor ability it would be less than desirable for him to target a townie like Seph, so we have to presume that Zen is either NOT a doctor, and thus is scum with an ability that doesn't harm town but rather gives scum some sort of info, or that he is a doctor and is thus harmless except for directing a vig.
Zen is a viable lynch, but not a prominent target.

Mac's ability is useful and can be directed. Good for us.
Mac's ability is dangerous, and he's shown that he is unreliable. Bad for us.
There were two deaths toDay. I am having trouble keeping everything straight right now (lots of real life stuff going on) and am writing this prior to my re-read of a few key moments, but unless I'm mistaken something is craaaaaazy wrong with that. Mac was 'sposed to kill LL. Mac did not.

*slams head on desk*

Needed one more day. -_-;;

Knew at least one of those 3 were scum, didn't know who... then Mac flips indy. Would have been left with Zen or X1, would have lynched X1. Zen wouldn't have been prominent on my radar though, he played a good game. X1 played careful, which was unusual, but once I found out his role I was like "Oh, kinda like how he played Kefka, being super careful with his abilities" and for some reason this didn't ring alarm bells. Oh well. :B

Was surprised to have THREE anti-town players left, but after seeing the setup as "only night actions matter" I guess it's not as crazy.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Praxis, don't tell FF what happened. I'm going to run FF4 here too. :B

But yeah, FF, it was pretty hilarious. Just saying.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
it was so frustrating D:

The worst thing it wasn't even a case of someone thinking their role needed to be secret because they thought it'd be anti-town to reveal it.... it was a case of someone hiding their role when it would have been the most pro-town thing in the world to reveal it!

graaaaaagh #$%)*(#$

Praxis entered the fight!

Praxis made himself a target!

Praxis used HIDE!



Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
@EE - Someone was scum, presumably more than one. You were the most likely to be able to manipulate town as a whole, so you get the most attention as you are the most dangerous.

Other than the incredibly anti-town setup, town lost because of two things: players who weren't interested (Macman, LL) and people keeping secrets and acting of their own accord. We had the game won once we had all the information set up, but then people decided to try silly gambits and Praxis and Tandora both decided to play the "everyone focus on us cuz we're important" anti-town game. If Praxis had just said "you'll see my clears when I die, I'll tell you if we shouldn't kill someone" and Tandora hadn't backed him unnecessarily, we could have done much more.
Oh, please, do elaborate the latter.

What would we have done differently had I claimed? I came up with a town plan based specifically on my role in the case that I died, without claiming my role and eliminating the possibility of being NK'd.

When scum are hiding and you have a small pool to choose from and you aren't guaranteed town until after your flip, it's not a good idea to tell people "Hey, just trust me! I'm town, for realz! Also, you're going to have to wait until lylo to know if I'm telling the truth or not, but I TOTALLY am". You just lay all the info out or you make a case on someone else. Zen and X1 both got a free ride because they did the pro-town thing and used their abilities as town would want them to be used and didn't hide any information.
I was the most confirmed townie in the game. Tandora had recruited, and her recruitee had died and flipped town. You were just paranoid and tunneled her the whole game even when she was cop-cleared and doubly-cleared by her recruitees' flips.

Know what would have been really cool? Claiming what your role does. What would have happened if Praxis was watched by Seph and Zen had to protect Seph every Night? That would have been an unstoppable combo; Zen would have to out himself.
How would that have been an unstoppable combo? Scum could just kill Tandora, and we'd never get my cop results until I flipped, which means that scum would just let me live until endgame and I'd do no good. If I'd been a traditional cop this would've worked.

You realize that, as an amnesiac cop, I didn't have my own results, right?

And here's the kicker: Tandora could have recruited Praxis, then sent PRAXIS to do the recruiting every night. Ta daaaaaa. Praxis eventually dies and we find a scum by him dying AND we get all his clears!
This is exactly what we did. You were just upset by not being in control.
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