So, funny story time.
When I first got my role, it somehow
never occurred to me to look up the player's flip in his original game. I just looked at it and went "DURR HUCK, GUESS I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM" when I saw the amnesiac role PM.
So, on Day 1, when everyone started asking me if I was a rabbit?
Yeah, I had no idea either. I didn't want to confirm nor deny because
I didn't know if I was a rabbit or not. So I dismissed the question jokingly, which Overswarm took to be me hinting I was, in fact, a rabbit. Which, I didn't want to deny, in case I was, in fact, a rabbit.
During N1 I realized I could just go look up what my role flipped as when he died. xD
Now, to actually discuss events.
Firstly, I think I learned to play with my gut more. I decided to play too safe; I scanned Tandora after we talked, because I knew TunnelSwarm would try to lynch her the next day. What I
should have done is what I wanted to do;
scan Zen. But scanning Tandora was safer since she'd be a good role to have cleared anyway, even though my read was on Zen.
I totally called Scum Doctor.
By endgame, my gut reads were X1/Zen/Macman for scum, but I didn't think they could all be scum >_<
EE totally had it too. He almost let Macman live another day. Macman could've then killed a mafia...if he'd have followed the plan. Can't blame EE, though, I'd have lynched Macman too (I was surprised when he flipped SK).
You play by the odds too much. All you did this game was tunnel Tandora- by the final day, you were convinced she was some kind of Godfather Recruiter Whose Victims Flip Town, or Indie Cultist That Shows Innocent To Scans And Does Not Change Alignment of Recruits. You skimmed and didn't even remember what X1's role was, and in fact only ever targeted town players.
I initially was trying to bait a scum NK, but halfway through the day I realized that the manner in which I was defending myself had made it too obvious that I was trying to bait a scum NK.
I considered claiming and making a plan, but I didn't want to ask town to lynch me because I felt giving scum that extra NK
after my claim would negate my abilities; I wouldn't have that many results and scum would get a free kill on a cleared townie.
And, honestly, I didn't want to claim just to spite Overswarm. I was as cleared as you could get at the time and OS wanted to lynch me anyway on principle, even though my role was anti-town if claimed? (Remember that if I claim, the only way for me to get my results is to ask town to lynch me, which kills a townie
and gives scum a second NK after my results are displayed, so two townies).
I greatly enjoyed saying "No, I'm not claiming" and lol'ing as OS threatened to kill himself if I didn't claim.
Oh, in addition to tunneling Tandora, OS managed to push for the plan that would give us "another scan" from X1. >_<
@ KiKi, I actually did consider that you had changed the role.
I figured that if I was an informative/result oriented role, my flip would still help town, and if I was a roleblocker/doctor/etc, there wouldn't be a way for me to find out before my death or endgame once we were past D3.
Once everyone had claimed and no one had claimed cop, and other roles hadn't changed much other than alignment, I figured that odds favored me still being an amnesiac cop and went with it. I was really unsure the first few days.
Zen, X1, well played. Tandora, it was fun. EE, you continue to impress. OS, lol.
Praxis you're like a completely different player than Halo-Praxis. You're definitely right in that being really bad meta of you.
Told'ja xD
Halo-Praxis was terrible. Edrees and I both went V/LA week one (I went to Seattle, Edrees went to I think it was Vegas?) thinking the other one was playing, then got back and was hopelessly lost in the 36 accounts posting (12 hydras, none of which used their hydra account consistently) that we didn't really come up with reads and then we bandwagon hopped Moriarty while we tried to catch up.