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Mafia All Stars: In the end, it was Nothing Special


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@All: Prioritize the remaining players from most to least scummy, as you see it. With some justification (I don't expect novels, though I'll read 'em if you got 'em). Mac, Zen, OS, X1 is the order I'd most prefer, but I'm open to compromise there. Teran would of course be at the front of the line but I'm rather confident he won't be posting at all.
Mac > LL <> X1 > Tan <> EE > OS


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
LL, Mac, Zen, and X1 and EE are all on my radar at the moment. I dislike VT claims when there hasn't been a VT kind of theme for this game. The one VT there was was a "plain citizen" anyway. Regardless, the other 4 haven't been cleared in any way and as such are suspect.

Now, here's the thing: we don't know how many are left as bad guys.

X1's ability is useful, and can be directed. Good for us.
But we can't control it. Bad for us.
However, X1-12 can't lie about anyone he investigates if they are town. So if X1-12 investigates someone, he has to tell the truth... otherwise it's a he said / she said situation. I can see this being an issue with LL and X1-12, where X1 says "LL isn't a bomb!" and LL says "Yes I am!" and disappears again, but other than that is harmless. X1-12 is a viable lynch, but can still be useful.

Zen's ability can be useful, and can be directed. Good for us.
But we can't control it. Bad for us.
However, he has presumably caused no harm this game; we saw Seph watch him early on, remember? He visited someone and they didn't die, and didn't report anything bad happening to them. If he's scum with a doctor ability it would be less than desirable for him to target a townie like Seph, so we have to presume that Zen is either NOT a doctor, and thus is scum with an ability that doesn't harm town but rather gives scum some sort of info, or that he is a doctor and is thus harmless except for directing a vig.
Zen is a viable lynch, but not a prominent target.

Mac's ability is useful and can be directed. Good for us.
Mac's ability is dangerous, and he's shown that he is unreliable. Bad for us.
There were two deaths toDay. I am having trouble keeping everything straight right now (lots of real life stuff going on) and am writing this prior to my re-read of a few key moments, but unless I'm mistaken something is craaaaaazy wrong with that. Mac was 'sposed to kill LL. Mac did not.

Mac is a definite play for toDay, I think.

LL has no ability and is a problem for town. Bad for us.
LL is inactive and doesn't vote. Bad for us.

So, here's what we do:

Kill Macman. He's more than likely the cause for our second kill and as such needs to die to slow down the game.

X1-12, you look at LL.


Because LL already voted once before, and wasn't killed.

If the game isn't over by tomorrow, we can have LL hammer Zen or X1.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Oh hey OS is doin things.

I actually find the fact that Teran is just making a bunch of WAGs instead of asking KiKi what the hell he can or can't do and what negative consequences woudl befall him in various scenarios scummy as hell. Seems more like excuses not to do anything, to m.

Still super okay with just whacking Mac and following the Plan, honestly. Naturally a player of his caliber would have masterful AtE's and corner-painted argumentation, so I honestly don't think I can put enough stock in some of his townie behavior to ignore what happened last Night and let him live.

@X1: Hey bud I asked you a question and you didn't answer it :mad:


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
yah I should be posting more everywhere tbh but last day of school tomorrow and I'm being apathetic

basically I see nothing but pro-town intent in your posts and its clear-cut, its less so with Tan


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Tandora rubs me the wrong way but we have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment.

Regardless, mafia will have to kill some of the town, which will make our job easier later.

I'm fine with killing macman; this will give us one less kill during the Night unless we're missing something big.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Welp don't say that I didn't try.

I just want to make sure everyones clear on the fact that if LL is not scum we lose.

EE I'd be easily down with that plan because it gives town 3 controlled deaths instead of only 2.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I actually find the fact that Teran is just making a bunch of WAGs instead of asking KiKi what the hell he can or can't do and what negative consequences woudl befall him in various scenarios scummy as hell. Seems more like excuses not to do anything, to m.
Be silent scum, enough questions were asked on D2 or whenever the whole drama train was rolling about me, and most of the answers were pretty vague.

So like, I'm gonna come back on a lot later, and see how your wagon pushing on me has progressed.

Come, humour me.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ

You can set stuff up for the next day. I don't want to have to be slammed with OBJECTIONS for inconsequential contradictions.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Teran, do these two things:

1) Ask Kirby King publicly and privately if you are allowed to vote


Otherwise I will happily throw the game away by lynching you to prove a point.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Man either you're mad skimmin' or just ******** bro.

Yeah, you're shiftier than anyone else in the game right now. Yeah, I am probably going to go with the Mac lynch. No, I didn't push a wagon on you. The most I suggested in regards to you is a NL --> you get shot at Night. Interesting that you're so bothered by that idea, when from your POV as a townie, you're an unacceptable question mark, and if you were playing to your win condition, removing question marks before mylo/lylo >>>> survival.

My plans entail either X1 being mason-investigated (and, if town, you get lynched), or you getting shot during Night phase. You act like the fact that I want you out of the game is some kind of dirty little secret you've uncovered with your brilliance. Protip: It ain't.

Go on. Tell me why I'm scum.

Humor me.

(or shut up and do something useful)


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Please tell me we are lynching Macman today. No one has given a good reason why there were two deaths last night EXCEPT for mine which was Praxis died when he tried to recruit Macscum.

Let's assume worst case scenario:
If Mac is actually town and there are two scum remaining, I won't risk recruiting tonight. After the NK, that would leave 3 vs 2 in favor of town.

Assuming there are two scum and when Mac flips as scum, I can recruit X1 tonight to completely clear him. If he is scum, I would die. Even if he NK someone else, that would leave three townies to lynch him the following day. This can only work if Zen protects me.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
There are holes in your plan, but its all good.

Tandora, EE, and LL are the most dangerous. EE because he's psuedo-cleared (godfatha), Tandora because she can be a puppet master with her ability, and LL because we can't kill him without killing another townie.

I almost wouldn't be completely against killing LL and directing Macman at killing someone. If LL is a bomb, he'll blow up and kill a townie (boo hoo) and we'll be one person down from the guessing game.

Mac claimed to not bring in an action, so, meh.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
As much as I've been mentioning in my hypotheticals, how damn likely is it really for me to be the godfather?

I hate to get into mod-WIFOM (and general WIFOM), but honestly now. I'm Senor Chang from Community Mafia. He was the godfather in Community Mafia. KiKi uses full safeclaims in 100% of his games I am aware of. Senor Chang is the worst possible safeclaim.

Yes, this could be a gambit, but it's still pretty stupid and unlikely if you just use Occam's Razor. OS is a much likelier godfather because his ability would actually be useful for scum, and his claim solid (obivously). And, frankly, his play hasn't been all there and I wouldn't be surprised if it was because he was trying to draw an investigation.

And yet here he is post-investigation still pushing Tandora and myself, so eh. Not putting too much stock into that possibility. Nor Tandora being scum, now that we're on the subject. She has survived far too many tests to be an indy cultist without also being broken as all hell.

Still feeling like following the Plan.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
The three results I got were Firefighter, Arsonist, No abilities. I think this is to stop my role being too broken it returns no abilities instead of something like Vanilla or Goon.

@OS: Are we gonna get an order for massclaiming? if so should we vote on who we want if from first?
Was doing some read overs and came across this. Would a Godfather show up as no abilities? Granted it is a passive ability, but the GF's power to show up as innocent is still considered an ability right? That should completely clear EE.

@mod, would a GF show up as having an ability via the stalker power?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The mod won't be able to answer that question, and we do'nt have the answer either. I personally wouldn't consider a passive ability to be "found" in that kind of role, but that'd be up to the mod.

Still think Mac or LL should go.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@mod request votecount

I don't thnk I'm on mac at the moment.

Are we ready to hammer?

Someone retype the plan into a single post so we don't have any forgetful people.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Day 5 Vote Count
Macman (2): Tandora, Zεη

Not voting: Overswarm, X1-12, Macman, Evil Eye, Lionel Luthor

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

The deadline is Sunday, December 19 at 11:59:59 PM ET.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
vote: Macman

Someone hammer.

Re-read the day if you're unsure on your Night Actions.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Day 5 Final Vote Count
Macman (4): Tandora, Zεη, Overswarm, X1-12

Not voting: Macman, Evil Eye, Lionel Luthor

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

The deadline is Sunday, December 19 at 11:59:59 PM ET.

(Bowser Jr., Mario Kart Mafia -- serial killer/tracker, independent) has been lynched.

Day 5 ends. Night 5 begins.

Night actions are due Tuesday, December 21 at 11:59:59 PM ET.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist

(Shaq the Firefighter, Shaq Mafia -- firefighter, town) has been killed.

Tandora (The Burglar, Spider-Manifa -- mason leader, town) has been killed.

Evil Eye (Señor Chang, Community Mafia -- vanilla townie, town) has been killed in endgame.

Lionel Luthor (Bomb, Bad Idea Mafia -- bomb, town) has been killed in endgame.

X1-12 (The Ghostfaced Killer, TV-Allstar Mafia -- stalker, mafia) has survived.

(Manú River, Nothing Special Mafia -- doctor, mafia) has survived.

The game is over. Mafia (X1-12, Zεη, giraffelasergun, and frozenflame751) win!

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
The theme of this game could be succinctly described as "killing". There was a mafia faction with a night kill, a serial killer, an arsonist, a vengeful doc who could shoot people at Night instead of saving them, and a mason recruiter who could die upon recruiting scum. And yet no more than two people ever died the same Night. Fascinating.

Here are the roles. I tried to keep things as faithful to the original games as possible, except for those cases where I deliberately changed things to screw with you all. This led to some inconsistencies and ambiguities (e.g., the win conditions don't all agree), but that's just the nature of the theme. Some of you noticed that certain mechanics did not behave the same way in this game as they did in their original games; that was partly because I didn't want to honor the original mechanics 100% of the time (because I didn't like them/to trip you up/to keep things compatible), partly because mods don't always make clear how they intended certain mechanics to work (and there wasn't enough information out there for me to guess), and partly because I probably didn't notice all of the subtleties that were out there.

Russell Franklin, Samuel L. Jackson Mafia -- vanilla townie, town

You are total badass Russell Franklin, corporate executive to the backers of the remote, top-secret island facility Aquatica. You escaped, bloodied, from the facility and made your way towards safety. You are a vanilla townie, you have no special powers. You hope to god that those ****ing sharks didn't follow you. You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
This was a joke role. I said in the OP that you could assume all roles came from games that were publicly available, even though this game was just in the BRoom. But that's because you didn't really need to know anything about this role. I just thought it would be funny to include it and give it to Marc, who originally had this role (also as a joke) in the original SLJ mafia. (He was in on the joke both times.)

Hush, Batma(n)fia 2 -- vengeful doctor, town

SwordsRbroken, you are Hush (Town Vengeful Doctor). You have the best shot in Gotham and are also its best surgeon. You are ready to personally hunt down Batman and his allies and have good enough deduction skills to find and heal those that they attack.

Abilities: As the vengeful doctor, you may attempt to either protect or kill someone by sending me Kill: [player name] or Protect: [player name] each night. If you successfully protect, they will live through a single nightkill should they be targeted for one. You may not protect yourself.

If you choose to protect and are lynched the next day, you must shoot someone.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated, even if you are dead.
Swords was basically a vig/doc combo. Made it hard to know that the mafia doctor wasn't really a town doctor, since having a doc and a half in a game whose theme is "killing" isn't unreasonable. Turned out it also made one-and-a-half vigs sound reasonable too.

Amnesia victim, Totally Normal Mafia -- ??, town

You have amnesia. Sorry, bro. You’re quite positive that you are a power role, but you just can’t seem to remember what you do. But you do have a night action. Each night, send me the night of the player you would like to perform your action on. You do not have to perform this action each night, and you are allowed to perform it on yourself. You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Even though this role doesn't say what this person's ability is, you could look up the game and see that this was a cop whose results were made public when he died. The only problem with counting on that in this game was, as became clear pretty early on, I was sometimes less than totally faithful to the source material. But not in this case--this role actually worked the same as it did in Totally Normal Mafia. And you guys were lucky that was the case--could've easily said something like "Night 1, I visited Overswarm. Night 3, I visited Evil Eye. Night 4...."

The Burglar, Spider-Manifa -- mason leader, town

THE BURGLAR (Mason) - Ryker

You can't believe you're in! They let you in! This is the big leagues for a small-time crook like yourself, committing low-tech heists and robberies. However, murdering someone close to Spider-Man and causing him irreparable psychological damage has earned you some notoriety in the world of the criminals. However, getting into the Sinister Seventeen... that was not enough. No, you have taken it upon yourself to end this crisis. Now is your time to shine. Each night, you may choose one person to recruit into your Masonry. After you recruit someone, you gain the ability to speak to your fellow mason, but only during the next Night phase, and Night phases following. Masons will retain their powers, if they have any, and know that they have been recruited going into the Day.

Once you have more people in your masonry, you must all vote and reach a majority decision on whom to recruit. If a majority is not reached, you, as the mason leader, make the deciding vote. You also determine which mason makes the recruiting visit. Note that some roles, if visited for recruitment purposes, will result in the death of the attempted recruiter. You may recruit three more masons from the start of the game, bringing the Masonry's population to three masons and yourself as leader.

The command to give would be Recruit: Player Name

You are loyal to the town, and you win when all threats to the town are dead.
This role turned out to be a little more powerful than I thought it would be, partly because it was still able to recruit late in the game what with all the failed recruiting attempts. Town wisely (at least at first) used it as a sort of sane cop, but that was ultimately to your detriment when endgame snuck up on you sooner than you'd anticipated. Whoops.

Like EE mentioned one of the neat mechanics of the original Burglar was that there was a mafia member he could "recruit" unknowingly. In this game the two independents and mafia doc/stalker/janitor would all kill the recruiter. But Gaston could be recruited and retain his mafia alignment. (See, I paid attention.)

Sephiroths Masamune
Hornet Man, MegaMafia -- watcher, town

Hornet Man (Wily Watcher)

You are Hornet Man, and you hold a preprogrammed affection for all flowers. Sadly for you, there are no flowers in this game. As the master of gardens, you have the Hornet Chaser at your command, which allows you to gather information on your fellow players. You are Town aligned and win when all threats to Dr. Wily have been eliminated.

Weapon info:

Each night, you may fire a hornet at any player. The hornet will hover around the player and observe anyone who visits him. You will learn the name of anyone who performs a night action on that player.

Hornets count as projectiles.
Pretty much a run of the mill watcher here. Not much to say.

Mafia roleblocker, Newbie Mafia 2 -- roleblocker, town

You are the Town Roleblocker. Your goal is to eliminate the anti-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to find the anti-town players, and get one of them lynched (if that someone is not a town player, that will make things much easier). Each night, you may send a player's name to me; that player will be roleblocked, and will not make any non-lethal special action (doc will fail to protect, cop will fail to investigate, etc.).
This was the first serious alteration I made to a role. The point of taking a "mafia roleblocker" and making it "town" was to make it clear to players that there were no limits to what could be changed about a role, because what could be more core to a generic mafia roleblocker than its mafia alignment? Using a generic mafia role and making it town-aligned is just a lot meaner than using a roleblocker that was originally town-aligned. Also makes claiming a little less believable.

Shaq the Firefighter, Shaq Mafia -- firefighter, town

Welcome to Mafia All Stars Overswarm. You are Shaq The Firefighter! You are a Town Firefighter.

Being brought to life you stand to protect your fellow townsfolk from the evil ones out there. You are afraid of nothing, and will not let anyone get in your way of justice. Your purpose is to save others.

Active Skills:
Hose Down: Each night you may PM me the command Hose: Target. By doing so you will hose down the target, dousing them in water! By dousing your target in water they will no longer be primed. You are unable to hose down yourself.

Win Condition:
You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

You're Shaquille O' Neal, The Basketball Superstar!

Please confirm that you understand your role PM by replying to this PM.
Not much to say about this. Arsonist kind of demands a firefighter. I didn't really have to make this town (though a mafia firefighter is admittedly meh). But the janitor complicated anyone clearing OS based on his claim alone.

Volcano Taco, Taco Mafia -- shrink, town

Welcome to Mafia All Stars, mentosman8. You are the Volcano Taco, the Shrink round Taco City Takeout.

Abilities: Each night you may send me the command Combo: PLAYERNAME. This ensures the taco you have targeted is safe from recruitment that night.

Win Con: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Mentos figured it out--there was no cult in this game. But even so, the shrink wasn't a true vanilla in disguise (as much as I love those sorts of roles). If the shrink targeted a player who was to be masoned that Night, the recruiting attempt would fail. And adding a bit of paranoia was a plus in my eyes too.

Lionel Luthor
Bomb, Bad Idea Mafia -- bomb, town

You are a living bomb. And by that, I mean the mafia strapped some explosive devices to your body while you slept at some point. These devices are well hidden under your clothes and are VERY sensitive. If you are daykilled, you will cause an explosion that will randomly kill one other town aligned player who is NOT also a bomb. This will not happen if you are nightkilled (it would be silly for the Mafia to set off their own explosives as they assassinate you, yes?).

Because the bombs strapped to you are so sensitive, firing your own firearm will set them off. As a result, you may not participate in the day killing.

You win when the town completely eliminates the mafia.
The bomb, on the other hand, was indeed a vanilla in disguise. Contrary to popular belief (at least in this town), daykilling is not lynching and voting is not daykilling. Teran could vote like anyone else, and if he got lynched only he would die. The bomb would only go off if he were daykilled, as by a vig--but since there was no daykilling role in the game, that would never happen. (Ignition would happen during the Day, but I didn't consider that a "daykill" either--don't forget BIM is all about vigs shooting people.) This role just got seriously misinterpreted.

Nicholas1024/Evil Eye
Señor Chang, Community Mafia -- vanilla townie, town

You are Señor Chang. You're a vanilla townie. Someone, under the cover of darkness, vandalized your moped last night. You're sure it was one of the students in your Spanish class--they left a note, and some of the words looked like they might have been Spanish, so you're sure of it! Unwilling to leave things up to law enforcement, you're determined to find out who was responsible for this heinous act yourself, even if it kills yo--well, within reason. Unfortunately, you have no special powers to aid you, so you'll have to rely on your, erm, wits. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
So. A role PM that was originally posted as a sample role PM for a character who turns out to have a different role PM (not to mention alignment) in the game it's from? Yeah, this was meant to be confusing.

Blue Yoshi
Ed Hicks, Tomafia -- plain citizen, town

You are Ed Hicks, plain citizen and passenger of Flight 001. You are town aligned and win if the town win.
I liked how short the entire role PM was.

Triceratops, DINOMAFIA -- plant-eater, town

You are a Triceratops, a large, horned dinosaur.

You are a plant-eater and aligned with the town, and win the game when all threats to the town have been banished.
Another vanilla. But they were "plant-eaters" in DINOMAFIA, so that carried over here. Same with Chang as a vanilla townie and Ed Hicks as a plain citizen.

Bowser Jr., Mario Kart Mafia -- serial killer/tracker, independent

Bowser Jr.

Role: Independent Serial Killer Tracker
Abilities: Each night you may send me the command "Cut: NAME". This player will be targeted with a lethal action. You may not target yourself. You may elect to use the command "Cut: No Target". Each night you can target a player by sending me the command "Track: NAME". You will be told if that player visited NAME(s) OR None. You may not target yourself. You may elect to use the command "Track: No Target".
Safe Claim: Your safe claim is below.
Win Condition: You win once you are the last player surviving or nothing can prevent this.

Your fake claim follows:

Karai, Teenage Mafia Ninja Turtles #2 -- tracker, town

You are Karai (Town Tracker), the surrogate daughter of the Shredder and second-in-command of the Foot Clan.

A formidable ninja in your own right, you are second to only Shredder in the Foot Clan. Your ninja skills allow you to track any player during the night and see who they visit, although the need to stay invisible prevents you from getting close enough to see what action exactly was performed. Each night you may PM me the name of a player you wish to follow. If your tracking succeeds, you will be told whom, if anyone, that player visited during the night.

As the surrogate daughter of the Shredder, you hold an important role in the fight to make the Foot Clan the most powerful ninja clan in the world. Should you die during either the day or night, the following day phase will skipped, since all players will be attending your funeral.

Win Conditions
You win when all the threats to the town have been eliminated.
Obviously I was finalizing the design of this game pretty late since Mario Kart mafia finished not long before my game started. I knew I wanted this role to be an SK, and throwing in a tracker (not to mention using such a recent role, which I figured people wouldn't expect) made this a solid choice. Assumed that the tracker claim would be used, and was pretty surprised when it wasn't. (Even though Macman had, by sheer happenstance, no new information to contribute.)

Shaq the Arsonist, Shaq Mafia -- arsonist, independent

Welcome to Mafia All Stars Gheb_01. You are Shaq The Arsonist! You are an Independant Arsonist.

You have flipped. You can't take life anymore and want to see all other Shaqs perish and cry for help as you set them on fire! You are ruthless in your conquest and paired with no one. I'm sure you have what it takes to be the last person standing, right?

Active Skills:
Prime: To use this ability, you may PM me the command Prime: Target once per night. By doing so, you prime a person ready to be set on fire! You may not prime yourself.

Ignight: To use this ability, you may PM me the command Ignite during the day if you have previously primed a fellow player. When using the ignite ability, all players you have primed will be set on fire and die! After doing so the day will continue as planned until the deadline, and you can proceed to prime more opponents the next night.

Win Condition:
You're an independent and win if and when you are the last player alive or if you make up half of the remaining townsfolk.

You're Shaquille O' Neal, The Basketball Superstar!

Please confirm that you understand your role PM by replying to this PM.

Your fake claim follows:

R2-D2, Scum Wars Mafia -- rebel townie, town

Welcome to Mafia All Stars, Gheb_01! You are R2-D2, Rebel Townie.

“Beep boop boo.”

Flavor: You are R2-D2, a very bold and brave droid that is undoubtedly the most famous of the R2 droid series. You have found yourself in many critical situations throughout your life time and always seem to come through. You have no problem putting yourself in dangerous situations – something that your regular partner C-3P0 repeatedly repeats as he complains. You delivered a very important message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and accompanied him and Luke Skywalker on their quest to save the princess and now work as Luke’s personal flight droid in the Rebel Alliance’s fight against the empire.

Mechanics: You are a townie. You have no special abilities or traits.

Win Condition: You are aligned with the town and win when all opposing factions are dead.
I wished I could have found a psychiatrist or FBI agent in the annals of DG, but I couldn't (at least, not a role PM for one). Which is sad, because I wanted that to be the arsonist's safeclaim--with a bunch of roles suggesting the presence of third parties already, I thought it'd fit nicely. Alas, that's just the nature of the theme.

The Ghostfaced Killer, TV-Allstar Mafia -- stalker, mafia

Welcome to Mafia All Stars, X1-12. You are The Ghostfaced Killer, from "Scream I - III".

You are the Stalker. Each night you may choose to stalk a player by sending me a PM titled "Stalker Night Action". You have to post "Stalk: [player]" in the PM to execute this command. By doing so you will learn about the role of that player. Furthermore you are allowed to communicate with your fellow Mafia members Zεη (Manú River, doctor), GorditoBoy69 (Jill, janitor) and vVv ChiboSempai (Gaston, goon) at any time. Instant messaging is recommended and you are required to send me all transcripts.
You are Mafia Alligned and you win when you have an undeniable majority over everybody else (or nothing can prevent this).

Your fake claim follows:

Vanilla cop, Totally Flavorless Mafia -- vanilla cop, town

Welcome to Totally Flavorless Mafia! You are the Vanilla cop!. Every night, you may send me someone that you want to investigate by sending Investigate : name . You will be told if they are vanilla or not. You win when all the threats to town are eliminated.
Mafia stalker would get someone's role and alignment, but not any of the flavor details. Ironically, in a game with lots of open claiming, one of the mafia's intended advantages was information gathering, and this role was sort of at the center of that.

Manú River, Nothing Special Mafia -- doctor, mafia

Hello, welcome to Mafia All Stars. You are the Manú River. Flowing through Peru, you span for two-hundred and twenty one miles. You flow down from the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains, through the Manú National Park, and into the Amazon Basin where you serve as a tributary to the Madre de Dios River. Along your path, you pass perhaps the world's most bio-diverse area and home of the Machiguenga tribe. However now you must join forces with the rest of the town and put an end to the mafia!

¤You may freely quote anything above this line.¤

However, upon closer inspection, you found that there is no mafia in this town! However, being the good sport you are, you've teamed up with X1-12, The Ghostfaced Killer, Mafia Stalker; GorditoBoy69, Jill, Mafia Janitor; and vVv ChiboSempai, Gaston, Mafia Goon.

Role: Mafia Doctor
Factional Abilities: You may communicate with your partners at all times via whatever means you like. Each night the mafia may send me the command "Murder: NAME". This player will be targeted by the person sending the kill for a lethal action.
Abilities: Each night you may send me the command "Protect: NAME". Lethal actions targeting this player will fail, however you will not be notified whether this was successful or not. You may target yourself. You may elect to use the command "Protect: No Target".
Win Condition: You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over the town or nothing can prevent this.

Your fake claim follows:

Doctor Kenzou Tenma, Monster Mafia -- doctor, town

You are Doctor Kenzou Tenma, a surgeon of surpassing skill who came from Japan to Germany. Years ago, you saved the life of a boy named Johan Liebert. Now, he has returned and revealed his monstrous nature. You are one of the few even aware of his existence. Because you saved him years ago, you feel it is your responsibility to hunt him down.

As a Doctor, you can target one player each night by PMing me their name. That player will be protected from any lethal actions that night. You may not target yourself.

You are town aligned, and win when the town has eliminated its enemies, even if you are dead.
With a doc/vig on town's side and two independent killing roles, I thought it'd be nice to give mafia a doctor of their own. They used it well N1 when they saved GLG from an (obvious) vigging, but put themselves in a hole N2 when they took a gamble protecting Tandora. If they'd saved frozen (1/3 chance), it would have negated the SK kill that took him out. (Though in retrospect that N2 gambit worked out pretty well, I guess?)

I was pretty careful about choosing this fake claim too. (Why make it a fake claim and not a real claim? Uh... self-protection, actually.) Anyone familiar with Monster Mafia (which I hoped would include everyone, seeing how you can research anyone's claim pretty easily) would know that Tenma was an uninformed miller in that setup. They might have figured that, between having a vig/doc and a doc who's an uninformed miller (plus two independent killing roles, I guess) it was plausible that this was an elaborate plan on my part to give town extra protection and then fool them into lynching it. Which it could have been, if I had decided to go that route. Instead it was part of a somewhat more elaborate plan to make town think I was trying to fool them into lynching a town doctor when he was really mafia. Alas, sometimes that's just how it goes when you try to meta the mod.

I was pretty surprised that people didn't seem to anticipate a mafia doctor, especially after it was clear how many killing factions there were and since it's a role I was able to just lift verbatim from a previous game.

Jill, Mafia Barhouse Sleepover -- janitor, mafia

You are Jill, daughter of Doug (who is the leader bandit gang known as ‘The Red Dozers’). For a little kid, you have no problem stealing and destroying stuff in your way. However, Syrup has no time for ‘small time’ children and doesn’t consider you as a serious adult.

You are the Mafia Janitor. A night, you can hide a kill of your choice. Careful though, it’s a one time use, so use it wisely. If you use this role you must be the one to perform the mafia kill that night.

Your partners are X1-12, Zεη, and vVv ChiboSempai. You may communicate with them at any time using whatever means you like. The mafia can kill one person every night. The person who sends in the kill will be the one to carry it out.

You win when it is mathematically impossible for the mafia to lose

Your fake claim follows:

The Duchess, Wonderland Mafia -- disloyal denizen of Wonderland, town

You are The Duchess! You're a rather unattractive and cranky woman who is at odds with The Queen of Hearts (yet you play croquet with her anyway).

You are disloyal to The Queen of Hearts and loyal to the town, and you win when all threats to the town have been defeated.
Janitor role was pretty straightforward. It was another component of the information-gathering advantage that mafia was supposed to have.

vVv ChiboSempai/frozenflame751
Gaston, Disney Mafia -- goon, mafia

“Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston, looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here’d love to be you, Gaston, even when taking your lumps. There’s no man in town as admired as you, you’re everyone’s favorite guy. Everyone’s awed and inspired by you, and it’s not very hard to see why! No one’s slick as Gaston, no one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston! For there’s no man in town half as manly – perfect a pure paragon! You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley, and they’ll tell you whose team they’d prefer to be on! No one’s been like Gaston, a king pin like Gaston, no one’s got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston! As a specimen yes, he’s intimidating, my what a guy that Gaston! No one fights like Gaston, douses lights like Gaston, in a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston! For there’s no one as burly and brawny, as you see he’s got biceps to spare, not a bit of him’s scraggly or scrawny, and every last inch of him’s covered in hair!”

“When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge!”

Welcome to Mafia All Stars, vVv ChiboSempai. You are Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), and you are the manliest of men. In fact, you are so incredibly amazing, you can force everyone to gang up and make fun of someone else.

Factional Abilities:
Communication: You are in the mafia with X1-12, The Ghostfaced Killer (TV-Allstar Mafia) the stalker; Zεη, Manú River (Nothing Special Mafia) the doctor; and GorditoBoy69, Jill (Mafia Barhouse Sleepover) the janitor. At any time, you may communicate with your mafia family.

Night-kill: Each night, your faction must decide on a player to kill and the person making the action that night must PM me the kill as their action. That player may use any other actions they have in addition to the kill if they wish.

Passive Abilities:
You have no passive abilities.

Active Abilities:
No one’s like Gaston: Before each day (including Day 1), you can PM me the name of one player. It will then be announced that they have been made a fool of, and everyone will be required to make fun of them. This may also have other effects on the player, as everyone reacts to being made a fool of differently.

Win Condition:
You win when the mafia achieves an undeniable majority rule over the town.

Your fake claim follows:

Gaston, Disney Mafia -- manliest of men, town

“Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston, looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here’d love to be you, Gaston, even when taking your lumps. There’s no man in town as admired as you, you’re everyone’s favorite guy. Everyone’s awed and inspired by you, and it’s not very hard to see why! No one’s slick as Gaston, no one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston! For there’s no man in town half as manly – perfect a pure paragon! You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley, and they’ll tell you whose team they’d prefer to be on! No one’s been like Gaston, a king pin like Gaston, no one’s got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston! As a specimen yes, he’s intimidating, my what a guy that Gaston! No one fights like Gaston, douses lights like Gaston, in a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston! For there’s no one as burly and brawny, as you see he’s got biceps to spare, not a bit of him’s scraggly or scrawny, and every last inch of him’s covered in hair!”

“When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge!”

Welcome to Mafia All Stars, vVv ChiboSempai. You are Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), and you are the manliest of men. In fact, you are so incredibly amazing, you can force everyone to gang up and make fun of someone else.

Passive Abilities:
You have no passive abilities.

Active Abilities:
No one’s like Gaston: Before each day (including Day 1), you can PM me the name of one player. It will then be announced that they have been made a fool of, and everyone will be required to make fun of them. This may also have other effects on the player, as everyone reacts to being made a fool of differently.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
This role was an obvious candidate for conversion-to-mafia because of the nature of his ability--it was immediately confirmed that Gaston was in the game. So Gaston could claim to be Gaston, and Overswarm the naïve could conclude that, as Gaston was town in Disney Mafia, he would also be town here. Easiest clear ever! To boot, like I mentioned, The Burglar could recruit Gaston into his masonry without knowing Gaston was actually mafia. So he had a lot going for him. It was just sort of unfortunate that frozen happens to be a good candidate for an SK kill, and mafia didn't even protect one of their own that Night.

Night 0
frozen makes a fool of Praxis -- success

Night 1
Zen protects giraffelasergun -- success
Swords kills giraffelasergun -- fails; protected by Zen
Macman kills Scamp -- success
giraffelasergun janitors J -- success; J dies and has role withheld
Gheb primes Zen -- success; Zen is now primed
Praxis cops OS -- innocent
Seph watches J -- sees: giraffelasergun, Tandora
X1-12 stalks OS -- result: firefighter
OS hoses down no one -- no action received; roleblocked by Scamp
mentos shrinks frozen -- success
Scamp blocks OS -- success
Tandora recruits J -- fails; J is dead
Macman tracks Gheb -- success; Gheb visits Zen
frozen makes a fool of Lionel Luthor -- success

Night 2
Zen protects Tandora -- success
Swords kills Blue Yoshi -- success
Macman kills frozenflame -- success
mafia kills no one -- no action received
Gheb primes Seph -- canceled out by OS
Praxis cops no one -- no action received
Seph watches Tandora -- sees: Zen
X1-12 stalks Gheb -- result: arsonist, independent
OS hoses down Seph -- success; Seph is no longer primed
mentos shrinks Seph -- success
Tandora recruits mentos -- success
Macman tracks OS -- success; OS visits Seph
frozen makes a fool of no one -- no action received

Night 3
Zen protects Seph -- success
Swords protects/kills no one -- no action received
Macman kills Seph -- fails
X1-12 kills mentos -- success
Praxis cops EE -- innocent
Seph watches Tandora -- sees: no one
X1-12 stalks EE -- result: vanilla townie
OS hoses down Zen -- success; Zen is no longer primed
mentos shrinks no one -- no action received
Tandora recruits Praxis -- success
Macman tracks EE -- success; EE visits no one

Night 4
Zen protects Zen -- success
Macman kills no one -- no action received
X1-12 kills Seph -- success
Praxis cops Tandora -- innocent
Seph watches Tandora -- dies; no result
X1-12 stalks Tandora -- result: mason leader, town
OS hoses down no one -- no action received
Praxis recruits Macman -- fails; dies due to mismason
Macman tracks no one -- no action received

Night 5
Zen protects Zen -- success
Zen kills Overswarm -- success
X1-12 stalks no one -- success
OS hoses down no one -- no action received
Tandora recruits X1-12 -- fails; dies due to mismason

Thoughts on players
For some reason counting was a recurring problem in this game. Town thought they lynched at L-2 on D1 and the same thing happened one vote early on D2. Not only that, the D1 lynch--which really should have been GLG--was pushed toward LL multiple times by people who thought a GLG lynch just didn't have the numbers... even though, with their votes, they were either just giving LL more votes than GLG or just tying it themselves. And I needn't get into how not counting on two more mafia led to mafia's win in endgame....

Stay away from the walrus, k?

Definite MVP material. Played a great game.

[this space intentionally left blank]

Sorry you couldn't be more active. Your role's death didn't really get town much useful info, besides the fact that you were a mafia role turned town.

Thanks for playing!


You were pretty inactive and pretty obviously scummy when you did post. But thanks for replacing.

You played a really good D1. That's why you didn't make it through N1. You called it when town was spending too much time on Blue Yoshi, and then when town was shooting itself in the foot by switching away from the GLG lynch. Unfortunately, the rest of the town didn't see it, so they proceeded to shoot themselves in both feet. Those sorts of down to the wire lynches give town the most information, especially when they actually lead to a mafia lynch (or even if you just find out that mafia was on the table). It's too bad no one really mined the D1 vote counts for information after the fact.

You were pretty inactive and pretty obviously scummy when you did post. But thanks for replacing. At least you got to janitor someone.

Blue Yoshi
You let Nick's tunneling get the better of you. Probably should have just ignored him, or at least not voted or FoS'd the people who were going after you the strongest--you had the right idea when you made that big post giving everyone some more insight into what you were thinking, and that helped your standing with basically everyone but Nick. Also still don't understand why you vote yourself. You just invite WIFOM to every game you play and I think it tends to work against you. On D2 you were right to analyze how the votes went down D1, even if I'm not sure those conclusions would have gotten you to the right places--but you might've latched onto the fact that X1 voted Lionel Luthor to put him at 6 votes when GLG was at 5. Those kinds of lynch-swinging votes can tell you a lot if you bother to look into them.

Was glad you got to play since I wasn't thrilled with the strength of the original mafia the RNG gave me. Was sad you got killed, in no small part because you had a mafia doctor who could've protected you!

You're not a terrible player; you noted correctly that Gaston was not necessarily town even before alignment-switching shenanigans had been made public, and you had named Zen and GLG in a four-man scumteam by D2. Your real problem is that you're a massive tunneler, and that really hurts you even when you happen to be right. You lose credibility for not being willing to consider that you might be wrong, and since you are so often, in fact, wrong, no one ever has any reason to think you're right (even when you are). And to be honest, statistically speaking that reasoning probably works out in the long run--you got stuck on anyone you thought skimmed the thread and never let go; refuting doesn't help because historically you don't admit you're wrong anyway. You don't catch scum by going "aha, you skimmed, I caught you!" It's not like you were the only one doing it, but you didn't let go when people like J did. And then there was all the hemming and hawing over whether to lynch LL or GLG D1--all that going back and forth pretty much lost you any credit I think you could've claimed by being right about GLG in the first place, because you didn't really commit to either case.

You played well, I thought. Only problem was you got really defensive when it seemed you were being implicated as scum by anyone else, even if you could've safely ignored it. In the end, though, you just got caught and there wasn't much you could've done about it. (Except maybe not put a stalker in TV-Allstar Mafia, I guess, since that was the role that caught you. Eh.)

Wish you were more active--you had some good posts when you did post but they weren't very frequent.

Bad move giving any credence to the LL bandwagon on D1. You kept going back and forth between LL and GLG like Nick, and that made things confusing as hell, hurt your credibility no matter who got lynched and how they flipped, and helped the town no lynch. Hard to fault you for vigging GLG N1. It wasn't a bad move on its own. It just turned out mafia bet that J wouldn't be protected, and they had a doctor to protect their own guy. That your kill didn't go through probably should have raised a red flag that mafia might've had a doctor, and when Zen claimed I think you should've counterclaimed immediately and pointed that out. Not a great idea to vig Blue Yoshi N2, though--there were bigger fish to fry.

Gutsy call assuming that you were what you thought you were. Lucky you didn't die so soon, since mafia wanted you dead N2 but got their action in late (the same Night the same thing happened to you. Interesting, no?). You were with J D1 in backing the GLG lynch over the LL wagon, and I've already said why that was smart and town was dumb to ignore it completely. Too bad you miscounted D1, but in my defense there was a vote count just a few hours before the deadline. Sorry I wasn't around to update it again after some votes shifted but you guys need to be able to cover the end of Day voting rush yourselves.

Sephiroths Masamune
Good catching BSL's opportunistic voting Blue Yoshi D1--that was key, even though the lynch didn't happen. Less good job claiming everything D2--a GLG lynch was almost guaranteed. No good reason at all to outright claim--breadcrumb something if you insist, and claim if you think town is doing something really wrong (like lynching neither of the people you saw), but claiming "one of these guys is mafia and the other I think is a power role" is so dumb. (Especially when you get it backwards.) Making cases > just claiming your role and what you did.

Thought you played reasonably well early on, aside from inactivity. Didn't really understand why you didn't just claim tracker--I know you hadn't seen anything useful, but there were a few tenuous claims already out there and you could've challenged OS to visit anyone he wanted and you could have proved your power that way. Getting caught by the recruiter sort of just put you in a bad position, so not surprising things turned out the way they did there.


Post #99: "Open information is always good for town. Zero realistic exceptions." I think this game calls that into question, honestly. You were the player who wrote the most about game mechanics and jumped to more conclusions about the game than anyone else, and unfortunately they weren't always accurate conclusions. Might things have worked out better if people followed your plan to the letter? Maybe. But just a couple plausible wrenches in the game could just as easily have led to an earlier town loss too. You could say you played the odds, in which case I suppose the odds just didn't work out this time.

How differently this game could have gone based on your decisions. Tandora originally recruited Macman Night 1, but changed her mind before I processed Night actions and ended up going after J instead. You were thisclose to having Tandora die Night 1, and you can imagine how much would have necessarily been different as a direct result of that. And then at the end of the game, your recruiting of X1-12 led to mafia attaining parity with town. Live by the sword, die by the sword, I guess. It's too bad you didn't do more scumhunting, because your posts pre-"let's meta the hell out of this game" were good. Your scumlist in #740 (D2, mind you) nailed 5 scum out of 6 names.

Evil Eye
You came into this game with a vengeance! Sorry things totally didn't work out for you--town did look like it was in a pretty good position when you came into the game, but that's not to say the loss was your fault or anything. I think maybe your biggest problem is that you're able to unleash your furor in just about every direction equally, which is much less effective than just targeting it at a few people only. Because at some point if you're being suspicious of everyone you might as well not be suspicious of anyone, right? The other thing I think you need to do is check your filter--sometimes smart people make dumb decisions. Sometimes they're scummy decisions. You pretty much always treat them the same when you really need to be able to tell them apart in order to make the right call on who's scum.

Lionel Luthor
What can I say? You really didn't help the town at all. They cleared you by virtue of your apathy, and then came around again to thinking you might've been scum because you checked out of the game. Next time if you don't want to play, don't sign up, okay?

It was ballsy of you to out OS as a firefighter and Gheb as arsonist when Swords was already on the block to be lynched. I might've let that mislynch go through and then get Gheb lynched the next day, but it's possible things might not have worked out that way after Swords flipped. Got to give mafia credit for making a bold move when they were down to half their members on D3. Worked out for you guys.

Mentos #558: "keep him L-2 or below until we decide to end the day please"
Zen #559: "Screw that."
If you guys were scumhunting this should have said a lot! No offense but scum wasn't doing much in the way of distancing and if you went back and read knowing who had flipped what I think you would've seen some pretty obvious (and damning) connections.

That said I thought targeting Tandora and claiming doctor was crazy. But you played it well. Town was wrong to not lynch you (and I thought they would, especially with OS being the hardass he is). At the end of the day though it's hard to argue with the results, and your posts towards endgame were clutch and helped make you actually look town. I think it's pretty clear that you and X1-12 share the title of MVP this game.

Parting thoughts
This was an interesting setup to put together. Just the dynamic of using roles that have already been used made things challenging--in some ways, I think it made the game easier to meta, since (role/alignment shenanigans notwithstanding) there was much less opportunity to introduce new dynamics than there ordinarily would have been. I tried to keep things unpredictable by changing certain alignments and picking some roles with unconventional mechanics, but that didn't really cause as much confusion as I'd hoped. Had I switched some other alignments, or simply picked other roles that had unconventional alignments in the first place (like a mafia watcher) people would have been drawing some (more) erroneous conclusions. It ended up that I was actually much more limited by the game's theme than I thought I would have been--it was surprising how many games didn't post role PMs at all, for example. (I really wanted a combat medic, and even though there was a game that had a combat medic in it, I couldn't use it since the role PM hadn't been posted. It was much later that I happened across the vengeful doc, who basically behaved the same way.) Town had a bit of an advantage in that they could research any role or mechanics they wanted, although it took a little while before people seemed to start doing that. Hope you guys sort of enjoyed the scavenger hunt through DGames history--for me, that's really what made this theme fun to do.

The first few Days of this game I was concerned that this setup was too breakable. A town win seemed inevitable early on, even though I didn't really feel as though town was playing in such a way that they deserved to win. But seeing how things turned out, I think this game is just a testament to the importance of scumhunting over trying to outguess the game moderator and win the game through mechanics.

Think about it. By Day 3 the entire mafia had died or claimed their roles. (Truthfully, I might add.) And yet they all managed to ride those claims out to the end of the game, even though one of them was counterclaimed (by someone whose flip confirmed the CC) and the other claimed a traditionally mafia-aligned role! It's not that you necessarily should've lynched them for those reasons--like I've said, that's WIFOM at its finest--but you really needed to scumhunt if you wanted to win. You found GLG through scumhunting. But then you decided to rely on mechanics alone, and that was ultimately your downfall. Maybe if you had planned a little bit differently, that would've actually worked out--but even with your plans pretty much out in the open, and scum all claimed, you guys still managed to lose. I think that speaks for itself.

The end of the game obviously caught you guys by surprise. Town was indeed pretty stacked--but it was for a reason. I'm sure some of you will still look at the numbers and think things were unfair--6 scum to 11 town is admittedly a high ratio. But to be fair, the game didn't end when it did despite flawless town play. You no lynched D1 (because you couldn't count). Doc didn't protect the obvious target N1 (admittedly, more bad luck than bad play--but it meant mafia's risky kill paid off nonetheless, and they were rightly rewarded for it). Vig misfired N2, did nothing N3, and got lynched D4. You lost two townies to failed recruiting attempts, which might've seemed like sound strategy but still hurt you in the numbers department where it really mattered. And who knows how much damage you did by insisting that everything be out in the open--that masonry would have been much more valuable had you not been broadcasting who was in it every step of the way to mafia, because then they could plan their kills such that its benefits were basically eliminated down the stretch. I think that alone was just as costly a mistake as any other. And I won't even get into all the erroneous conclusions you guys drew that could just as easily have been wrong--that being recruited meant you were cleared town, or that Praxis really was a cop like the original role, or that Zen would protect Tandora the last Night, or that mafia didn't have any kind of roleblocker or driver or something that could interfere with your plans. In the end it would've been harder for mafia to avoid getting lynched if they didn't know exactly what town was doing each Night and were able to tailor their actions so that they would never be caught--this even though they didn't really have any roles (doctor excluded) that were specifically designed to interfere with town's actions.

With all that said, I hope you guys enjoyed the game. Thanks for playing, and congratulations to mafia on the win.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Damn, how the hell did mafia pull this out? I ruined my playerslot and I'm sorry for that, GLG.

GG, mafia.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Haha I was a VT the entire game.....

Man Praxis and Tandora were ****** this game till the final day.

*slaps OS* I told you Praxis was town and Tanny is too nice to lie >:[

GJ Zen/X1-12

Btw X1-baby, if GLG/BSL flipped scum and I was alive I was coming after you next.

Gaaaaaaah upset I died but meh whatcha gonna do. Swords why no protecting J? ;_; I was so happy my death brought about so much info but goodness haha...

If Town would have won, Praxis should have gotten MVP hands down. Tandora too played really well!

Zen, quit winning as mafia, Seriously what is this 3/3 so far I've seen ya win?

Shoutouts later~

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
like I said since d2 or something, I told you guys not to rely on night actions and stupid plans lol

anyways, there were multiple times during the game where I felt like giving up. Esp after frozens death and the watcher/doc/mason combo. I figured there was only one mafia left with me and it seemed like we'd lose.

I had a pretty decent plan that I would have put into motion if swords was scum (which I thought he was). I would have tracked tandora, and killed someone else. So they're would have been 2 kills the night after swords(the final mafia was lynched.) The watcher would have saw me visiting tandora, and when she died from recruiting me I'd just claim that i decided to kill her because of the possibility of a cult. The existence of another kill would pretty much prove that i wasn't the last mafia.

but alas, too many problems with this plan. firstly, swords wasn't scum. secondly, there was more than one scum left, so there would have been 3 kills throwing off that plan all together, and thirdly praxis chose to do the kill.

but yea, alot of the stuff I was saying the last day was true despite me not being town. My logic about town losing if LL wasn't scum was valid. Instead of rely on actions you guys shoulda atleast heard me out. Really surprised that there were 2 scum left tho. Given that gheb was arsonist and I was sk.

idk, this seemed like another game where both town and scum didn't play well and ending up with scum winning because that's how it usually goes when town sucks. but congrats to mafia nonetheless

@kiki: i forget why I didn't just claim tracker. Maybe I felt that what i claimed would be more believable since it was a nontown role and i was talking about how alignments didn't coincide with the original roles. Many thanks for modding, surprisingly, i enjoyed being nontown for once, despite the loss

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Well, ****. The one worst case scenario that could ruin this happened... I really did not expect 3 antitownies to be left at all.

I was incredibly lazy with my scumhunting. This I am sad to admit, as my dedication is often my strength. I did say to KiKi coming in that things were completely insane for me and I was only coming in because he needed the replacement and I love his games. No johns there, though, just a backdrop. I only reread like, twice. Compared to my usual "once per Night and then some". Angry with myself for as much.

Similarly to mac I found it harder to stay involved when things started to revolve so highly around night actions. Tandora getting watched on N1 opened up kind of a wormhole, where night action discussion overtook scumhunting from there in a manner that would be incredibly difficult to stop. It's easier to talk about night actions in a townie-ish manner than it is to fauxhunt. It's also much, much more draining to reread, because even with flips it's just not all that revelatory.

My short answer to your comments is "Yeah. Pretty much."

The longer answer is that the filter is one of the things I've been trying to hammer out in my latest games. Sometimes, when we're in endgame with a lot of informative flips, I get a lot better at that (see: Bioware). Overall it's something that is infuriatingly difficult for me, though, and with night action discussion dominating scumhunting I felt rather lost in that regard because wrangling out dumb-or-scum stuff requires me to lean a lot on connections.

Hmnh. I agree that I lash out in every direction sometimes, as well. Even in my solid performances I tend to do that early on (Unintended Consequences, Bioware). But as the game starts to circle the drain I normally start to move away from it, leaving the aggression toward townies just informative speed bumps in the paper trail for me to reread. Also I'm pretty sure this misdirected aggression is a big reason I manage to live so inexplicably long in games. But, yeah... it didn't really serve me well, here. Starting on D3 probably didn't help in that regard, really put me on another wavelength as I dug my roots in. Maybe I'm just used to town getting tighter toward endgame, with fewer sudden iffy plays/statements and the like. I dunno.

It's interesting to look back on my state of mind in the end there. Pretty salty about being on Zen on the penultimate day and X1 on the last. Salty toward myself, that is, heh. I don't think I've U-turned away from scum that I was actually onto since... my third or fourth game ever. Like two and a half years ago. That alone makes this game a hell of a learning experience for me. I also think it's pretty baffling that I managed to have a pretty good scum lean on X1, and yet rather than simply wait and advocate his lynch, I went for night action confirmation. I guess this had become such a game of hard evidence that I just wanted to make sure, when trusting my gut would have yielded a better result. It speaks to how far from the optimal state of mind the town had come, myself included.

Speaking of trusting my gut, though... well, I trusted my gut and base logic on a few crucial things and was right. X1 was in fact not Sneaky Recruitable. Praxis was legitimate. Tandora was legitimate. Macman was an SK (I thought I'd taken this for granted enough for all concurrent plans to work. Apparently not). Et cetera et cetera. Unfortunately a huge gut call (one mafia left if Macman is SK) was incorrect in the worst way possible. From now on I won't be playing the odds on gut if the gamble is that significant (the game). Blurgh.

Oh despite my lack of desire to use johns, there is one thing I don't apologize for (and don't want anyone else to, either) -- finding Teran scummy. That non-play was a few kindsa ridiculous.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Oh, and thanks for hosting/designing, as always, KiKi. So long as you are hosting games on SWF, I will be playing games on SWF.

Good game to Zen and X1 as well, even if I had your scent for a while there. I wonder if playing Bioware together and my postgame comments gave X1 any idea of how to handle me/bein' scum in general for this go 'round. I believe I said something to KiKi about how if X1 is mafia he's playing leaps and bounds above his play in Bioware, almost verbatim, so there's that. As for Zen, well, you were my oldest scum read, so congratulations are in order for even surviving this long. Can't say much about your play itself, as it generally looked pretty scummy to me, but as KiKi said your play on the last Day (and some of the prior Day) was solid and actually townie-looking.

Riding your actual roles to the end was pretty slick. That's the kind of fun madness that you'll only find in a KiKi game.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Kiki I think people just interpreted my "screw that" as me being an impulsive dumb *** which was pretty much what I was going for throughout the game. It helped when playing dumb for targeting Tan and pretending to "trying to be clever" with the doc WIFOM even though my clues were obvious. Speaking of which, OS I insulted you quite a bit during all that, so uh yeah my bad for all that haha. I respect you!

I thought for sure we were going to lose aftrer the glg lynch > FF NK > Not sending in our kill > Seph Watch + Tan recruit comb0. The extreme lack of scum hunting allowed me and X1 to go by without really having to step out much though, and the controlled night actions just allowed us to use our NK to its greatest efficiency.

I think J, Praxis, and EE all played really well. J on d1 was viscious and just scary. Amazing job. You've really improved a lot since SSK. Praxis you're like a completely different player than Halo-Praxis. You're definitely right in that being really bad meta of you. EE is just so good. I would have disagreed with the mac track me/me doc mac as town though. From the doc perspective I just see it as a waste. Maybe that's just because I knew there were 2 of us left though and that X1 could make the kill. idk I'm suprised you guys didn't presume there were at least 4 mafia. That's the assumption I would have worked off of as town.

I am definitely joining the next Kiki game. The flavor was just great.
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