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Mafia All Stars: In the end, it was Nothing Special

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Eh I still want to see what Teran has to say. Mac's absence is pretty damn suspect, though, as town I think he'd be giving us his reads and whatnot. Pretty darn obvscum I tell you what.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
haha, you're lazy? He says as he signs up for the BRoom game, while this one is in endgame with an achievable win right around the corner if people just try a little (not even a lot). For town that is.

What caused the turnaround for Teran, exactly? After all, you took a stance on him as town and GLG being likelier scum, and that's beent he protown thing you've been talking abou this entire time.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
no point in voting me and saying no body hammer yet lol

but um, I already accept my death because it's what I would do if I wasn't me. I don't know how to push the game on ward because most people seem clear to me, and the ones that don't are most likely the ones that haven't been talking. Especially LL who became quiet as soon as we said not to kill him d1.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Day 5 Vote Count
Macman (3): Tandora, Zεη, Evil Eye

Not voting: Overswarm, X1-12, Macman, Lionel Luthor

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

The deadline is Sunday, December 19 at 11:59:59 PM ET.

Zεη and Overswarm have been prodded.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Mac lynch >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Teran modkill.

Teran needs to post ffs. This is why I'm saying Teran > Zen if X1-12 is legitimate. Even the laziest of town should keep up on not being prodded when it could ****ing ruin the town.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
@mod: Is that modkill taking affect exactly 48 hours after the timestamp on the post in which you announced the death threat?

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
@All: Prioritize the remaining players from most to least scummy, as you see it. With some justification (I don't expect novels, though I'll read 'em if you got 'em). Mac, Zen, OS, X1 is the order I'd most prefer, but I'm open to compromise there. Teran would of course be at the front of the line but I'm rather confident he won't be posting at all.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Might as well let me live though. I AM a tracker, I CAN find the last scum. When you kill me tomorrow, seeing that I flipped town. You'll be hoping for that extra track report.

If I'm scum, then I'll die then anyways. And LL modkill is ideal since we don't have to worry about that bomb wifom ****


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Might as well let me live though. I AM a tracker, I CAN find the last scum. When you kill me tomorrow, seeing that I flipped town. You'll be hoping for that extra track report.

If I'm scum, then I'll die then anyways. And LL modkill is ideal since we don't have to worry about that bomb wifom ****
Not that ideal, what if he blows up a random townie? i.e BIM style which is the game he claims to be from.

1.) EE
2.) Tan
2.) OS
4.) Zen
5.) LL
6.) Mac

OS and Tan are joint 2nd btw. OS is up there because on a mix of gut and the fire-fighter role. Tan is only not 1st because of the possibility of being some kind of indy cultist

Zen is just a bit lurky, not adding that much. He's null-leaning scum but LL and mac are just undeniably more scummy than him

LL omfg what.

Mac: oh emm gee, I would have though someone like him wouldn't miss the deadline when he didn't even have to think about his action. Contributed little lurked yada yada AtE..

If its near to Teran Modkill time I will hammer Mac

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
im saying that if he is town, it doesn't seem like that power will kick in if he gets modkilled. And I know im town so tomorrow, if you do decide to lynch him, and he happens to not be scum, then we lose the game because of his power.

Killing him first would be more beneficial

don't say I didn't warn you guys.

Wow, I'm actually nervous now because earlier in this game I didn't think there would be a chance that mafia could win. But as time went by it seems like it's just been looking worse and worse for us. Mafia winning now actually seems likely. Completely depending on whether or not LL is scum. Man, I wish I wasn't at L-1.

It is safer to let him be modkilled now. If he turns out not to be scum, that would net us another track report at very least.

please llook at my posts from early in the game, can you really say you believe that they are indicative of me being mafia. I'll understand that if after looking at my posts, you still think I'm mafia, then so be it. But losing this game due to reliance on night actions those of which we still don't completely understand would be very annoying.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I never once even said I would follow the plan. I've been against it for the longest. The only reason I didn't go against it at the end was because I was so positive that swords was the last scum.

idk, i really feel that if you guys looked at this game more objectively you would see that my actions don't really add up for being scum. You're relying completely on night actions. And it WILL end up biting you in the *** if LL turns out not be scum. (Man, I should've killed him earlier. He was a strong townread for me tho sigh)

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Honestly EE, what happened to that super-town read on me? But now i'm obvscum? Can you at the very least give me the benefit of doubt and do a quick skim through of the game? (along with everyone else, but I've sed this already)

I was just going to accept dying figuring that town had 2 more days to pick the right play. But realizing that if LL is lynched tomorrow and he's not scum then we lose automatically.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
yur right X1,

I was worried about tandora though. It's not like I knew this scenario would arise and that i wouldn't be able to take care of LL the next night.

I feel bad, i'm gonna hold alot of the blame if we lose lol sigh


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
This is not Macman's normal play. ^ It reads completely wrong.

Nothing is going to change my vote off him. I would rather let LL get modkilled before I change my vote. I have not seen anything that justifies two NK's last night other than Praxis being killed from trying to recruit scum. Since Swords flipped vig/doc, I find Macman's vig claim even more unlikely.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
so be it, you'll see when I flip

i'd like to know what my normal play is lol. Considering that I haven't been in many positions like this before, I'm not sure where the basis of that statements comes from. I think only once actually


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Jesus our situation has really deteriorated.

Also wouldn't scum win if I were modkilled?

Oh hey Macman how's it hangin'?


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
So, no content or even a vote.

Teran, if you're gonna be back, what do you think scum would win if you were modkilled?
Why didn't you vote?
What are your reads?

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Second of all, Mac, you can't just handwave **** like this. This is a gigantic condemnation, not some minor **** like a Sanity Not Included, unverified cop's first guilty. There was no way whatsoever for The Burglar to be killed through recruiting a townie -- at all. He could even recruit the PGO. Although some antitown roles could be recruited by him, only protown roles would kill him or his recruits in the recruiting process. You know I'm against relying on night actions, but come the **** on, man. This is agonizingly well-verified at this point.

Give me a scenario where you could possibly be town, because you did absolutely nothing to convince me as such when this Day started. You just kicked back and didn't do ****. You also have refused to answer an important question; you called Teran "likely scum" and I called you on that, considering that he was your obvtown read -- AND deciding to read him as obvtown and saying that GLG was a better lynch has been the protown thing you've been holding us up to. Well?

And you didn't fully address the slight oddness of your agreeing to be friends. You said a stalk and track was "more than enough", despite the fact that no godfather has flipped yet and there were other mafia members that could have been performing the kill. From your point of view nothing stops me from being mafia at all and I'm astonished that you wouldn't consider that, given the excessive distrust and scrutiny you always apply to me in mafia.

It should be obvious I exaggerated the townie-ness of your read. You were my firmest town read, but asking to be friends was just to put something noteworthy in the paper trail from you, which you haven't been giving us since D1.

Yes, there are still things that look townie about your play. But your style tends to mesh with my mind that way.

There are two excellent reasons to lynch Macman toDay:

1) Praxis tried to recruit him, and now he is dead.

2) Zen makes an excellent case for Mac's kill existing alongside the mafia kill, which means Macman could be another night kill in conjunction with that of the mafia. Wouldn't put it past him to miss the night action deadline last night, honestly. Regardless, letting him live on opens up some real ugliness.

The towniest thing about Mac right now is the fact that he admitted to wanting to shoot Tandora and weighing her against Teran. Mac almost never follows Plans so I don't find that scummy; if he was scum, however, it'd be easy enough for him to say he missed the deadline but was going to shoot Teran for free townpoints. He knows I look for sycophantic things like that, though, so it's not particularly compelling evidence.

@Teran: Yeah scum would win... unless you're scum.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Yea, I'm not trying to handwave the failed recruit looks bad. I'm not sure what happened with that, and if I were in your position, I probably would be strongly for my lynch, but atleast consider what I'm saying.

(Lemme finish the rest of your post)

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Really, i don't know how praxis died, so i can't speculate on that. Didn't I already explain that my read on Teran comes solely from the fact that he claimed d1 and then said nothing for the rest of the game. I mean, you can say I didn't give much information this game, but come on. Teran literally barely even posted. But truth be told my read for teran isn't that strong. I simply don't have strong reads for this game due to glaring lack of actual content.

thanks for the unvote and considering what I was saying. Tis all I ask.

Yea, I didn't post much in the beginning of the day because I literally had nothing to say. I explained the lack of teran's kill and I'm sorry that it happened but it's been done. I expected to be lynched and figured there was no point in trying to argue against it. There were 3 clears and I figured with that town can win the game any ways.

I noticed that LL was about to be modkilled and realized that might circumvent is ability if he were town, so that would make him a much better kill option than I. And I noticed how our win isn't as likely as I believed it was. I felt that if I didn't say anything, and the game was lost because of me, that i'd feel bad. Now I atleast gave you guys my appeal so I can atleast know that I tried to save us by showing you the potential for us losing. I do think my power can be useful and can be the deciding factor of whether or not we win this game.

My read on LL being town and lynching GLG over him -- It's all circumstantial. At the time of course, I strongly believed that LL was town. ANd glg flipped scum. Knowing this, why would I not think that that action made me look town? It did and if LL isn't scum it still does.

I don't see how agreeing to be friends was odd at all. You were cleared by my role as well as X1's stalking ability. It's very unlikely for a godfather to be both track immune and investigation immune. That's definitely more than enough for me. Also I was under the assumption that swords was scum, when I tunnel I tunnel. It's not hard for me to think everyone else is town. this point is a bit ridiculous actually because you are condemning me for having a town read furthered by my personal night action. If anything, it'd be weird if I were not to think you were town. I was clearly wary about you which is why I chose to track you. I don't really know what else you want me to say here. This is similar to asking you why you thought I was town at that point. Would it have been better if I were to have said that I thought you were town when I agreed to be buddies? (That's more of an out of game question, I'm just trying to understand the logic of this point.)

Also it was a slight aTe when I called you out specifically on your town read of me. I just really wanted that unvote. You know when I was mafia in SLJ mafia. I talked to you about it so you should know how I play. Are you telling me that you believe my play here has been similar in any way? Outside of night actions, do you think I'm scum? Even if you say you don't think I am, I wouldn't condemn you for still choosing to kill me because the night action evidence is too strong. I just want to know your honest answer.

Also teran posted...

I would like to just make it completely clear that if Teran ends up not being scum, then we lose. Point blank.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
If we kill LL today and he IS the bomb and kills another, we'll be in MYLO tomorrow. And my death would lose us the game. I said this in an earlier post. However, if we kill LL and he is the bomb then you guys can put my vigging abilities to the test and I can shoot someone tonight, either X1 or Zen. That will give us one additional kill and make it LYLO tomorrow if the other person turns out to not be scum. This way we can get 3 town controlled deaths, other wise we can only achieve 2 which will most probably be me and LL. So if LL does end up being town, we lose. However my plan, we get another death raising the possibility of town winning. There is NO repercussion with this plan. If there are not 2 deaths tomorrow, you can be completely sure that I've been lying about my role and can lynch me easy. But if there are 2 deaths tomorrow, on top of town getting another kill, you can atleast see that i've been telling the truth and can consider that in LYLO.

Please give your thoughts on what I'm saying guys.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Not that it matters much in the grand scheme of things, the logic behind my earlier point was that there could still have been a mafiat to do the killing for me, so obviously as a gf I'd track to nothing. I wouldn't do the kill myself when someone more expendable could.

I'm actually... hmrrrgh, somewhat satisfied by mac's responses.

What are the exact conditions of Teran's role as he has claimed them that result in our loss if you are town and we mislynch him later? Why did absolutely no one point them out when I put up my plan? I'm not talking to myself when I say things like that I'm open to discussion about stuff.

Alive as of last night, we had me (claimed VT), X1 (confirmed stalker), Tandora (confirmed masoner), Praxis (flipped Guy From Memento), OS (claimed/semi-confirmed firefighter), Seph (flipped watcher), Zen (claimed/semi-confirmed doctor).

Seph was going to watch Tando. He's done this before many times, but he died. The Plan ALLOWED for this, so there's a good 90-odd% chance that this was the mafia night kill. The main thing is... why him? Why not Praxis? Were they afraid they'd be falling into an obvious trap? But what could it be? Praxis a Choice PGO or something? Iffy things, but Seph is still the smartest nightkill choice to make, considering Praxis was talking about eating a lynch toDay.

Tando uses Praxis as a meatshield recruiter on Macman. Praxis DIES. This could only happen through outside interference, or because Macman is scum. There was absolutely no reason in Spidey Mafia for the Burglar to be killed by a town role and KiKi knows that. He's careful with his mechanics.

X1 scanned Zen per the plan without difficulty. Zen protects Mac per plan without difficulty. I chillax cuz that's what I do. OS presumably chillaxes.

Praxis investigated Tandora and recruited Mac, then died. He was heavily breadcrumbing investigative abilities. Would people believe this? Could it be a bluff? From a scum POV, probably not. He was promising that OS and I would be cleared or exposed toDay, and we now see why. Mafia has an incentive to kill Praxis, and yet Praxis is ASSUMING this, completely content with it, even counting on dying. What to do. What to do.

It's POSSIBLE that a third party killed Praxis, or the mafia had another method of killing that worked, like an Interceptor (that's an example but not a viable one -- don't recall an Interceptor yet in SWF mafia).

Teran does nothing (?).

Mac... also does nothing? Like it or not, not making up his mind could have butt ****ed us on this game if he really is town. Shooting Teran would have meant we could kill Mac without a care in the world and win this game on the numbers and a bit of common sense. ...it's also... what he was supposed to do.

Random Thoughts:

Here's the role PM for Gaston from Disney Mafia:

“Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston, looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here’d love to be you, Gaston, even when taking your lumps. There’s no man in town as admired as you, you’re everyone’s favorite guy. Everyone’s awed and inspired by you, and it’s not very hard to see why! No one’s slick as Gaston, no one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston! For there’s no man in town half as manly – perfect a pure paragon! You can ask any Tom, ****, or Stanley, and they’ll tell you whose team they’d prefer to be on! No one’s been like Gaston, a king pin like Gaston, no one’s got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston! As a specimen yes, he’s intimidating, my what a guy that Gaston! No one fights like Gaston, douses lights like Gaston, in a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston! For there’s no one as burly and brawny, as you see he’s got biceps to spare, not a bit of him’s scraggly or scrawny, and every last inch of him’s covered in hair!”

“When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge!”

Welcome to Disney Mafia, Airgemini. You are Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), and you are the manliest of men. In fact, you are so incredibly amazing, you can force everyone to gang up and make fun of someone else.

Passive Abilities:
You have no passive abilities.

Active Abilities:
No one’s like Gaston: Before each night, you can PM me the name of one player. It will then be announced that they have been made a fool of, and everyone will be required to make fun of them. This may also have other effects on the player, as everyone reacts to being made a fool of differently.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

"This may also have other effects on the player, as everyone reacts to being made a fool of differently."

This line in particular caught my eye. Perhaps this had effects other than everyone having to make fun of Teran.

Think about it; you lynched Teran. When did Gaston's ability have to be put in? Before each night. What's the most common role that has an ability to put in before each night? A governor.

If one thing would make a fool of you, it's thinking you're about to die, and then dying.

And if there was a Mafia Governor... well. I did say that KiKi always includes safeclaims in his games.

To hell with it. I'm rereading the whole game starting tonight. I stalled on my last one and didn't end up finishing because I felt that we'd sufficiently covered things, so I'm dusty. I really wish I was the sort that can be efficient and lazy.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Didn't I tell you guys like D2 that I wasn't going to vote just in case me participating in a lynch ****s things up?

My role told me I'm not allowed to participate in daykilling, and although that was more tailored to the flavour of that game, I'm still not going to chance anything.

Also, if I'm modkilled I'm guessing my bomb goes off, and honestly the outcome of that would be very bleak.

If you're really so worried about what my potential danger is, you should've just offed me in the night when at least it was safe. Now even if you don't believe me, you're taking a ****ing huge gamble with a daykill on me, so really really GG bros.


Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
If that's meant to be a defence for your lack of input and such, you could still discuss things and scumhunt. Yes, I remember you saying you weren't going to be voting and etc etc.

Nothing wrong with stopping the modkill (if you're town... well, actually, either way it's preferable).

How would people feel about a NL, mac kills teran, tando recruits X1, go from there? Note that this is in no way a HARD suggestion, since mac still looks like ****.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
What if Teran isn't NK? Mac established that he won't / doesn't have to follow the plan if he doesn't want to. Why should we trust him to get the job done a second night in a row?

I suggest EE, OS, Zen, and I lynch Macman. If the game is still continuing, I recruit Teran with Zen protecting me. If I can recruit him, we can stop looking at him and then on X1.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
That's a reasonable backup plan, but honestly I wouldn't doubt if Teran's role was Sneaky Recruitable. On the other hand I really don't think X1 would be SR if he were mafia, because then he'd be a Mafia Stalker with no safeclaim except "stalker". That doesn't exactly make the maximal use of Sneaky Recruitability. If Teran is in fact a Mafia Bomb, on the other hand, I might expect him to be SR because his role is traditionally town-aligned.

My rationale in making Mysterio (Mafia Lawyer/Framer) SR in Spidey Mafia (other than it being a fun mechanic) was that it could be put to good use. KiKi (Mysterio's player) could visit anyone in the game if he so desired with a nonlethal night action, and there were visitation-tracking investigative roles afoot. This would be a boon to making a big play and fakeclaims and the like.

On the other hand, Mysterio was in the comics a MASTER OF ILLUSION, and I think I even used those exact words in his PM. This was an incredibly minor clue toward this possibility, should he be masoned. Odds are it would have been dismissed, but it was there as a possible seed of doubt.

I hate meta-ing the mod, but in a game like this, it's gotta be done. Especially when things hinge so greatly on the mechanics of an unconventional twist on a standard role, from a game the moderator and game designer played. X1-12's role just doesn't fit something that would likely be SR, unless you want to go with HE'S SOOO STEALTHY OOO. But that's pretty silly. Looking at each one of us as possible scum, I think X1's role is the most likely to behave traditionally and kill his recruiter. As such I'd also feel more confident clearing him by a masoning than Teran or Zen, should the recruiter live on.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
I'm not sure what I'm even supposed to say to your first point, by the way. It seems more like just an off the wall statement about Macman's behavior instead of any kind of analysis of what he'll do based on his likely alignment.

I'll indulge, though. Mac missed the deadline. I believe him, because he's scatterbrained like that at times. He wouldn't leave Teran alive for some MASTERFUL DOUBT-INDUCING BLUFF... he's clever and intelligent enough to do that, but the timing is all wrong. If Mac was angling to do so, he should have been saying it early on, not in the eleventh hour at L-1. And I'm fully confident that he's competent enough to pull a scheme off to the best efficiency if he schemes it up in the first place.

Hypothetically, if we did that, Mac would have no choice but to shoot Teran because he's on the shortest leash he could possibly be given. As a bad guy he has no play in that scenario but to play ball and cross his fingers real hard. And as a townie he will obviously do so. This is the best scenario as far as Teran is concerned, because Teran dies, and either way there's no blowback for town. We either whack a bad guy or a null-to-scum read with a dangerously antitown slot that somehow is town dies without collateral damage.

Gotta crunch the numbers on it later though. See if it's really viable.
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