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[M-1/2/10/17/22] Oddworld Mafia -- END! Town won!


Nov 7, 2008
Do not underestimate the potential stupidity of players. In DBZ Cello was jailed N1 (basically a RB, as he had claimed bulletproof) despite being the most pro-town player in the game. Believe me, I've seen a LOT of worse things on this site.
i thought cello had anger against him day1.

also, you want to say it's the stupidity of players, but who is stupid enough to do that in this game? care to name names?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I don't know. There's plenty of players here that I haven't played with before, so I can't really evaluate their competency yet.


Jul 16, 2005
@gordito There's no way in hell that you visited Cello to "find out if he would be night killed." You would find that information out as soon as you woke up. That's literally the most asinine reason for voyeuring someone possible.

Something's fishy.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

Vote Count:

[3] J: Nicholas1024 / Mayling / Swiss
[1] Cello_Marl: J
[1] GorditoBoy69: Xastrn

[0] Swiss
[0] SummonerAU
[0] X1-12
[0] EdreesesPieces
[0] Xastrn
[0] Nicholas1024
[0] Mayling

[5] Not Voting: SummonerAU / X1-12 / EdreesesPieces / GorditoBoy69 / Cello_Marl

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.
Deadline set for Tuesday, October 5th, Noon GMT.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I'm going to take an hour or so long nap, then I'm going to come back and correct the idiotic bull**** I see that is Day 2.

EP, where is the J vote you agreed to put down? Not a man of your word?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
a voyeur is a tracker right?

what do you mean j's story matched up exactly with yours?
J DIDN'T get his results, and his results were SENT IN FOR ANALYSIS. So were mine.

what's the point of PRs if they don't work???
I really wanna ask Kat. But oh well...

@gordito There's no way in hell that you visited Cello to "find out if he would be night killed." You would find that information out as soon as you woke up. That's literally the most asinine reason for voyeuring someone possible.

Something's fishy.
I did it to find out if he'd be possibly targeted by two people: The NKer, and the doc. My bad for not clarifying. It was like 2 AM.

You refuse to believe me because you're thick headed. Straight up. Chances are, you're a VT.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Mayling - What do you think about X's play, and X, what do you think of Mayling's play? do you guys thing the other is likely scum or likely town?
I think likely town

Vote: Gorditoboy69

playing real cocky at the moment, which is not like the town play I'm used to seeing in him

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Just to confirm on my stance: I'm not saying that J is confirmed town. All I'm gonna say is that he definitely has a PR, aside from a possible scum NK ability.

Oh, and X1, are you voting me mostly off my meta, which was obytheway the same reason you thought I was town?

And for the original Role PM thing, you're trying too hard to find scum slips. If you want STRAIGHT UP clarification, it was the role pm I recieved at the beginning. I DIDN'T get another, and I've been the Voyeur this entire time.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I think I have found something that I think everyone should see and it's about the very quick voting of me very early toDay.

vote: J
His vote was on smargaret yesterDay. Last night smargaret died.
Plus, all of yesterDay's stuff that we were talking about before.

1 night kill means no indie, or else someone got doctored.
@Cello, who did you watch last night?
Vote 1 out of 6 needed for a lynch.


Vote: J
Vote 2 out of 6

Oh, also, I'm hammering again.
Just throwing this out there but he just auto-assumes everyone is okay with this because he is our "self-proclaimed" leader of the town. This was said after making that meh case. However after that case was made two more votes against me followed that were just bandwagon votes.

Whoops, almost forgot.

Vote: J
Vote 3 out of 6

i really like cello's most current post on J and am ready to see J to go. nice catch on the lie. vote: J
Vote 4 out of 6

Then Cello makes this post which at the first time of reading I did not really think of anything of it till I realized the true intention of the post.

Hey, X1, vote for J. You wanted pressure on him, right?
First of he is "telling" X1 to vote for me. Again assuming he has control of the town that much. Also let's take a look at this. If X1 did vote then I would have been at L-1. Cello wanted this because he would have gotten EXACTLY what he wanted. He would have been able to get me dead, Hammer my death, and still be able to control the votes of the town. If X1 did vote I am about 100% sure I would have been killed without being able to state a case or claim.

Then we look at this post right after I made my case.

Vote J

Whoever wants the hammer can take it.
Complete and utter disregard for what I had to say he just voted for me. He did not even take the chance to adresse the points I made against him and has still not answered the questions I asked.


I changed my mind.
Then he unvoted me which would seem normal until this next post.

Not about J being scum; he is definitely scum. But, yes, J, a claim would be nice.
He isn't dropping his vote because he doesn't think I'm scummy, it's actually the opposite, He thinks I am complete scum yet still takes the vote off of me. I really do not get that at all.

Why didn't you just go ahead and claim in that post? Go ahead and claim.
Here is his statment "telling" me to claim. Again assuming I would listen blindly to our "town leader"

Vote J
Then just because I said I would not claim until other towns members asked me he voted me again.

@J: Who and why were you private messaging at about 7:30 p.m. EST?


I'm hammering toDay, and we're GOING to lynch J.
Again with the assumptions on people just going along with whatever he says by him being the one to hammer, and his proclamation of me doing and him getting his way. Yet he still unvoted me again.

To your question you will have to be specific on which day. And keep in mind, anything not related to the game I will not say anything about. Also this is a bit of grasping at straws.

@J: If you were to have gotten a guilty result, would you have come forward with your results even if you weren't the likely lynch? Why or why not?
First off, I would have tried to make a decent case first, without claiming. However if it was needed more I would have claimed my role and share my results to Summoner being guilty. *if that we the case* I would have shown them because of the fact we already have one mafia out so showing that another one had been found out would be very good.

@J: I've been waiting almost an hour for the answers my questions in #461 and #462. The fact that you've swung by here 4 times during that time isn't doing you any favors. What happened to contributing?
Patience is definetely needed, I was reading up because I had to get ready for school and go to sleep for the night. And just because I am not contributing at the drop of your word does not mean I am not going to keep contributing. Holding on to the inactive case is grasping at straws!

Here's one disadvantage; if you don't fall in line, then I'll dig up something that makes you look like scum and convince everyone that it's the honest-to-goodness truth. If you make us wait, then it's bound to happen to someone; no one will want to lynch J because they want to give him the benefit of the doubt (and a Night) for that spew about his investigation, and if that's the case, we might as well get rid of someone that's not going to be helpful to my Town.
Really attacking EP? How not cool, he is possible in my opinion the most town out of everyone. Again your assuming you are in complete and utter control of this town when you are not!

Also, just in case people have forgotten why we think J is scummy in the first place:

1) He was constantly dropping by the thread all throughout the day and yet did not post ANYTHING worthwhile, even while at L-1. J is apologizing and lurking, just like Mister Eric in Newbie 3. JoanBud accepted J's double standard of evaluation for Summoner and smargaret. Why didn't he jump on it to get J lynched? J is his partner.
3) smargaret is the only one amongst us who actually said she thought J was scummy other than myself. smargaret was Night Killed. Simple people use simple tactics.
4) Scum tend to try to lump together groups of people and insert themselves in those groups so that they don't accidently give information. In JoanBud's #188, he had "no read" on Mayling, smargaret, GorditoBoy and J. Of these people, only J is scummy (if you disagree with me on that point, then you can wait until GorditoBoy dies toNight and flips town)
Alright the first case on inactiviness is a moot point by now.

That third point is a complete and utter WIFOM and you know it.

So wait your case on anyone disagreeing with you toDay is if Gordito dies toNight and flips town? Wooooow

@J, this might swing right back on you. Give us your thoughts, mr. "I'll be way more active now..." Also, it might be a good idea to replace out of your other games, so you don't end up getting fast lynched for inactivity in all of them.
Hmph, uhm no thank you I can handle myself in these game quite fine. Thank you though for the concern! ^_^
I live in ENGLAND, I got to sleep and wake up atleast 5 hours before you, I often don't post before school in the morning (I'm posting this having just got back at 4pm)
I can completely understand X1's position since I used to live in England and it is hard to keep up with stuff =/

I'm going to take an hour or so long nap, then I'm going to come back and correct the idiotic bull**** I see that is Day 2.

EP, where is the J vote you agreed to put down? Not a man of your word?
Why the heck are you after EP now? Seriously you are just looking worse and worse to me as the day progresses. I am glad to keep my vote on you.

Also here is something I want people to know. If you do see fit to kill me toDay then fine, however I only request the one person who does not hammer is Cello. I want EP or Xastrn to hammer if it comes down to it. My reasoning is because those are the two I think are the most town in my personal opinion.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
@mayling - You're WAY too quiet. I can't get a read on you. that's a BAD thing, from my point of view. Give us your thoughts on today's activity: the quick J bandwagon, his claim, the heat switching temporarily to gordito, J's most recent post, etc. Be thorough please. I want a good look at you.

seriously, i want to look so close that I'll be able to count your freckles


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Just to confirm on my stance: I'm not saying that J is confirmed town. All I'm gonna say is that he definitely has a PR, aside from a possible scum NK ability.

Oh, and X1, are you voting me mostly off my meta, which was obytheway the same reason you thought I was town?

And for the original Role PM thing, you're trying too hard to find scum slips. If you want STRAIGHT UP clarification, it was the role pm I recieved at the beginning. I DIDN'T get another, and I've been the Voyeur this entire time.
times change, as does the way you are playing


Nov 7, 2008
@mayling - You're WAY too quiet. I can't get a read on you. that's a BAD thing, from my point of view. Give us your thoughts on today's activity: the quick J bandwagon, his claim, the heat switching temporarily to gordito, J's most recent post, etc. Be thorough please. I want a good look at you.

seriously, i want to look so close that I'll be able to count your freckles

i was waiting til i had time to sit down and reread x1 but i'll reread day2 and do that then as well


Nov 7, 2008
sept 27th, 2010, at appromoxiately 7:12 pm mcfox admits "i was not listening to you" so instead of going to go get dessert on his last day in ky, i decided to respond to EP.

Mayling - What do you think about X's play, and X, what do you think of Mayling's play? do you guys thing the other is likely scum or likely town?
i don't like x1 very much. before looking back on his posts, i know a large lot of them didn't contain any information. looking back on them, i noticed a trend:

post #69 here he votes cello, and later he says that he's serious with his vote. however, he never explains his vote.

post 120 he says he'll give more on xastrn later, and in post 121 (after a "re-read") he votes them. no explanation.

in post 165 he comments on xastrn, but only after swiss's fakeclaim, in which x1 says xastrn played it cool.

he rarely says why he doesn't like someone, and instead just votes. why?

he gets onto joanbud for playing the NOOB card, but later plays it himself. i guess this could have been a joke.

trying to save joanbud?

i did think this was weird...

he seems to speak a lot to gordito. did i miss how these guys knew each other? x1/gordito, please explain

after a day of not really doing anything, he proposes really weird questions. nich has made his opinions very plain on cello.

mainly i dislike things such as this because he continues to give very vague explanations, especially why does he think I'm town? why the sudden switch on gordito? no explanation, no quotes, which is useful. just "this is what i think. this is what i'm going with." he seems bear.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Cocky, I'm not. I'd just rather not make this a game where I play passive. I started off relatively passive in D1. And I'd rather not be walked all over. Yes, I'm new, but my approach drastically changed from Taco-Community to now. I'm not as bad.


Nov 7, 2008
Give us your thoughts on today's activity
i think summoner should talk more, and that x1 should give more insight when he posts. i think j, if he truly is town, should try to swing by more and contribute more and act in town's interest. he acts like it's a personal game, but town is a community. we're not trying to be the stole survivor out here!!

: the quick J bandwagon
to me it made sense, which is why i got onto his wagon. it was hard to dispute what cello found. nitpicky? stalkerish? creepy he somehow remembered all that? yes yes and yes... but hard to deny. it was really interesting, and the only reason i think that someone would choose to lie about not having access to a computer is so they can post less and get by with saying less things, which in turn comes back to haunt them less later in the game.

his claim
his claim i am still turning around in my head. which is why i've been waiting to see how things develop and simply asking questions. i havent been very proactive, i admit. i'm wondering about the balance and mechanics of the game. perhaps he is a flavor cop which turns into a regular cop if a townie hammers. maybe mafia got town roles to encourage others to vote? maybe town has some mafia roles to encourage mafia to steal it? otherwise, why would the mechanic be placed in the game.

for instance, i'm turning this around in my head:
watcher (town role? what is this good as a mafia?)
voyeur (claimed. i could see both roles having useful to this. therefore it could be a town or scum role. [i'm not saying gordito is scum for claiming this, just throwing it out there])
cop. (claimed. obv town role. if mafia hammers, what benefit do they gain from this? they already know who is who. why would the mechanic be in placed to encourage hammering if not all roles were useful for both town and scum?)
doctor. (i think someone mentioned there is a doctor? most def? idk. again, as the above, why would the mechanic be in placed to encourage hammering if not all roles were useful for both town and scum? if there is a doctor, then that role is meaningless to scum ... unless if there is a third party killer.)

i'm just really confused on the issue of balance in this game, but i didn't know if it was worth bringing it up. it also seems weird to me that all town roles would say "has a chance to work or not work" because if one person claimed and mentioned that in their role pm, and other people back them up, then instacleared. (if town allows it.) it seems like a weak setup to me if this was the case.

the heat switching temporarily to gordito,
other than cello and x1, (which happened after you posted) what heat was there? only cello right? i hope you're not saying that cello is the sole voice of this town and that only his opinion matters. that seems like a strong sentiment to place. did you mean "cello's heat switching to gordito'? if this is the case, i think cello is just mad-blind, wants to see J dead, and will do anything to ensure that. cello's word is cello's word, it all matters if you believe him or not. cello says he was roleblocked. gordito admits to targetting cello. who do you believe is what that comes down to.

seriously, i want to look so close that I'll be able to count your freckles


Nov 7, 2008
did J become uninvisible?

i was going to quote J's reply and dissect it. i was going to do that before being asked to, but then i thought it might look like i was trying to fight cello's battles. then i figured i would since i was asked, and include that in a new post, but seeing that after looking over it, i can just summarize my feelings here.

J, it is obvious cello unvotes and votes for you so much b/c he flipflops from deciding of wanting your hammer and not wanting your hammer. and that's all it is to it. there is nothing more to be read into his votes and unvotes, b/c he wants your lynch throughout them.

The only thing that doesn't seem OMGUSy to me is when J asks that someone other than Cello hammer. Even then, it's possible of one of two things:
1) J is trying to get his partner to hammer him
2) J is legitly town concerned for who his PR is going to land hands into.

My opinion of whether or not J is scum now is going back and forth. the more I think about mechanics... it gets me confused. Though I know I should scum hunt and not think of mechanics... but I would bet money on this: even if J defends himself against cello today, he will probably slip back into inactivity toMorrow. An important question is: do we want someone like J to make it into a potential lylo situation? after all, J seems only interested in defending himself when town is riding his butt... not giving opinions, or even asking questions.

I def didn't like this about J
J said:
Hmph, uhm no thank you I can handle myself in these game quite fine. Thank you though for the concern! ^_^
It's nit picky and personal, but seriously does not seem the best interest for town in ANY game. instead he seems more concerned about himself and his enjoyment. and he ignored xastrn's request of giving his opinion on others.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Just to quickly answer your communication question between me and X1, I've only NOT played one game with X1. And I'm in 3 and finished 3.


Nov 7, 2008

Just to quickly answer your communication question between me and X1, I've only NOT played one game with X1. And I'm in 3 and finished 3.
Sorry I don't understand. Do you mean you've played 3 games with X1?

Also please call me Mayling.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@Mayling (lol just said May as an abbreviation, ill try to remember that)

I've finished two (Taco and Community), am in one with him (Oddworld), in one with him being in a hydra (Bioware), and in one with him that hasn't started yet (Villians).


Nov 7, 2008
@Mayling (lol just said May as an abbreviation, ill try to remember that)

I've finished two (Taco and Community), am in one with him (Oddworld), in one with him being in a hydra (Bioware), and in one with him that hasn't started yet (Villians).
gotcha, thanks.

btw, what's your read on him? have you said?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Acutally, now that I'm thinking about it, his meta is very not on his side, and your read on him is great imo.

In Taco and Community, he was town. In both, he stuck to his ground on his lynch candidates (me in Taco, Overswarm in Community) no matter what anyone said. I didn't realize how bad he's flip flopping.

So ultimately, I'm not liking X1, and thanks for the read.

FoS X1

@X1, you've been flip flopping quite a bit throughout the game. Who is your top scum pick, and why?


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
Taking a look at today's lynch candidates, the three major options seem to be J, Gord, and X1.

J has claimed cop, and however unlikely it may seem to many that he's town, it might be good to wait another day to lynch if we have a better candidate. We don't want to risk lynching a PR so soon.

Gord is reading doc/scum, and has claimed voyeur. Again, if he is telling the truth about being town, then we risk losing a PR by lynching him.

X1, however, has been scummy since D1, and so far has no PR claim to fall back on. At this point I wouldn't believe him even if he did. He's flip-flopped. He's dodged criticism. He even defended Joan, who we now know is Mafia. I think X1 is the best candidate at this point.

@Cello: Yesterday we delayed lynching J, and ended up hitting scum with Joan. What would you think of delaying again in order to lynch X1? I'm not saying we should start up a wagon now. I think he should get a chance to respond to the recent criticisms. Just want to pick your brain. What are your thoughts on X1's play so far?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Cello sorry but I don't think I want to vote for J. I feel it would be anti town to vote J despite me saying I would have because as I see more and more, I'm more convinced he's town. Can't do it. Too many people have corroborated his claim story, the bangwagon gained on him too fast, he's more active now, and most of all I just get personal town vibes from him. I only said that to test to see what you'd say. Would rather have X1 lynched right now instead.

X1 - Hmm so your not liking mayling interesting. And you are suspicious of swiss because swiss can usually read you and he's saying you are scum. Do you think swiss is scum trying to pin you down as an easy target? Why's he picking you if he's scum and your town? I'm not getting anything too clear from you as far as stances about other player's alignments. In addition I get a town read on Xastrn and trust in his criticisms of you - until you address his very negative comments of you in the last post.

FoS: X1


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I feel good. I think he legitimitely thinks J is scum. I still get a town read on Cello. I don't blame him. I just think he doesn't realize what bad town play it would have been to rush the lynch so soon or not fully sit on J's claim.


Nov 7, 2008
Taking a look at today's lynch candidates, the three major options seem to be J, Gord, and X1.

J has claimed cop, and however unlikely it may seem to many that he's town, it might be good to wait another day to lynch if we have a better candidate. We don't want to risk lynching a PR so soon.

Gord is reading doc/scum, and has claimed voyeur. Again, if he is telling the truth about being town, then we risk losing a PR by lynching him.

X1, however, has been scummy since D1, and so far has no PR claim to fall back on. At this point I wouldn't believe him even if he did. He's flip-flopped. He's dodged criticism. He even defended Joan, who we now know is Mafia. I think X1 is the best candidate at this point.

@Cello: Yesterday we delayed lynching J, and ended up hitting scum with Joan. What would you think of delaying again in order to lynch X1? I'm not saying we should start up a wagon now. I think he should get a chance to respond to the recent criticisms. Just want to pick your brain. What are your thoughts on X1's play so far?
this is a good point btw. i was in a game and one of the guys did something similar to this, and it saved town from a bad play. it was basically "would you rather chance losing the cop or a VT?"


Nov 7, 2008

And to add on, if J is really the cop, wouldn't he get targeted for the NK anyways?
it's really wifom (it depends on mafia and their thought process, their prerogatives, and also what roles they have) , plus if the townie part of the PR is that it "may or may not work" then mafia may rely on that as well.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
But if it already DIDN'T work, then what are the chances that it won't work again, two Nights in a row? Of course I don't know what crap Kat wants to pull, but I think that'd be really unfair if it doesn't work TWICE.


Nov 7, 2008
But if it already DIDN'T work, then what are the chances that it won't work again, two Nights in a row? Of course I don't know what crap Kat wants to pull, but I think that'd be really unfair if it doesn't work TWICE.
yeah i don't know what the role says, if it's a %chance it'll work, or if it needs a night to work, or if it's an even/odd night sort of thing. "may or may not work" leaves a lot open to interpret.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Wonder Project J

@Mod: In the event that a player with an investigative role was hammered while an investigation was pending for that role, would the hammerer inherit that information along with the role? Also, when May asked J what her role PM stated specifically, and J answered "yes it does 100% I am the Town Sane Cop", does that count as quoting your role PM? He may not have put it in quotes, put there was no paraphrasing there at all.

@Summoner and GorditoBoy: Vote for J. We've lost Xastrn and EP; it's up to us if this is going to happen. Specifically for GorditoBoy, read the part after the second quoted section and compare it to your role PM. For Summoner, what do you need to hear to be convinced to vote for J if you aren't already?

@J: Why didn't you inform us that your laptop had broken and that it would be a factor in your activity? Clearly, it wasn't before the game started, or you would have mentioned that instead of sickness.

On what days are you claiming you didn't have a laptop? Other than J and JBandit999, what usernames do you go by on other sites? I'm going to scour Smashboards, DeviantART, livejournal, Facebook, Twitter, EVERYTHING, to check how often you posted those days and where, to see if your average number of posts per day suffered (on Smashboards, it actually increased). A broken laptop is the sort of thing that a person typically mentions online, and yet in my preliminary search I've not been able to find ANYWHERE where J/JBandit999 has mentioned a broken laptop. Also, what is the contact information for the place where you had your laptop fixed? Phone number, e-mail address, whatever. Scanning your receipt and posting it here would be acceptable too.

J said:
I, myself, want a deeper investigation in Summoner. I have reasoning to believe because of a certain shroud around him. However I still need to re-read before I can give a legit response as to why.
This doesn't make ANY SENSE. You were pushing for Summoner since Day 1, and yet you STILL haven't given ANY reason for this other than your investigation. And THAT isn't conclusive of ANYTHING. Further, you claim that you don't know how your investigation powers work. Since several pms said they were sent in for analysis (but not mine), as compared to lost or not receiving results, it would make sense that you would receive it toMorrow. And yet, you keep pushing to lynch/look into someone that you can probably clear/confirm as guilty toMorrow WITH LITERALLY NO REASON. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

When did you begin thinking that smargaret was a strong player? You literally tried to claim she was scum for saying "mafia" instead of "town" in post, and made no indication that you had changed your mind on her prowess.

J said:
It could be a role or a scum-tell but it is something.
Regardless of why your ability didn't work, WHY AREN'T YOU AWARE OF WHAT YOUR ABILITY DOES? My ability was clearly explained in the role that I received from Kataefi, and your role PM should state whether you get roles or alignment. Why would a "Sane Town Cop" get role information, which is what a "Role Cop" normally does? After all, what else could it say? "You are the Sane Town Cop, you may investigate one player each Night but you don't know if you will learn the target's role or alignment, and even then, it might not work"? That's ********, but that's what you make it sound like.

This reminds me of a game I once played with Delvro, where he claimed that he was a Hated Townie, but then said that he showed up as guilty to investigations (which is what a Miller is), and everyone was so caught up in other stupid **** that they missed it (even me).

J said:
Oh and to Swiss' claim, I knew it was full of BS. However think of it as this. If I did claim against Swiss N0 cop claim then who would have died N1? I would not have been able to help the town at all plus if Swiss did keep the ruse going to the next day I planned to stop it. This is kindof a WIFOM but yea that was my train of thought. It would have been bad claiming so early in the game.
Bull****. Counterclaiming is effectively the same as getting a guilty result, something you've already said that you would have done. It doesn't matter if we've already found a scum or not; outing a scum is outing a scum. Even then, you DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO PUSH AGAINST SWISS AT ALL. Why would you have waited until the next Day? Why wouldn't you have just made a case normally?

@Xastrn: We aren't lynching X1 toDay. He IS the other scum, but I can't trust the Town to lynch J after I'm dead. I'm seriously disappointed that with TWO of you, you can't see that he is lying to us.

@All: We have 4 lynches available to us. Which four would you pick to ensure we get a victory?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Gordito, why would you want to know if a doc visited at all? What would you do with the information? How does it help you find scum?

if J flips town, I'll eat my socks. I want J to reply to that post before I get a vote out Cello and even then I'll probably be up in the air about lynching someone who's claimed cop. I'd lynch J, Gordito, X1 and then Mayling/Xastrn


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I'm gonna come out with this while J is still not being lynched, I can't risk the cop's lynch. I can't also risk getting killed myself tonight, so I'm gonna come out with this because I have a lot of info that helps town plus if I die you guys will be completely confused for the rest of the game.

I know why you all didn't get your results. I got them. My role , the "town assist," gives me a summary of a bunch of results. I was told that the cop investigated Summoner. I was told someone placed a Voyeuristic investigation on Cello. (matching up with what Gordito said) Thus, I verify that Cello was indeed role blocked. I was told a few more things which I will keep a secret for now, so we can grill people who claim their roles to see if they are telling the truth. I wanted to keep this hidden and try to find a way to breadcrumb all this, but it's become apparent that I can't do this because of how unique this role apparantly is. My role SOMETIMES gets the results, and other times it goes to the person it's supposed to. I'm unclear when it happens and why.

If J is lynched it makes things much tougher, because it's clear to me he is a townie, otherwise the investigation wouldn't tell me that Summoner is "innocent" it would have told me whether he's a power role or not, and hence J's claim of town cop (not mafia cop) is LEGIT. J's probably town from this. This makes summoner town (unless hes godfather or something) this also makes gordito and nicholas likely town because I got their results as well and Gordito is telling the truth about doing his voyeur investigation on cello. I know I"m town, so to me, it means the only possible scum are X1, Mayling, Swiss, Dastrn, and Cello. Cello and Xastrn play pretty pro town so I suspect X1, Mayling, and Swiss.

I'm still not sure whether it was a good idea to claim this, but being able to clear multiple townies by the end of the day by verifying what they did last night, on top of preventing the cop from being lynched, and only having 5 people as possible scum 2 of which are playing very pro town (cello and xastrn) and I think overall I just had to tell you guys this. I've been paranoid that J will get lynched while I'm out and then I'll get NK because mafia can see I know too much.

The way I see it, if I got killed tonight, I'm not so sure if any of those power roles will ever get their results. Also you guys appear to be going down the wrong path, having several suspects who are 'cleared' by my information. I have struggled for awhile trying to decide if I should claim or not (giving mafia tons of info on power roles). But if J is to get lynched, a person I'm pretty sure is town, it would be just as bad as if mafia NK'd me tonight for my ability. I weighed this and decided this claim is best.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Actually EP, that means Cello is town unless there's a town roleblocker on him. Don't see why a town player would roleblock him so I'm assuming scum.

Xastrn, X1, Mayling and Swiss

My thoughts: Make those 4 claim and see if they match up with what EP has on them.

To those 4, if I don't see claims in your next posts, I'm just going to assume you're scum.
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