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[M-1/15/19/24/27/32/33/34] FF7: Mafia Remix | Game over, Mafia Wins!


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
So even with Rockin trying to post more content, that doesnt negate me trusting Nix a lot and being more willing to trust his mechanics.
I dont understand what Mentos was trying to say about ordering.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Rockin, assuming Nix is telling the truth.
Frozen is giving me really strong anti town vibes lately. Im thinking its more indy than mafia but Im not really sure. Going to have to look back but I feel off on it.
Mentos pretty much fell off my radar for doing pretty much nothing.
Jungle is being jungle.
SummonerAU hasnt really been making sense. Probs gonna look back on him since this is bi weekend.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
assume Nix didn't disclose this information. what do you think of Rockin and Nix then?
tell me where you're leaning with Jungle
ok @ Summoner and Mentos
Frozen gave me the same vibes as well. but i dont think its enough to discredit the town vibes ive been getting from him so i think he should live.

if we're going to be holding hands imma need you to be completely frank with me which you've been doin for the most part

@chaco: step it up. dont wanna let this thing drag out because we're waiting for you to speak dude


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I would have thought that Nix was his mason partner. Dr. Riddler gave him hardcore immunity on D1 and with him flipping mason leader it was clear as day.
Rockin I would have started to look into a little bit stronger because as this point when so much has happened he cant hide behind "durp game is new I dunno scum"
Jungle is getting town from me. Hes playing lame but it screams that Jungle that I know.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
1. frozenflame751 - claimed not vig
2. Chaco
3. Rockin - Claimed VT
4. mentosman8
5. Omni
6. SummonerAU
7. Sue (replaced Xiivi Day 1) - Claimed not vig
8. Junglefever
9. Nix2100 - Claimed effectively VT
10. Omis

AFAIK this is our current claim status. If your name is blank you need to claim either vig or not vig in your next post or provide compelling arguments for why we shouldn't have a mass vig claim otherwise you are fail to the Nth degree.

This isn't ****ing hard and if people don't have any good reasons not to have a claim then lets ****ing do it please.

For the people who I have claims written for please correct me if what I put down for you is not accurate.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i dont think everyone is down with your vig/not vig claim Frozen whether you agree with said reasons or lack thereof

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
"If your name is blank you need to claim either vig or not vig in your next post or provide compelling arguments for why we shouldn't have a mass vig claim otherwise you are fail to the Nth degree."

Obviously people aren't 100% sold on the claim idea otherwise those who have been posting recently probably would have done so by now.

Point is, in the absence of reasons not to, and with clear and present benefits for doing so, it makes absolutely no sense to just refuse to claim.

That's why I said either post compelling arguments for why we shouldn't claim or ****ing claim because otherwise there is no reason not to.

If you expect me to just sit by and take "I just don't wanna" or "I don't feel like it" as reasons for why we shouldn't claim and just leave the Nix/Rockin situation in limbo then you are sadly, sadly mistaken sir.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
quiet, frozen. you and i have already argued why we disagree. if you dont like it or you disagree with it then deal. absence of reason =/= disagreeing with reasons. and dont simplify my reasons either into petty childish comebacks.

i understand that you're trying to make an argument and maybe you want to be persuassive or something but stop overdramatizing your points.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Jungle, first one isn't really a parrot. You and a few others has mention the debate didn't really bring much to the table. I on the other hand just told that it's not only unimportant/insufficient, but I have said where the dispute came from. That KevinM defense thing isn't a parrot, as I'm sure several besides Gheb wanted him dead. I was also agreeing that Chibo is the play. I never really pressured the inactives. Just spoke about them, that's all. There was no Xiivi and Mentos stance. I merely just spoke of both being inactive and just want them to start being more active/contributing. Oh, and okay, you quoted something of what Omni felt I was a parroter, but you have yet to quote something that I've legitimately been parroting.

Try harder, Jungle. I'm not seeing a legitimate parrot that I did.

Nix, I've been wondering. Why DID you and Dr. Riddler chose me to be masoned? Why me over someone like Omni or Frozenflame? It's not like I did anything special D1 and D2.

Frozen - Understandable. Never really was aiming for something 'groundbreaking.' As I told Sue, I'm kinda arguing against mechanics. If I was in someone else's shoe, I'd do the exact same thing (lynch the person and hope for the best). Right now, all I can do is tell you all who I feel is town and who I feel is scum.

Oh also, you got my claim right, Frozen.

Omni - That's kinda a eh reason to trust Omis (I did saw that in my re-read. I was hoping something a bit more solid, though). Still though, take caution plz.

FFFFFFF I just realized something.

Guys, we can't take a vig's claim likely at this point, especially if they claim one shot. Remember, Chuckie was janned.

I suggest discussion should be moved elsewhere (maybe focus on a different person). If I'm lynched, fine, but I rather people be careful about claims at this pojnt due to the jan power.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Not vig.

Rockin, when you accused me of skimming and misleading, was that one post the only thing that had supported this accusation?

Nix, did you and Riddler have a plan for recruiting going into D2? When did you decide on Rockin?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
if you can date exactly when you picked Rockin, it would be cool but a general timeframe would be okay as well.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
We didn't pick Omni because Riddler thought he was obv-town...didn't really mention FF any. When it came to you Rockin I actually thought you were town, while Mac was unsure cause he could never figure out your play style =P So we figured it be a interesting choice.

@Summoner - Do you mean if we had a plan for tonights phase? Didn't really talk about it, but it was implied we wouldnt attempt recruiting....with there being 3 of us (assuming that Rockin was town and we recruited him) it would essentially lose the game for us if we misrecruited do to having 3 town players dying.

Also....on Saturday the 18th we decided on Rockin....I could go into a lot more detail if you like, down to the minute <_< Just curious as to why though....


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Just that Riddler was calling for a vig to shoot Rockin at some point yesterday. I was wondering when he decided to go Rockin as a recruit if he thought a vig would be better off shooting him. Thought it was a bit weird and I was curious as to when the target was decided.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
@Nix: I figured Mac didn't recruit me for that reason.

@Summoner: Huh @ the questions you're asking. oic

@Rockin: Good point. How do you feel about this point, Frozen?

I'm okay with not lynching Rockin and moving to Jungle or Mentos. If no one claims vig then I'd like to lynch Frozen.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
@Summoner - He said that on the 15th, 3 days before our decision

@Rockin - If Chuckie was the Vig, he would of shot me over Riddle <_< he clearly stated multiple times he wanted me lynched...he even voted me @_@

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Rockin, that post just justified your parroting, which I guess is fine, but it's still reiterating the same poitns as others nonetheless. It's a problem, to me anyway, that most, if not all, of your points reiterate the same as others. What does the fact that other people wanted Kevin dead have anything to do with parroting? You parroted a minority opinion, thats still parroting. Asking people to contribute more (xiivi and mentos, who were the inactives) is a light form of pressuring, i don't know what else you call it.

Not vig


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Not vig.

Rockin, when you accused me of skimming and misleading, was that one post the only thing that had supported this accusation?

Nix, did you and Riddler have a plan for recruiting going into D2? When did you decide on Rockin?
At the time, yes (well, the misleading part.) I think there were several times where it'd been said you skimmed, but I didn't really quote on them.

Nix, that maybe so, but still. Whether he was or wasn't the vig we wouldn't really know, and I rather we just try and avoid the vig claim, cause even if we did/any other role, it's not like we could take it lightly.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Ok, not going to be a super long post here, but I need to make it.

First and foremost, on the night order, I can't put into words why I feel it doesn't work as well for the life of me, so I'm discounting it going forward. I know what I'm trying to say, but for the life of me I can't think of a sensible way to say it >_> Most games I've played with multi-recruit masons have been recruit-->kill, but like I said I can't describe why I think it's worse to do the other way well so I'm ditching that point.

Lol @ people thinking I'm the play today.

Let's face it, Rockin's posts have improved lately, but he's the only sensible play today. We have no evidence of an indy killing faction from N1. In fact, it seems likely we DON'T have one. This points to a mismason big time. Looking at the numbers there are 10 of us alive. It's pretty safe to assume a 3 man scum team. If that's the case, if we mislynch and there's a normal 1 death tonight, we're in mylo(5v3). Rockin has strong evidence pointing to him being scum, and leaving him alive through today is going to leave us with a major distraction in days where we can't be wrong. This is our last chance to lynch him without risk of losing the game, and it's pretty certain we'll lynch him prior to endgame, so it should be done now.

I'm curious as to why Omni is backing off him. A couple good posts does not a townie make. Plus I'm sure Omni knows the numbers and knows this is the last free lynch we have barring an incredibly small mafia faction. Not to mention being against Rockin all game and deciding now that he's pointed at as scum and has a vanilla claim to back off doesn't make sense. Still don't think he's scum, but I'm not sure why he didn't realize this.

FF/Omni here has felt very similar to their D1 spat, not holding much to it.

Would like to give Chaco a chance to talk before we end the day regardless of what we do, although that's putting things on hold a long time.

Would like Summoner to post some substance for once(yeah, V/LA so not happening now, but would like to see it). Everything he's said today has been throwaway and despite posting enough to be noticed, hasn't said a single thing with impact.

Omis needs to post more often too. Not feeling the obv-town vibes Omni is and would like to hear what he has to say a bit more commonly.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
agree with your case on, rockin. however, lynching rockin without putting pressure on you or jungle before the Day ends = no = why i started a wagon on you.

i do know the numbers. the problem is that you're not aware of your own existence being a damper in the math. a couple post does not a townie make but you're currently in the same scenario as Rockin for me EXCEPT we don't have any evidence of night actions possibly conflicting with you. i still think you have weak and flimsy connections and id like to see your flip so i can get a better read on Sue and possibly Jungle.

who da scum mentos


Sep 8, 2010
Xiivi &amp; TigerWoods
who still needs to claim Vig/not vig or take a stance why not to claim?

just: wondering

omni if there is not a vig you say you'd want to lynch frozen; why not rockin? that's the whole point of doing the vig/not vig claim. rockin should def be the play today with no vig claim.

summoner doesn't have his mind on actually scumhunting, just going where the wind seems to be blowing today. But rockin today (provided no vig claim) mentos or summoner tomorrow sounds good.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
well since the majority is doing it i might as well confirm it even tho i dont approve of it but i aint vig

reason why i say frozen is because rockin brought up the jan idea on Chuckie. chuckie was killed and janned. why wasnt gheb killed and janned? gheb was the town cop so it'd be difficult for cop to use gheb's claim as a safe roleclaim. chuckie was janned for a reason. i have an idea why.

@Sue: glad you're here. let's talk. why do you think chuckie was janned but gheb was not? also, what about jungle's play have you liked because i've completely disliked Jungle's play this entire game. very similar to his scum play in a game where he recently flipped mafia

and dont get me wrong. rockin can die. he definitely aint livin to lylo. but i'm starting to distrust frozen alot. his line of thought is so off from mine now and im still surprised he's not holding my hand but w/e, i've stopped trying to understand him


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
well since the majority is doing it i might as well confirm it even tho i dont approve of it but i aint vig

reason why i say frozen is because rockin brought up the jan idea on Chuckie. chuckie was killed and janned. why wasnt gheb killed and janned? gheb was the town cop so it'd be difficult for cop to use gheb's claim as a safe roleclaim. chuckie was janned for a reason. i have an idea why.

@Sue: glad you're here. let's talk. why do you think chuckie was janned but gheb was not? also, what about jungle's play have you liked because i've completely disliked Jungle's play this entire game. very similar to his scum play in a game where he recently flipped mafia

and dont get me wrong. rockin can die. he definitely aint livin to lylo. but i'm starting to distrust frozen alot. his line of thought is so off from mine now and im still surprised he's not holding my hand but w/e, i've stopped trying to understand him


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
They wont know the persons role until AFTER they jan, they can't kill someone and THEN decide whether or not to jan <_< just luck of the draw for them.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
LOL Omni, janning doesn't work like that. Nix explained good on how Janning works. And yeah, Janning only works once.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
1. frozenflame751 - claimed not vig
2. Chaco
3. Rockin - Claimed VT
4. mentosman8 - claimed not vig
5. Omni - claimed not vig
6. SummonerAU - claimed not vig
7. Sue (replaced Xiivi Day 1) - Claimed not vig
8. Junglefever - claimed not vig
9. Nix2100 - Claimed effectively VT
10. Omis - claimed not vig


Just waiting on chaco now.

Regarding janitors, there is no hard and fast be all end all design. The janitor is a very malleable role. We've seen two time janitors before here on SWF (forgot which game but I'm pretty sure we've had it once) and it is up to the mod's discretion when balancing the game whether or not to give the janitor the ability to see a person's role before they jan him. Basically if they had that power, mafia picks their NK and then the mod would send them that player's role. If they want to jan it they say jan it, if they don't, they pass on it and that person just dies normally (so obviously this doesn't serve as a rolecoping power unless the NK get's stopped or saved).

That buff obviously increases the janitor's power immensely so it is by no means standard issue but it ISN'T an impossibility. However, the fact that Gheb, the cop, WASNT jan'd and Chuckie, whatever he was, was jan'd, suggests to me that we have a more standard issue janitor (1 shot, can't check role before janning).

So why exactly would no one claiming vig condemn me Omni?

You say there MUST be a reason why chuckie was jan'd over Gheb even though we have no idea whether or not the scum know what they're a janning when they do it. My guess is what you're getting at is that if I were scum, what I've done here is jan'd chuckie and stole his alleged vig role. Then I forced everyone to claim not vig in order to condemn rockin because of the situation with Nix/Riddler in order to push a mislynch.

So the jan gambit you're alleging is essentially "use jan of vig to "confirm" the game has no vig in order to get a free mislynch on rockin", rockin assumedly being town if I were scum doing this.

You say this when before I even got anywhere near calling for a mass vig claim, there was no outstanding opposition to a rockin lynch based on the situation anyway.

The fact that I'm going through all this trouble now SHOULD tell you that I'm just being a thorough townie who's trying to make sure the potential blunderings of a moron don't go unchecked and cause us to assume someone is an easy scum play without considering all of the possibilities. But of course you wouldn't see that considering how far you've had your head up your *** toDay with your knee jerk responses too all of my legitimate attacks on your piss poor play.

C'mon chaco, chop chop buddy.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
^uh, this was pretty much answered by me by everyone else already correcting me hence me saying "oh nevermind"

stop wasting your time proving something i've already realized is incorrect. ive already said i dont understand the jan role and instead of you just explaining it you're making these long *** silly posts about "omni u so dumb"

less concentrating on my obvious lack of knowledge on the jan role. who da scum frozen
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