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[M-1/15/19/24/27/32/33/34] FF7: Mafia Remix | Game over, Mafia Wins!


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I think Frozen was asking you "If you had to pick out who was the mentor, who would you pick?" That's how I read it at least.

Could you say which post it is because I don't know what you're talking about.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
We're hitting adulthood now, which means no more toddler lingo. And not so many smilies. This might change!

@Mod:- please revert Sue's post back to its original version! THANKS!

@Rockin:- Hm? Why on earth are you willing to hold Nix's hand? =? We'd rather run him over with a lawnmower (from Toys R Us naturally). Were you being sarcastic? And why not? Finally, what has he specifically said or done for you gain such trust from him considering his drop-in-drop-out posting style this game? Tell tell!

@Chaco:- Hm? Curiously, when you said "If we go random I want a Summoner lynch" [D1], exactly how random was this? That felt more calculated than random - what information were you after here? What do you make of Summoner atm? Also why did you consider the possibility of going random when you expressed extremities on kev/chib D1?, or was that all a front to look like you were scum-hunting? =p Jkjk... or are we? And why do you feel so subdued toDay? Have you decided to lay low now? We kinda really want you dead a bit. It's our "gut" for lack of a better word and stolen from Android O.M.N.I. One thing we agree with you on though... is your IGMEOY on Nix. I'm kinda feeling a Nix wagon over you right now... would you join us?

@Sue:- Hm? That was a half-sarcastic post, yes - you're picking up on 'textbook' reads - how do you feel 'textbook' scum would have reacted to the Chibo wagon at the time he was alive?

@Nix:- Hmmmmmm? A number of things I'd like to ask you --> Your reason for unvoting Chaco here: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=11147639&postcount=508
...I assume you've followed this up? Could you clarify your take on Chaco now? Also, when you say you're not "Omni's greatest fan"... could you elaborate on this comment? I don't remember reading your reasons. Especially since you go on in your #658 to basically parrot Omni's reasons for voting Kevin, even though you're "Not entirely convinced of the Kevin lynch"??

Curiously @Dr. Riddler, is Nix still your strongest town read? I don't know if you said this directly, but earlier you were quite certain of him being town.

@Jungle: ToDay you really haven't posted much apart from 'feelings' which are rather... shallow and pedantic... to say the least. Case in point #669 as well as earlier on when you said you feel an "Omni bus" w.r.t. Chibo, but didn't have an explanation to back this up. Explanations are good.

@Kevin: request modkill please. Are you v/la or something?

@Sue: Could you please elaborate on why you feel Jungle as town? We don't really see this atm

@Omis: iirc you liked both Omni and Chaco as town yesterDay. Have your thoughts changed on them at all toDay?

Also people we feel good about aren't going to be felt good about if Mr. Mentor doesn't die soon.

Any of Chaco / Nix / Jungle / Rockin / OMIS FOR BEING SO BLOODY QUIET / maybe the lovely Sue... for similar reasons. That's pretty supermassive =? Any of Omni / Omni and maybe Omni as mentor play please.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Frozen - it's a pretty bad question cause it's like asking me 'who do I want to be in my scum team,' which I never really like that question much really. I dunno. Really, I wouldn't know who I would want as my mentor. Anyone can work in my book as long as they have some common sense. I'm not really choosy, and I **** well never really been constant mafia buds with the same people in previous mafia games.

Why in the world would I ask a question that I LITERALLY *****ED OUT OMNI FOR ASKING earlier this game?

I think Frozen was asking you "If you had to pick out who was the mentor, who would you pick?" That's how I read it at least.

That is what I was asking. There is absolutely no way that you have no idea who the mentor is. Like not even the slightest inclination? I find that really hard to believe. I'm not asking you if you have a GOOD idea, and I never did. I just want you best guess.

Also you gonna follow up with a vote on one of your top two scum picks there?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Ughh... before we're jumped on for it...

Above in our #684, I copypasted from the top to where we address nix from Kat and my own super secret hydra quicktopic. The rest I added myself (including the other links) in smashboard's "Reply to thread" thing.

If you click on the link, it will redirect you to a quick topic page which says something along the lines of "this link is in a quick topic"

I don't know why quick topic does this, but I thought I'd come outright and say it before anyone tries to say "OMG ONLY SCUM HAVE QUICK TOPICS SCUM SLIP!!!"

Most of our really big posts are collaborative efforts between Kat and I, so Kat will post some thoughts/evidence in our quick topic, and I'll add to it and post it in the game thread, or vice versa.

We've done this since we made the hydra (Pikmafia), as well as in BIM:R, and we will continue to do it here.

So yeah, just an FYI, it's from our Chuckie quick topic >.<


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
@Nix:- Hmmmmmm? A number of things I'd like to ask you --> Your reason for unvoting Chaco here: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=11147639&postcount=508
...I assume you've followed this up? Could you clarify your take on Chaco now? Also, when you say you're not "Omni's greatest fan"... could you elaborate on this comment? I don't remember reading your reasons. Especially since you go on in your #658 to basically parrot Omni's reasons for voting Kevin, even though you're "Not entirely convinced of the Kevin lynch"??

You've assumed wrong, its one of the reasons I haven't took up my case on Chaco again is because i currently don't have the supporting evidence for it....was kind of hoping he would of posted more by now but I think the only thing he's really mentioned since the day start was about a headstart mentor....

Can't really explain it about Omni, just something about his posting styles feel slightly weird to me, I'm getting the same vibes from Mento's posts as well.

I don't think I actually gave any reasons for voting Kevin. True, I did say I SAW where they were going with it but that's about it...the votes there just to see what Kevin would do the closer he gets to being lynched >_>

I'm also confused, you listed me in your uh choices of being the mentor and call me scummy and useless in the next post =P contradiction much?

Also, just saying but just because you and Kat always use a hydra doesn't mean there wouldn't be someone else in that QT as well =P


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
prod: kevinm

that's two right. can he die yet

@Nix: normally when you don't have an explanation for it the feeling is usually based off meta. and since weird =/= scummy or not scummy don't use that word. do you find me and/or mentos suspicious? slightly town? being vague with your responses only makes you look scummy yourself

crap couldn't quick edit Nix in time enough. gotta get Marshy to get on this


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
@Nix: normally when you don't have an explanation for it the feeling is usually based off meta. and since weird =/= scummy or not scummy don't use that word. do you find me and/or mentos suspicious? slightly town? being vague with your responses only makes you look scummy yourself

crap couldn't quick edit Nix in time enough. gotta get Marshy to get on this
Not sure how the feeling would be based off meta..I barely recall the others games I was in that had you and mentos in...if any...Im fairly sure there were though. The only reason i recall ToS with Chaco was because of his posts in Day 1, outside of that the game was mostly a blur =S Fair enough though, I shall refrain from using the word weird!

I find you both suspicious, but while im leaning towards scum with mentos you (Omni) are more towards town..but only just.

Don't really mean to be vague, If i do it again just call me out on it and I will explain better.

Also, Quick Edits FTL =P In time for what? And what does Marshy have to do with it? >_>


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i read your post last and tried to reedit. and marshy is the moderator for this forum so he can reset it to its original form.

but my point is that you can't meta me. you use the term weird when you're familiar with something, and then suddenly that thing is no longer familiar. so you using the term weird to describe me made my head tilt.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I dunno, not feeling why a recruiter (mentees are just cult recruited players right?) would be worried about bussing a partner (especially if that partner is Chibo). Don't like that particular idea. Do like those points you've made Omni.

*leaving for uni*
how much skimming have you been doing, Summoner?

because Kevin was against the Chibo lynch. there was no possible bus scenario

fos: summoner

would you like to rephrase your statement
This was the 'mislead' thing I was talking about. It could've been just you either massively skimming or just said what you said by accident (in a innocent way).

Also, it was like 4:30 AM. I had to go to bed sometime you know. >>

Chuckie - I havn't seen Nix done anything scummy whatsoever. Just being a bit inactive, that's all. It happens, especially since I tend to do it. Also, he asked if he wanted to hold my hand, so I accepted it.

Frozen - *shrugs* When I read that question before, that's what I thought you was asking. I just misread it, Even so, I just wouldn't have an idea of who the mentor is, just like I sometimes wouldn't have an idea of who scum is after a flip. If I answer your mentor question, my answer would totally be random, and I rather you not be mislead by my answer.

As for the vote, bleh....I guess.

Vote: Sue

Dr. Riddler

Jul 9, 2010
Where do you draw the line between scummy and inactive.

Why is sue scummy but Nix just inactive?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Where do you draw the line between scummy and inactive.

Why is sue scummy but Nix just inactive?
When they're contributing, but not posting as much, I consider them being inactive. Another way of them being inactive is just being helpful in some way or form. As far as scumminess, obviously being unhelpful or lack contribution, or if it seems like they're dodging certain things/topics. If a player is not playing the way they're suppose to by the time D2 comes up, then I consider that somewhat scummy. I'm pretty lenient on D1 in terms of players cause most of the time on D1, lack of information in general would make a player play in a different way. While I don't use meta as my my base of who I find scummy, I do use it as some sort of special note.

Sue I feel is kinda scummy for a slight lack of information and contribution to the group. Not to mention he's only been going after one person or two only. Nix, while inactive at times, does tend to post and kinda contribute. I feel he plays like this in all of his games. He's not really a DG regular, so he doesn't constantly visit the forums. The only time he is a bit more active is when he's playing a mafia game, but even then, he tends to forget that he's playing.

Summoner - Not yet, will be reading it now.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008

^How unhappy I am with you right now Rockin.

while I think of it, v/la today and tomorrow


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Chuckie, would like to see who you next vote.
Kevin please post something soon.

Omni, I just thought about certain players reactions and I would like to run a few things by you once I think about them some more. Probably be done in 7 hours (when I wake up). I just thought of something interesting while I was drifting off to sleep.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
^that's fine.

i'm opting to just not listen to Rockin for the rest of the game since i dont think he's keeping up. could be lazy town. could be inactive scum. dont know. dont care.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
"No one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't go anywhere except where its rails take it."

Vote Count:
[3] KevinM: Omni, Dr. Riddler, Nix2100
[2] Rockin: SummonerAU, frozenflame751
[1] Chaco: KevinM
[1] frozenflame751: Sue
[1] Nix2100: Chuckie
[1] Sue: Rockin
[0] Omis
[0] Omni
[0] mentosman8
[0] Chuckie
[0] Dr. Riddler
[0] Junglefever
[0] SummonerAU

[4] Not Voting: mentosman8, Omis, Junglefever, Chaco

Last Post:
0-24hr: Omni, SummonerAU, Rockin, Dr. Riddler, Nix, Chuckie, Frozenflame, Omis
25-48hr: Mentosman, Junglefever, Sue
Inactive: Chaco, KevinM (Prodded)

Notes - I cannot revert posts back to their original, unedited versions. I do not have that power. Also, I am not running a "player-driven" prod or modkill system. And if you want to address the mod, use the skyblue color. Read the rules. There are less than a dozen of them, it should not be that hard.

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
A deadline has been set for Saturday, September 25, Noon EST.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
how many prods does Kevin have?

@kateif: your mentor theory. why have you only applied it to me? are you under the impression that the gambit was a very extreme bus setup? why didn't you bother to consider any other mentor possibilities like jungle?

the reason why I ask is because I looked back at my posts and chibo's and noticed quite easily a potential bus candidate. I also ask because the case on me being the mentor was flimsy. The gap between posts and the amount of "evidence" was minimal.

anyway I've decided to put you in the "needs to die before lylo" pile. but you can live over Kevin and inactives.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Thought it over and I don't like how bleh it is, but I really want to see a Kevin flip now. Wouldn't be at all surprised if Chuckie was recruited last night. So Omni, let me know when you want more votes on the Kevin train. Pretty okay with Kevin -> Rockin/Sue/Omis/Chaco -> Riddler

last post before v/la


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
You've assumed wrong, its one of the reasons I haven't took up my case on Chaco again is because i currently don't have the supporting evidence for it....was kind of hoping he would of posted more by now but I think the only thing he's really mentioned since the day start was about a headstart mentor....

Can't really explain it about Omni, just something about his posting styles feel slightly weird to me, I'm getting the same vibes from Mento's posts as well.

I don't think I actually gave any reasons for voting Kevin. True, I did say I SAW where they were going with it but that's about it...the votes there just to see what Kevin would do the closer he gets to being lynched >_>

I'm also confused, you listed me in your uh choices of being the mentor and call me scummy and useless in the next post =P contradiction much?

Also, just saying but just because you and Kat always use a hydra doesn't mean there wouldn't be someone else in that QT as well =P
No that wasn't a mentor list. That was a "can die" list.

I'd seriously like to see your flip, based on how much people are clearing you based on meta alone.

how many prods does Kevin have?

@kateif: your mentor theory. why have you only applied it to me? are you under the impression that the gambit was a very extreme bus setup? why didn't you bother to consider any other mentor possibilities like jungle?

the reason why I ask is because I looked back at my posts and chibo's and noticed quite easily a potential bus candidate. I also ask because the case on me being the mentor was flimsy. The gap between posts and the amount of "evidence" was minimal.

anyway I've decided to put you in the "needs to die before lylo" pile. but you can live over Kevin and inactives.
Iirc jungle was second on the wagon, which looked to me (vanderzant) like taking an opportunity to get on a wagon, rather than actually pushing for Chibo's lynch. I see him as non committal scum trying to get someone lynched more than a mentor. Which is why I'm fine with his lynch toDay.

Thought it over and I don't like how bleh it is, but I really want to see a Kevin flip now. Wouldn't be at all surprised if Chuckie was recruited last night. So Omni, let me know when you want more votes on the Kevin train. Pretty okay with Kevin -> Rockin/Sue/Omis/Chaco -> Riddler

last post before v/la
Where does this come from summoner, and why us in particular? Do you see kevin as the mentor? If not who are you suggesting recruited us?

Chuckie, would like to see who you next vote.
Kevin please post something soon.
We're voting Nix, but our list of "can dies" is ever increasing.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
When they're contributing, but not posting as much, I consider them being inactive. Another way of them being inactive is just being helpful in some way or form. As far as scumminess, obviously being unhelpful or lack contribution, or if it seems like they're dodging certain things/topics. If a player is not playing the way they're suppose to by the time D2 comes up, then I consider that somewhat scummy. I'm pretty lenient on D1 in terms of players cause most of the time on D1, lack of information in general would make a player play in a different way. While I don't use meta as my my base of who I find scummy, I do use it as some sort of special note.

Sue I feel is kinda scummy for a slight lack of information and contribution to the group. Not to mention he's only been going after one person or two only. Nix, while inactive at times, does tend to post and kinda contribute. I feel he plays like this in all of his games. He's not really a DG regular, so he doesn't constantly visit the forums. The only time he is a bit more active is when he's playing a mafia game, but even then, he tends to forget that he's playing.

Summoner - Not yet, will be reading it now.
That's still a really fine line between inactive and scummy.

Seriously there are so many good choices for a lynch, I'm happy to sheep my vote where it's needed.
Unvote: Nix
Vote: Kevin

Also Omni, touche about possibly needing to die before lylo :chuckle:

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I'm just...liking Rockin less and less everytime he posts. When i looked through his posts, I don't like that he completely missed Summoner's explanation about the misleading thing. Other than that I've seen Rockin johning about his inactivity and parroting others day 1.

Vote: rockin

this is where this is going to sit.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Picking up prod.

Too tired to post, and whiplashed from hydroplaning off of the road.

@Frozen: I didn't read permanent I just saw mentee, and started typing. I suggested Headstart as a an option when peope were discussing the mentor. I just skimmed though.

@Chuckie: Thats far too much to respond to right now, ad I'll hit it sometime this weekend.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Sorry guys certain things coming before mafia, I will attempt to make a big post coming up soon! I have to read up, couldn't really call a V/LA with unforseen events.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
I forgot to say yesterday, my grandparents came into town today so I'm going to be somewhat V/LA till Sunday night. I should be able to get a post or two in tomorrow, but since I'm not sure I want to point this out. Like I said I'll try to post anyway, but if I can't it's cuz I'm busy with stuff with them.


Sep 8, 2010
Xiivi &amp; TigerWoods
From when Tiger was being dumb:

Post Comparison
- yeah tiger keeps claiming busier than xiivi joins so it sucks
yeah tiger keeps claiming busier than xiivi joins so it sucks
- anyway yeah frozen I really don't think scum try to call each other town a lot from what I see on SWF they like to throw their buddies into unsure category; the way you're going about mentor/mentee interactions is odd to me. if a mentee is about to die I don't see why it isn't easy to just bus them, have the mentee push against them in a hardcore manner and then recruit someone (which is pretty much a -1 for town & +1 for indy at the same time and pretty much allows for more people that can-be-lynched-correctly-but-still-not-benefit-town-at-all) chibo just refused to push anywhere because him dying still wasted town's chance of hitting mentor while prompting a new mentee to be recruited. blah blah blah and yeah weaker players with lame play can still be read just fine. see: cacti & jungle in scum wars, so incrediably town but lynched anyway. your reasons for calling out most of them as mentor feel really cop-out-ish 'oh man chibo called jungle town for no reason', whatever scum can call anyone town and it's not a mentor tell I'd find worth pushing at all, so it really irked me when you said it & also saying your main reason for thinking rockin was mentor was cause chibo said he was town. bussing chibo would have been easy (I mean how many times does chibo get lynched d1? lol) and beneficial since it makes people look good for catching him while you can recruit whoever would get in your way. and um yeah, your post about gheb dying was all 'he was obvtown but shouldn't have been killed he was the only person i didn't want to die!'
+ I resent this.

- dum: dee dum
rockin is also scum, I mostly believe so because he decided to emphasize 'can' in his previous post via caps, we can kill him after FF
- rockin is also scum, I mostly believe so because he decided to emphasize 'can' in his previous post via caps, we can kill him after FF
+ I actually don't agree here. I'm not clearing Rockin by any means... but I feel like he plays like this in EVERY game so I don't think that's necessarily a good reason to lynch him. FOS on him though!

- I love how everyone keeps wishing I would say something but no one acts on it
will mentos ever be useful?
- @Everyone: why did everyone, not disagree, but instead just blatantly ignore gheb's attempt to wagon me yesterday? It's an easy thing to say you want to hear more from me, but it's not impossible to just magnify what I say 10x and hold me accountable for it. it's how I read low posting players
+ I feel like he is scum... as shown from my vote on him from before. He leeps initiating wagons for weak reasons really.

- will mentos ever be useful?
will nix join any wagon as long as its the largest?
- will chaco continue to push the idea of a headstart when 'permanent' was written in chibo's role? ie: it's not impossible to believe that future recruits after chibo was lynched could possible be converted back via some mechanic/role
+ He's new, so most likely... :dizzy:

- will nix join any wagon as long as its the largest?
will omis make horrible points that screams town?
- will omis make horrible points that screams town?
+ Er yes I do agree with you that he's playing rather poorly... I don't sense any malicious intentions though... :p

- will tiger actually post like the 1739x I told him to but he keeps saying wait until after his calculus test on friday?
+ We really don't have a right to talk though... we both are incredibly innactive.

- all this and more on the next episode of Dragon Ball Sue
+ That'll change soon :)

- I hope I die in this game soon lol
will tiger actually post like the 1739x I told him to but he keeps saying wait until after his calculus test on friday?
I dislike you. :mad:

@Mod: Request Votecount


Sep 8, 2010
Xiivi &amp; TigerWoods
@Sue:- Hm? That was a half-sarcastic post, yes - you're picking up on 'textbook' reads - how do you feel 'textbook' scum would have reacted to the Chibo wagon at the time he was alive?

@Sue: Could you please elaborate on why you feel Jungle as town? We don't really see this atm
1) kill: him
2) because he's not enjoying himself as much as he would be if he was scum; jungle likes being scum

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@ Sue: 713 is a mess and like impossible to follow. Can you please clarify exactly who is saying what in each line or how you designed it with some sort of key, because it seriously is jumbled as ****.

@ Riddler: How the hell is Nix you #1 town read. Nix was super obvtown in barhouse, I remember that well. He's NOTHING like that here. How the hell do you have him as so clear?

@ Chaco: *facepalm* @ missing literally half the role flip due to skimming....

Sounds like you have some relatively serious medical stuff to deal with though, get well soon man.

@ Rockin: jesus ****ing christ you are lazy as ballsack this game. Are you seriously just going to be content to sit back and go "meh sorry I have no read can't help you" all game? Like seriously regardless of alignment you seem incredibly unmotivated so I'm having a hard time seeing you as being anything close to useful as the game goes on. =/

Expecting thorough, stance heavy posts from Kevin, Mentos, and Chaco once they're caught up from their V/LAs and whatnot.

Unvote: Rockin


Sep 8, 2010
Xiivi &amp; TigerWoods
tiger: play you said you'd be back to normal yesterday
Xiivi: Affirmative

I apologize. Passed out in class on friday. Passed out again later... and stuff. I have to have someone keep an eye on me and I'm stuck inside until they figure out what's wrong (I have a fever out of nowhere at else :mad:).

I also approve of the KevinM lynch, cv. At first I was against it... but I think I'm ok with it now.

I'd like to see his big post before we actually lynch him though.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Not a lot to say as a whole lot hasn't really developed.

Things to note would be.

Nix changing his vote to me considering I was never once on the radar from yesterday and he hasn't really elaborated why his stance would change considering there hasn't been a whole lot of discussion to change his thoughts on me.

Frozen, something in my mind irks me about how you are looking for this mentor because its just such a safe scum play. We have no idea how the role works, and we're going off the assumption it's a recruiting role for what purpose? If it's not and it's some other mechanic we're going on a wild goose chase for no real reason. It's just a super easy way for scum to contribute to helping town without any pressure on themselves. Scumhunt first Indy hunt later.

Omni, feeling a lot more comfortable with you, don't feel like you dying toDay.

Rockin, you're treading that scummy line my friend.

Chaco has done nothing to alleviate my want for a lynch on him.

Don't think the votes should be on me when there are plenty of other delicious wagons here.

In this order imo


Feelin that Quadra kill.

Vote Rockin

However since no one will hold my hand on the taco lets head to Rockin avenue.
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