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[M-1/15/19/24/27/32/33/34] FF7: Mafia Remix | Game over, Mafia Wins!

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@ Chuckie: Mega-bussing is pretty much what it sounds like. Constantly pressuring your scummate, pretty pretty avidly on the lynch, not really wavering a whole lot about it. Having a strong track record of early lynch desire, etc.

The most hardcore bussing of all time is pretty much putting your scum mate in your cross hairs right off the bat, being the starter of your scum mates wagon (or at least one of the major initial proprietors) and being the number one driving force behind the strength and longevity of the wagon.

Omni was doing the latter with Chibo. I am NOT trying to say that it is completely out of the question for a mentor to do that to his mentee to buy some serious credit. However, it is a very gambity move and I simply find it to be a less likely possibility than bussing of a lesser nature, that a mentor might try to pull if he thought there was hope for the chibo wagon to subside or fade slightly and give another wagon some life. Reason being is that bus credit tends to help more later in the game instead of straight off the bat since players have less time before endgame to really consider how likley a bus was and keep and eye on potential busser's playstyles etc.

But yeah like I still can't settle on a read for Omni yet and I am not trying to suggest that anyone clear him for being on Chibo so hardcore or anything of the sort. I just think that he isn't anywhere near the best play for today and there are plenty of other players that need more consideration pressure.

Omni has given us results and granted he could have bussed or he could be scum that got lucky and hit indy, but Omni's loudness make him easy to cross examine every step of the way whereas a lot of the other players in here that are just kind of background noise don't afford us that luxury and need to be examined and pressured NOW.

@ Sue: fukkin lol'd. Ok so I'm scummy for my target list containing weaker players and people that a flipped anti-town called town?

Did I miss the memo or did suddenly playing ****ty and being a non-presence become a town tell? Did it also become a town tell to be called town by anti-town players? This just isn't intuitive for me so you'll have to forgive me if I don't follow. I just have this nagging suspicion it doesn't make any sense.

Oh wait that's because it doesn't make any sense. At all.

Also lol @ textbook use of "omg someone commented on the NK textbook scum tell!!!!111!!1!11!!!" even though I pretty thoroughly explained WHY I raged. If you think my reasoning is problematic I'd love to hear it. I wasn't doing anything like "OMG GHEB IS DEAD THATS SO LAME WHO WOULD DO THAT OMG" which is pretty much what you're trying to make it out to be.

@ Omis:

Response 1: See above reply to Chuckie

2: "I wanted to see his opinion on it so I could better formulate mine on his." Wat? This is a terrible sentence. Please explain. Also, asking him a question like do you prefer NL over your own lynch is just dumb because had that conversation been drawn out it would have given you lots of opportunity to criticize his answers and just pile on more dirt when that question in particular really has nothing to do with why chibo was found scummy to begin with. I also really don't see what you could possibly take out of that question to confirm for you whether or not chibo was scummy. Like seriously you need to explain how that question served any constructive purpose.

3: How far from the deadline were we when you hammered? I honestly don't know and would like to if you recall.

4: That's the thing though, is that the mentee wants to avoid drawing attention to the mentor. An easy way to do that is to interact with a lot of other people but NOT the mentor, unless the mentos decides to bus. That's what I can see with you and Chibo, chibo being a good mentee deliberately avoiding causing there to be any reason for there to be a connection between you two, and then only at the end, when he's about to be lynched, do you jump in to get anti-chibo credit. It's a standard bus strat IMO.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
unless the mentos decides to bus.
Oh no! He's subliminal-messaging support for me being the mentor! XD

Anyway, Omni's response was on the lackluster side. Still would like to hear a bit more from Chaco though, and I'd like to hear Sue's response to FF. Sue in particular is notoriously absent and I'd like to start getting a read there, and Chaco would just like to hear the worthwhile post he promised. Would like Kevin's responses too. In the meantime, prolly gonna blow some more time on Reach since it's the second Halo game I've likedXD Blockbuster serves me well.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Pretty sure anti-town commenting on anyone's alignment is WIFOMy as ****. Probably shouldn't be used to strengthen/weaken your own thoughts on a person.

Like holy wtf**** if Omni is the mentor that's the most hardcore buss I think I've ever seen ever. It's just not reasonable at all.
I am NOT trying to say that it is completely out of the question for a mentor to do that to his mentee to buy some serious credit...
Don't like how you went from "dats crazy lololol" to "well, I just don't think it's as likely" after a few people started liking the bus idea.

unless the mentos decides to bus.
SLIP MORE????!?!?!?!!
*eats a jatz*

Chuuuckie, Vote: Omni how high?

I haven't nailed down why yet, but Frozen seems different from D1 so I'm toying with the idea that Frozen got recruited. I don't really see why Omni being the mentor and bussing Chibo is so out there. I mean, doesn't Omni think Chibo's really bad or something?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008


You guys and your Reach, I was playing that **** 2 weeks ago (Friend jtagged his 360)


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
got off work. going to sleep.

look for scummy players. not townish players who's actions can be viewed in scummy ways. still think people focusing on "the mentor" is pulling a cop out from actual scumhunting.

im observing how the votes and/or pressure is added on me closely. i ain't dumb so if you're gettin on my wagon you better have some strong reasoning cuz I will chew you out

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Don't like how you went from "dats crazy lololol" to "well, I just don't think it's as likely" after a few people started liking the bus idea.
If you think I was suggesting or even giving ground I might join an Omni wagon you're sadly mistaken.

I don't support Omni as the play today at all.

What I was trying to show is that despite the fact that I find it hard to believe that he's the mentor, he is still an open candidate for consideration and is certainly not at all clear. He may very well become a strong candidate in future days.

Basically what I'm saying is that though I don't think he's the mentor nor do I think hes the play today, he's far from getting a free ride 'till endgame.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I just didn't like how you went from talking really strongly about it (in particular, saying that it was completely unreasonable. A position that I would expect you to clash heads or even suspect anyone who even entertained the idea.) to a weaken position of mere disagreement, saying that it's just a "less likely position". Which I think is a much weaker position and changes how you would react to people with the idea. Makes me think that you've either talked to someone about it and decided to weaken your position or someone who's supporting the idea is someone you don't want to clash with.

Just clarifying how I read it. Thinking about it a little more now, don't see Omni (mentor) Frozen (new mentee).

Omni, what do you think is best play for a mentor? Would your views change if you knew that the mentor started with at least one mentee and that mentee was Chibo?

With regards to Sue, I thought hydraing would have made you more active, but it looks like you're posting the same as you were when it was just Xiivi. What's up with that?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
@Chuckie: Headstart means that that particular role gets to submit an action in pregame to start before everyone else. Most commonly used as a cop headstart, so it yields D1 results.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I'm playing Halo Reach so I'll post later but, I love how people completely disreard the possibility of a Mentor headstart. It's easily possible.
What suggests that there was a headstart mentor?

Chibo flipped Permanent mentee. This suggests that he started out as a mentee and maybe even would continue being a mentee on top off another new mentee that the mentor may have been able to snag N1.

So again I ask what suggest a headstart mentor, and even if the mentor is headstart, why is that important considering if he was, we killed his headstart recruit anyway?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Omni, what do you think is best play for a mentor? Would your views change if you knew that the mentor started with at least one mentee and that mentee was Chibo?
have u been reading? im not looking for the mentor; i've left that job up to Frozen. im not aiming to attempt to find a specific type of scum since i think it's a cop out for actual finding of scum. this question is a perfect example of a question that doesn't do much for us. but to entertain there is no 'best' play. also, bus'ing chibo hardcore day 1 is ******** since it -will- leave a huge and direct trail which aint worth it. -my- play would have been to lynch the **** out of Chaco since he was such an easy wagon that people were creeping on. either that or simply keep a safe vote on inactives such as Sue or Omis or place another safe vote on Mentos for being on the fence on just about everything

@chuckie: u dont seem to be aware of what holding hands is. learn. also, your case while possible is a huge stretch. as i said before idc for people making cases solely on "who is the mentor". i wanna know who you think is just pure scummy; that's about it. your case on me is wrong and it's either a hunch gone bad or casting a shadow of a doubt gone good


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@chuckie: u dont seem to be aware of what holding hands is. learn. also, your case while possible is a huge stretch. as i said before idc for people making cases solely on "who is the mentor". i wanna know who you think is just pure scummy; that's about it. your case on me is wrong and it's either a hunch gone bad or casting a shadow of a doubt gone good
I'm sure Kat knows what holding hands is. And we have said who we think is scummy. I still don't understand why you are against people 'mentor hunting' (apart from you being targetted). Unless you believe that indy/mafia is interchangable or refers to the same sort of scuminess :urg:. Or has the same kinds of tells.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i think 'mentor hunting' and 'scumhunting' are two completely things here. looking for a type of scum and just looking for scummy people. guess which faction is totally down for looking for the indy while arbitrarilly attempting to look helpful as well. it doesn't benefit mafia to keep the indy alive and they look more townie as they naturally go out and target them.

that's why i say it's better to just back up and look for scum and not specific scum.

and the reason why i said the holding hands thing was because he seemed to have a problem with me doing so as if it was an intrinsic move on my part.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Yes Omni, I didn't ask you who you thought the mentor was anywhere in that question. Just because you aren't looking for him doesn't mean you can't answer a question about what you think best play for it.

Omni, by the time the Chaco wagon came along you'd already made it clear you wanted Kevin or Chibo iirc. So saying that you would lynch the **** out of Chaco because he was easy would have been bad since you would have had to have changed your views. Actually, before I get into anything else about D1, going to reread.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Yes Omni, I didn't ask you who you thought the mentor was anywhere in that question. Just because you aren't looking for him doesn't mean you can't answer a question about what you think best play for it.
define: best play, Summoner. there is none which is what i specifically said. you play as things go. if your initial gambit is to bus your partner but some doofus is looking awesomely scummily then you post pone the bus or move to another route. the same applies to all roles. to play them in a 'best way' manner = consistency = traceable = obvious. which is why i think your asking of that question is silly

Omni, by the time the Chaco wagon came along you'd already made it clear you wanted Kevin or Chibo iirc. So saying that you would lynch the **** out of Chaco because he was easy would have been bad since you would have had to have changed your views. Actually, before I get into anything else about D1, going to reread.
you misunderstand what i said. the point is that if i was scum i wouldn't have been in chibo's *** at all. i specifically said again that bus'ing Chibo day 1 hardcore would be ******** because of the obv trail thus implying i wouldn't be doing this as scum. either be clear with what you're asking or fully grasp what it is im telling you


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
baaaah it was a dumb question. should have been something like "what would you have done as mentor over the course of D1?" but even that's a bad question. well whatever too late now. I think that a good bus would have rejected the other viable lynch since it would build more credit. This works even more as mentor since you can just recruit another player. That's why I'm not seeing you bussing Chibo as a hardcore, unreasonable bus.

I think that any tells a mentor would drop would be similar if not exactly the same as scum tells. I don't see why only targeting a specific one is a cop out. I think aiming for the mentor in particular will just raise out chances of hitting him and I'd rather the mentor dies so I can relax a little and hope people I think are town aren't recruited. I don't really like how you keep telling people not to look for the mentor because I think looking for the mentor will uncover scum regardless and it just looks like you're trying to deflect heat away from the mentor.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
im starting to feel -alittle- more comfortable with you.

im not trying to deflect heat from the mentor. i need you to realize this and i'll repeat as often as possible: i'm looking for scum. the mentor is included, but i am not focusing solely on the mentor. recruit roles are a pain in the *** but who the hell knows what mafia has up there sleeve. so im not putting one scum faction over priority over another. there are too many things i dont know:

- how many mafia members there are
- what their abilities are
- is it potentially as dangerous as the mentor role
- how many indys are left
- what does the mentor/mentee role include
- wtf does permenanent mean

so like because there's so many unknowns i stick to my guns and just chase general scum. this is my approach. i'm claiming it to be this. either you believe me or you dont but it is what it is.

and again, the reason why im weary of players concentrating on focusing on the mentor rather than scum in general is that it's a free pass for mafia to look like they're contributing while they successfully get rid of their competiting faction against town. it also makes strong, loud, townies like myself look like a culprit rather than obv town since anyone can push the bus wifom gambit. i think the harder we focus on a single player rather than a group of scummy players the better this approach benefits scum.

and i know scum knows this which is why igmeo at how people are approaching the toDay


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
"Wrapped up in the planet's strange notions surrounded by Shinra-made machines... science and the planet lived side by side in that old man's heart."

Vote Count:
[2] KevinM: Omni, Dr. Riddler
[2] Omni: Chuckie, SummonerAU
[1] Chaco: KevinM
[1] Omis: frozenflame751
[1] frozenflame751: Sue
[0] mentosman8
[0] Sue
[0] Nix2100
[0] Rockin
[0] Chuckie
[0] Dr. Riddler
[0] Junglefever
[0] SummonerAU

[6] Not Voting: mentosman8, Nix2100, Rockin, Omis, Junglefever, Chaco

Last Post:
0-24hr: Omni, SummonerAU, Chuckie, frozenflame751, Chaco, mentosman8, Omis, Sue, Junglefever, KevinM
25-48hr: Nix, Dr. Riddler
Inactive: Rockin (Prodded)

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
A deadline has been set for Saturday, September 25, Noon EST.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
I'm with Omni on this one....whether its a independent that has its own win objectives or its scum, as long as we lynch someone that prevents us from winning I'd say we did a pretty good job for the day and wasting time searching for just one type of non-town might have us overlook something obvious.

Getting a weird vibe from mentos....not entirely sure whats causing it though...
want to see more posts from Chaco and Rockin

Not entirely convinced of the Kevin lynch, but I do see where your coming from, so I want to see what happens with more votes on Kevin.

Vote: Kevin


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
no more long posts from me for a while

@Rockin: you are hardbody coasting. i've seen you come in and lurk several times D2 without saying a word. i aint likin it
Sorry about that Omni. I've recently moved to afternoon shift (4PM to 12AM), so I get home at about 12:30 AM. Normally I do post, but since I recently got my xbox 360 slim and Halo: Reach two days ago, I've been skimming. lol

I got a day off today, so I can post now (and still play Halo :D)

rockin is perfect vig material

or we can just lynch him for the hell of it

and sue
Am not. =/


I dunno why people is trying to 'hunt mentor.' Everyone knows indie hunting is bad, even Frozen. Everyone should just continue scum hunting, or anyone that seems suspicious or anti-town (you know, the usual way of playing Mafia). Indie hunting is a distraction and it CAN be a cop-out to trying to scum hunt.

Omni, still not feeling the KevinM wagon/choice of pick, however I did not like that 'why would I kill the best buddy' deal there. As such, there are obvious reasons to questions like that. I don't like how he responded, but that doesn't make him scummy (in my book at least).

Still wish Sue would say something. And I only seen Omis posted...once for now. Eh...probably be down for a Omis lynch. Summoner isn't too bad either (agree with KevinM about skimbrothers)

I don't agree with Chuckie on the analysis that Omni is mentor. I've seen him town all game (the only issue I had was how he pressured, which didn't seem to earn him a lot of information as he hoped for.

Nix, I thought about the offer. I shall hold your hand if the offer is still there.

Mentos, who do you feel is scummy?

erm....that's about it as far as what else I want to say.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i come home from work to an 8 hour silence?

you guys suck


Sep 8, 2010
Xiivi &amp; TigerWoods
yeah tiger keeps claiming busier than xiivi joins so it sucks
I resent this.

rockin is also scum, I mostly believe so because he decided to emphasize 'can' in his previous post via caps, we can kill him after FF
I actually don't agree here. I'm not clearing Rockin by any means... but I feel like he plays like this in EVERY game so I don't think that's necessarily a good reason to lynch him. FOS on him though!

will mentos ever be useful?
I feel like he is scum... as shown from my vote on him from before. He leeps initiating wagons for weak reasons really.

will nix join any wagon as long as its the largest?
He's new, so most likely... :dizzy:

will omis make horrible points that screams town?
Er yes I do agree with you that he's playing rather poorly... I don't sense any malicious intentions though... :p

We really don't have a right to talk though... we both are incredibly innactive.

That'll change soon :)

will tiger actually post like the 1739x I told him to but he keeps saying wait until after his calculus test on friday?
I dislike you. :mad:

@Mod: Request Votecount


Sep 8, 2010
Xiivi &amp; TigerWoods
@Mod: This is tiger speaking. I just did something really stupid. I responded to xiivi's post as sue by editing it instead of quoting it. Can you um... Fix this by any chance XD?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
im so confused as to whats going on right now. Sue pull your **** together.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
i think 'mentor hunting' and 'scumhunting' are two completely things here. looking for a type of scum and just looking for scummy people. guess which faction is totally down for looking for the indy while arbitrarilly attempting to look helpful as well. it doesn't benefit mafia to keep the indy alive and they look more townie as they naturally go out and target them.

that's why i say it's better to just back up and look for scum and not specific scum.

and the reason why i said the holding hands thing was because he seemed to have a problem with me doing so as if it was an intrinsic move on my part.
Yeah ok, I think I misinterpreted... when you earlier said "why do you think I'm scummy," I thought you were grouping "scummy" as a collective term for indy/mafia/etc, when I was only talking about indy. Which came across to me as "we should only look for the mafia, not the indy"

I still think there is worth to discussing possible mentor suspects, and seeing where players agree/disagree on the subject. It's still establishing connections, and it's still information that can be useful down the track.

And I agree that if people are only going to go on about the mentor, then that's a pretty good scumtell too.

Unvote: omni

I'll vote someone else who's scummy later but right now I'm pretty brain dead.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@ Kevin: What did mentos try to meta into D2? IIRC he's specifically asked for NO META D2.

And Mac is obvi what?

Also who's the mentor Kev?

@ Omis: How far from the deadline were we when you hammered? I honestly don't know and would like to if you recall.

@ Chaco: What suggests that there was a headstart mentor?

Chibo flipped Permanent mentee. This suggests that he started out as a mentee and maybe even would continue being a mentee on top off another new mentee that the mentor may have been able to snag N1.

So again I ask what suggest a headstart mentor, and even if the mentor is headstart, why is that important considering if he was, we killed his headstart recruit anyway?

@ Nix: I don't remember you joining the Kev wagon yesterday. Did you? If so when? Please point me to any such incidences.

@ Rockin: If you had to pick someone as the mentor who would you pick? Also who are your top two scum picks (non mentor) and why.

@ Sue: Why am I a play to you?

Anyone who doesn't respond or blatantly question dodges can die.

Also for anyone who is going to call mentor hunting "indy hunting" in the traditional sense of indy hunting you are dumb. Indy hunting typically refers to hunting true independents, people who are non town and non scum and operating alone. Indy hunting in this regard is dumb as nails because they have no partners and thus no one to be connected to alignment wise. For this reason no one else in the game can leave connection trails that are truly linked to an indy, they can only be coincidental. However when dealing with a mentor/mentee, they are connected and behave very much like a 2 man mafia, because of this, you can use a flipped mentee to follow connection trails and hunt the mentor.

It's reasonable to do because trails DO exist. I won't tolerate any stupid equivocations.

So can we get the ball rolling on like an Omis/Nix/Rockin/Sue wagon please?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I still have to do a read on rockin but his latest post doesn't really..offer anything to me. Seems like he just commented on stuff but didn't really analyze anything or do anything with them. Seems like a..shallow reading?


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
@Sue: What wagons have I "initiated for weak reasons"? I'm pretty sure I've had like one vote all game which was specifically for pressure. I have never started a wagon nor have I pushed for anyone to follow me all game. Not sure what you're talking about here, and I don't like people misrepresenting people's actions to fit their cause, which is also one of the reasons I'm a lot more uncomfortable with Kev today.

@Rockin: I don't know scum for sure yet. Would really like to hear Kev's responses. I've got a couple of town reads, but so many people have remained supremely inactive I don't know what to think about them, and that hurts my ability to judge the others.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
@FF - I wasn't on the Kevin wagon at all yesterday, not sure why your thinking I was. I was voting on Chaco before I moved to Chibo.

Also, who the heck called me a new player? >_> I've played enough games where I wouldn't exactly call myself a newbie anymore.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
which one of you don't like the sound of kevin being lynched and why. better yet, which one of you are actually comfortable taking Kevin to lylo


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
^ I think we are both comfortable with lynching Kev toDay. Kat just would rather other players die first :@.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
@ Omis:

Response 1: See above reply to Chuckie

2: "I wanted to see his opinion on it so I could better formulate mine on his." Wat? This is a terrible sentence. Please explain. Also, asking him a question like do you prefer NL over your own lynch is just dumb because had that conversation been drawn out it would have given you lots of opportunity to criticize his answers and just pile on more dirt when that question in particular really has nothing to do with why chibo was found scummy to begin with. I also really don't see what you could possibly take out of that question to confirm for you whether or not chibo was scummy. Like seriously you need to explain how that question served any constructive purpose.
I was more trying to find more reasons for myself to find him scummy so I could justify to myself lynching him. I think town would rather get lynched and prevent a no lynch than to go the day without gaining flips and connections. Hencely, I think town would be more ok with their lynch.
3: How far from the deadline were we when you hammered? I honestly don't know and would like to if you recall.
About five hours
4: That's the thing though, is that the mentee wants to avoid drawing attention to the mentor. An easy way to do that is to interact with a lot of other people but NOT the mentor, unless the mentos decides to bus. That's what I can see with you and Chibo, chibo being a good mentee deliberately avoiding causing there to be any reason for there to be a connection between you two, and then only at the end, when he's about to be lynched, do you jump in to get anti-chibo credit. It's a standard bus strat IMO.
Ignoring someone indirectly forms a connection with them. Personally, I just see a good mentee talking to everyone as equals to leave no trails
Response in blues.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
kay Chuckie, unvote Vote: Rockin should come play with me :D

Rockin said:
Indie hunting is a distraction and it CAN be a cop-out to trying to scum hunt.
mad weak. Rockin, do you think the people who would like to find the mentor today are using it as a cop out? Do you agree or disagree with Frozen's most recent post about the topic?
Rockin said:
...however I did not like that 'why would I kill the best buddy' deal there. As such, there are obvious reasons to questions like that. I don't like how he responded, but that doesn't make him scummy (in my book at least).
pretty mad weak as well.
Rockin said:
Still wish Sue would say something. And I only seen Omis posted...once for now. Eh...probably be down for a Omis lynch. Summoner isn't too bad either (agree with KevinM about skimbrothers)
Who are your top suspects atm Rockin? :|@ skimming

Somebody post something gawd!


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Frozen - That mentor question is a pretty bad question to me, really. I wouldn't really know anyway. And if you're asking who I feel is scum, I wouldn't really know.

Omni - I don't want to lynch Kevin mainly cause I don't see much of a reason to lynch him. I havn't seen anything scummy of what he did. As far as lylo, I wouldn't know. I don't often be in a lylo situation, so I'm the wrong person to ask for that field

Summoner - Yes, I feel that indy hunting is a cop out cause it's not the main focus of what we should be doing. I agree to Frozen's points that mentors can lead trails. However, I disagree that 'mentor hunting /=/ indy hunting, cause it does (at least to me it does). Whether it's a mentor or an SK, you're hunting down some sort of independent, and what's worse is that you're trying to hunt down something that can't possibly NK (like Mafias). If we've lynched a mafia or two, I would've been cool with it. As far as who I feel is scum...eh, no idea.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
EPTOP: It's not to say I don't find anyone scummy. There are a few people I want to get rid of such as Sue for lack of contribution and Summoners for the skimming and mislead. I'm also debating on Mentos cause of his lack of clear stance...but then this is only D2, so meh. The same reason with Junglefever.

Do I think they're truly scummy? Not really, but I do want either of them gone.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@FF - I wasn't on the Kevin wagon at all yesterday, not sure why your thinking I was. I was voting on Chaco before I moved to Chibo.
I wasn't thinking you were. That's teh point. I said that I dont remember you ever being on the Kevin wagon. Obviously I didn't think you were and I was ASKING you if you were incase I missed it. Derp.

So now my question is, why join it now? Reasons for voting Kevin atm are pretty much the same as they were yesterday across the board. What has changed between now and yesterday that you now are all of a sudden interested in how more votes on Kevin will trun out?

Frozen - That mentor question is a pretty bad question to me, really. I wouldn't really know anyway. And if you're asking who I feel is scum, I wouldn't really know.

Omni - I don't want to lynch Kevin mainly cause I don't see much of a reason to lynch him. I havn't seen anything scummy of what he did. As far as lylo, I wouldn't know. I don't often be in a lylo situation, so I'm the wrong person to ask for that field

Summoner - Yes, I feel that indy hunting is a cop out cause it's not the main focus of what we should be doing. I agree to Frozen's points that mentors can lead trails. However, I disagree that 'mentor hunting /=/ indy hunting, cause it does (at least to me it does). Whether it's a mentor or an SK, you're hunting down some sort of independent, and what's worse is that you're trying to hunt down something that can't possibly NK (like Mafias). If we've lynched a mafia or two, I would've been cool with it. As far as who I feel is scum...eh, no idea.

And if it is you need to EXPLAIN WHY IT IS A BAD QUESTION. You can't just say "omg bad question" and just not answer without saying why.

I just explained it great detail WHY you can draw connections from a flipped mentee to find a mentor. How can you possibly have no a single hunch who might be the mentor?

And even beyond that how can you seriously not have a single scum read? I could maybe understand you not having any particularly scummy reads if we had a town flip yesterday but we had an anti town flip. Those are info goldmines. Seriously this is just blatant question dodging.

Even if you're gonna be stubborn and just say you don't really think anyone is scummy per say, I want a clear and concise top 2 (ideally 3) "who I want dead" list pronto with reasons why.

Grargggflgdflgglglgr @ you saying mentor hunting is still indy hunting. Ok, yes, the mentor is technially and independant faction, so yes technically hunting a mentor is hunting an independantly aligned player within the scope of this game. HOWEVER, because the mentor is not alone, huntnig him does not qualify as typical "indy hunting" which consists of trying to look for coincidental trails to nail a TRUE INDEPENDANT player who isn't patrnered with anyone.

Then you go on to say that it's bad because it's hunting someone who might not be able to NK. giantfacepalm.jpg For one, there is no evidence to suggest the mentor/mentee pair can not kill if the mentee exists when night phase comes, since last night the mentee didn't exist. Furthermore, RECRUITING ROLES ARE FAR WORSE AND MORE DANEGROUS THAN KILLING ROLES. THE MENTOR IS A RECRUITING ROLE. DO NOT TRY AND SPOUT NONSENSE LIKE IF IT CAN'T KILL IT ISN'T IMPORTANT.

Unvote: Omis
Vote: Rockin

Yeah until I get what I asked for this isn't moving.

omis said:
I was more trying to find more reasons for myself to find him scummy so I could justify to myself lynching him. I think town would rather get lynched and prevent a no lynch than to go the day without gaining flips and connections. Hencely, I think town would be more ok with their lynch.
So you were testing to see if he'd advocate his own lynch over NL, in which case you would've thought he was town?

Why would a townie want to get themselves lynched barring having a role that has distinct pro town abilities that activate upon death? You're better off staying alive than being dead because you can continue to scum hunt if you are alive and ultimately (hopefully) nail scum. Just dieing and flipping might give the town some inclination of who scum might be on your wagon, but ultimately you are better off alive and CONVINCING other people of who of yoru wagoners are scum (because it is often far easier for the person being wagonned to pinpoint the scum on their own wagon).

Any self respecting townie who's willing to put the effort in should always opt for NL over their own lynch.

Omis said:
About five hours
Taken into consideration.

Omis said:
Ignoring someone indirectly forms a connection with them. Personally, I just see a good mentee talking to everyone as equals to leave no trails
I know not interacting with somone creates an indirect connection. I said that. And I said that's the connection between you and Chibo I was wary of. You barely interacted at all (if at all) until nearthe very end of the day when his wagon was pretty much secured as the dominant wagon. And then when you didintereact, it was dumb, shallow, easily manipulatable stuff that you talked about him with that I hardly consider scumhunting. That's why I see a very clear potential mentor/mentee relationship through those connections.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Rockin said:
There are a few people I want to get rid of such as Sue for lack of contribution and Summoners for the skimming and mislead.
wait holdup, I'd like to see what makes you think I'm skimming and what I'm being misleading about. I'd then like to hear why misleading isn't like a huge scumtell and you haven't put any effort into pressuring me or even voting me. If someone was misleading people, I'd be pretty **** suspicious.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Frozen - it's a pretty bad question cause it's like asking me 'who do I want to be in my scum team,' which I never really like that question much really. I dunno. Really, I wouldn't know who I would want as my mentor. Anyone can work in my book as long as they have some common sense. I'm not really choosy, and I **** well never really been constant mafia buds with the same people in previous mafia games.

See? look at that. I'm not even trying to question dodge this. I just have simple taste. *shrugs*

Indy hunting is still indy hunting to me. If you or anyone else want to indy hunt, that's fine, but I would rather want to scum hunt then indy. I just would rather want others to do the same thing.

And me not having a hunch who's Mentor would be the same of me not having a good hunch in some of the previous Mafia games I've played. It's just plain and simple.

oh, and here's your list

1)Sue - Not really contributing as far as D1. Just mainly wanted a wagon on Mentos. Well, he said some stuff, but I don't think he really said alot, or spoke of any other players...

2) Junglefever - Lack of a good stance on who he wants.

Summoners - The one time of 'misleading' was when you tried to quote Omni's words within your own. I think that was about the only time of when you was misleading. Why havn't I voted or pressure you about it? Well, I assumed it was just a mistake, cause I tend to word things wrong too. The only thing I'm having issue of in terms of you is your skimming, that's all.

I like to cast my vote on someone who I legitimately feel is scummy. So far though, I havn't really found any of such.
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