What differences are there? It seems pretty similar to vBrawl to me.
One thing I noticed is that at the peak of hit if you hit with your fists then they get sent upwards o_o high Uair kill setup, anyone?
And of course there's always the typical sweep usage and knocking opponents with bad recoveries out of the way while they try to recover (Link, Ness, etc.).
Jab cancel mindgames. Gotta love em.
Utilt is the greatest combo starter, just like vBrawl.
Uairs when your opponent is on a platform directly above your head.
Sadly, Fair is probably the farthest horizontal aerial range we're going to get. After losing to lloD's Peach several times, I realized that sometimes we're just going to have to live with trading hits with Peach with your Fair.. Gotta use those fireballs to scare her from floating too, though. Fweh.
Dair is nice. Dair/Fair -> Nair/JumpAirDodge is a decent approach.
Bair is great for edgeguarding. In vBrawl I couldn't use this as much because it sends them upwards.. but with hitstun that isn't as much of a problem. Lack of decay + hitstun + knockback increase = results from the edge.
Jab jab dtilt jab, anyone?
Ftilt is crappy, but it's also probably all we'll get in terms of quick, horizontal, grounded, less-punishable range.
Stutter Fsmash is fast and lovely.
I'm not a huge fan of Dsmash because I'm in love with Melee Luigi's Dsmash, but it's got its smack your opponent away from you uses.
Luigi is fast.. He's all over those platforms and airdodging and shorthop and doublejump airdodge shiz.
Be all over the place, look for openings, results. We have to play extra smart due to our horrendously obvious lack of range, but it pays off once Luigi is in there.
Yeah, this is a summary of what I got after 2 days of playing B+ so expect more in the future @_@.