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Louisville KY s2d tournament a few times a monthly. 08/29/09


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I asked Kajoq about your skills in SF. I heard he beat the brakes off of you with the basics. Plus, I calmed all that trash talking down once I saw the roflstomping crew walk in. If it had been just S2D regulars, I would've won that sh*t for sure. Plus, I was going pretty even with the dude that placed 2nd. So before you think I'm mad, you're dead wrong. I'm quite happy there were people there to stomp my face in. It lets me know there is SF scene in Louisville outside of S2D. Lastly, I don't think I've ever heard "Oh, OS is a beast in SF." Not once have I ever heard your name being synonymous the words "Street" or "Fighter". So before you try that "I'm the top of the food chain" BS in SF prove me wrong.
$100 MM is crossing my mind. =P


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
Not really. I'd have knocked your teeth out and banned you from S2D and said "enjoy your pocket change, you're not playing here again".

That's about as lame as you get.

I wouldn't try anything like that at a MWC event, because you'll both spend it sitting in the car outside the venue.
Omg It was at crashes house for one thing you idiot. Actually know what your talking about. Also, you think i'll make first in MWC? Awww, im flattered. Really dude stfu. I'd also love to see you "knock my teeth out". Just saying. Telling someone you cant split there money is like telling you them you cant buy McDonalds with your prize. If you won it then Its yours to use however you like.

@hilt: I know your through with this but try to hear me out. I wasnt justifying anything I did, If anything I clearly said that I was sorry. What i'm trying to say is it wouldve turned out me fighting you anyways, It kind of couldnt be helped. Spec was on top of it all day. I wouldve lost to spec leading to me fighting you. It wouldve been prolonging the inevitable. But, I still shouldve put an effort into fighting him and trying to win and thats what my apology was for. (Because that means I was officially rigging the bracket)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Who cares if it was at Crash's house? I would have banned you anyway. I don't waste time.

And splitting the pot is traditionally frowned upon because that means the tournament is rigged. If you aren't playing for anything, you play ridiculous matches... like you two did. So the TO has two choices: Have piss poor finals, or just ban people that do that from future events. I'd do the latter 100% of the time no matter who it was.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
Finals wasnt even that big, it was like 18 people there. Well fine whatever. We can just do the friggin top 3 over if its that big of a deal. (Dont even say it isnt.) We'll give the appropriate money to the appropriate people or we can just see if hilt beats spes and if he does then we'll give hilt the appropriate rank/cash.

How else do you handle a rigged bracket?


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
splitting is gay. really really gay. When i went to vegas last week DSF and Tyrant split. wow what a grand finals that was, they didn't even play. We asked tyrant to play when we went to get something to eat he said he would play the set, however when the time came they both said we fight all the time and there is no point in fighting, so they split. sigh.....duck.

Moral of the story don't split.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Splitting can't be justified. And it's NOT like winning the lottery. You know why? Because in the lottery, you don't split your winnings in half with the people that ALMOST won the lottery.

Honestly, if I see C. Falcon dittos at the MWC grand finals or anything like that, I'll quit Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
But its your freaking choice to. Your winning a GRAND PRIZE. YOUR keyword. The people that didnt when dont get money unless you want to give it to them. Basicly your saying "in smash you dont split your winnings in half with people that almost win the tournament." When frankily I just did so hm. You can split its just people dont like it. Call me a liar but if I won the lottery then I'd really split it 3-ways because I know the people that I'm splitting with would do the same with me. (well maybe not the lottery) So when ever we get big money we split it. Just something we've always done.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
stop relating this to the Lottery. In the lottery winning is all that matters. It's not a competitive game. When we were at the MWC a few weeks ago, watching Lain face Ally was probably one of the most exciting brawl sets i've ever seen in person. If they had split? psh, no one would've watched. no one would've cared. It'd have been even worse if they co-operated so that they would both be in the finals, KNOWING they would split.

No, i dont care about splitting. But saying 'hey, hilt isnt in the tournament anymore. it's just you and me, so who cares about the finals?? let's just **** around in the finals, we already have our money.'


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
Thats what ive been apologizing for. So if your going to ban us then do it.

Apology or ban or redo its your choice. I'm not that big on grudges.

I know you didnt care about the split, just the fact that we rigged it to split. (also trying to make up for that)

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
no no no

first of all about splitting. Proving splitting wrong or right is pointless. The people in here are obviously against splitting. You were merely using arguments that dont work well. I AM against splitting, but am not nearly as vocal, or against it as others may be. However, in a big match, that people would actually enjoy watching... it'd be different.

i'm not mad or holding a grudge or anything. You guys won your money. If i wanted to ban you or something i would've done so at the time. I'm too nice of a guy to do that now. However if this was done at a large tournament, instead of a small house tournament, it would've been a much bigger deal.

As for redoing, if we did a redo and i won, it wouldnt be the same. I dont play brawl for money. Especially the small tournaments we have in louisville. I playor the competitiveness of the game and to prove to myself i was good. I enjoy competition. If I was playing for money, i'd be playing snake. Even if I won, he fact that I lost to you twice would remain the same, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Because I lost, I realize that I have a matchup to seriously work on, and I plan to do so, so that the same doesnt happen again.

I have little against you, dont worry. You werent loud or obnoxious about it, and actually took your chance to apologize. You're a pretty cool guy. Spec, however:

lmao true fax. After light beaet hilt, me and him thought it would be best for light to forfeit and see if he could beat him again. He did and then me and light had the most fun matches lol we did warm up rounds of cf dittos, mk dittos and secondary only. On stages like hyrule battlefield and (the secondary, i challenged his diddy with link on fd lol. i was soooooo close to winning) then we just did a 2/3 for the tourny.

Cc 4 lyf
this is what i hate. obnoxious posts. After you beat me in losers finals, all i heard was spec cheering about you winning. Not even overswarm gloats about his winnings like this, but merely trash talks beforehand. I realize that you and spec are quite different in your personalities. So dont worry about it. I have nothing against you.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
In my defense, I never really care. I just like getting in people's heads and making them emotionally involved in every match with me ever.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
hmm, well then I have to ask you one more thing about this situation. Specs post was as I stated earlier wrong but we both get over excited about things and I think everyone can vouch for that. May it be a level of immaturity, probably. But we mean nothing of it and I've been trying to apologize for both of us and I talked to him about the problem but he is no where close to a computer or internet at the moment. But we have both agreed nothing like this will happen again.

Now my arguments towards Delva is different. I'm still staying strong to controling what I do with MY prizemoney although everyone is against it. But, before I go on about this is everyone against splitting money between 1st and 2nd. Or splitting with like 1st and not top 4?


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
I don't see what's wrong with splitting with someone you play with all the time. They should at least play it out though


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
Spec being obnoxious. New phenomenon? You be the judge.

As for delvro; as long as he makes it known before the tournament starts, I.E. makes it a rule, I see no problem with giving the money to 3rd and 4th instead. At the very least, play, and split it after you leave.

On the other hand, it would be kind of ridiculous to think light and spec wouldn't split the pot anyway. It's basic logic.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
yeah, and imo it would be better to not make it an EXACT split. say... if it would normally be $120 divided between first and second. Instead of having it $80 for $40 (which is what would normally happen from a 60/30/10 split) split it like... 65/55. or 70/50. That way you keep the general splitting idea, and still make the finals interesting to watch. Granted this wont make the finals AS interesting, but at least makes it a little more fun to watch then a money match.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If I was ever running a tournamnet and everyone wanted to split, I'd make the pot split go 40/30/20/10 so no one ever actually benefited much from splitting.

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
After reading what went on during the tourny
I didnt know it was this serious:(
Brawl is meant to be fun...not competitive
(Sakurai said this)
And you shouldnt brawl for money
Its all about the experience,making friends, meeting people you have something in common with, and of course developing your characters' metagame.

Oh yea and the most important thing...helping your character rise on the tier list and rankings

Edit: Cc for life:)

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
After reading what went on during the tourny
I didnt know it was this serious:(
Brawl is meant to be fun...not competitive
(Sakurai said this)
And you shouldnt brawl for money
Its all about the experience,making friends, meeting people you have something in common with, and of course developing your characters' metagame.

Oh yea and the most important thing...helping your character rise on the tier list and rankings

Edit: Cc for life:)

He put tripping and final smashes in the game. There is nothing fun about tripping into **** or someone with no skill winning every match because they are adept at getting smashballs.


Just call me "Rowan"
Aug 19, 2007
Louisville, KY
After reading what went on during the tourny
I didnt know it was this serious:(
Brawl is meant to be fun...not competitive
(Sakurai said this)
And you shouldnt brawl for money
Its all about the experience,making friends, meeting people you have something in common with, and of course developing your characters' metagame.

Oh yea and the most important thing...helping your character rise on the tier list and rankings

Edit: Cc for life:)
It's when "fun" things that the player can't control (like tripping) when things start to get serious.

As for the splitting and what I think of it, 2 words:

"Who cares?"

Let them split if they want..


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
bull ****.

it was a five game set.
not even five minutes after you and I finished our set, spec told me you were done with winners finals. he TOLD me that you forfeited the match, so stop trying to lie.

now imagine this. imagine me scheming with every person at the tournament to take you out. imagine me telling every two people that would have to play, to rig the match so that the person that would do better against you would win. and each time a person would play you, everyone would cheer for that person throughout the set, making it very apparent we're just trying to take you out. psychologically, this would be stressful, wouldn't it? granted, this example is on a larger scale than what happened yesterday, but the idea is the same.

on another note, I see this no different than if I were to rig the bracket so that everyone I would see to be a threat would be in the opposite side of the bracket. but no. I had you, me, spec, and paladin have a ten seed, and crash and calic a nine seed, to try to make it as fair as possible. I was then asked if you and spec could be in opposite brackets, and I thought it would be a pretty nice thing to do, so I did so.

but whatever. I'm not really that mad about it anymore. but dont even TRY to justify anything you did, because there's no point.
Are u guys contradicting ur selfs? in all respect u say do anything to win. Me and light did play, we actually played it before to see who would be going to losers. Please dont act like ur the only one this happened to. OS told me and morehead him and Y.b.M sandbagged to go to the losers and eliminate us.......but sry if ur upset
Who cares if it was at Crash's house? I would have banned you anyway. I don't waste time.

And splitting the pot is traditionally frowned upon because that means the tournament is rigged. If you aren't playing for anything, you play ridiculous matches... like you two did. So the TO has two choices: Have piss poor finals, or just ban people that do that from future events. I'd do the latter 100% of the time no matter who it was.
stop relating this to the Lottery. In the lottery winning is all that matters. It's not a competitive game. When we were at the MWC a few weeks ago, watching Lain face Ally was probably one of the most exciting brawl sets i've ever seen in person. If they had split? psh, no one would've watched. no one would've cared. It'd have been even worse if they co-operated so that they would both be in the finals, KNOWING they would split.

No, i dont care about splitting. But saying 'hey, hilt isnt in the tournament anymore. it's just you and me, so who cares about the finals?? let's just **** around in the finals, we already have our money.'
NO ONE WATCHED ANYWAY! After u vs hilt everyone did melee/funsies.......not to mention me and light can never have a serious match against each other. It always turns out the same, i pick mk and he gets too frustrated to play me. So.....no one has anything to complain about

as for my post, i didnt realize it was obnoxious or would hurt anyone. Im deeply sorry about that, i was just over excited that i won my first tourny. Even in crashes house i was cheering cause i was finally going to accomplish something for once. Im sorry if i did something wrong but i dont really do much in my life and it felt nice to finally have something to look at......im sorry

btw, i still dont understand this whole "only go serious for money" i play serious whenever im in the mood to play. There could be a 20$ mm, and i still might not go serious. Thats why i generally only like to mm1$. I play to win even in funsies sometimes, but idk maybe u guys look at it different


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Way to forever blacken your first tournament win.

"Hey, remember that time my friend forfeited to me and then I didn't actually play him in the finals? I WON that tournament man, woo!"


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
Way to forever blacken your first tournament win.

"Hey, remember that time my friend forfeited to me and then I didn't actually play him in the finals? I WON that tournament man, woo!"
I did play him. we did Pika vs falco(i won) then diddy vs pika on fd (he won) then mk vs diddy on fd and i won


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
Will do next time. BTW we didnt mean for the split to be how u guys see it. We always split, even if i get first and he get last(or vice-versa) we give each other half. but sry for the trouble


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I really sucked at this tourney. I dont know why im so streaky, i did much better the day before in lexington. Good games tho, It was a close one Hilt. I'll be banning Luigi's mansion next time, no doubt.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Does anyone in Cincy want to go to this this weekend? Or is there some other tournament that Cincy's going to that I don't know about?

Idk about rides and everything, but I'd definitely like to get some practice before MWC.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
He put tripping and final smashes in the game. There is nothing fun about tripping into **** or someone with no skill winning every match because they are adept at getting smashballs.

It's a hell of a lot more fun than getting your **** stomped every game because the other guy has no life outside of smash. The gay crap is put in for fun.

Also, nobody watched because they knew you would just split it. Who watches falcon dittos?
cue the obligatory falcon tournament vid


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
Way to forever blacken your first tournament win.

"Hey, remember that time my friend forfeited to me and then I didn't actually play him in the finals? I WON that tournament man, woo!"
Lets just hop off the subject. I love how you werent even there yet your talking **** and acting like you would've made a difference in the top 3 bracket. Still wouldve most likely been us 3.

MOVING ON. What are the next tournaments coming up and the dates? I know MWC is in like a week or two but I dont think I'm going. As much as I want to watch people I need to concentrate on school and attendence.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Lets just hop off the subject. I love how you werent even there yet your talking **** and acting like you would've made a difference in the top 3 bracket
I agree that Overswarm's being kind of an *** over this, because in my mind splitting should be allowed as long as the set is played in full (and hopefully seriously), but OS definitely would have made a good difference in the top 3.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
if you split the set is never played "seriously"; the whole INCENTIVE to play as hard as you can disappears. thus this just becomes like a "serious friendly" -__-

anyways w/e...e_ it's like 1.5 hrs to louisville rofl, are you sure you wanna go to this? BTW who are we riding w/ to c4? caitlin needs a ride there and so do i.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
First of all, I wanna go ahead and say you're an idiot. Just to get that out of the way. Rather than avoid conflict that light has ALREADY stopped with a simple apology, you continue to talk like you know everything.

Are u guys contradicting ur selfs? in all respect u say do anything to win. Me and light did play, we actually played it before to see who would be going to losers.
I never say 'do anything to win'. If I went by that logic, you'd be seeing rigged brackets. Or me and paladin conspiring to take you two out so that we could split the prize.

Please dont act like ur the only one this happened to. OS told me and morehead him and Y.b.M sandbagged to go to the losers and eliminate us.......but sry if ur upset
This is an entirely different situation. OS decided this on his own. YBM wasnt even in on it. If this is true (which i doubt it is), It was a solo act.

NO ONE WATCHED ANYWAY! After u vs hilt everyone did melee/funsies.......not to mention me and light can never have a serious match against each other. It always turns out the same, i pick mk and he gets too frustrated to play me. So.....no one has anything to complain about
**** you. seriously. Use your word tricks and whatnot to try to justify, and make it seem like it doesnt matter. Everyone knows what you did. As for watching, that was more of a reference to how a larger tournament would be. Doing it at a small tournament wouldnt be too big of a deal, but if you were at a MWC event? or even the UK tournaments? heh

as for my post, i didnt realize it was obnoxious
of course you didnt.
Im deeply sorry about that
no you arent.
Im sorry if i did something wrong but i dont really do much in my life and it felt nice to finally have something to look at......im sorry
i'm not going to pity you.

btw, i still dont understand this whole "only go serious for money"
no one's saying that.
i play serious whenever im in the mood to play. There could be a 20$ mm, and i still might not go serious. Thats why i generally only like to mm1$. I play to win even in funsies sometimes, but idk maybe u guys look at it different
all i'm seeing here is that you 'go all out sometimes, but dont go all out other times.' There was no point in you even saying this.

alright. Light. if you read this, dont think i have anything against you. You and spec are in the same crew but that doesnt mean anything. You're cool. You're calm. I like you, you're alright to have around. And please dont try to defend him this time. Last thing you said in his defense was tossed aside with spec's last post. He doesnt realize how much of an idiot he is.

spec you're cool to hang out with a lot of the time too. but you've pissed me off more than most.

alright... think i'm done :laugh:


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Now my arguments towards Delva is different. I'm still staying strong to controling what I do with MY prizemoney although everyone is against it. But, before I go on about this is everyone against splitting money between 1st and 2nd. Or splitting with like 1st and not top 4?
You are, in a way, right. What you do with your money is none of my business. But splitting pot money eliminates the intensity of the final match of the tournament (as many people have pointed out), and I refuse to turn the grand finals of our tournaments into joke matches. If you try your absolute hardest in the finals, then we don't have a problem.

But... more likely than not... pot splitters don't try their hardest in the finals... obviously.

and light... I don't mean to try to control what you do with your money. But I swear if any kind of side deals affect the Grand finals in a Lex tournament... I'll rip some souls to shreds

Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
Just to clarify, YbM did not sandbagged with us, u could tell by how me he got when we won, as for OS, the only type of sandbaggin he has was picking C.Falcon in one match, but it was Pirate Ship so we would have one that one anyways. God Kais dont need to rig anything, we play for the fun of the game, meet new friends(like all u scrubs in this thread), and money is just a very big plus(who does not love money)

All in all, both spec and light are really cool dudes to see and play with, I would hate to see them crucified for 1 stupid thing they did. So...yeah...GOD KAIS!!!

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Just to clarify, YbM did not sandbagged with us, u could tell by how me he got when we won, as for OS, the only type of sandbaggin he has was picking C.Falcon in one match, but it was Pirate Ship so we would have one that one anyways. God Kais dont need to rig anything, we play for the fun of the game, meet new friends(like all u scrubs in this thread), and money is just a very big plus(who does not love money)

All in all, both spec and light are really cool dudes to see and play with, I would hate to see them crucified for 1 stupid thing they did. So...yeah...GOD KAIS!!!
yeah, they're both cool. I dont really think spec was thinking about what he was doing and how others would react. But trying to say that what he did wasnt wrong? that's what i dont like.

but in all honesty spec, i'll probably stay mad for like... a couple hours before i get over it
usually me typing a wall of text is all it'll take :laugh:
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