You can space pikmin toss when you're firing them off at the opponent. Learn the different ranges to filter out specific colors. White is easiest (just shoot and it'll usually go off or latch), then Red/Blue (same range; barely toss reds off and retreat to keep blues), then Yellow/Purple (AWESOME).
If a "bad" pikmin gets stuck to the opponent, they might kill it anyway. If it doesn't die, that's fine. Not optimal, but fine.
You can also use Fsmash when edgeguarding to send "bad" ones off.
Just don't get obsessed with sorting and lose sight of the opponent. Just find time to toss off. If you're really being pressured, even a white smash/grab can be helpful. Any port in a storm, y'know.
I like to use Uair -> Pikmin toss to sort, making sure that you don't get the butt-bounce. Gives you a good view of your line, so you can memorize the positions of undesirables and toss them off. After the first Uair, I can use Usmash/Dsmash to sort.
Whistle (possibly along with Uair/Usmash/Dsmash) is always an option.
一: What is the fastest way to instant return & how do you perform it in said way? I noticed when watching a RB match his IR's looked as if they were faster than mine which is why i'm asking.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but perhaps your timing for the UpB is different...
Anyone know what he means?
二: This maybe be more of a personal thing, but I find that a minute or two into the match, I start to like mentally fatigue & practically auto-sandbag (spam side b, run to other side, spam side b), is there any suggestions as to how I can fight against that?
Eat well (even during the tournament), get sleep before, and practice to the point that you CAN autopilot certain things. If you're focusing just to execute basic ATs or something, you're going to wear out quickly.
Practice a LOT the night before and a little bit just before, if you can. Don't wear yourself out before it starts (which can cause you to become less creative), but keep sharp.
That's about all I can tell you about this. ^^;
三: Oli vs Falco is a very annoying MU for me simply because of falco's abilty to control the speed of the match with his lasers, how should I be approaching this MU & what pikmin should I be trying to filter out?
I try to keep Yellow as priority 1, then blues, then purples. Blues can put him offstage easily (setting up a kill; his recovery can be predictable) while Purples just outright kill (but are more difficult to hit with, as we usually have to let him in closer).
Laser camping is your problem? I like to camp with shorthop toss and FF to prep for a reaction. Watch for phantasm, use your shield/airdodge, and remember that you can't FF DURING an airdodge. You can FF before the airdodge and it'll have the expected effect.
四: My button configs are tap jump off & R set to attack, the purpose of that is for DACUS. Is there any other useful configs I should try out & what would be the purpose behind them?
My control scheme has R set to "attack", Y set to "special", and tap jump off.
I have R set to "attack" for using smashes while holding an item. Tried doing DACUS with R and found that it was incredibly difficult compared to using the C-Stick and Z.
Y set to "special" is for jump-canceling UpB. Much easier than using B. I still use B for just about everything, though. ^^;
五: What kind of Mix-Ups can I use to ensure that my opponent won't get use to my oli gameplay?
I'll get to this in a bit when I'm not too tired to type a bunch of crap. ^^;