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London Melee and Brawl Ranbat June 27th

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East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
Single elimination is gay. As soon as someone has to face Fuzzyness they are very likely to be out which is kinda gay but it was a one off so.........yeah.
Lol like last 3 Brawl things I've lost to Fuzz>_>

at least i got it to 2-1 this time around. I will have my revenge.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I don't think it's such a good idea atm as my mum is still a bit moody and I'm not sure how many will come for a fest, but if I can I will let you know.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
most fox players claw if they are struggling technically o_0 ?.

as for practicing technical skill , do it at a slower speed learn the thumb movements ,

to get good at this game your reaction time need to fall under a certain time like 130 ms .


as there years go on from playing this game you reaction times decreases slowly

if you have a reaction of 130 ms thats equivalent to 5 yrs of experience

Lol, what makes you think this? I just had a go at it and my reaction time on 5 times was between 250-280. Maybe my mouse is crap and I can do better or maybe its aload of banter cause my DI is usually pretty solid. I think most of the reaction based situations in this game are pre- meditated such as reacting after a tech, DI'ing or doing a fair at the right time, and once you have those things sorted its just about putting them in place concerning what the opponent will do- good DI usually consists of knowing when you're getting hit and timing it properly. Ive always said that the game is about reaction and prediction but I dont believe this lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2008
England, London
Ha, look forward to play you, hopefully i can make it up for the next Ranbattle and give you some games :). would like to give you a couple of Falco ditos to. and nah you spelt it right:p

btw do you play melee at all? or just brawl?

Just like to say thanks to everyone, nice meeting all of you, had a great time. Thanks to TC for hosting too.
Crew battle was too good, shame we couldn't record it or finish it! lol. hopefully we can do it again next time.

i only play brawl and that would be interesting if i faced you in some falco dittos. although im scared that sheik may come out of no where and start that kick combo to me which is difficult to break out of :chuckle:


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
Lol, what makes you think this? I just had a go at it and my reaction time on 5 times was between 250-280. Maybe my mouse is crap and I can do better or maybe its aload of banter cause my DI is usually pretty solid. I think most of the reaction based situations in this game are pre- meditated such as reacting after a tech, DI'ing or doing a fair at the right time, and once you have those things sorted its just about putting them in place concerning what the opponent will do- good DI usually consists of knowing when you're getting hit and timing it properly. Ive always said that the game is about reaction and prediction but I dont believe this lol.

yeah when i wrote with post i knew someone would contradict me its the way of smashboards so meh .

lemme ask you this ?

how solidly can you ledge tech , how solidly can you input multi Dis on small hitlag attacks i would often assumely rarely sir .

all this techniques in this game is based on reaction time , simply decrease you reaction time and instantly your play will be more accurate / more technical .

not saying predicting to a way to react is good aswell , but dont get far since like any human you can be wrong .

ok i highlighted the blue text - i agreed 100% on that part .

but you have to admit your reaction time will improve it significantly .

i bet zeppo you can only get in one good solid direction of DI with your RT time

but with prediction you could get in 2 directions correct

you cant always predict a hit ?

but with fast RT time no prediction is needed

why zeppo do you like guessing games i sure dont at all ?



Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
No but like if you are playing falcon as peach and you get dthrow you know what's coming next...to a certain extent you don't have to predict a lot of the time. Certainly in the american game prediction is easier because people go for good options instead of being ******** chrisbois and attempting grab tip all the time.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Alright, heres some actual logic.

Why can prediction be better? If your RT time is high enough you can cover probably 90% of good DI input, techs and other stuff. Sure you would become good at guessing, but being faster will always be in your advantage, with everything. You'll be able to react faster, come up with counter tactics faster (because you buy time with getting faster RT time) and yes, here it comes, you'll be able to predict more accurate. Where it would actually become predicting and not guessing. Try that versus guessing right 9 of the 10 times.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2008
Bedford, England
Lets be honest here, if you are an amazing smasher you are going to have a very good Reaction Time, so if another smasher has a better RT, it's probably not even going to be 50ms faster.

Reaction time is just one ability of many that make up how good someone is at smash and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, this is the reason people have different playstyles.

For example, say you can react to getting hit with a smash and DI 30ms faster than the guy you are playing... Except 30ms is actually like such a massively ridiculously small amount of time is not even worth boasting about and guess what? Turns out the guy you are playing is actually better at reading his opponents than you are so he still ends up winning.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
I think are overrating reaction time.

Reaction time is just one ability of many that make up how good someone is at smash and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

It's like, wow you can DI 30ms faster than that guy over there, but hes much better at reading the opponent than you, so you're still gonna get your *** kicked.
The thing is, the difference is not 30 ms. More like 100+. And with that, you'll really notice the difference. And yeah, I think the guy that you just described that is 30ms faster would screw up less.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
that would rarely happen ,

if you have faster reaction time overall than ''said guy over there ''

you will react better / more fluid to things happening in the game

there react better to a opponent

why guess / and try read the opponent .

where you can be like , i am teching chasing you

you can t ever get out because my RT time is so fast

rather than tech chasing and dair the other way .


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2008
Bedford, England
I'm saying that awesome smashers are going to have similar RT's, because to play this game at that level, you need and eventually develop a good RT.

You would actually have to play someone who was **** at smash to even be in a situation where you had a 100ms+ faster RT than them, and in that situation you're gonna win anyway.

Against a smasher of similar ability, if you had a slightly faster RT, you probably wouldn't even be noticably faster or more fluid.

That's just my opinion though.

I do agree with you though that a person with a higher RT would screw up less as they have more time to think things over.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
The reaction time on that website, I would hope gauges you by a random green flash and not a specific one. In smash very little is random at all, if you are used to playing the game you will know the TIMING to tech when needed and the reaction time is less important. For some stupid random things like Peachs bombs or bolder turnips, reaction time like that is very useful.

When you grab someone with Marth and Dthrow them, there is a certain time that they will tech based on when they hit the ground and how much lag there is between that and the roll depending on character. That is not the same as this website. This website comparable to Smash is saying that if a Fox fell out of a black hole and teched how quickly would you react to it. ALSO, for tech chasing to be as reaction dependant as you think it is, the tech would need to happen alot quicker than it does. I cant be arsed calculating it exactly **** yourself.

I think reactions ARE important, and if I had better reactions I would probably be a better player, but I dont believe extreme reactions are needed and regardless in competitive Smash they are learned reactions, and not boulders coming out of the sky. Effectively it is calculated guessing based on what your opponent has done in other circumstances and how quickly you can react to it. Also, 9/10 times is great odds.

Edwin your tech chasing analogy is completely character dependant. You CANNOT tech chase perfectly with Donkey Kong every time you throw someone. There are only certain characters than can tech chase constantly and those are basically Fox Marth Sheik and Falcon, maybe Ice Climbers and Luigi. SO if reaction was so important, then Bum wouldnt be so successful as a tournament player as his character would barely even be playable!

I am pretty sure this post will be completely misunderstood, which is fine because Im very confident in my opinion so take your shots. If it is completely misunderstood, I will stop posting and you can assume that you won the argument :laugh:. Also mizar who are you and who do you use in Melee?


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I pretty much agree with paul. Reactions are important but you have to have something in your mind before you react. It's about options.

Example: Falcon dairs peach out of a float on FD on 50%, Peach does not DI. She has four options, Tech left, Tech right, Tech on the spot, No Tech. Now out of those 4 options it is plausible for me to say that it is most likely she will tech on the spot as it's the easiest thing to do in that situation. Falcon should know this, but if he see's her floating backwards when he hits her with the dair, it may be plausible that it is more likely for her to tech backwards. Knowing this will help you tech chase, if you are blank canvas waiting for her to move it's much harder to react.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
ok Guys a small announcement for the london guys

The next ranbattle would be planned for November the 8th (allow the first >.>) however theres a tournament called Rebirth along with Fighters day. Now how does this concern you

Ive contacted BulletProof if we are allowed to have the ranbat at Rebirth which gives us a number of advantages for them and us

1) We are being seen
2) Fighting games day not just smash only, so you can be wandering around sort of
3) For them, more people obviously

Now im just waiting for a reply from BulletProof, till then you wont be seeing me often on boards, Too much MELTY


Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
ok Guys a small announcement for the london guys

The next ranbattle would be planned for November the 8th (allow the first >.>) however theres a tournament called Rebirth along with Fighters day. Now how does this concern you

Ive contacted BulletProof if we are allowed to have the ranbat at Rebirth which gives us a number of advantages for them and us

1) We are being seen
2) Fighting games day not just smash only, so you can be wandering around sort of
3) For them, more people obviously

Now im just waiting for a reply from BulletProof, till then you wont be seeing me often on boards, Too much MELTY

Sounds ok, but the only problem was you giving 0% detail of where this is gonna be hosted lol.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome

Its gonna be in Harrow which is still london which is all good. Although its abit far, real men travel for smash do they not? :p


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
Charles when do you need to confirm the venue? So I can ask Bullet Proof for an answer :/

Like whens the latest you can confirm yours


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2008
Bedford, England
Whats the issue with Osplay btw? I've seen a few posts but not been here and cba to read back. It not happenin anymore?
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