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LGBT Smashers

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Smash Cadet
Jan 21, 2009
Eastern Canada
That's so gay... Hmm- I don't really care when people say it, because it's obvious that they don't mean the homosexual gay, but stupid.. dumb. the word gay seems to take on too many different meanings though.

Little kiddies swearing and such really bothers me, because it's basically telling me that they are a screw up (in my eyes :D), even if they don't understand what exactly it is they say. It also explains to me that parents aren't really paying attention to their kids anymore.

Yea i saw a part of the 'For the bible tells me so' it was interesting, so i think i might watch the rest. The part i saw, pretty much explained to me a reason why I turned out gay. O:


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Nothing Rhymes with Circus said:
And honestly, Lobelia, by now you should know that everyone just ignores the T, or really any letter other than G.
Yeah... I didn't really know where you were going with this, but it seemed kind of out of place, heh.

P.s, thank you to everyone for the warm welcomes! =3

And where the heck were you Lobelia?! You never showed up to that Georgia tournament last June D=


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
I'm certain that he wasn't being serious.

I never say "thats so gay," or anything like that. To me, it just doesn't sound right, and no, I'm not offended by it.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Well, I can see a lot of us are indifferent to the phrase.

But, you can all see how it's wrong, right?

I made a argument that the word 'gay' has now another pejorative meaning and not the basis of a object being homosexual.
That's the problem though. >__>

If some random guy were to call a shirt "gay" on the street, would you judge he's calling the shirt:

A) Flamboyant, loud, colorful, etc.


B) Stupid, ugly, bad, etc.

Definition A is fine. That's what gay means, more or less.

Definition B is a wrongful connotation. It's a meaning the word gay, and gay people, shouldn't be associated with.

I really can see how a lot of us are "meh" about it - like Desu said, even desensitized. But can you see my point and why it shouldn't be encouraged?


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I've said "that's ****ing gay" before, and I'll probably say it again, but that's because I and those I hang out with know that I'm talking about something different than homosexuals or anything.

My girlfriend(who is black) adds that it's just as derogatory as black people saying the n-word to one another. Technically, yeah, it's offensive, but if it's not used in a malicious context, then it's whatever. No use crying over something ain't worth crying about.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Well, I can see a lot of us are indifferent to the phrase.

But, you can all see how it's wrong, right?

That's the problem though. >__>

If some random guy were to call a shirt "gay" on the street, would you judge he's calling the shirt:

A) Flamboyant, loud, colorful, etc.


B) Stupid, ugly, bad, etc.

Definition A is fine. That's what gay means, more or less.

Definition B is a wrongful connotation. It's a meaning the word gay, and gay people, shouldn't be associated with.

I really can see how a lot of us are "meh" about it - like Desu said, even desensitized. But can you see my point and why it shouldn't be encouraged?
But the word gay now has 3 connotations.
1. Rich, vivid, gleeful.
2. Homosexual
3. (Now) Stupid, irrational, or fake, ect.

Just like the word 'cool' has different meanings.

1. The lack of heat.
2. (Now) awesome, great, interesting.

The word 'gay' in a reference of being stupid doesn't refer towards something being homosexual, thus being bad. But, rather the word now has a new meaning, just because its adjective form is to describe a ill feeling does not make the usage of the word bad.

Such as...

That's gay!
Several connotations can be seen.

1. The adjective of 'gay' being used to describe something vivid, which would be used in the original form.
2. The adjective of 'gay' describing something as homosexual as a bad connotation. Such as the object is homosexual like, and homosexuality is bad, just like the object.
3. The adjective of 'gay' is being used in a form of discontent without the root of 'homosexuality'.

Another way you could see the difference...

1. That's [Gay]Vivid!
2. That's [Gay] stupid like[being] a homosexual!
3. That's [Gay] stupid!

Now as we can see, those that are gay that use the word are either using the word as #'s 1&3.
It is only when a person uses the word in form 2, should anyone get offended.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Well, I have came to the conclusion that I am taking a break from Smashboards for a while, I need to do a lot of school work, projects, studying. I also have a job to maintain. And of course I have to polish up on my Street Fighter skills (I honestly can't wait till' IV).
I hope some other M-Smasher takes my place while I am gone, can't have this place seem too lonely.

But yeah, I will be missing for a while being busy. Just don't have too much fun without me.
So, farewell until I am less busy.

P.S: Oh! And ZeldaJiggly and Takumaru, I have developed a loose theory on our persona idea. I'll post it in the near future. It really came along well.


Smash Cadet
Jan 21, 2009
Eastern Canada
But the word gay now has 3 connotations.
1. Rich, vivid, gleeful.
2. Homosexual
3. (Now) Stupid, irrational, or fake, ect.

Just like the word 'cool' has different meanings.

1. The lack of heat.
2. (Now) awesome, great, interesting.

The word 'gay' in a reference of being stupid doesn't refer towards something being homosexual, thus being bad. But, rather the word now has a new meaning, just because its adjective form is to describe a ill feeling does not make the usage of the word bad.

Such as...

That's gay!
Several connotations can be seen.

1. The adjective of 'gay' being used to describe something vivid, which would be used in the original form.
2. The adjective of 'gay' describing something as homosexual as a bad connotation. Such as the object is homosexual like, and homosexuality is bad, just like the object.
3. The adjective of 'gay' is being used in a form of discontent without the root of 'homosexuality'.

Another way you could see the difference...

1. That's [Gay]Vivid!
2. That's [Gay] stupid like[being] a homosexual!
3. That's [Gay] stupid!

Now as we can see, those that are gay that use the word are either using the word as #'s 1&3.
It is only when a person uses the word in form 2, should anyone get offended.
Don't forget the old one 'That is gay man' as in 'that is a happy man' The old times.... :D
Otherwise like 80% of the time, people will say that's gay as in that's stupid.
You'll nearly never hear someone say that's gay in another context that isn't something insulting.
Also, reading this post, i've realized something, what if a person implies: "that's gay" as in 'that's stupid (being a homosexual)" =\ You never know...


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
IMy girlfriend(who is black) adds that it's just as derogatory as black people saying the n-word to one another. Technically, yeah, it's offensive, but if it's not used in a malicious context, then it's whatever. No use crying over something ain't worth crying about.
You can be indifferent about it. That's fine and all.

Me, personally, I'm not the one coughing behind someone's back if they ever call something gay. :laugh:

I've just logically concluded that using the word in that sense is wrong, and choose not to use it in that sense myself.

The NAACP condemns the use of n****.

Do we gays have a group like that? The National Association for the Advancement of Homos? Or sumat?

3. That's [Gay] stupid! ...like gay people!
2 and 3 are the same Maz. You just left out the meaning behind the words.

Well, I have came to the conclusion that I am taking a break from Smashboards for a while, I need to do a lot of school work, projects, studying.
Aww, so we're just gonna be the normal boring LGBT again?


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
2 and 3 are the same Maz. You just left out the meaning behind the words.

Aww, so we're just gonna be the normal boring LGBT again?
No. Because rather then using gay as a pejorative, the word gay is just gay.
Just like saying something is cool, it just means it is 'cool', not that it lacks of heat.

You people aren't boring. You just will be normal.
Hahaha, right, though seriously yeah, but I will be back.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
My girlfriend(who is black) adds that it's just as derogatory as black people saying the n-word to one another. Technically, yeah, it's offensive, but if it's not used in a malicious context, then it's whatever. No use crying over something ain't worth crying about.
oooo she does? i thought most of them/us were desensitized to that too.

hurry back we'll miss you, if i ever get live sometime soon we must play SF4 together.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I need to get a 360 and a copy of SF4.

WHERE YOU AT, MARIA. I'mma get you on LIVE.

Smooth Criminal
I'll kick you to the curb with Viper and you know it, luchador.

In other news, I was told just a while ago that Chris, the admin of Nintendo Hub, deemed that being gay is a bannable offense, saying that the site has had "enuf f** talk." Now, we can talk about disapproving of people saying "that's so gay," or we can talk about disapproving of something that is undeniably bullcrap. Personally, I'll be spreadin' the word. You guys can do whatever the hell you want.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
oh soweet (sarcasm) that's totally gay... and not in the good way.

they can do that? Did we do something to deserve it?


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
You guys think that I should make a huge thread about it, just to further flush Nintendo Hub's reputation down the porcelain peehole?
I'm just sayin'.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Is Nintendo Hub like a giant Nintendo fan site? If it's a pretty big deal... I would go for it, because something large shouldn't be going things like that. However, if it's a small forum that nobody would really pay attention to otherwise, it doesn't really matter.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Is Nintendo Hub like a giant Nintendo fan site? If it's a pretty big deal... I would go for it, because something large shouldn't be going things like that. However, if it's a small forum that nobody would really pay attention to otherwise, it doesn't really matter.
Well, it's a pretty big place, I guess. It used to be called Brawl Central, which was second only to this freakin' place at one point in time.

Also, just out of curiosity, does Azua do anything at all other than give people infractions for putting their signatures in their posts? Like, seriously, I get an infraction less than ten minutes after the post. Is this Azua person just an omnipotent watchman? What's the point of having a signature if you can't post it?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
What I find interesting about the whole "Is the word 'gay' being used badly bad for homosexuals?" argument is that homosexual and gay didn't become buddies until (relatively) recently. The word gay really has three meanings:

1) Happy, fun - the original meaning

2) Homosexual - Newer meaning, slang

3) Stupid, bad - newest meaning, also slang

It would be like if whales suddenly got mad at us for tossing the word "dork" around, you know? While on the one hand, yes, some people may make a subconscious negative association, on the other hand, the word just has a new meaning, and the new meaning is starting to supersede the old one.

I say all this not being homosexual myself. Obviously, I can see where the problem lies, and anyone is well within their rights to be offended by the new use of the word. I mean, in most cases, I don't take the word "Cajun" to be an insult, but, being from south Louisiana, I could certainly imagine scenarios where it could be used as one, in which case I might be offended.

I guess I don't really have a point to this post. I mainly just wanted to relay the whale metaphor, after I thought it up and everything.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Viper is going to be my main :) probably followed by Sakura and maybe Fei Long.
i call Rose:bee:, maybe secondary Sakura, Viper and Cammy.

In other news, I was told just a while ago that Chris, the admin of Nintendo Hub, deemed that being gay is a bannable offense, saying that the site has had "enuf f** talk." Now, we can talk about disapproving of people saying "that's so gay," or we can talk about disapproving of something that is undeniably bullcrap. Personally, I'll be spreadin' the word. You guys can do whatever the hell you want.
yep thats BS right there, you should spread the word.

Also, just out of curiosity, does Azua do anything at all other than give people infractions for putting their signatures in their posts? Like, seriously, I get an infraction less than ten minutes after the post. Is this Azua person just an omnipotent watchman? What's the point of having a signature if you can't post it?
Azuas just showing how much she <3 you.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Azuas just showing how much he <3 you.
Azua is a woman... a beautiful, beautiful woman.

Anyway, to stay on point, I agree with McFox. the "pejoritive" form of gay is completely removed from the homosexual form of the word... not offensive IMO


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Azua is a woman... a beautiful, beautiful woman.

Anyway, to stay on point, I agree with McFox. the "pejoritive" form of gay is completely removed from the homosexual form of the word... not offensive IMO
Actually not true, the offensive variation developed specifically because of the "homosexual" variation, it in other words, you're calling something stupid because it's somehow tied to homosexuality and homosexuality is stupid.

True that thought process isn't conscious in peoples' minds, but there's still an uncounscious connection, words have power.


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
Also, just out of curiosity, does Azua do anything at all other than give people infractions for putting their signatures in their posts? Like, seriously, I get an infraction less than ten minutes after the post. Is this Azua person just an omnipotent watchman? What's the point of having a signature if you can't post it?

Not really, considering Xsyven and I have basically fixed the Pool Room to where the only infractions we have give out are "minor spam" and "signature violation."
And yeah, me happening to be online at the same time as you = me not doing anything else, I guess.

I have a question, why are signature infractions such serious business to you guys?

If you're posting a one or two-liner, don't post your sig.
You uncheck a box. It's not that hard.
But my god, people cry so much over them.

Also, on the subject of "that's gay," it doesn't offend me.
If that offended me, I'd have to get offended at the phrase "that's bi***in'!"
etc etc.
Honestly, people are too sensitive.
That'd be kind of like if I was Christian or something, and someone non-religious said "god ****" or "swear to god" and I got all mad.

It's unfortunate that it's become a popular slang term, but it happens :/

This is coming from someone who had a girlfriend for two years and two other girlfriends after that, so don't start with the 'but you don't understand...'


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Hey, hey, easy. Slow your roll there. The only reason I was whining about the signature violation was because I didn't know exactly what it is I did. I do now. You're just doing your job, dude, it's all good.
And yes, I called you "dude" despite your apparent womanhood.
I call my mother "dude."

But seriously, I think people cry about it because it's easy to forget. Then you swoop in with the Eye of Sauron and BOOM!
Some people take infractions very personally. I know this from my SRK days where people would issue death threads to mods for giving them infractions. SRS BZNS!


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
I gave you a warning for it less than a month ago. :/

People that take infractions seriously enough to actually get pissed off over them should leave and probably seek therapy.
The sensitivity people have about this stuff on here is ridiculous.

It is a forum.
You broke a rule, you get a warning or infraction.

Mentally stable people go "oh, ****" and go on with their daily business.

Xsyven and I give the same treatment to everyone in the beginning.
If you react like a jerk, you're going to be treated like a jerk.
Us giving you a sig infraction does not mean we hate you - It means either we gave you a warning and remembered that we did, or you have enough posts that you should probably know better.

This isn't really directed at anyone, but it's amazing the amount of butthurt a sig infraction generates sometimes.

edit: and lol at the eye of sauron. thank you for a new avatar idea


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
anyone who's gay and thinks "that's gay" doesn't bother or apply to them is contributing to the linguistical domination of our kind.
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