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[Left 4 Scum] Game Over: Scum Win


May 7, 2007
Why do you want to go for S2? cause he's a lurker? Why did you ignore the fact that I was getting pro-town vibes from him?

If I'm missing something, please feel free to clear it up. ^_^
I'd just like to say that it's not evidence of any to say that you were getting pro town vibes. Especially (or maybe primarily) if that is conflicting with the feeling or vibe that someone else is getting.
(sorry marsh, I know you can fight your own battles. That just bugged me)


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Vote Count:
[5] Not Voting (Chaco, Vyse, Mayling, Kataefi, Macman)
[3] Circus (KevinM, Handorin, Mediocre)
[2] Ronike (frozenflame, McFox)
[2] McFox (Pythag, Ronike)
[2] frozenflame751 (mentosman8, Gheb_01)
[2] Gheb_01 (The Marsh King, Xiivi)
[1] mentosman8 (Cello_Marl)
[1] Cello_Marl (Circus)
[0] Macman ()
[0] Handorin ()
[0] Kataefi ()
[0] Pythag ()
[0] Vyse ()
[0] Mayling ()
[0] Chaco ()
[0] KevinM ()
[0] Mediocre ()
[0] The Marsh King ()
[0] Xiivi ()

With 18 players alive, it takes 10 to lynch.
A deadline has been set for Wednesday, December 16th, Noon EST.

Handorin replaces S2 effective immediately!

Oh, and Scumfever, if you didn't know, is my new co-mod.


Nov 7, 2008
I'd just like to say that it's not evidence of any to say that you were getting pro town vibes. Especially (or maybe primarily) if that is conflicting with the feeling or vibe that someone else is getting.
(sorry marsh, I know you can fight your own battles. That just bugged me)
That's fine... but then he should say it. That's why I was asking for clarification. From what I gathered, he wanted to do it because he was a lurker (or something to do with S2's early votes?). And also, it's conflicting with his vibes that KevinM is scum (or scum's best friend.)

you should almost always vote your pick for the scummiest person. leaving a lone vote on someone for a long time and contributing little else sometimes makes it look like you're a scumbag trying to look productive. we want to know where your head's at. if you don't like a certain wagon then make a new one you do like to compete

ronike? i thought you'd be interacting with your wagoners more

Sorry but when you say "always vote your pick for the scummiest person" and you point at someone and say "they're scum or scum's best friend" and then urge a wagon on a lurker... Doesn't make sense to me.

I by all means don't expect people to 100% follow my "vibes" for S2 or Cello. I was just wondering why they were overlooked. If the answer is something like "They're just vibes, you could be wrong." that's fine, but I want an answer as to why he thinks I'm wrong. Maybe I'm overlooking something and need to be informed (and that's what I was asking for.)


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
FYI, I got like...4 pages to go, but I'll post some notes I have from pages 1-5.

-Rhymes were silly. Ignore it.
---Later I noticed infected know each other, but can't communicate. This is especially silly for breadcrumbs. They don't need hints to each other are, just who to target.
-Gheb is random voting a lot
-I agree that Ronike "knows" there are 4. This is a fairly large game and in the original l4d, there were 4 playable special infected (excluding Tank, who was only sometimes playable). It isn't far fetched to know this.
-Marshy is still a hater
-KevinM- darn his role reveal (wifom). At the moment, I'm stuck in limbo on what this means
-Why is Xiivi advocating this quicklynch he didnt even start or seem to push before?
-Still think it's odd how hard Ronike is pushing the "ignore" claiming thing. Is he insecure about claiming?
-It's best to use MLs in a game this big. Ronike is still up in here going for a NL.
-Nice find in the "breadcrumbs", Mentos. It's looking like a vote from me unless stuff changes a lot in 5 pages >_> I agree though that one of the best times to bread crumb is early game.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Lol Chaco. And Circus, thanks for your response about your suspicion on me, believe it or not, that post helped me understand where you were coming from a lot(although I don't particularly agree with it). What I mean to say with my opinion with cutting off scum communication is this:

1. Scum still know who each other are. Their attempts at communication would not really help draw connections IMO(unless they tried to direct the whole team instead of say their plan), and the biggest and most useful connections would be based off regular interaction in the day, as with a game where they can communicate outside the thread. Forcing them to not communicate, in my mind, makes it a lot more similar to a normal game in how scum interact, without actually limiting our ability to connect them.

2. While(assuming 4 scum) we may gain four clears if we don't call out potential communication and scum coordinate, we lose 3 of them at the end of the day. When I say we force them to act independently, it refers to the night stage, not the day stage. We benefit more from having scum uncoordinated at night, because there are higher odds for scum to multihit, which gives us less clears but moves the game along at a more normal pace. If scum hits 4 separate people we lose a lot more than we gain IMO. If they double hit two people because they don't know what the others are doing, I feel it hurts us less. Perhaps less of a problem D1, but as the game moves forward this will make a HUGE difference in how long town has to find scum.

Now, I feel like I explained my thoughts better here than I had before, and hope, even if you disagree, you can now see where my head is at on this subject clearly.
I guess I do understand what you're getting at. Where I think we differ is in our opinion on the usefulness of lots of incaps vs. the infected multi-hitting people. From my point of view, they are of very similar detriment to town at this stage in the game, whereas you believe that forcing them to incap fewer people is objectively better (correct me if I've somehow muddled that). I think that catching scum in the act of communicating will be more helpful for us than simply keeping them from knowing exactly how their Night incaps will line up. I don't really see why they should care much right now. If anything, I think they'll start truly wanting to coordinate later in the game—which is good for us.

I think that once we get closer to the end, communication between the scum will become much more important because they won't want to give us too many clears at once (because then the people who are infected would become blatantly obvious). If I were scum in late game and still had partners left, I would want to try and coordinate multi-hits in order to keep clears to a minimum. The beauty of this is: in order for them to execute that (short of majorly fluking), they will HAVE to openly communicate with each other. This only enhances my desire to keep their communication lines open. So we can see that.

I do hope that we at least understand each other now. I think we do.

@Mayling: While I do find your assessment of S2 and Cello valuable, I question your defensive of S2. You act as if your reading of him proves him not to be scum rather than unlikely to be scum. I have considered you mostly clear so far because I like the way you have played, but your jump to S2's aid seems unusual to me. I don't know if you're simply more defensive of S2 because you're closer with him than most of the rest of us or because of some kind of in-game connection. I'm interested to see how you interact with Hando (welcome to the game, by the way).

The Marsh King

Dec 1, 2009
stompin' some scum
I have one question to KevMo: Why are you acting so differently from normal? In most games I have played with you in, you have played somewhat similar to marshy, an agressive, impossible to comprehend player. However instead of playing like that you are now asking everyone questions. Remember Tom said scum CAN'T communicate with each other. And through this thread I believe you were trying to work together with Ronike by asking who he wanted to incap. So therefore there are 2 conclusions I can come to: you are scum setting up a WIFOM-driven day 2(I don't believe this one too much) or scum trying to gain the most from your incaps(this is what I believe more).

Secondly, kev there was a perfectly good discussion going on before you interrupted with your questions.

Now onto Ronike, I don't believe you are scum for those reasons alone.

There are reasons such as saying that;
I am not scummy because I put circus at L-4 for little reason(12-6 I am in for a circus lynch now)
Then after this you get pissed off at someone for doing the same(sadly cant remember who)

Then not only that but you say that McFox was eager to end the day but in the post you quoted there is no mention of him ending day early.

Kat, that was interesting. I look forward to hearing Circus' response. I was just going to wait and see if he did this on his own, or whether he'd decided to single me out. I'm not being deceptive here. D1 is always a crapshoot for me even when there's significantly fewer players. Now that there's 18, I assumed that our D1 lynch would just end up being random. However, the more people post, the more like I feel that we have an actual chance to hit scum D1. And Ronike... man, you just make yourself look worse in every post. There is no way in hell that looking for breadcrumbs is even CLOSE to "breaking the game."
And once again, McFox wants to end the day fast, but is attacking me for wanting the same. Also, here we see another example of attacking Circus from the shadows. By saying that Kat had a point, which even she has acknowledged she didn't, he's giving it credibility, and therefore making it seem like Circus has more legit arguments against him. Oh and he misconstrued my point. Just thought I should point that out again. All in all, McFox has been one of those players trying to seem active, while actually not telling the town anything. In addition, when he does contribute, it tends to directly contradict something he said earlier. So I'm happy with a McFox lynch.


Nov 7, 2008
@Mayling: While I do find your assessment of S2 and Cello valuable, I question your defensive of S2. You act as if your reading of him proves him not to be scum rather than unlikely to be scum. I have considered you mostly clear so far because I like the way you have played, but your jump to S2's aid seems unusual to me. I don't know if you're simply more defensive of S2 because you're closer with him than most of the rest of us or because of some kind of in-game connection. I'm interested to see how you interact with Hando (welcome to the game, by the way).
For the record, I didn't see it as my defending S2 as questioning Marshy's actions.

I didnt want to be associated with S2 but now it seems like it's too late. :( (I only said one or two things...)

But if someone asks me my opinions, like KevinM, I'll give them. And if my opinions are out there, and for some reason over looked, I want to know the reason. I realize sometimes I grab onto notions of innocence and in the end be wrong, and so I wanted to know if I were missing something.

The Marsh King

Dec 1, 2009
stompin' some scum
Vote Count:
[5] Not Voting (Chaco, Vyse, Mayling, Kataefi, Macman)
[3] Circus (KevinM, Handorin, Mediocre)
[2] Ronike (frozenflame, McFox)
[2] McFox (Pythag, Ronike)
[2] frozenflame751 (mentosman8, Gheb_01)
[2] Gheb_01 (The Marsh King, Xiivi)
[1] mentosman8 (Cello_Marl)
[1] Cello_Marl (Circus)

A deadline has been set for Wednesday, December 16th, Noon EST.
deadline's in 5 days. the person with most votes is at -7. no to deadline lynch and we no-lynch if there's no majority. so let's lynch someone soon. now would be a good time to start compromising. i'll go ronike, jerkus, gheb, or macman. i added macman because i feel like he's actively lurking. waiting on more hando posts

kevin i've been trying to help town. a few days into the game i said we should try to avoid a deadline lynch? and now the votes are all spread out? i think compromising is pretty important when it comes to no-lynching at deadline

i'm not saying i got no info from your questions and answers. just the "who do you trust?", "who would you save?", "who would you and your buddies incap" questions are bad and like my other head said the conversation we had going before you came in with the questions was fine

C) Just because I don't go shouting who I'm suspicious of from the top of the rooftops doesn't mean I don't have my suspicions. I just don't find it advantageous to tell the mafia who not to kill bc they are suspicious.
??? weird thing to say

mayling i wanted to go for sold2 because of his lurking yes. i "ignored" you getting pro-town vibes from him because i wasn't. i didn't vote for kevin because i was still in the middle of trying to figure out his thought process and i think it's often good to go for lurkers

circus in 366 what do you mean by mayling defending sold2? where's the defense?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Gheb, frozen promised to get involved this weekend. If he doesn't, we can hold him to it. In the meantime, I already have my #1 suspect. There are a couple of people I'd be willing to go to, but I honestly think Ronike is our best option. For more information, see my recent works.

Marsh said:
kevin i've been trying to help town. a few days into the game i said we should try to avoid a deadline lynch? and now the votes are all spread out? i think compromising is pretty important when it comes to no-lynching at deadline
How is that helping? That's like the President saying "Hey, you guys should take better care of your money," and then saying "See, I told you so" when the economy sucks.

How have you actively helped us avoid a deadline lynch?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
That isn't helping either if you don't give us an actual reason, unless you're just willing to play the odds and hope that we randomly land on scum. It's pretty hard to call "Hey let's wagon a guy" help in the traditional sense of the word.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
I like marsh king's picks except switch macman with kat because I think kat is playing what I'd expect scumKat with no coaching to play like.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
KK, learn to post. You say I'm scummy because I'm working with kevin to tell who to incap, and yet I don't give suspects names, so that's pretty null, especially compared to McFox's actually being completely posting who he would incap, AND you don't even list Kevin in your suspicions.

Also, please learn to think. The statement you said is confusing is perfectly sensible. If you still don't get it, talk to marshy about it (Hydras can talk out of the game right?) as he plays pretty much the same.

Now onto your other reasons:

I didn't get pissed at McFox for doing the "same thing" (which it wasn't BTW) but for doing something for the same possible reasons. So I got pissed for him attacking me for the same thing.

And on your other point, I already admitted to skimming for legit reasons.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Xiivi explain yourself please!... you know I can get quite defensive in times like these... why exactly am I playing scummier than others in this game?... I'm actually very keen to know... and as well as telling me what scum behaviour I've done, why not weigh it up with my town behaviour as well, like maybe all of the questions I've asked, trying to look for links between mafia etc etc etc... and then get back to me. Because I don't want another Susa saga which, lets be honest, wasn't very town-friendly on your behalf.

I'm looking specifically @Kevin for the reasons I stated in my previous post - he hasn't really answered my question... which was later echoed by Gheb. So Kevin if you could answer that would be GREAT :)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
For the record, I didn't see it as my defending S2 as questioning Marshy's actions.

I didnt want to be associated with S2 but now it seems like it's too late. :( (I only said one or two things...)
Okay. But it doesn't matter that you "didn't see it as...defending S2," because that's still what it basically was. And it doesn't matter that you "didn't want to be associated with S2," because wanting to be unassociated with people is not in any way a town tell. In fact, scum would very much prefer not to be associated with their scumbuddies. S2 could have defended himself, but you chose to come to his defense, unprovoked. I can't ignore that. I'm forced to reevaluate how I view you.

circus in 366 what do you mean by mayling defending sold2? where's the defense?
In this post.

I agree that we need to start firming up a lynch now but I'd be lying if I said I had a clear cut favorite there. I will say that I'm not really feeling Ronike, Mentos or Gheb as the lynch toDay though I could be persuaded if the town feels that one of them should die. Also don't feel a Frozen lynch since he just hasn't gotten around to making a proper impression on this game yet, but I wouldn't miss him either (same goes for Mediocre, who I consistently forget is even in this game). I'd be more up for a McFox lynch and I see nothing townie about Kevin right now. But I never know what to ****ing do with Kevin.

Honestly, I will vote for almost anyone to avoid a no lynch at this point. Very few people are coming off as clear to me anymore. Even Kataefi's last post is making me feel less easy about him.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Marshy, Sold2 can go. Lurking, and the posts seem iffy to me right now.

Mayling dependent on flip.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@Circus: and I'm making you feel uneasy because I'm actively putting out questions whilst defending myself from suspicions... why?

I'll be content once Kevin answers my suspicions on him!

@General: Sorry for being captain obvious, but here are my thoughts:

I feel there's a likelier chance of getting a mislynch on this day because of the amount of players and possibly due to how fragile everyone's thoughts are - one wrong move, even as town, is enough for people to start wagoning imo. This is just how I've interpreted the game so far. We need to take into consideration the connections our lynchee will reveal on the next day to maximise and capitalise, to make the most out of even the worst case scenarios. And then there's the chance that we do make a good, first choice and put town in a very dominant position. Throwing that out there for my own peace of mind, hopefully others...

So yeah... agree w/ lynch. I'm going to be focusing on potential connections now as the day comes to an end whilst... *gasps*... trying to justify any further confusions on me if they do arise.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Kat, it's the overall tone of your posts and you seeming to try and mask yourself as innocent and clueless. In AniMafia I got the vibe from you for a short while on day one, but it ended up quickly disappearing. You had the same tone in Grammys mafia, seeming to paint yourself as clueless but making pushes regardless. Here you have the same tone, without the pushes you had before, which I feel could simply be because you don't have communication with your partners.

Saying things like that you agree with us having a lynch at this point in the game aren't making me feel better about you. Your "@General" part of your post seemed like a lot of filler and stalling. That is why you are up there for me.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
**** I've made a BIG mistake :( This brings my train of thought entirely to square 1.

Scum do know who each other are. I knew this at the start of the game but for the strangest reason it slipped. @Everyone - I made those posts assuming that scum didn't actually know who their buddies were, so they'd have to breadcrumb clues to each other in order to identify stuff.

Wow... back to the drawing board for me. I'll make a much more informed and correct post tomorrow morning!
I don't know YET. I think it's too early on in the day for me to know exactly who I think has town and anti-town sentiments - for all I know someone could appear unbelievably helpful but be scum, or totally the opposite. I've never had a clear cut view of anyone in any game really.

I won't end your answer like that though - I'm getting good vibes from Mayling and Mentos, so I would consider them under that scenario you gave. Imo they haven't been overly talkative or underly quiet, but they have been productive in a sense and not overbearing in their views.

I have this pre-conceived thing in my head where I've always felt scum would either be extremely quiet or overly chatty on the first day to try to somewhat disguise themselves, and then shape the rest of their play from there if they survived D1.


But @Kevin... I thought some of your questions were very selective. I know you want everything out in the open... but I couldn't help but get the feeling you name dropped at very specific players...

Assuming you are a possible scum (and I'm in no way implying you are), by asking questions to EVERYONE you'll also be directly addressing your scum buddies. The very selective questioning also makes me a tad more suspicious because of this. It's a very pro-town way of slipping subtle coordination between mafia members. I can definitely see this as a pro-town thing to do but potentially for scum reasons... food for thought I guess...

So yeah... Kevin... why the selective questioning is my comeback question to you?
Oh and with that... it's interesting to see people's reactions to Kevin asking a bunch of questions! Some people were very open with their information, others were more private. Some answered more vaguely in hope they wouldn't reveal too much information to scum as a townie (something I personally felt was good, because it answers the question but doesn't hold signposts for good scum coordination).

I believe there could be a split that could be useful in somewhat identifying scum from town, though nothing is ever concrete, so this is just theory.

I'd go into more detail but it's 5am here so I'll post something tomorrow!
Xiivi explain yourself please!... you know I can get quite defensive in times like these... why exactly am I playing scummier than others in this game?... I'm actually very keen to know... and as well as telling me what scum behaviour I've done, why not weigh it up with my town behaviour as well, like maybe all of the questions I've asked, trying to look for links between mafia etc etc etc... and then get back to me. Because I don't want another Susa saga which, lets be honest, wasn't very town-friendly on your behalf.

I'm looking specifically @Kevin for the reasons I stated in my previous post - he hasn't really answered my question... which was later echoed by Gheb. So Kevin if you could answer that would be GREAT :)
@Circus: and I'm making you feel uneasy because I'm actively putting out questions whilst defending myself from suspicions... why?

I'll be content once Kevin answers my suspicions on him!

@General: Sorry for being captain obvious, but here are my thoughts:

I feel there's a likelier chance of getting a mislynch on this day because of the amount of players and possibly due to how fragile everyone's thoughts are - one wrong move, even as town, is enough for people to start wagoning imo. This is just how I've interpreted the game so far. We need to take into consideration the connections our lynchee will reveal on the next day to maximise and capitalise, to make the most out of even the worst case scenarios. And then there's the chance that we do make a good, first choice and put town in a very dominant position. Throwing that out there for my own peace of mind, hopefully others...

So yeah... agree w/ lynch. I'm going to be focusing on potential connections now as the day comes to an end whilst... *gasps*... trying to justify any further confusions on me if they do arise.

It seems like a sense of mock cluelessness (back to square 1!, back to the drawing board! I don't know YET! I've never had a clearcut view, etc...) and bringing things up and putting them off to "tomorrow" or "as the day comes to an end" without really going anywhere with them.

I threw some suspicion on you and you quickly attempt to discredit me by mentioning the Xiivi vs. SuSa fiasco from AniMafia. I didn't like that much either.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Xiivi... very instinctive, gut feeling of a reason right there... takes me back to airgemini in Animafia. Vibes are always lovely and vague, I could use vibes for pretty much anything. I find it strange you'd pick out on me giving a reference to your play in another game when you're doing exactly the same to me.

Did you also read around those quotes? Strange how your highlights are nicely placed near far from clueless material. I couldn't boast this in Grammy's at all. Animafia, yes. I wonder which past game resembles my play here? Some of the highlights are definitely a bit of a stretch as well. Time to requote:

and as well as telling me what scum behaviour I've done, why not weigh it up with my town behaviour as well, like maybe all of the questions I've asked, trying to look for links between mafia etc etc etc... and then get back to me. Because I don't want another Susa saga which, lets be honest, wasn't very town-friendly on your behalf.
Someone's selectively picking things out imo based on gut feeling. It's funny to me how I'm acting clueless in the lack of scum communication... maybe I should ask very specific, tailor-made questions to every single player in the game instead and address my scum buddies directly, no?

9 people, MYLO situation, you're one of the nine, now pick 4 people you want on your side... remember just 4 people only!

vote: KevinM until I get a reply that sways me otherwise!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Kat can you reiterate those questions for me please?

And at KK/Marsh. The reason I am playing differently in this game is because I simply this type of game deserves a different approach.

I can't call scum out as easily for one reason or another so I'm looking to further my ability to do so.


May 7, 2007
Ok, so, pardon me if I missed something totally, but I really need to know..
is marsh king marshy?
are they separate players?? Is marshy even playing?
I'm absolutely getting confused, especially if marshy is talking in 3rd person.
Sorry to ask the total noob question.

Clueless in this game, how?
I just wanted to quote this for the irony of the post.

I'm currently entertaining the idea that you might be feigning ignorance...you've been off my radar until now...

also, to everyone who is posting with color text and font, (especially if you are doing it for emphasis) I am red green colorblind, and it really gets hard trying to decipher if you've written in green for good or red for bad or what have you. maybe blue yellow as a replacement? (I only say this because Xiivi's most recent post drove me crazy)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

What do you think of Kevin, Mentosman and Ronike? These are my 3 main suspicions for now and since you're rereading everything I'd like to hear what you have to say about them. What do you think of the less active players? Are any of them suspicous to you?



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@Kevin: the post in question:

I thought some of your questions were very selective. I know you want everything out in the open... but I couldn't help but get the feeling you name dropped at very specific players...


So yeah... Kevin... why the selective questioning is my comeback question to you?
You failed to address similar points after mine also - you've been prompted quite a few times now.

Remember Tom said scum CAN'T communicate with each other. And through this thread I believe you were trying to work together with Ronike by asking who he wanted to incap. So therefore there are 2 conclusions I can come to: you are scum setting up a WIFOM-driven day 2(I don't believe this one too much) or scum trying to gain the most from your incaps(this is what I believe more).
Additionally generating discussion that helps town is not pro-town behaviour if it helps scum more than it does town and the questions look exactly like this was your intention - generate discussion on the surface, provide information for infected players. The reason I'm thinking this is because they are very specific for such simple question. You ask 2 players about their opinion of 5 other players each and you ask another player about his top5 suspicions. That way you easily bring up information about up to 15 players (of 18) and not just "some" players. The fact that you specifically ask for names (or mention them yourself) and ask specific people about them doesn't make me think like you ask for these names randomly - you just try to make it look like that.
Considering this has been the general jist in recent posts and the fact you posted around this time also, why have you failed to answer any of the claims thrown around about you?

I believe this isn't the only odd behavior we've seen in the game... you're the only player here to have role claimed. You've played the most eratically out of everyone.

@Pythag: I don't accept Xiivi's term, clueless. I don't see the irony I'm sorry. If only you could compare my playstyle now with grammy's and animafia.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Vote Count:
[5] Not Voting (Chaco, Vyse, Mayling,Macman)
[3] Circus (KevinM, Handorin, Mediocre)
[2] Ronike (frozenflame, McFox)
[2] frozenflame751 (mentosman8, Gheb_01)
[2] Gheb_01 (The Marsh King, Xiivi)
[1] KevinM (Kataefi)
[1] mentosman8 (Cello_Marl)
[1] McFox (Pythag)
[1] Cello_Marl (Circus)
[1] Handorin (Ronike)
[0] Macman ()
[0] Kataefi ()
[0] Pythag ()
[0] Vyse ()
[0] Mayling ()
[0] Chaco ()
[0] Mediocre ()
[0] The Marsh King ()
[0] Xiivi ()

With 18 players alive, it takes 10 to lynch.
A deadline has been set for Wednesday, December 16th, Noon EST.


May 7, 2007
I thought I had done this unvote

@Pythag: I don't accept Xiivi's term, clueless. I don't see the irony I'm sorry. If only you could compare my playstyle now with grammy's and animafia.
the irony was that he was calling you clueless. you responded with "What? How am I clueless??"
I thought it was funny. Much more funny than a scumtell.

Originally Posted by The Marsh King
Remember Tom said scum CAN'T communicate with each other. And through this thread I believe you were trying to work together with Ronike by asking who he wanted to incap. So therefore there are 2 conclusions I can come to: you are scum setting up a WIFOM-driven day 2(I don't believe this one too much) or scum trying to gain the most from your incaps(this is what I believe more).
Going on with this, scum could be deliberately stating who they're gunning for. I've been quiet regarding Kevin's questions, but I totally see how answering them is a scum help.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Kat can you reiterate those questions for me please?

And at KK/Marsh. The reason I am playing differently in this game is because I simply this type of game deserves a different approach.

I can't call scum out as easily for one reason or another so I'm looking to further my ability to do so.
don't like this post at all.

Are your last 2 statements together or separate? Second statement is vague, what about this type of game requires a different approach? How was your question asking more conducive to finding scum in this particular set up? When you say you can't call out scum, do you mean you haven't found people that you were suspicious of prior to asking your questions? How long do you tend to wait before you realize you are having trouble calling out scum?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
@Why my questions were specific, they're custom tailored to the players I asked them to for a reason. I can garner the most information the way they were asked. So yeah I guess if you think that scum just got a ton of information then I am scum's best friend. But we also got that information. We're on level playing ground in this game guys, they have to analyze it alone while we can analyze it together. So in fact I'd say we have the advantage in this game.

Also Macman, the reasoning for my post is a lot of the time if mafia is talking to each other I can notice the subtle changes in peoples stances and posts that to me scream outside influence.

Without that in this game it will be harder for me to find scum by simply hanging back and looking at that.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Here's a few more notes I took from like...page 6 onward. Basically, anything that stuck in my mind.

-Getting uneasy feelings from Mayling. Can't really explain it much though.
---His longer posts later in the game don't really abate this. It isn't much more than "Ya, I played with this guy. He played like this" Too easy.
-I don't think Circus' flavored post means much. It's easier to convey messages when more senses are included.
-I think Xiivi is playing odd. I haven't played with him much (if it all), so I can't be sure. I just have a bad impression.


What do you think of Kevin, Mentosman and Ronike? These are my 3 main suspicions for now and since you're rereading everything I'd like to hear what you have to say about them. What do you think of the less active players? Are any of them suspicous to you?

Like I said before, some of Kevin's actions put me in limbo on what he would do as town/scum. I'm leaning more town, but not much at all. Mentos I haven't had much of a read on. He seems to be posting a lot of general stuff, but I won't deny I have been scimming. Ronike is being himself, I guess. I kind of hate it when he bashes with other people a lot, because I start seeing slight contradictions as the general opinion changes. I have a general town feel though.

I'm still fine with you dying.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I'd also like to point out its really funny no one of the Kevin might be scum crew has called Gheb out for asking questions of 3 specific people but I'm like scum's christ in town form for my questions.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Considering I didn't even log on yesterday, I'm kind of appalled at the number of people who just haven't posted, especially now that we're on the last legs of the Day. I'm becoming more and more okay with a lurker lynch. In a game like this, if they aren't scum, then they're incap fodder.

Mediocre, Frozen, Cello, Vyse, you are all on my **** list.

Kataefi, I'm specifically feeling less easy about you because you (as you seem to be aware) are getting pretty defensive over what I consider to be pretty light pressure. Maybe this is just how you play—I don't know because I haven't played a game with you like others have—but it's something that bothers me when I see it. You have also been quick to urge people to weigh your perceived scum behavior with your town behavior, as if there is a clear distinction between the two. You've listed off vague examples of your towniness ("I ask questions! I look for links between mafia members!") that don't actually prove much. The way you announce them as symbols of your pro-town intentions feels forced and calculated. I'm also liking what your lynch could potentially do to my opinion of Kevin and, to a lesser extent, Xiivi.

For now, I'm liking Hando better than I liked Sold2.

Gheb, who are you leaning toward for the lynch? You've listed your top suspects, but your vote is on FrozenFlame, who isn't any of them. I'm wondering who your top pick is right now, if you have one. You've managed to keep further under my radar in this game than you usually are.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
We're on level playing ground in this game guys, they have to analyze it alone while we can analyze it together. So in fact I'd say we have the advantage in this game.
And yet by analyzing it together we make that information available for scum again, giving them exactly the same advantage.

Gheb, who are you leaning toward for the lynch? You've listed your top suspects, but your vote is on FrozenFlame, who isn't any of them. I'm wondering who your top pick is right now, if you have one.
Whoever out of Kevin, Ronike, Frozen or Mentos gets more votes. I'm down for any of these guys. I'm fine with lynching inactives as we get more info on D2 regardless so my vote stays.

You've managed to keep further under my radar in this game than you usually are.
Doesn't make sense considering that I spent a lot of toDay debating with Mentos about you. Any particular reason you think this?

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